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Jordan Valley Quake(s)

659/660 CE

by Jefferson Williams

Introduction & Summary

Between one and three earthquakes struck the Jordan Valley likely in the year 659 CE and possibly also in 660 CE. Extensive damage was reported in Jericho and surroundings as well as just east of Jerusalem and Bethlehem suggesting that the epicenter was in the southern Jordan Valley and/or northern part of the Dead Sea. The first two earthquakes are reported to have struck around 8 am (2nd hour) on Friday 7 June and around 2 pm (8th hour) on Sunday 9 June in 659 CE. These were described in the Maronite Chronicle - an apparently contemporaneous source. Other authors (e.g. Elias of Nisibis and Theophanes) only describe one earthquake. The Sunday 9 June 659 CE earthquake is reported in Damascus and appears to be part of a polemic against a rival church faction. The 3rd earthquake, only reported in the Maronite Chronicle and dated to 660 CE, appears to be part of a polemic against the Islamic Caliphate. It is described as taking place after Caliph Mu'awiyah I's accession ritual in Jerusalem. The Islamic tradition and seemingly most historians date Mu'awiyah I's accession ritual to 661 CE. A chronological error in the Maronite Chronicle in describing a spring frost in 661 CE when their date and day of the week indicates it happened in 662 CE bolsters the case that this source placed Mu'awiyah I's accession a year too early to coincide with their reported earthquake.

Archaeoseismic corroboration may come from Yavne and Jerash. Langgut et al (2015) dated 7th century CE seismic destruction in Yavne to approximately June and Gawlikowski (1992:358) , citing a discovery by J. Seigne in Jerash, reports that the collapse of the vaulted corridor of the lower terrace of Zeus buries under the rubble a herd of goats; the age of a kid indicates that the cataclysm took place in May-June.

Textual Evidence

Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Maronite Chronicle Syriac

Maronite shortly after 664 CE The Maronite Chronicle lists three earthquakes
  • The first earthquake occurred in the second hour (~8 am) on a Friday in June 659 CE and was described as a violent earthquake in Palestine where many places collapsed.
  • A second earthquake is described as occurring in the 8th hour (~2 pm) on Sunday 9 June 659 CE. No details about location or seismic effects were given.
  • The third earthquake suffers from some chronological inconsistencies and, unlike the first two earthquakes, does not specify details such as hour, day of the week, and date. It appears to have taken place in 660 CE but may be a false event which copied in seismic effects from one or both of the the first two earthquakes. It was described as an earthquake and a violent tremor where the greater part of Jericho fell, including all its churches, the House of Lord John at the site of our Saviour’s baptism in the Jordan was overthrown, and the monastery of Abba Euthymius as well as many convents of monks and solitaries and many other places also collapsed.
Chronicle of Theophanes Greek

Orthodox (Byzantium) 810-814 CE Vicinity of Constantinople Theophanes wrote that there was a great earthquake and collapse in Palestine and Syria in the month of Daisos (May/June) and probably in the year 659 CE
Chronology by Elias of Nisibis Syriac and Arabic

Nestorian 1st half of the 11th century CE Nisibis (Nesaybin, Turkey) ? Elias of Nisibis wrote that there was an earthquake and a great part of Palestine and many other places were ruined. He dated the earthquake to June 659 CE and cited his source as Jesudenah from the city of Basra.
Concise Description of the Holy Places by John Phokas Greek

~1185 CE Described seismic damage (after the fact) to two monasteries in Palestine due to earlier earthquakes. His text was based on his travels to the area.
Early Islamic History, the Maronite Chronicle, and Theophanes
Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Maronite Chronicle

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Palmer et al (1993)

/p. 69/ .. .Mu'awiya, Hudhayfa, the son of his sister, and Mu'awiya gave orders that he be‘put to death.

‘Ali, too, threatened to go up once again against Mu'awiya, but they struck him while he was at prayer in al-Hira133 /p. 70/ and killed him.134 Mu'awiya (then) went down to al-Hira, where all the Arab forces there proffered their right hand to him,135 whereupon he returned to Damascus.

In AG 970, the 17th year of Constans, on a Friday in June,136 at the second hour, there was a violent earthquake in Palestine, and many places there collapsed.

In the same month the bishops of the Jacobites, Theodore and Sabukht137 came to Damascus and held an inquiry into the Faith with the Maronites138 in the presence of Mu'awiya. When the Jacobites were defeated, Mu'awiya ordered them to pay 20,000 denarii and commanded them to be silent. Thus there arose the custom that the Jacobite bishops should pay that sum of gold every year to Mu'awiya, so that he would not withdraw his protection and let them be persecuted by the members of the (Orthodox) Church. The person called ‘patriarch’ by the Jacobites fixed the financial burden that all the convents of monks and nuns should contribute each year towards the payment in gold and he did the same with all the adherents of his faith. He bequeathed his estate to Mu'awiya,139 so that out of fear of that man all the Jacobites would be obedient to him.

On the ninth of the same month in which the disputation with the Jacobites took place, on a Sunday at the eighth hour, there was an earthquake.140

In the same year King Constans ordered his brother Theodosius to be put to death - quite unjustly and without any fault on his part, according to what many people said. Many were grieved at his violent end and they say that the citizens chanted slogans {Gr. phonas} against the King, calling him a second Cain, murderer of his brother. In great anger he left his son Constantine on /p. 71/ his throne and himself set out for the north, taking the queen and the whole Roman fighting force with him, against foreign peoples.

In AG 971, Constans’s 18th year, many Arabs gathered at Jerusalem and made Mu'awiya king141 and he went up and sat down on Golgotha; he prayed there, and went to Gethsemane and went down to the tomb of the blessed Mary to pray in it. In those days, when the Arabs were assembled there with Mu'awiya, there was an earthquake and a violent tremor and the greater part of Jericho fell, including all its churches, and of the House of Lord John at the site of our Saviour’s baptism in the Jordan every stone above the ground was overthrown, together with the entire monastery. The monastery of Abba Euthymius as well as many convents of monks and solitaries and many other places also collapsed in this (earthquake).

In July of the same year the emirs and many Arabs gathered and proffered their right hand to Mu'awiya. Then an order went out that he should be proclaimed king in all the villages and cities of his dominion and that they should make acclamations and invocations {Gr. phonas, kleseis} to him. He also minted gold and silver, but it was not accepted, because it had no cross on it. Furthermore, Mu'awiya did not wear a crown like other kings in the world. He placed his throne in Damascus and refused to go to Muhammad’s throne.

The following year there was frost in the early morning of Wednesday, 13 April, and the white grapevines were withered by it.142

When Mu'awiya had acquired the power which he had aimed at and was at rest from the (civil) wars of his people, he broke the peace settlement with the Romans and refused to accept peace from them any longer. Rather he said, ‘If the Romans want /p. 72/ peace, let them surrender their weapons, and pay the tax {Ar. jizya}.’

[one folio missing] this section starts by describing a battle

133 Arabic sources say he was killed at a mosque in Kufa; ‘Ali is, however, described as governor of al-Hira by a Palestinian Christian writing c.680 (Brock, ‘An early Syriac’Life’, p. 313/319). [R.H.]

134 Arabic sources are generally agreed that ‘Ali was killed in Ramadan 40 (January 661 = AG 972). Our chronicler may have been misled by the fact that ‘the Syrians acknowledged Mu'awiya as caliph in Dhu ’l-Qa‘da 37 (April 658=969)’ (Tabari, 11, p. 199), or he may be better informed than we. Theophanes, p. 347 also places ‘Ali’s death earlier than the accepted date, in 659/60. [R.H.]

135 By this is probably meant the glancing gesture of right palm against right palm by which Arabs today seal a contract; see text No. 10 under AG 967.

136 7 June, AD 659.

137 {Syr. SBKWT).

138 Literally: ‘those of the House of Lord Maron.’

139 Literal1y he made himself a legator of Mu'awiya {Syr. wa-'bad napseh mawr' tono d-Mu'awiya}.

140 9 June, AD 659, was indeed a Sunday.

141 Allegiance was rendered to Mu'awiya in Jerusalem after the death of ‘Ali in the year 40 (February 661=972: Tabari, II, p. 4); ‘the people as a whole’ recognized him after ‘Ali’s‘ son, Hasan had made peace with him and turned matters over to him in the year 41, five days before the end of the month of Rabi' I (31 July 661=972) (Tabari, II, p. 199). Again, our chronicler may have inside information, but one suspects that he has brought forward Mu'awiya’s accession and tour in Jerusalem to coincide with the earthquake of 659, the latter being in his mind an evident indication of God’s disapproval of the former event. Note that the entry for ‘the following year’, a severe frost, falls in 662, not 660. [R.H.]

142 The weekday shows that this was AD 662

English from Penn (2015)

. . . and Muʻāwiya, his nephew H̱udaifa. Muʻāwiya issued a command concerning him and he was killed. Then ʻAlī also threatened to rise up against Muʻāwiya again. They struck him while he was praying at Hira and killed him. Muʻāwiya went down to Hira, the entire Arab army there gave him allegiance, and he went back to Damascus.

In the year 970 [659 c.e.], the seventeenth year of Constans, at the second hour on a Friday in the month of June, there was a devastating earthquake in the land of Palestine, in which many places collapsed.

In the same month, the Jacobite bishops Theodore and Sabuk came to Damascus, and before Muʻāwiya they debated the faith with those of Mār Maron [i.e., the Maronites]. When the Jacobites were defeated, Muʻāwiya commanded them to give up twenty thousand denarii and be silent. And it became customary for the Jacobite bishops to give Muʻāwiya that [much] gold annually lest [his] protection of them slacken and they be punished by the [Maronite] clergy. He who was called patriarch by the Jacobites annually established what share of that gold the inhabitants of all the monasteries and convents would pay. Likewise, he established [the share] for the [other] followers of his faith. And he made Muʻāwiya heir [to his estate] so that out of fear of [Muʻāwiya] all the Jacobites would submit to him. On the ninth of the month during which the disputation with the Jacobites took place, at the eighth hour on a Sunday, [there was] an earthquake.

In the same year, the emperor Constans issued a command and his brother Theodosius was killed—wrongly, for he was innocent, as many say. Many were distressed by his murder. It is said that the citizens [of Constantinople] made public denunciations against the emperor and called him a second Cain, a committer of fratricide. Greatly angered, [Constans] left his son Constantine on the throne, took his queen and all the Romans’ war-waging troops, and departed to the north against foreign peoples.

In the year 971 [660/61 c.e.], the eighteenth of Constans, many Arabs assembled in Jerusalem and made Muʻāwiya king. He ascended and sat at Golgotha. He prayed there, went to Gethsemane, descended to the tomb of the blessed Mary, and prayed there. In those days, while the Arabs were assembling there with Muʻāwiya, there was a tremor and a devastating earthquake. Most of Jericho collapsed, as did all of its churches. Mār John’s house by the Jordon, where our savior was baptized, was uprooted from its foundations. So too the monastery of Abba Euthymius, along with the dwellings of many monks and solitaries, as well as many [other] places, collapsed during [the earthquake].

In the same year, in the month of July, the emirs and many [other] Arabs assembled and gave allegiance to Muʻāwiya. A command went out that he should be proclaimed king in all the villages and cities under his control and that they should make invocations and acclamations to him. He struck both gold and silver [coinage], but it was not accepted because it did not have a cross on it. Muʻāwiya also did not wear a crown like other kings in the world. He established his throne in Damascus but did not want to go to Muh. ammad’s throne.

The next year, on Wednesday morning, the thirteenth of April, ice fell and the white vines withered in it.

When Muʻāwiya became king, as he wanted, and had a respite from civil wars, he broke the truce with the Romans and no longer accepted a truce from them. Rather, he said, “If the Romans seek a truce, let them give up their weapons and pay the tax.”

[folio missing in the manuscript]

French translation from Nau (1899)

Folio 12

Mu'awiyah I had him killed. Ali threatened to attack Mu'awiyah I again, he was beaten in Hirta [or nearby Kufa ?] during his prayer and he was killed. Mu'awiyah I went down to Hirta and all the Arab troops there submitted to him after which he returned to Damascus.

In the year 970, in the 17th year of Constans II, on a Friday in the month of Khaziran (June) at the second hour, there was a violent earthquake in Palestine and many villages were destroyed.


The Jacobites were defeated and Mu'awiyah I condemned them to pay twenty thousand dinars; then he ordered them to be quiet, and the Jacobite bishops continued to pay the same amount of money every year to Mu'awiyah I so that he would not stop protecting them and so that the sons of the Church were not persecuted. The Patriarch decided which contribution for this sum of money all convents of monks and nuns should make to him each year as well as all the faithful, then he undertook to make a present of this sum to Mu'awiyah I, so that for fear of him, all the Jacobites would obey him.

On the ninth of the month in which the dispute with the Jacobites took place, a Sunday (4), there was an earthquake.

In the same year, the Emperor Constant had his brother Theodosius killed unjustly, because he was innocent, as many have reported (5). This murder caused great emotion and it is said that the inhabitants of the (imperial) city complained the emperor. calling him a second Cain and [guilty of] fratricide (6). He was very irritated, left the empire to his son Constantine, and left, with the empress and the elite of the army, for the countries of the North among unknown peoples (7).

In the year 971, which is Constant's eighteenth, the Arabs gathered in great numbers in Jerusalem, and appointed Mu'awiyah I king there. He went up to Golgotha ​​and prayed there. He also went to Gethsemane, went down at the tomb of Blessed Mary and prayed there. At this time, while the Arabs were gathered around Mu'awiyah I there was a violent earthquake which overturned most (of Jericho) with all its churches. And near the Jordan the church of John who baptized the Savior was destroyed as well as the entire monastery. This earthquake also overthrew the monastery of Father Euthymius with many dwellings of monks or cenobites and many villages.

That same year, in the month of Thamouz (8), the emirs and many Arabs met and took an oath to Mu'awiyah I, and it was ordered that all the villages and towns in its empire should proclaim him king and prepare for him a throne and ovations. He also minted gold and silver coins but they did not accept them because there was no cross on it. Moreover Mu'awiyah I did not take a crown like other kings of the world. He placed the seat (of his empire) in Damascus, and would not go to that of Mahomet [i.e. Mecca].

The following year, ice arrived on the 13th of Nisan (9), so that the green vines were burnt. [Note by JW: in Palmer et al (1993)'s translation this date is specified as Wednesday 13 April. They note that 13 April fell on a Wednesday in 662 CE - verified via CHRONOS]

When Mu'awiyah I reigned as he wanted and had appeased the war that existed among his people, he broke the peace with the Romans and no longer made any treaty with them saying: "If the Romans want peace, they should give me their weapons and pay tribute."

(1) 658-659 CE.

(2) He is the Patriarch of Antioch (649-667). Cf. B. H. C. E. I., p. 282.

(3) Bishop of Kennesrin, B. H. C. E., p. 276. - One can believe that the Maronites then made use of the questions written by Jean Maron against the Jacobites and which we have translated above.

(4) The 9th of this month was indeed a Sunday. N.

(5) Theophanes also places this murder in 658-659 CE. N.

(6) Cf. B. H. C. S., p. 106, 1. 17-27.

(7) He retired to Rome and Syracuse.

(8) June.

(9) April.

1st Earthquake
Year Reference Corrections Notes
10 am Friday 7 June 659 CE In AG 970, the 17th year of Constans, on a Friday in June, at the second hour, there was a violent earthquake in Palestine, and many places there collapsed none The first earthquake occurred in the second hour (~8 am) on a Friday in June (Haziran) during A.G. (aka Seleucid Year - A.S.) 970 (1 Oct. 658 to 30 Sept. 659 CE) which (in June) corresponds to 659 CE. However, the year for this event is also specified as the 17th year of Constans II's rule which dates to May 657 - Aug. 658 CE and thus places the year in 658 (for June). Due to the correct date and weekday presented below, it would appear that 659 CE is the correct year.
2nd Earthquake
Year Reference Corrections Notes
~2 pm Sunday 9 June 659 CE On the ninth of the same month in which the disputation with the Jacobites took place, on a Sunday at the eighth hour, there was an earthquake none A second earthquake is described as occurring in the 8th hour (~2 pm) on Sunday 9 June the month when the Jacobite Bishops went to Damascus to visit Mu'awiyah I and complain about/debate the Maronites. Julian day calculations indicate that 9 June 659 CE fell on a Sunday and the text indicates that the second earthquake occurred in the same month and year as the first earthquake. This dates the first earthquake to Friday 7 June 659 CE. This second earthquake could be an aftershock to the first earthquake. The author also specifies that the earthquake took place during the same year in which Constans II killed his brother which historians seem to date to 659 or 660 CE.
3rd Earthquake
Year Reference Corrections Notes
660 CE In AG 971, Constans’s 18th year, many Arabs gathered at Jerusalem and made Mu'awiya king ... when the Arabs were assembled there with Mu'awiya, there was an earthquake and a violent tremor none The third earthquake suffers from chronological inconsistencies and, unlike the first two earthquakes, does not specify details such as hour, day of the week, and date. The earthquake is described as taking place a year later during A.S. 971 (1 Oct. 659 to 30 Sept. 660 CE), during Constan II's eighteenth year (May 658 - Aug. 659 CE), and when Mu'awiyah I was declared King. This describes his accession as Caliph on Haram esh-Sharif (aka Temple Mount) in Jerusalem - presumably in the Congregational Mosque of the time. Ambraseys (2009) following Grumel (1958: 380) and others date this accession to A.H. 41 (May 661 to April 662). Marsham (2013) also places the accession in 661 CE at the conclusion of the First Fitna (aka the first Muslim Civil War). Marsham (2013) further suggests that the Maronite Chronicler may have moved Mu'awiyah I's accession from 661 CE to 660 CE to make it coincide with the earthquake.

In Palmer et al (1993)'s translation, the date for the spring frost (specified as occurring in the following year) is specified as Wednesday 13 April. 13 April fell on a Wednesday in 662 CE (confirmed via CHRONOS). Moving back a year, this would then place Mu'awiyah I's accession in 661 CE in agreement with most historians. This in turn supports the thesis that the Maronite Chronicle moved Mu'awiyah I's accession from 661 CE to 660 CE to make it coincide with the earthquake.
The third earthquake could have in fact been the same earthquake as one of the first two earthquakes due to an effort by the author of the Maronite Chronicle to rearrange dates and create forced synchronicities in order to make a theological point. To explain the potential for forced synchronicities, a bit of background is helpful. The Maronites adhered to a monothelete theology and maintained an independent status at Mount Lebanon and its coastline after the Muslim conquest of the Levant, keeping their religion and their distinct West Aramaic language intact until the 19th century. The Jacobites, on the other hand, followed a competing miaphysite theology and submitted to Islamic rule. The Maronite chronicler, who is loyal to the Byzantines, is critical of both the Jacobite Christians’ theology and their submission to Muslim rulers. The Maronite Chronicler may also be hostile to Islamic rule. The third earthquake report follows a historical event - when Mu'awiyah I is declared Caliph on Temple Mount. By following a historical event with an earthquake or making it coincide with an earthquake, the chronicler is showing God's disapproval. As noted by Marsham (2013)
the accession rituals of Muʿāwiya appear to have deliberately been juxtaposed with natural disasters — earthquakes follow two of the pledges of allegiance and a withering spring frost, which destroyed grapevines, is placed adjacent to a third account. The use of natural disasters to indicate God’s disapproval is a common feature of late antique and early medieval chronography. Indeed, here it appears that the compiler may have altered both his chronology and selection of material in order to achieve this effect. However, selecting and organizing material for polemical reasons is different from fabricating it, and there are good reasons to think that the account is accurate in most of its details.
Seismic Effects

1st Earthquake
  • there was a violent earthquake in Palestine, and many places there collapsed
2nd Earthquake
  • there was an earthquake - location unspecified
3rd Earthquake Locations

1st Earthquake
  • Palestine
2nd Earthquake
  • location unspecified
3rd Earthquake Online Versions and Further Reading

Chronicle of Theophanes

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Turtledove (1982) and Mango and Scott (1997)

ANNUS MUNDI 6150 (SEPTEMBER 1, 658 — AUGUST 31, 659)
Constans II, 17th year
Muawiyah I, 3rd year
Peter, 6th year

In this year an arrangement was made between the Romans and Arabs. Because of disorder, Muawiyah I sent an embassy so the Arabs could pay the Romans 1,000 nomismata, a horse, and a slave per day.

Also in this year — the second indiction — there was a great earthquake and collapse in Palestine and Syria in the month of Daisios.

In the same year the holy pope of Rome, Martin, was exiled. He had struggled nobly for the truth and became a confessor, dying in eastern regions.


Theophanes dates the month of the earthquake to Daisios (May/June). Although there are some chronological inconsistencies and ambiguities in how he specifies the year, when all the chronological information is combined, the most probable date is Daisios (May/June) 659 CE.
Probable Date Date Range (wide constraint) Reference Notes
Daisios (May/June) 659 CE 25 Mar. 657 - 31 Aug. 659 CE A.M.a 6150 second indiction
  • A.M.a - 25 Mar. 657 to 24 Mar. 658 CE or 1 Sept. 657 to 31 Aug. 658 CE (there is uncertainty when Theophanes started his A.M.a year)
  • 2nd Indiction - 1 Sept. 658 to 31 Aug. 659 CE
  • Theophanes A.M.a are thought to be have often been a year too low during the periods A.M. 6099-6204 (607-712 CE) and A.M. 6219-6266 (727-774 CE)
  • If we bump Theophanes' A.M.a up a year, it agrees with the indiction and dates the earthquake to Daisios (May/June) 659 CE
Daisios (May/June) 659 CE May 657 to Aug. 659 CE 17th year of Constans II
  • Constans II ruled from September 641 - 15 July 668 CE but was appointed co-emperor in May 641 CE.
  • As noted by Ambraseys (2009) (citing Grumel, V., 1954:128 and others), Theophanes had a general tendency to specify regnal year a year too low during the periods A.M.a 6099-6204 (607-712 CE) and A.M.a 6219-6266 (727-774 CE).
  • If this is the case, the year would be 659 CE.
  • see also Grumel (1934: 406) and Grumel (1958:174)
Daisios (May/June) 659 CE 1 Jan. 659 to 30 Dec. 660 CE 6th year of Peter
  • Peter ruled from 654-666 CE
Daisios (May/June) 659 CE 1 Jan. 658 to 30 Dec. 659 CE The third year of Muawiyah I
655 or 656 CE the same year Pope Martin I was exiled
Seismic Effects
  • There was a great earthquake and collapse in Palestine and Syria
  • Palestine
  • Syria

Online Versions and Further Reading

Theophanes' Calendaric Inconsistencies

Chronography by Elias of Nisibis

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Delaporte (1910)

Year 39. — Starting on Wednesday 29 Iyar of the year 970 of the Greeks.

In the month of Haziran there was an earthquake. A great part of Palestine and many other places were ruined [1] (Jesudenah, city of Basra).


1. Compare with the text of the Syrian author written by Noldeke. (ZDMG, xxix, pp. 89-90) [?]


  • not bookmarked

Date Reference Corrections Notes
June 659 CE Haziran A.H. 39 none
  • Calculated with CHRONOS
  • Haziran is an Arabic Syriac translation for June.
  • A.H. 39 runs from 25 May 659 to 16 May 660 CE
  • Elias specified that A.H. 39 started on Wednesday 29 Iyar of the year 970 of the Greeks which equates to 29 May 659 CE and is correct; including the day of the week.
  • The editor Delaporte supplied an incorrect year in brackets [29 May 658 AD] which was removed by me in order to avoid confusion.
Seismic Effects
  • there was an earthquake. A great part of Palestine and many other places were ruined
  • Palestine
  • many other places

Online Versions and Further Reading

Concise Description of the Holy Places by John Phokas

Background and Biography

Background and Biography


In these excerpts, we can read about seismic damage observed around 1185 CE by the author of Ekphrasis.
English from Stewart (1889:27)


On the banks of the Jordan are built three monasteries, namely, that of the Forerunner, of Chrysostom . . . the monastery of the Forerunner having been levelled with the ground by an earthquake, now by the munificent hand of our Emperor, Manuel Comnenus Porphyrogenitus, crowned by God,* has been entirely rebuilt, the prior being entrusted with the superintendence of the restoration. At a distance of about two bowshots from hence flows Jordan, the most holy of rivers, wherein my Lord Jesus, having embraced poverty, wrought out by baptism the great mystery of my redemption ; and on its bank, about a stone's-throw distant, is a square vaulted building, wherein Jordan, bending back its stream, embraced the naked body of Him who covereth the heavens with clouds, and the right hand of the Forerunner tremblingly touched His head, and the Spirit in the likeness of a dove descended upon its kindred Word, and the voice of the Father bore witness to the Redeemer's being His own Son.

English from Stewart (1889:30-31)

The city of Bethlehem is about six miles distant from the Holy City. Halfway between it and the Holy City stands the monastery of the holy prophet Elias, which was built by godly men in very ancient times, but has been entirely thrown down by an earthquake. This, however, that universal benefactor, my master and Emperor,"has raised from its foundations, at the prayer of a Syrian, who is the chief of the community.

Seismic Effects and Locations

Two monasteries are referred to as ruined by a prior earthquake
  • Monastery of the Forerunner on the banks of the Jordan River
  • Monastery of the holy prophet Elias near Bethlehem - i.e., Mar Elias Monastery. Observed seismic destruction at Mar Elias may have been due to an earthquake after the Jordan Valley Quake
Online Versions and Further Reading

Early Islamic History, the Maronite Chronicle, and Theophanes

Although Islamic tradition places the date of Ali's assassination to Ramadan in January 661 CE (A.H. 40), Marsham (2013) notes that the Arabic tradition regarding the First Fitna (aka the first Muslim Civil War) is beset with chronological difficulties and based on the Maronite Chronicle and Theophanes, this may have occurred in 658 CE at the latest. Attempts to reconcile these accounts with early Islamic History is discussed further in Marsham (2013) and possibly Nodelke (1876:83). Robert Hoyland in Palmer et al (1993:30 n. 134 notes the following:

Arabic sources are generally agreed that ‘Ali was killed in Ramadan 40 (January 661 = AG 972). Our chronicler may have been misled by the fact that ‘the Syrians acknowledged Mu'awiya as caliph in Dhu ’1-Qa‘da 37 (April 658=969)’ (Tabari, 11, p. 199), or he may be better informed than we. Theopharies, p. 347 also places ‘Ali’s death earlier than the accepted date, in (559160. [R.H.]
Mu'awiya proclaimed Caliph in Jerusalem

Elad (1995:150) notes

Goitein cites a number of traditions in which the Holy Land (al-Arcl al-Muqaddasa) is mentioned, testifying, in his opinion, to the religious status of Palestine:
2. A tradition in the name of Ibn Hawala: "The Messenger of God put his hand on my head and said: when the [caliphate] will fix its place in the Holy Land, earthquakes and other tribulations will occur and the Hour [of the Last Judgement] will be nearer than my hand is now to your head."15
It seems that this hadith was created in the context of one of the struggles between the Umayyads and their opponents, and was introduced in the Fitan literature, that deals with the Last Days and their turmoils.


15 Goitein, S. D. (2010). VII. The Sanctity Of Jerusalem And Palestine In Early Islam. in Studies in Islamic History and Institutions. S. D. Goitein, Brill: 135-148. p. 143 (quoting Abu- Dawad's Sunan).

Goitein (2010:143) states
A Jewish religious scholar predicted to the caliph `Omar that "the governor of the Holy Land," that is to say Mu'awiya, would at one point take his place as ruler of Islam.5 A canonical collection of traditions about the Prophet reports the following story in the name of Ibn Hawala one of his younger companions:
The Messenger of God put his hand on my head and said: when the (caliphate) will fix its place in the Holy Land, earthquakes and other tribulations will occur and the Hour (of the Last Judgment) will be nearer than my hand is now to your head.6

5 Tabari, part I, pp. 3252-2.
6 Sunan Abfi Da'fid, book 15, par. 33.

Background - The 1st Muslim Civil War

Marsham (2013:90-91) provides background

Muʿāwiya’s accession took place in the context of the civil war, or fitna, of AH 36–41/656–661 CE. This was the first time that extensive violent conflict had taken place within the Ḥijāzī (West Arabian) ruling elite of the new monotheist polity. In the Islamic historical tradition the war is said to have been triggered by the murder of the third caliph, ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān (r. 644–656). Following ʿUthmān’s death, the Prophet’s cousin, ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, was proclaimed caliph at Medina in Arabia, before moving the caliphal capital from there to Kufa, in Iraq. ʿAlī was not universally recognized as caliph—not least because ʿUthmān’s assassins were among his supporters. Muʿāwiya, who was at that time the long-standing governor of the province of Syria, was among those who did not declare his allegiance, but neither did he participate in an alliance against ʿAlī. ʿAlī defeated this alliance at the “battle of the Camel” in Jumāda II 36/December 656. At this juncture Muʿāwiya took up arms against ʿAlī, demanding that he hand over ʿUthmān’s assassins. A battle at Ṣiffīn, on the northern Euphrates, was inconclusive, and the two parties agreed to a truce and negotiations. Some of ʿAlī’s followers rebelled at this decision, and ʿAlī was forced to fight them. ʿAlī won, only to be assassinated by one of the rebels in the congregational mosque at Kufa — an event usually dated to mid-to-late Ramaḍān 40/late January 661. ʿAlī’s son, al-Ḥasan, was proclaimed caliph in Iraq, but surrendered shortly thereafter to Muʿāwiya and his Syrian army.

These events remained central to some of the fiercest doctrinal disputes in early Islam. In part because of the importance of the civil war for on-going doctrinal debates, a vast amount of literature about it was generated in the first centuries of Islam, much of it contradictory and confused. That Muʿāwiya b. Abī Sufyān (r. 661–680) emerged as the victor is of course beyond doubt, but the chronology and sequence of events is not at all clear.

Archaeoseismic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Qasr Tilah possible Haynes et al. (2006) examined paleoseismic and archeoseismic evidence related to damage to a late Byzantine—Early Umayyad birkeh (water reservoir) and aqueduct at Qasr Tilah and concluded that left lateral slip generated by several earthquakes cut through a corner of the reservoir and aqueduct creating displacement of the structures. The first seismic event was dated to the 7th century. Haynes at al (2006) suggested it was caused by either the Sword in the Sky Quake (633/634 CE) or the Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 AD - favoring the Jordan Valley Quake. There was a repair after this 7th century destruction indicating that the site was occupied when the earthquake struck. Because of the repair, it it is unclear how much lateral slip was produced (or even if there was lateral slip during this earthquake ?). Haynes et al (2006) noted that archeological evidence at the site indicates that it was abandoned and was not occupied past the Early Umayyad Period (661-700 CE). If the repair fixed a problem caused by lateral slip rather than generalized destructive shaking, the slip would indicate that part of the Araba fault broke during this event.
Petra - Introduction n/a n/a n/a
Petra - Petra Theater possible Jones (2021:3 Table 1) reports a second potential seismic destruction of the Theater in Phase VII noting that the Phase VII destruction of the Main Theatre is difficult to date, as the structure had gone out of use long before. Jones (2021:3 Table 1) suggested the late 6th century earthquake ( Inscription at Areopolis Quake) or the mid-8th century earthquake (e.g. earthquakes observed in the Qatar Trench in the South Araba by Klinger et al, 2015) as candidates.
Petra - Jabal Harun possible ≥ 6 Phase 6 destruction was dated to the 1st half of the 7th century CE by Mikkola et al (2008). Destruction was inferred based on rebuilding evidence in Phase 7. No unambiguous and clearly dated evidence of seismic damage was found. Mikkola et al (2008) also noted a change in liturgy in Phase 7 which could have also been at least partly responsible for the rebuild.
Petra - The Petra Church possible ≥ 8 Fiema et al (2001) characterized structural destruction of the church in Phase X as likely caused by an earthquake with a date that is not easy to determine. A very general terminus post quem of the early 7th century CE was provided. Destruction due to a second earthquake was identified in Phase XIIA which was dated from late Umayyad to early Ottoman. Taken together this suggests that the first earthquake struck in the 7th or 8th century CE and the second struck between the 8th and 16th or 17th century CE.
Yavne probable ≥ 7 Langgut et al (2015) examined the kiln complex of a pottery factory near Tel Yavne which was destroyed sometime in the 7th century. They examined seasonal pollen beneath crushed pots inside the kiln which suggested collapse around June (Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 AD) instead of September (Sword in the Sky Quake of 633/634 CE). A site effect may be present. Epicenter was possibly to the ESE
Bet Sh 'ean possible Tsafrir and Foerster (1997:143-144) dated a seismic destruction event to the 7th century CE. The event caused the destruction of Silvanus Hall; all the columns in the southwest part of the hall were found collapsed in the same direction, in a way that leaves no doubt about the cause of the destruction. They suggested it was likely that the same earthquake caused the collapse of the porticoes of the Byzantine agora, the portico of the sigma, and most probably the columns of Palladius Street.
Hammat Gader possible Phase IIB Earthquake (?) - Hirschfeld et al. (1997:6) note that, while it is not clear what fate befell the baths [in Phase II] at the end of the Byzantine period, it seems that the place was struck by one of the earthquakes that occurred in the region. The resulting damage, they state, is attested in the “Mu’awiya inscription” (no. 54) discovered at the site. This inscription, dated accurately to the year 662 C.E., details renovation activity carried out by Mu’awiya, the first Umayyad Caliph, but does not specifically mention an earthquake or prior damage to the site.

This site may be subject to a liquefaction site effect as it is located on an oxbow of the Yarmuk River in a location that sits atop a thermal spring. At the same time, one must consider that the building’s state of preservation and the fact that the walls stand vertically without cracks led Hirschfeld et al. (1997:16) to conclude that the builders of the foundations did an excellent job, taking advantage of the best knowledge, skills, and certainly the well-known Roman cement.
Jerash - Introduction n/a n/a n/a
Jerash - Umayyad House possible Gawlikowski (1992:358) reports that the Umayyad house was built on level ground after an earthquake. Construction was well dated by the numismatic findings. Earthquake destruction is inferred based on rebuilding evidence.
Jerash - Macellum probable ≥ 8 Uscatescu and Marot (2000:283) dated seismic destruction of the Macellum to at the latest to the second quarter of the seventh century based on pottery and coins. The seismic destruction layer was found in a sealed and undisturbed context and is well-dated. Uscatescu and Marot (2000:281) report extensive destruction [] well evidenced by the fallen vaulted and tiled roofs and collapsed walls; a huge collapse that reaches a thickness of more than two and a half metres,and was composed by voussoirs, tiles, ashlars, architraves, column shafts, capitals and other architectonic elements.
Jerash - Temple of Zeus possible ≥ 8 Rasson and Seigne (1989) reported on excavations of a cistern at the Temple of Zeus. Two seismic destruction events were interpreted from the excavation - one in the 7th century CE and another in the 8th. The 1st seismic event was manifest in partial roof collapse. Ceramics beneath the collapse layer dated to the Umayyad period and suggested an earthquake Which struck in the middle of the 7th century CE. Gawlikowski (1992:358) reports further 7th century CE archaeoseismic evidence in a vaulted corridor of the lower terrace where a herd of goats was buried along with a kid goat. According to Gawlikowski (1992:358), the age of a kid indicates that the cataclysm took place in May-June and moreover a Byzantine currency with an Arab countermark indicating the beginning of Muslim government (Seigne, unpublished report of 1984, kindly communicated by the author). This would suggest that the 1st earthquake was the one of the Jordan Valley Quake(s).
Jerash - Hippodrome possible ≥ 8 Ostrasz and Kehrberg-Ostrasz (2020:4) report that the masonry of most of the building collapsed with only the carceres and the south-east part of the cavea surviving. Archaeological evidence seems to constrain the date of this earthquake to the 6th to 7th centuries CE.
Heshbon possible ≥ 8 Walker and LaBianca (2003:453-454) uncovered 7th century CE archeoseismic evidence which they attributed to the Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 CE from an excavation of an Umayyad-period building in Field N of Tall Hesban. They report a badly broken hard packed yellowish clay floor which was pocketed in places by wall collapse and accompanied by crushed storage jars, basins, and cookware. Storage jars and basins and cookware were dated in the field to the transitional Byzantine-Umayyad period.
Hippos Sussita probable ≥ 8 7th or Early 8th century CE Earthquake - Segal et al. (2013:210) suggest that the Northwest Church suffered damage in a 7th or early 8th century CE earthquake.
The final phase of the church (Phase III) was the decline of the basilica which must have been the result of some unspecified disaster of an unknown date but which clearly caused serious damage to the nave; it was probably one of the earthquakes which affected this region in the second half of the 7th century (658 CE) or at the beginning of the 8th century (717 CE).101 Indeed, eloquent testimony to the ancient repairs made to the mosaic floor can be seen at the southern pastophorion. Right under the arched entrance to this room, the mosaic bears traces of repairs carried out after it was damaged, probably during an earthquake (fig. 281).

101 Ognibeni 2002, 112, mentions earthquakes of 658 and 717 or 718 CE as having caused the damage done to the West Church in Pella of the Decapolis. There is little doubt that the same earthquakes must have inflicted similar damage to the buildings on Sussita.

Although Segal et al. (2013:210) suggested the the 717 CE Earthquake as a possible candidate, the epicenter of this event was likely too far away to have caused such damage. The Jordan Valley Quake(s) of 659/660 CE, however, is a plausible candidate as is an earthquake unreported in currently extant historical records. The potential for a topographic or ridge effect appears to be present at this location.
Tell es-Samak/Tel Shiqmona possible to unlikely ≥ 7 7th century CE Earthquake (?) - Barzilay (2012) interpreted flexed stone structures as a consequence of a 7th century CE earthquake and estimated a local site Intensity of VII or higher. Excavator Hagit Torge (personal communication, 2021) attributed the deformations to the active clay soil. Taxel (2013:79-80) also cast doubt on the possibility that the site was damaged by an earthquake leading to it's abandonment. The Deformation Map shows that the displaced walls are due to vertical uplift and suggest an expansive active soil as the cause. If an earthquake caused the chaotic deformation patterns shown in the map, the site would have to have been above the hypocenter of a powerful earthquake which seems unlikely. If this was the case, more extensive deformation and collapse would be expected form this site and nearby sites and the local Intensity would have been IX (9) or higher. Thus, I agree with Hagit Torge (personal communication, 2021) and Taxel (2013:79-80) that a seismic origin for the observed deformations is not likely.
Khirbet al-Niʿana possible 7th century CE earthquake - Taxel (2013:178-179) noted the following about archaeoseismic evidence in Khirbet al-Niʿana
Excavation of the western fringes of the inhabited area (the results of which were only preliminarily published) show no clear evidence for occupation ater the mid-seventh century. According to the excavator (Torge, 2010)
The site was largely abandoned at the beginning of the Umayyad period and most of the masonry stones were plundered. The signs of destruction and burning may point to its destruction in the earthquake of 633 CE.
Unfortunately, however, the basis for this dating was not provided in the report.
Pella possible ≥ 8 Blanke and Walmsley (2022:86) report that Urban Fiḥl was badly impacted by a 7th century CE earthquake resulting in permanent reconfigurations to the town’s layout. Dating was established by secure ceramic comparisons with the corpus from excavations of the eastern residential area on the main mound [i.e. Pella]. Although some of the reported archaeoseismic evidence may be based on rebuilding evidence, there are direct observations of interpreted seismic damage.

Smith (1973:165) attributed damage to the West Church Complex (Area I) to the 659/660 CE Jordan Valley Quake(s) while noting that this event toppled most of the upper part of the walls of the sanctuary and Atrium and damaged the north dependency. Smith et al. (1989:92) suggested that this earthquake also damaged the Area IX Church.
Monastery of Euthymius probable 9 Hirschfeld (1993:354) inferred that the monastery was destroyed by a 7th century earthquake based on rebuilding evidence. Reconstruction was dated to the 2nd half of the 7th century apparently based on the early Muslim period style of construction. The Maronite Chronicle states that the Monastery of Euthymius was destroyed by an earthquake in A.G. 971 (660-661 CE) along with the dwellings of many monks and solitaries. This suggests that the near total rebuild observed by Hirschfeld (1993) was due to near total collapse which leads to an intensity estimate of IX (9).
Monastery of John the Baptist possible The Maronite Chronicle states that the Monastery of John The Baptist (Mār John aka Qasr al-Yehud) was destroyed - uprooted from its foundations - in A.G. 971 (660-661 CE). I'm not aware of an corroborating archaeoseismic evidence.
Monastery of Khirbet es-Suyyagh possible ≥ 8 7th century CE Earthquake(s) - Taxel et al (2009) surmised that Phase IIA ended with an earthquake and established a terminus post quem of 629/630 CE for repairs to damaged parts of the monastery at the start of Phase IIB. This was based on a 629/630 CE coin found below the mosaic floor in the northern aisle of the church (Locus 387) attributed to Phase IIB. Another coin of Constans II (641-648 CE) was found in the fill that covered the corridor north of the main gate (Locus 281) however it was noted that this fill could also be related to the construction of the blocking wall of the corridor in Phase III. Pottery found below the fieldstone paving which abutted on the new (southern) storeroom in the external courtyard and to the repaired doorway of the subsidiary gate (Loci 181 and 183) was dated to the mid-late 7th century. Lack of fire evidence and evidence of archaeoseismic damage led Taxel et al (2009) to conclude that observed damage and repairs of damage was probably due to an earthquake(s) although destruction due to Persian and, later on, Muslim military activity could not be entirely ruled out.

Schmuel Marco in Taxel et al (2009:186-187) suggested that seismic intensity may have reached IX (1 g) apparently largely based on the broken threshold of the Main Gate and rebuilding evidence which inferred wall collapses down to the foundations. Archaeoseismic evidence at the Monastery of Euthymius as reported by Hirschfeld (1993) showed evidence for a near total rebuild after it was presumably destroyed in one of the Jordan Valley Quake(s) of 659/660 CE. Although direct archaeoseismic evidence was not observed at the Monastery of Euthymius, the contemporary Maronite Chronicle reported that the Monastery of Euthymius collapsed during this earthquake - which supports the idea that a near total rebuild supports such a high level of local seismic intensity. However, the Monastery of Euthymius is closer to active Jordan Valley faults that seem to have broken during the Jordan Valley Quake(s) which means that Khirbet es-Suyyagh, further away from these faults, would have likely experienced lower levels of intensity during this event(s). This would explain why there were repairs at Khirbet es-Suyyagh rather than a complete rebuild. Given the distance between Khirbet es-Suyyagh and the active faults of Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea, Schmuel Marco in Taxel et al (2009:186-187) suggested that such an elevated intensity estimate (guesstimate ?) of IX (1 g) could be explained by a site effect or being above the hypocenter when the Quake struck (e..g in a blind thrust scenario). While a site effect is possible as it is described as being located on a spur, the Deformation Map (see in Figures above) suggests that North-South walls were preferentially damaged which is not what one would suspect above a hypocenter where inclination and collapse typically do not display directional patterns. Such directional patterns, which seem to be evident at Khirbet es-Suyyagh, are what one would expect at some distance form the epicenter (e.g. see Korzhenkov and Mazor, 1999).
Caesarea possible - needs investigation Langgut et al (2015) report that destruction of a building in Caesarea Maritima was tentatively attributed to the 659 CE earthquake by Raban et al (1993:59-61).
Mount Nebo needs investigation
Ein Hanasiv possible ≥ 8 Karcz et. al. (1977) list archeoseismic evidence (oriented collapse, alignment of fallen masonry) in Ein Hanasiv in the 7th century AD based on Vitto (1975).
Giv’ati Junction possible ≥ 7 Baumgarten (2001) excavated a round pottery kiln at Giv'ati Junction dated to the 4th-7th century CE (Shmueli, 2013). Langgut et al (2015) report that four fired Late Roman Amphora (similar to those at Yavne) "were found inside the kiln’s collapsed firing chamber" covered by a thick layer of aeolian sand. Langgut et al (2015) noted that while "the excavator suggested that the kiln was destroyed during operation, possibly due to some technical fault, and was consequently abandoned (Baumgarten 2001)", Langgut et al (2015) believe an earthquake should also be considered as a cause of destruction.

Shmueli (2013) excavated Stratum III in a rectangular building (L109, L119) at Giv'ti Junction in 2011 where, on the floor, they found three Gaza jars which were set upside down (Fig. 4) and broken. A fourth jar was found upright but also broken. Based on numismatic finds, they dated the beginning of the settlement to the fourth or fifth century CE. Construction and use of the rectangular building was dated to the fifth to seventh centuries CE. In the seventh century the installation and building went out of use.
Avdat/Oboda possible ≥ 8 7th century Earthquake - A terminus post quem for a 7th century CE earthquake was established from the latest inscription found at the site in the Martyrion of St. Theodore (South Church) in 617 CE (Negev 1981: 37) (Erickson-Gini, 2014). Erickson-Gini (2014) noted that there was massive destruction evident throughout the site, and particularly along the western face of the site with its extensive caves and buildings (Korjenkov et al., 1996). Korzhenkov and Mazor (1999) uncovered extensive archeoseismic effects from the earthquake and estimated an Intensity of 9 - 10, posited that destruction was caused by a compressional seismic wave, and located the epicenter SSW of Avdat somewhere in central Negev. Discontinuous Deformation Analysis of the bulges in the Roman Tower of Avdat by Kamai and Hatzor (2005) leads to an Intensity Estimate of 8 - 10. A Ridge Effect is likely present at Avdat
Mizpe Shivta possible Erickson-Gini (personal correspondence, 2021) relates that this site in the Negev suffered seismic damage in the 7th century CE - sometime after 620 CE.
Mezad Yeruham possible Erickson-Gini (personal correspondence, 2021) relates that this site in the Negev suffered seismic damage in the 7th century CE - sometime after 620 CE.
Shivta possible ≥ 8 Late Byzantine Earthquake - Early 7th century CE ? - Erickson-Gini (2013) suggested that a revetment wall outside Room 123 was evidence of a Late Byzantine earthquake
Revetment walls present around the North Church and buttressing the western wall of Building 123 (Hirschfeld 2003 - see highlighted site plan above) are indications that some damage to the site took place in the Late Byzantine period, probably in the early seventh century CE when the neighboring site of ‘Avdat/Oboda was destroyed in a tremendous earthquake.
A site effect at Shivta is unlikely due to a hard carbonate bedrock. Korzhenkov and Mazor (1999a) estimate Intensity of 8 -9 with the epicenter a few tens of km. away and to the WSW
Rehovot ba Negev possible ≥ 8 "The Byzantine Shock" - 7th century CE - Korzhenkov and Mazor (2014) identified an earthquake which they beleive struck in the 7th century CE. Rehovot ba Negev appears to be built on weak ground. There is a probable site effect present as much but not all of Rehovot Ba Negev was built on weak ground (confirmed by A. Korzhenkov, personal communication, 2021). Korzhenkov and Mazor (2014) estimated an Intensity of 8-9 with an epicenter to ESE.
Saadon possible ≥ 7 Phase 2 Earthquake - mid-7th century CE - Erickson-Gini (2018) reports that The [Southwestern] church was heavily damaged and subsequently repaired in the mid-7th century CE and continued to be used for several years in the Umayyad period (mid-7th - 8th centuries CE). A `wine-press' hewn along the bedrock shelf on the northeast bank of Nahal Sa'adon was apparently broken by the same seismic event. Damage observations reveal that walls aligned in a WNW direction were damaged.
Nessana possible Erickson-Gini (personal correspondence, 2021) relates that Nessana suffered seismic damage in the 7th century CE - sometime after 620 CE.
Mamphis possible ≥ 8 The 2nd earthquake at Mampsis suffers from dating ambiguities and a chronological debate between Negev (1974:412, 1988) and Magness (2003). Considering all possibilities of this debate leads to a date between the 5th and 7th centuries CE. Korzhenkov and Mazor (2003) estimated an Intensity of 9 or more with an epicenter to the SW.
Haluza possible ≥ 8 Second earthquake. Korjenkov and and Mazor (2005) discussed chronology of the second earthquake.
The Early Arab – Second Ancient Earthquake

Negev (1976:92) suggested that a strong earthquake caused the final abandonment of Haluza. He summed up his observations at one of the excavated courtyards:
Voussoirs of the arches and extremely long roof slabs were discovered in the debris, just above the floor. It seems that either the destruction of the house occurred for a very short time after its abandonment or the house had to be abandoned because of its destruction by an earthquake.
Korjenkov and and Mazor (2005) noted that while the Sword in the Sky Quake of 634 CE destroyed Avdat 44 and ruined other ancient towns of the Negev 45, archeological data demonstrate that occupation of the [Haluza] continued until at least the first half of the 8th cent. A.D.46. This led them to conclude that one of the mid 8th century CE earthquakes was a more likely candidate. Unfortunately, it appears that we don't have a reliable terminus ante quem for the second earthquake. Korzhenkov and Mazor (1999a) estimated a minimum Intensity of 8-9 with an epicenter a few tens of kilometers away and an epicentral direction to the NE or SW - most likely to the NE
Aqaba/Eilat - Introduction n/a n/a n/a
Aqaba/Eilat - Aila possible 7 Thomas et al (2007) identified earthquake destruction (Earthquake IV) in a collapse layer which they suggested struck in the early to middle 7th century CE.
The pottery constrains the date of Earthquake IV to sometime between the seventh century and the mid seventh to eighth century. In this case, an early to middle seventh-century date would best fit the dating evidence.
Aqaba/Eilat - Ayla posible but unlikely ≥ 8 The first earthquake was revealed in the constructions built during the late Rashidun period (644-656 A.D.) ( al-Tarazi and Khorjenkov, 2007) thus providing a terminus post quem of 644-656 A.D.. A terminus ante quem of ~750 CE was provided by the Early Abbasid structures built after the first seismic destruction. This suggests that the seismic damage was caused by the Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 CE (less likely due to distance) or one of the mid 8th century CE earthquakes. In reporting on excavations in 2008, Damgaard (2008) observed substantial infilling and leveling in Phase 3 which based on its artefactual yield, must be considered Abbasid in date and corresponds roughly to Whitcomb's `Phase B'. Damgaard (2008) suggested that this levelling appears to be associated with a period of widespread reconstruction following a significant collapse - most probably due to the 748 CE earthquake. Of particular interest was an east-west running wall perpendicular to a north-south running wall (L57/W13). Only the negative profile of this wall remains - i.e. it is a robber trench. Although nothing of its foundation remains, the fact that the remnants of a wall [are] now gone was confirmed by a patterned collapse of mud-brick (including a carbonised wooden beam) on its south side. Damgaard (2011, Appendices:12) also reports a collapse layer in Tower 2 dated to the mid 8th century. Thus, it appears that the terminus ante quem is fairly reliable for this archeoseismic evidence and suggests a mid 8th century CE earthquake. A site Effect likely present as the location appears susceptible to liquefaction. It is next to the beach and there is a shallow water table. al-Tarazi and Khorjenkov (2007) estimated an intensity of IX or more and surmised that the epicenter was close - a few tens of kilometers away. They estimated that the epicenter was to the NE.
el-Lejjun possible ≥ 8 The 3rd earthquake is dated to between ~530 and ~750 CE. Numismatic finds and demobilization evidence provide a terminus post quem of ~530 CE. Groot et al (2006:183) report discovery of a nearly complete Umayyad Lamp in Square 4 of Area B (Barracks - B.6.038) in the Post Stratum Gap (551 - 1900 CE) - above and later than the 3rd earthquake layer which provides a terminus ante quem of ~750 CE. It is likely that the 3rd earthquake was the Inscription at Areopolis Quake as Areopolis is only ~12 km. away from el-Lejjun. The 4th Earthquake is dated to between ~600 CE and 1918 CE. It lacks a reliable terminus ante quem.
Apamea unlikley to possible Walmsley (2007b:334), without citing a reference, claims archaeoseismic evidence at Apamea due to the Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 CE. Unless an earthquake couplet was involved, such an assignment seems unlikely due to distance. The causitive earthquake may have been an earthquake at Aleppo which is discussed in the Notes section for the Sword in the Sky Quake of ~634 CE (collapsible panel titled Earthquake in Aleppo) and in Archaeoseismic Evidence for Aleppo in the Sabbatical Year Earthquakes entry.
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Qasr Tilah

Haynes et al. (2006) examined paleoseismic and archeoseismic evidence related to damage to a late Byzantine—Early Umayyad birkeh (water reservoir) and aqueduct at Qasr Tilah and concluded that left lateral slip generated by several earthquakes cut through a corner of the reservoir and aqueduct creating displacement of the structures. They identified 4 seismic events which produced coseismic slip on the Wadi Arava fault and led to a lateral displacement of 2.2. +/- 0.5 m at the northwest corner of the reservoir (aka birkeh) and 1.6 +/- 0.4 m of the aqueduct. The first seismic event was dated to the 7th century. Haynes at al (2006) suggested it was caused by either the Sword in the Sky Quake (633/634 CE) or the Jordan Valley Quake of 659/660 AD - favoring the Jordan Valley Quake. There was a repair after this 7th century destruction indicating that the site was occupied when the earthquake struck. Because of the repair, it is unclear how much lateral slip was produced (or even if there was lateral slip ?). At some point the site was abandoned. Haynes et al (2006) noted that archeological evidence at the site indicates that it was abandoned and was not occupied past the Early Umayyad Period (661-700 CE). They also noted that

MacDonald (1992) [] collected some Byzantine and Umayyad surface potsherds at the site and documented ruins of Byzantine houses (village) along the fan surface of Wadi Tilah.
If the repair fixed a problem caused by lateral slip rather than generalized destructive shaking, the slip would indicate that part of the Araba fault broke during this event.

Petra - Introduction

Petra - Petra Theater

Petra - Jabal Harun

Petra - The Petra Church


Bet She'an

Hammat Gader

Jerash - Introduction

Jerash - Umayyad House

Jerash - Macellum

Jerash - Temple of Zeus

Jerash - Hippodrome


Hippos Sussita

Tell es-Samak/Tel Shiqmona

Khirbet al-Niʿana


Monastery of Euthymius

Monastery of John the Baptist

Monastery of Khirbet es-Suyyagh


Mount Nebo

Ein Hanasiv

Giv’ati Junction


Mizpe Shivta

Mezad Yeruham


Rehovot ba Negev





Aqaba/Eilat - Introduction

Aqaba/Eilat - Aila

Aqaba Eilat - Ayla



Tsunamogenic Evidence

Paleoseismic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
al-Harif Syria possible ≥ 7 Sbeinati et al (2010) state that Event Y, characterized from paleoseismology, appears to be older than A.D. 650–810 (unit d, trench A) and younger than A.D. 540–650 (unit d3 in trench C). The results of archaeoseismic investigations indicate that ages of CS-1 (A.D. 650–780) and tufa accumulation CS-3-3 (A.D. 639–883) postdate event Y. Combined together, this constrains Event Y to 540-780 CE.
Bet Zayda possible ≥ 7 Wechsler at al. (2014) may have seen evidence for this earthquake as Event CH3-E1 (Modeled Age 662-757 CE). Event CH2-E1, which struck next (Modeled Age 675-801 CE), appears to correlate with the Holy Desert Quake of the Sabbatical Year Earthquake sequence.
Dead Sea - Seismite Types n/a n/a n/a
Dead Sea - ICDP Core 5017-1 possible 7 Lu et al (2020) associated a turbidite in the core to a middle 8th century earthquake. CalBP is reported as 1248 ± 44 yr B.P. This works out to a date of 702 CE with a 1σ bound of 658 - 746 CE indicating that the Jordan Valley Quake, Sword in the Sky Quake, and the Sabbatical Year Quakes are all possibilities. Ages come from Kitagawa et al (2017). The deposit is described as a 16.5 cm. thick turbidite (MMD). Lu et al (2020) estimated local seismic intensity of VII which they converted to Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.18 g. Dr. Yin Lu (personal correspondence, 2021) relates that "this estimate was based on previous studies of turbidites around the world (thickness vs. MMI)" ( Moernaut et al (2014). The turbidite was identified in the depocenter composite core 5017-1 (Holes A-H).
Dead Sea - En Feshka probable 5.6-6.4 Kagan et. al. (2011) assigned a 660 AD date [707 AD ± 41 (±1σ) - 686 AD ± 87 (±2σ)] to a 3 cm . thick Type B (microbreccia) seismite at a depth of 157.0 cm..
Dead Sea - En Gedi possible 5.6-6.3 Migowski et. al. (2004) assigned a date of 660 AD to a 0.5 thick Type 1 (linear waves) seismite at a depth of 1.99 m.
Dead Sea - Nahal Ze 'elim no evidence At site ZA-2, Kagan et. al. (2011) did not assign any seismites to a date of 660 AD. No seismites in her section have a modeled age which overlaps with a 659/660 CE date (± 1σ or ± 2σ).
Araba - Introduction n/a n/a n/a
Araba - Taybeh Trench possible ≥ 7 LeFevre et al. (2018) might have seen evidence for this earthquake in the Taybeh Trench (Event E3 - Modeled Age 551 AD ± 264).
Araba - Qatar Trench no evidence ≥ 7 The Jordan Valley Quake is just outside the modeled ages for Events E4 (758 CE ± 87), E5 (758 CE ± 87), and E6 (251 CE ± 251) (Klinger et. al., 2015).
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Displaced Aqueduct at al Harif, Syria

Sbeinati et al (2010) state that Event Y, characterized from paleoseismology, appears to be older than A.D. 650–810 (unit d, trench A) and younger than A.D. 540–650 (unit d3 in trench C). The results of archaeoseismic investigations indicate that ages of CS-1 (A.D. 650–780) and tufa accumulation CS-3-3 (A.D. 639–883) postdate event Y. Combined together, this constrains Event Y to 540-780 CE.

Bet Zayda (aka Beteiha)

Wechsler at al. (2014) may have seen evidence for this earthquake as Event CH3-E1 (Modeled Age 662-757 CE). Event CH2-E1, which struck next (Modeled Age 675-801 CE), appears to correlate with the Holy Desert Quake of the Sabbatical Year Earthquake sequence.

Dead Sea - Seismite Types

Dead Sea - ICDP Core 5017-1

Lu et al (2020) associated a turbidite in the core to a middle 8th century earthquake. CalBP is reported as 1248 ± 44 yr B.P. This works out to a date of 702 CE with a 1σ bound of 658 - 746 CE indicating that the Jordan Valley Quake, Sword in the Sky Quake, and the Sabbatical Year Quakes are all possibilities. Ages come from Kitagawa et al (2017). The deposit is described as a 16.5 cm. thick turbidite (MMD). Lu et al (2020) estimated local seismic intensity of VII which they converted to Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.18 g. Dr. Yin Lu (personal correspondence, 2021) relates that "this estimate was based on previous studies of turbidites around the world (thickness vs. MMI)" ( Moernaut et al (2014). The turbidite was identified in the depocenter composite core 5017-1 (Holes A-H).

See the following from Lu et al (2020b) regarding estimating intensity from turbidites:

Previous studies have revealed that the intensity threshold for triggering historic turbidites are variable in different regions and range from MMI V½ to VII½ (Howarth et al., 2014; Moernaut, 2020; Van Daele et al., 2015; Wilhelm et al., 2016). The intensity threshold constrained from the Dead Sea data (≥VI½) is situated in the middle of this range.

Previous studies in Chilean lakes have indicated that the (cumulative) thickness of historic turbidites across multiple cores correlates with seismic intensity, and can thus be used to infer paleo-intensities in this setting (Moernaut et al., 2014). However, in the case of the Dead Sea core 5017-1, there is a random relationship (a correlation factor of 0.04) between the thickness of prehistoric turbidites and seismic intensity (Figure 5a).

Dead Sea - En Feshka

Kagan et. al. (2011) assigned a 660 AD date [707 AD ± 41 (±1σ) - 686 AD ± 87 (±2σ)] to a 3 cm . thick Type B (microbreccia) seismite at a depth of 157.0 cm..

Dead Sea - En Gedi

Migowski et. al. (2004) assigned a date of 660 AD to a 0.5 thick Type 1 (linear waves) seismite at a depth of 1.99 m.

Dead Sea - Nahal Ze 'elim

At site ZA-2, Kagan et. al. (2011) did not assign any seismites to a date of 660 AD. No seismites in her section have a modeled age which overlaps with a 659/660 CE date (± 1σ or ± 2σ).

Araba - Introduction

Araba - Taybeh Trench

LeFevre et al. (2018) might have seen evidence for this earthquake in the Taybeh Trench (Event E3 - Modeled Age 551 AD +/- 264).

Araba - Qatar Trench

The Jordan Valley Quake is just outside the modeled ages for Events E4 (758 CE ± 87), E5 (758 CE ± 87), and E6 (251 CE ± 251) (Klinger et. al., 2015).


Guidoboni et al (1994)

Guidoboni et al (1994:357-358) notes the following

  • Daesius was the Macedonian month corresponding to the Attic Thargelion (May/June; Russell 1985, p.47)
  • depending on the region concerned, the month "Daesius" ("Haziran" in the Syriac calendar) will fall somewhere between mid-April and August.

Historical Horoscopes

Theophilus of Edessa was a professional astrologer and his lost history may have sourced some of the extant textual accounts. This is here in case it provides some insight into any celestial observations accompanying this or other relevant earthquakes. The tables below come from:

Pingree, D. (1962). "Historical Horoscopes." Journal of the American Oriental Society 82(4): 487-502.

JW: Everybody dies on 20 March ?

Paleoclimate - Droughts



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