Transliterated Name | Language | Name |
Yavne | Hebrew | יַבְנֶה |
Jabneh | English | |
Jamnia | Greek | Ἰαμνία |
Jamnia | Latin | |
Iamnia | ||
Yibna | Arabic | يبنى |
Yubna | Arabic | يبنى |
Ibelin | Crusader (Frankish?) |
Yavne has a long history of habitation with occupation on the Tel dating back to the Bronze or Iron Age. It is mentioned in Joshua 15:11 and 2 Chron 26:6 of the Hebrew Bible. The Jewish Sanhedrin was relocated to Yavne after the destruction of the second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE and it is regarded as the birthplace of modern Rabbinic Judaism.
Yavneh is situated c. 25 km south of Tel Aviv and c. 8 km from Mezad Ḥashavyahu on the Mediterranean coast. It was occupied throughout many periods, making it difficult to estimate the extent of the ancient city, which is covered with a thick accumulation of later remains including those of a medieval fortress and an Ottoman period village. The mound occupies a prominent hill, about 45 m above sea level, at the center of the modern city of Yavneh. Ancient remains are also present outside the mound proper.
Yavneh is mentioned in numerous sources from the Iron Age onwards, some of the references providing accurate information as to its location. The ancient name has survived to this day. It was mentioned by many travelers and scholars, including V. Guérin, F. M. Abel, C. R. Conder, and H. H. Kitchener. Its identification has never been a matter of controversy. Recently, however, S. Weingarten and M. Fischer suggested that Ibelin, the name by which Yavneh was known in the Crusader period, derived from the name Abella, which appears in the Theophanes archive and comes from Mount Ba‘alah in Joshua 15:11. However, these are two different sites. Mount Ba‘alah is generally identified with the ridge of el-Mughar, a few kilometers northeast of Yavneh (as claimed by J. Kaplan, B. Mazar, and N. Na’aman). Since settlement at Yavneh was continuous, the change of the name from Mount Ba‘alah to Yavneh is unlikely. The appearance of the name Ibelin/Abilin should probably be understood as a simple linguistic corruption of the name Yavneh.
Yavneh is first mentioned in the biblical description of the borders of Judah, probably dating to the late Iron Age II. It is called Jabneel and is located on the northern border of Judah along the Sorek River (Jos. 15:11). According to 2 Chronicles 26:6, Jabneh (Iabnia in the Vulgate) was captured from the Philistines, together with Ashdod and Gath, by King Uzziah. Many scholars believe this verse to be a reliable source, evidence that Yavneh was ruled by the Philistines prior to Uzziah’s conquest.
Despite its large size and easily accessible location, the mound of Yavneh has not yet been excavated. In 1957, it was surveyed by J. Kaplan, and in the late 1980s, by A. Maeir and D. Pringle. Numerous salvage excavations have been conducted in the vicinity of the mound, mainly in the wake of development projects in the modern city. The first excavation was conducted in Mandatory times by J. Ory, on behalf of the Palestine Department of Antiquities (1930). He uncovered remains of a Roman period cemetery during the construction of a section of the railway line east of the mound; it lay under debris from the Byzantine period. A second excavation by Ory (1951) and one by S. Piphano (1983) have not been published. M. Brosh excavated a Middle Bronze Age tomb and Roman sarcophagi near Ge’alya, northeast of Yavneh (1964), as well as a Roman period mausoleum containing gold jewelry near Nahal Yavneh (1966).
The pollen was extracted from the dust captured on the floor of the kiln during the cooling process of the vessels. The dust was collected only from below in situ whole vessels, and based on our reconstruction had been accumulated for about several days (after the heating process ended and before the collapse). Since the palynological assemblages included spring-blooming plants (such as Olea europaea and Sarcopoterium spinosum) and no common regional autumn bloomers (e.g. Artemisia), it is proposed that the kiln went out of use due to the early June 659 CE earthquake. We also propose that the recovery of the Yavneh workshops was no longer economically worthwhile, maybe in part due to changes in economic and political conditions in the region following the Muslim conquest.Langgut et al (2015) identified the intersection of the flowering months of identifiable pollen taxa to April-May stating that "the palynological spectra represent palynomorphs which flourished and then were embedded during March-May." This led to the conclusion that the kiln collapsed in the spring. This appears to be compatible with an earthquake which struck in early June however since the textual sources exhibited a number of chronological inconsistencies, may have relied on the same or similar sources (e.g. Jesudenah of Basra), and exhibited a tendency to produced forced synchronicities aligning natural disasters with historical events, the possibility exists that the earthquake struck earlier in the spring. Further, as noted by Guidoboni et. al. (1994), "depending on the region concerned, the month "Daesius" ("Haziran" in the Syriac calendar) will fall somewhere between mid-April and August." Theophanes specified the month of Daesius while Elias of Nisbis and the Maronite Chronicle specified the months of Haziran.
adds to other evidence for a major earthquake that radically changed the pollen samples at the beginning of the Early Islamic period (Neumann et al. 2009:47–50).Yannai (2014) added
It is difficult to estimate the intensity of the earthquake and which geographic regions it affected, but there was a very sharp drop in the export of Gaza jars that occurred over a short period of time.
... During the Byzantine period, when the jars were a very common industrial product, significant changes were made in the shape and volume of the vessels. Judging by the shape of the rim and the upper part of the body, only Gaza jars that were typical of the seventh century CE were fired in the Yavne kilns. At the same time that production at Yavne flourished, Eretz Israel was conquered by the Muslims. Immediately thereafter, a significant decline is apparent in the trade of these jars and the products stored in them. These jars, which in the fifth and sixth centuries CE were the overwhelming majority of jars in Constantinople, for example, disappeared in the seventh century CE from the repertoire of pottery imported to that city (Hayes 1992:65). A sharp decline in their numbers was also noted in Israel, Egypt (Kelliaand Ostrakina) and North Africa (Benghazi). It is difficult to determine with certainty what were the causes for this, and if there was a connection between the change in rulers over Palestine and the drastic decline in the trade of products stored in Gaza jars. On the basis of the finds from the Yavne excavation, we can assume that one of the possible reasons for the sharp decline in the amount of jars is the destruction of kilns on the coastal plain following the earthquake that struck in 659 CE.
Yannai (2014) reported extensive destruction in Stratum AII (Abbasid) of
Sub-Area 2 noting that
there was no evidence of a conflagration
and that some of the walls collapsed while others were completely uprooted, together with their foundations.
Yannai (2014) suggested that the collapse may have been caused by an earthquake.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Complete destruction of buildings - Collapsed Walls | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
Fallen and Oriented Columns | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() Area C, the stone colonnaded building after the earthquake, aerial view looking northwest Yannai (2014) |
Broken Pottery in fallen position | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() The kiln during the excavation. We were able to collect four in situ sealed dust samples for palynological investigation from the kiln’s floor, underneath unbroken ceramic vessels. An additional sample was collected 2-3 cm above the kiln’s floor. The black arrow points to the debris/clay fragments (which were used to cover the kiln during the heating process) and were deposited after the earthquake. Langgut et al (2015) ![]() ![]()
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Collapsed Walls | Sub-Area A2![]() ![]() Area A, plan Yannai (2014) |
Foundation damage | Sub-Area A2![]() ![]() Area A, plan Yannai (2014) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description | Intensity |
Complete destruction of buildings - Collapsed Walls | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
VIII + | |
Fallen and Oriented Columns | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() Area C, the stone colonnaded building after the earthquake, aerial view looking northwest Yannai (2014) |
V + |
Broken Pottery in fallen position | Kiln Complex (Area C)![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() The kiln during the excavation. We were able to collect four in situ sealed dust samples for palynological investigation from the kiln’s floor, underneath unbroken ceramic vessels. An additional sample was collected 2-3 cm above the kiln’s floor. The black arrow points to the debris/clay fragments (which were used to cover the kiln during the heating process) and were deposited after the earthquake. Langgut et al (2015) ![]() ![]()
VII + |
Slow deterioration of the colonnade is likely to result with columns falling in different directions. Aligned fallen columns are found in many earthquake-affected sites (Stiros 1996; Marco 2008; Hinzen et al. 2011; Rodríguez-Pascua et al. 2011; Sintubin 2011) and we propose that the same cause led to similar results in Yavneh. The colonnade’s azimuth is 010-190 degrees and all the columns fell eastward (Figure 5b). The average azimuth of 31 column segments is 105 ± 16 degrees Simulations using strong-motion records of modern earthquakes show only little correlation between falling directions and back azimuth to the wave source (Hinzen 2009, 2011). This requires that the individual columns were connected, possibly with wooden beams that were not preserved, and unified the falling direction. We therefore regard the columns as evidence for earthquake as a trigger for the destruction of the site, but they cannot serve as a reliable indicator for determining the source location.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description | Intensity |
Collapsed Walls | Sub-Area A2![]() ![]() Area A, plan Yannai (2014) |
VIII + | |
Foundation damage | Sub-Area A2![]() ![]() Area A, plan Yannai (2014) |
VIII + |
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kmz | Description | Reference |
Right Click to download | Master Tel Yavne kmz file | various> |