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Taybeh Trench

Taybeh Trench Earthquakes
Figure S5

Computed age model from OxCal v4.26 for the seismic events recorded in the trench.

LeFevre et al. (2018)

Maps, Aerial Views, Age Model, Trench Log, Trench Photomosaic, and Stratigraphic Column
Maps, Aerial Views, Age Model, Trench Log, Trench Photomosaic, and Stratigraphic Column

Maps and Aerial Views

  • Fig. 2 Location Map from Lefevre (2018)
  • Taybeh Trench in Google Earth

Age Model

Figure S4

Age model computed for the trench stratigraphy using OxCal v4.2 and IntCal13 calibration curve. Dark grey indicates modeled ages including stratigraphic information and red are the modeled age for seismic events. Phases indicate subsets of samples where no stratigraphic order is imposed.

LeFevre et al (2018)

Trench Log

Figure 1

(a) Detailed log of the southern wall of the trench. Units are differentiated according to facies. White dots indicate locations of 14C samples collected from both walls (the samples collected from the northern wall are represented at a stratigraphically and structurally equivalent location on the southern wall log).

(b) Simplified stratigraphic section of the trench, only the four main units are represented, in dark brown the unstratified unit associated to push-up, in light brown the coarse alluvial unit, in white the channelized unit, and in yellow the succession of flat sandy layers.

Inset map shows the Levantine area with the entire Dead Sea fault, tectonic features are derived from Garfunkel et al. (1981), the red square highlights the Wadi Araba and correspond to the location of Fig. 2, the site of Taybeh is marked (T).

LeFevre et al (2018)

Annotated Trench photomosaic

Figure S2

Photomosaic of the trench southern wall (top) and mapping of stratigraphic 1058 layers, faults, and earthquakes (bottom). The event horizons associated to the seismic 1059 events recorded in the trench are indicated in red on the stratigraphic log.

LeFevre et al (2018)

Stratigraphic Column

Figure S3

Stratigraphic log of the trench, on the left simplified log with the limits of the four main units, and then the complete log is represented. Letters A to M names the different stratigraphic layers. The layers are quite continuous laterally along the trench, the 14C samples dated in each layer are indicated.

LeFevre et al (2018)

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table
