Transliterated Name | Language | Name |
Hippos | Greek | Ἵππος |
Antiochia Hippos | Greek | Αντιοχεία Ἵππος |
Hippum | Latin | |
Sussita | Hebrew | סוסיתא |
Sus | Hebrew | סוס |
Sussita | Aramaic | |
Qal‘at al-Ḥuṣn | Arabic | قلعة الحصن |
Hippos-Sussita was one of the ten cities of the Decapolis. It declined during Byzantine and Early Arab periods and is believed to have been largely abandoned after it was badly damaged in one of the Sabbatical Year earthquakes. It is situated atop a flat topped ridge which overlooks the Sea of Galilee. Hippos Sussita appears to be subject to a topographic or ridge effect.
Antiochia Hippos (Sussita in Aramaic), one of the poleis of the Decapolis, is located 2 km east of the shores of the Sea of Galilee, in modern Israel. Situated on Mt. Sussita, which rises to a height of about 350 m above the lake, the city was cut off from its surroundings by three streams and could only be accessed through a topographic formation of a saddle (fig. 1) in the south-east and a winding path in the west1. The city’s main construction materials were the two local stones: basalt and a soft calcrete/caliche (nari)2.
1 In Hippos, the saddle is the raised area that connects Mt. Sussita with the south-western hills of the Golan Heights.
2 Shtober-Zisu 2014.
3 Eisenberg 2014; Eisenberg 2016; Eisenberg 2017a.
4 Pažout – Eisenberg 2021.
5 For the historical geography of Hippos, see Dvorjetski 2014. For an updated summary see Eisenberg – Segal 2022.
Hippos, a Greek city, known in Arabic as Qal'at el-Husn, is situated some 2 km (1 mi.) east of the Sea of Galilee on a promontory rising 350 m above the sea (map reference 212.242). It was founded by the Seleucids in the Hellenistic period, possibly on the site of an earlier settlement. The town, known by its Greek name, Antiochia Hippos (hippos, "horse"), continued to exist until the Arab conquest. In Aramaic it was known as Sussita. It was conquered in one of the campaigns of Alexander Jannaeus (Syncellus, ed. Dindorf, I, 559). Pompey took it from the Jews (Josephus, Antiq. XIV, 75); according to Pliny (NHV, 74), it was one of the cities of the Decapolis (League of Ten Greek Cities). Augustus gave the city to Herod, much to the dissatisfaction of the inhabitants. After Herod's death it became part of the Province of Syria (Josephus, Antiq. XV, 217; XVII, 320; War I, 396; II, 97). During the First Revolt against Rome, the Jews attacked Hippos (War II, 459, 4 78). Jews from the city were among the defenders of Taricheae (Magdala) (War III, 542). The territory of Hippos extended down to the Sea of Galilee (Josephus, Life 31, 153), and the city was the sworn enemy of Jewish Tiberias on the opposite shore of the lake (Lam. Rab. 19), despite the trade connection between them (J.T., Shevi'it 8, 38a). Jewish villages east of the lake were included in the territory of Hippos and were exempt from tithes in the time of the patriarch Judah I, being considered beyond the frontiers of the land of Israel proper (Tosefta, Shevi'it 4:10; Tosefta, Ohal. 18:4). Remains of ancient synagogues have been found at Fiq (Aphek) and at Umm el-Qanatir, both of which lay within the territory of Hippos. In the Byzantine period, Hippos was the seat of a bishop, being one of the sees of Palaestina Secunda. Like many other towns in the Byzantine period, it enjoyed great prosperity, and many churches and public buildings were erected. The city was probably abandoned after the Arab conquest at the beginning of the seventh century. Isolated buildings were erected on its ruins in later times.
With the settlement at 'En Gev in 1937, surface surveys were again carried out at Hippos by members of the kibbutz. These owed much to the earlier, thorough studies made by G. Schumacher during the latter part of the nineteenth century. However, the new information from observation on the spot, as well as from aerial photographs, made possible a reliable reconstruction of the city plan, on which the positions of its chief public buildings were correctly plotted.
Excavations were carried out at Hippos by C. Epstein (1950-1955), M. Avi-Yonah (195l), A. Shulman(1951), and E. Anati (l952), on behalf of the lsrael Department of Antiquities.
Following an urban survey of the site in 1999, a large-scale archaeological project, planned to include at least ten seasons of excavation, was inaugurated at Hippos (Sussita). The project is directed by A. Segal, under the auspices of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa. Assisting in the direction of the expedition during the seasons reported were J. Mlynarczyk of the Polish Academy of Sciences and M. Burdajewicz of the National Museum in Warsaw. In the summer of 2002, the third season of excavation, the expedition was joined by a group from Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota, headed by M. Schuler.
Phase | Date | Comments |
Pre-basilica Building Phases | Hippos’ Roman basilica stood on naturally almost flat basalt bedrock that extended east of the rectangular temenos of the HLC (Figs. 2 – 6). This area was occupied by other structures before the erection of the basilica in the 1st century CE (Figs. 4 – 5). | |
A | late 4th – early 2nd century BCE | Scattered pottery sherds of the late 4th century and mainly 3rd century BCE
were found in numerous loci above the bedrock, particularly abundant in the
northern part of the area, in the west, adjacent to the eastern HLC wall 10, and in
the south inside a cavity (L2347) covered by a Phase-D wall (W2232, Figs. 5 – 6).
The cavity also produced four out of nine of the coins dated to the
3rd–2nd century BCE from the area of the basilica (Table 1). Phase A represents the earliest
remains of settlement at Hippos11. Similar Ptolemaic-period pottery types and
coins were recovered in the neighboring HLC probes.12
11 Excluding the traces of Chalcolithic activity in various areas around the site and the one instance
of Iron Age (11th century BCE) pottery discovered in the above mentioned cavity L2347. |
B | ca. mid-2nd century BCE | Probes all over the basilica area revealed pottery and a few coins dated to ca.
mid-2nd century BCE (Table 1)13. Also part of this phase are several
plaster installations for liquids, located in the northern side of the area, and probably also two
cisterns and three silos (Figs. 4 – 7). The silos and cisterns adapted natural cavities in
the basalt bedrock and they were plastered with a thick layer of high-quality white
hydraulic plaster. Their function was recognized based on their shape, depth and
the analysis of pollen from the plaster. The silos’ plastersamples contained 65% and
54% of cerealis (grain) pollen14. Some installations were rendered out of use when
the eastern HLC wall (W1151) was constructed on top of them. Other installations
were blocked not later than Phase D – the Early Roman period15.
13 Kapitaikin 2018, 91 – 92. |
C | late 2nd – mid-1st century BCE | This phase represents the activity from the time of construction and use of
the HLC temenos walls16: plaster floors exposed to the east of the HLC that clearly
adjoin the eastern temenos wall (W1151), patched plaster floors exposed in the
northeast and southern parts of the area, and a tower-like structure (W3054,
W3095, W3065)17 in the northwest corner of the area, on the edge of the cliff,
built against the HLC eastern wall (W1151, Figs. 4 – 6). Some of the Phase B silos
and cistern continued in use. The important finds that most probably should be assigned to this phase (although they could also be of an earlier date) are three Doric capitals and four engaged drums found reused in buttresses, constructed on the northern cliff edge for support of the basilica (W2278 and W3204, Fig. 8). Additional eroded architectural elements, apparently from the same structure, were salvaged in the same area too. All the ashlars are made of local soft caliche (nari) and bear remnants of stucco. These elements were part of one of the first public buildings at Hippos18.
16 Kapitaikin 2018, 91 – 93. |
D | last third of the 1st century BCE – early 1st century CE | Several wall foundations in nari and basalt are attributed to this phase. The
walls are concentrated in the central southern part of the area and in the west,
along the HLC eastern wall (W1151). Some of the walls are cut by the western
stylobate of the basilica (W2358, Figs. 5 – 7, 9). Only two or three coins are assigned to this phase (Table 1), but the pottery is abundant, found in almost all the
fills inside the cavities in the bedrock, sealed by the basilica’s plaster floors19. The nature of the structure/s to which these walls belonged is unclear. The most curious is W2227 – a ca. 20 m long basalt wall foundation, which runs parallel to the basilica’s western stylobate (W2358), and at the same time almost parallel to the eastern HLC wall, 2.70 m (in the north) to 3.0 m (in the south) away from it (Figs. 5 – 7). W2227 is ca. 1.0 m wide, built of partially dressed basalt ashlars on the outer faces, with medium-sized basalt stones in the core. This building technique is similar to that used for some other walls in the central southern part of the area. Five rectangular foundations (EPW1–5, some ca. 1.5 x 1.3 m and some ca. 1.7 x 1.4 m) were built adjacent to W2227 at intervals of 1.7 – 2.0 m (Fig. 5). The intervals were filled with reinforcing walls 0.6 m wide. Each of the foundations almost adjoints its corresponding basilica pedestal. The sixth foundation (EPW6) was located 6.5 m north of EPW1, above W3095. These pre-basilica walls and rectangular foundations must have been part of a public building. All efforts to locate additional walls of this structure to the east were in vain. It is tempting to interpret the rectangular foundations as podia of the colonnade of an earlier basilica. Since the foundations abut W2227, this wall could not have been part of the superstructure of the earlier basilica – the earlier basilica western wall would have to be located further west, within the HLC (no such wall was located) or directly on top of the remains of the eastern HLC wall (W1151, ca. 2.9 m away from the speculative podia; but this wall has only three securely identified layers – the original Hellenistic, late-1st-century CE connected to the basilica, and Byzantine). The existence of a pre-basilica public structure is supported by the find of seven fragments of large basalt Ionic capitals, recovered from fills and reused in the foundations of the basilica (B7411; Fig. 10). Based on the diameter of the fully preserved volute, the capital belonged to a column 0.78 m in diameter (for comparison, the basilica columns were 0.80 m in diameter).
19 Kapitaikin 2018, 91 – 94. |
The destruction of the basilica was caused by the 363 CE earthquake, as evident by the coins (Table 1) and the pottery51 from the fills directly above the basilica floor and the floor of room III. The latest of the trapped coins date to 361/2 CE. The recovered wall painting and stucco fragments date from the 1st century BCE until the 3rd century CE, with most pieces (including the in-situ ones) assigned to the 2nd-3rd century CE52. Interestingly, none of the fragments are dated to the 4th century CE. Moreover, the basilica debris did not include broken marble statues or significant amount of any small finds that could attest to a sudden destruction of an active public building. Consequently, it seems that the basilica was not maintained and fully active for some years before the 363 CE earthquake53. The sole evidence for a sudden disaster is the find of parts of skeletons of at least four humans that were buried under the collapsed roof in the northern part of the nave54. Two of the almost intact skeletons belonged to an adult male and a young female. The female was found with an iron nail (most probably from the roof ) stuck in her knee bones and a dove-shaped pendant resting between her neck bones. The pendant (B7769) is one of most luxurious pieces of jewelry found to date in Hippos, made of pure gold and semi-precious stones55.
Following the earthquake, the basilica was never rebuilt, nor was the area reused for any significant public structure. The southern part of the basilica debris was covered with floors dated to the 380s CE, constructed ca. 1 m above the basilica floor. Most of the basilica’s architectural fragments, especially from the northern and central parts, were looted and reused in the nearby Byzantine building. During the Umayyad period, additional structures were built on top of the debris, and one building even penetrated through the basilica’s southern walls and reused many of the basilica’s architectural fragments (Figs. 4 – 6).Footnotes51 Kapitaikin 2018, 95 – 96, and there for additonal references.
52 Rozenberg 2018.
53 An urban decline is generally noticeable in Hippos from the end of the 3rd-early 4th century CE. At this time the Southern Bathhouse was abandoned and, not later than 363, the odeion, the Saddle Compound and its theater and the mausolea of the Saddle Necropolis were destroyed, never to be rebuilt (Eisenberg 2019a, 376).
54 The physical anthropology unpublished report concerning the skeletons was prepared in 2014 by Y. Abramov and I. Hershkovitz of the Tel Aviv University.
55 Eisenberg 2017b, 17, Fig. 15.
The basilica, located north of the forum, was the largest roofed building in Hippos' cityscape (56 x 31 m), built at the end of the 1st century CE (Fig. 3). The basilica was almost entirely excavated and published, allowing a clear chronological sequence. It was destroyed in the earthquake of 363 CE, never to be rebuilt, and serves as one of the best large-scale excavated datable examples in Israel for the earthquake. Dating was mainly based on coin finds, the collapse of the structure, skeletal remains beneath the roofing debris and the stratigraphy that showed a floor ca. 380 CE built above the southern part of the basilica debris (not included in Table 1) (Eisenberg 2021a: 162- 173; Eisenberg forthcoming; Segal 2014a). Though most of the basilica was excavated, the amount of finds from daily life is strikingly low, including the absence of fragments of statues that would have stood on the numerous podia. The pottery, wall paintings and stucco unearthed (Kapitaikin 2018; Rozenberg 2018: 335- 344) indicate a similar chronology for the last stages of the basilica activity. Rozenberg dates the wall painting and stucco not later than the 3rd century CE. The structure was intact until 363 CE, but the excavators consider that for some reason it was not at its full function some years before the earthquake as the basilica debris did not include any finds of broken marble statues or any significant amounts of small finds that would attest to a sudden destruction of an active public building (Fig. 4. Eisenberg forthcoming).12 No other public building was built in its place.
12 There are clear signs of post-363 CE architectural items salvaging, mainly in the northern part of the basilica, but in some parts heavy marble and basalt architectural elements were left as part of the earthquake debris.
The Odeion, located west of the forum (Fig. 3), was built shortly after the basilica in the early 2nd century CE (Eisenberg and Segal 2022: 350- 351; Kapitaikin 2018: 95; Rozenberg 2018: 3443 51; Segal 2014b ).14 The precise date of abandonment is unclear but occurred within the 4 th century. The building was fully excavated and published. It revealed no clear evidence of the 363 CE destruction and it was flattened to the core of the lowest tier of seating during the 4th century (Fig. 5). The evidence, mainly the lack of any finds in the orchestra and passages, burnt and collapsed debris as well as the absence of roof tiles, suggests that the building was almost fully dismantled before the 363 CE earthquake.15 The coins above the hyposcaenium floor date up to the end of the 4th century (383-392 CE) but the stage-area strata are mixed with post-odeion activity (Table 2). As with the basilica, no major construction took place in the odeion area after the 4th century.
14 Any doubt that the structure was an odeion and not a "small theater" was eliminated once the entire building was exposed.
The building features a stage, very thick walls to accommodate roofing and lacks drainage in the orchestra. It was one of the
smallest of its kind in the Roman world. The discovery and excavations of the Hippos theater from 2016 ended any doubts
concerning the definition of the structure.
15 The excavators stressed the lack of roof tiles within the odeion debris. Total or almost total lack of roof tiles even in a
larger complexes that undoubtedly would have been tile-roofed, apparently because they were carefully removed following the
building's destruction, are attested (e.g., the very small fragments of roof tiles in the debris of the large Nysa-Scythopolis
basilica following its collapse in the 363 CE earthquake and signs of subsequent salvaging (Di Segni, Foerester, and Tsafrir 1999: 64).
An extra muros public compound (170 x 60 m), perhaps a sanctuary, was built along the northwestern part of the saddle that connects Mount Sussita to its surroundings (Fig. 3). The compound was built at the peak of the city's growth in the early 2nd century CE, and was destroyed and largely ceased operation following the 363 CE earthquake. In partial excavation so far, a monumental gate (Propylaeum) with a pool above it, public bathhouse and a theater have been discovered (Eisenberg 2019b: 96-100; Eisenberg and Segal 2022: 351). No rebuilding was attested nor did any new buildings replace the Saddle Compound constructions.
The monumental gate was built at the southern entrance to the Saddle Compound (Fig. 3). Most of the gate area and a purification (?) pool above it were excavated and published (Eisenberg 2019b). The gate was built in the early 2nd century CE and destroyed in the 363 CE earthquake. In the 380s it was very partially reconstructed for dwelling and never rebuilt (Fig. 7). Twenty coins were located in the gate area including the pool above it. Six are dated to 350- 361 CE and two others to the 4th century. Interestingly, none are late Byzantine; the latest coin is dated to 498518 CE. The pottery found in the pool pre-dated the 4th century.20
20 Pottery from the pool was read by V. Lechem and not yet published.
Small-scale excavations at the Saddle Theater, located on the northern edge of the Saddle Compound (Fig. 3) were initiated in 2017 (Eisenberg 2019a; Kowalewska and Eisenberg 2021). Like the other building complexes in the Saddle Compound, the theater was built during the early 2nd century CE and destroyed during the 363 CE earthquake. At least part of the theater was rebuilt in the 6th century, but apparently not for use in its original function.
The Saddle Necropolis stretched for ca. 150 m from the south, where it met the Roman road, to the north, and ended with a defense ditch cut in the middle of the saddle (Fig. 3). It incorporated dozens of limestone and basalt sarcophagi, pit graves cut into the bedrock (mostly undated), a few burial caves accessed from the slopes,22 and a few more substantial funerary architectural creations. Among the latter, two mausolea (the Lion's and the Flowers) and a series of funerary podia were excavated (Eisenberg and Kowalewska 2022: 108-114; forthcoming). All excavated funerary monuments, burial caves and sarcophagi are dated to the Roman period. The funerary architecture construction is dated to the 1st-2nd centuries CE, while their function did not pass the 4th century at the latest, emphasizing the pre-363 CE urban stress.
22 Two burial caves at the Saddle Necropolis were excavated from 2020 to 2022 and not yet fully published
(Eisenberg and Kowalewska forthcoming). The pottery and coin finds were read and all are dated solely to the Roman period.
24 The pottery, read by M. Osband, corresponds with this reading. The documentation and the lists of finds recovered during
excavations are available for open access through OCHRE (the project's database) at
(JW:link not working - see References -> Websites for Hippos Sussita at OCHRE)
The Flowers Mausoleum is the most elaborately decorated funerary structure of the Saddle Necropolis, the most representative of the three known necropoleis of Hippos of the Decapolis. The foundations of the mausoleum, built in the late 1st to early 2nd century AD, have been fully excavated, together with some of its architectural blocks, collapsed during the 363 AD earthquake. The basalt fragments collected until now give evidence of a building composed of five decorative segments, two rectangular and two circular, with a conical roof. The rectangular ground floor was decorated with a particularly interesting Doric frieze of unusually rendered triglyphs and metopes filled with flowers, which give the mausoleum its name. The meticulously sculpted architectural decorations are some of the finest examples executed in basalt, most probably created in a local workshop. The article introduces Hippos’ necropoleis, and gives a preliminary description of the Flowers Mausoleum, considering the regional parallels as well as Hippos’ timeline.
Three necropoleis served the city of Hippos (fig. 1)6. The Southern Necropolis included dozens of burial caves with a few preserved decorative basalt doors and hundreds of pit graves cut in the soft sandy rock and earth, all robbed out and undated7. The little-surveyed Eastern Necropolis, located on a small rocky hill, had multiple pit graves with basalt covering slabs. The most prestigious and the best-researched burial ground is the Saddle Necropolis located along Hippos’ main approach via the saddle.
6 Eisenberg 2017b, 17–19; Zingboym 2018.
7 Eisenberg – Staab 2021.
8 The exact course of the Roman road has not been archaeologically proven, but its presence can be confidently
reconstructed based on descriptions of several scholars from the late 19th c., the location of the necropoleis, and
several milestones (Pažout – Eisenberg 2021).
9 Eisenberg 2014, 91–96.
10 In a recent overview, Betzer describes the Northern Necropolis that was built along the main roads leading to the
city from north and north-west and sums up the various burials: 378 pit graves, 29 sarcophagi, 14 stone doors
(apparently from mausolea), remains of 7 mausolea, 4 ossuaries and a single burial cave (Betzer 2021, 85). See
also Stepansky 1999, *84–*96. The bedrock at Tiberias is basalt, which may explain the lack of burial caves in
contrast to Hippos.
A unique series of at least 13 funerary podia was excavated along the eastern side of the saddle road (fig. 1)16. All the funerary podia were similar in size (ca. 5.5 × 5 m) and originally reached the height of ca. 3.8 m. They were all built in dry masonry of large, well-made nari ashlars with drafted margins and protruding bosses. Their flat tops were designed for the display of freestanding sarcophagi. It seems that they were built by the city itself in the first half of the 1st century AD and sold to its wealthy inhabitants. They probably collapsed in the 363 AD earthquake.
16 Eisenberg – Kowalewska 2022.
At least two mausolea distinguished the Saddle Necropolis17: the Lion’s Mausoleum and the Flowers Mausoleum to its north, both fully excavated (fig. 1–2).
17 The term »mausoleum« tends to be used very loosely, especially in the scholarly literature pertaining to our region,
so we want to include a proper definition here, even if somewhat strict: a mausoleum is a decorative funerary
construction of more than one storey above ground.
18 Eisenberg 2021a.
At least two mausolea distinguished the Saddle Necropolis17: the Lion’s Mausoleum and the Flowers Mausoleum to its north, both fully excavated (fig. 1–2).
39 Eisenberg 2021a, 297.
40 Eisenberg – Kowalewska 2022, 16–18.
41 For details on marks from Hippos, see Kowalewska – Eisenberg 2019. For a compilation of regional masons’
marks, see Kowalewska – Eisenberg 2020.
At least two mausolea distinguished the Saddle Necropolis17: the Lion’s Mausoleum and the Flowers Mausoleum to its north, both fully excavated (fig. 1–2).
42 First square storey – 5 m, second square storey – 2 m, lower part of the tholos – 2 m, upper part of the tholos –
1 m, and a conical roof including a finial – 4 m. The reconstruction of the height of the shorter square storey and
mainly the conical roof is only preliminary and requires further analysis.
The necropoleis of Hippos represent a full socioeconomic stratification of burials – from the poorest pit graves to the most lavish mausolea. The ca. 14 m high Flowers Mausoleum was, as far as is known at the current stage of excavations, the most elaborately decorated element of the funerary landscape of the city of Hippos. Its location on the upper part of the saddle, only a few metres from the main road leading to the city gate, made it a prominent mark in the landscape – it advertised not only the family of the deceased buried there but also the splendour of the polis of Hippos throughout the Roman period.
A number of probes conducted at various sites within the area of the temple courtyard confirm that in the 3rd century BCE, during the reign of the Ptolemies, a settlement was established here of unknown size and character. It may have been a military outpost or a cultic site and we cannot preclude the possibility there was a settlement here that combined these two functions. Evidence for this is based mainly on pottery and numismatic finds.56
56 See the chapter on Military Architecture and the chapter on The Coin Finds.
57 A. Segal, "The Southwest Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 13-14, figs 6, 13; idem, "The Hellenistic Compound: Summary of Five Excavation
Seasons", Hippos 2004, p. 26-31, figs 11, 50-52; idem, "The Stratigraphic Examination South of the Southern Stylobate in the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2005, p.
25-26, figs 5, 53-55.
58 See above, notes 13 and 14.
59 On the altar on the lower courtyard of the Zeus Sanctuary in Gerasa, see J. Seigne, "Decouvertes recentes sur le sanctuaire de Zeus a Jerash", ADA/ XXXVII (1993),
p. 341-351, figs 1-3, pis I-VI; H. Eristov, J. Seigne, "Le Naos Hellenistiquedu sanctuaire de Zeus Olympien a /erash (Jordanie)", Topoi Suppl. 4 (2003), p. 269-298, figs 1-14;
P.-L. Gatier etJ. Seigne, "Le Hammana de Zeus a Gerasa", Electrum 11 (2006), p. 171-189, figs 1-6; R. Raja, Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman
Provinces, 50 BC-AD 250, Copenhagen 2012, p. 172-175.
60 A. Segal, "The Paved Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 14-18, fig. 10 (A); J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Architectural Decoration Presumably
Pertaining to the Early Roman Temple", Hippos 2005, p. 48-49, fig. 18. See also M. Greenhalgh, "Spolia: A Definition in Ruins", in R. Brilliant and D. Kinney (eds),
Reuse Value: Spolia and Appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine, Farnham 2011, p. 75-95.
61 This dating is based on reliable and accurate evidence from the pottery finds unearthed during the stratigraphic probes carried out along the walls of the temple
podium by the excavators of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Stratigraphic Trench inside the Chancel Area", Hippos 2003, p. 32-33, figs
19, 57-58; idem, "Pre-Church Structures", Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; idem, "Stratigraphic Probes", Hippos 2005, p. 45-48, figs 16-17,77. It is interesting to note in
this connection that during the last two decades of the 1st century BCE extensive building projects were constructed at the initiative of King Herod throughout his
kingdom and also outside it. Since Hippos had already been included within the kingdom of Herod in 30 BCE, we cannot negate the possibility that Herod wanted
to show favor to its inhabitants and financed the building of the temple. Josephus does not mention Hippos as one of the cities that enjoyed the king's largesse but
this does not preclude the possibility that Herod was indeed involved with this building project as well. See T. Rajak, "Josephus as Historian of the Herods", in N.
Kokkinos ( ed.), The World of Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 23-34; S. Japp, Die Baupolitik Herodes' des Grossen, Rahden/Westf. 2000, p. 15-48.It is worth mentioning here that
at a distance of about 46 km to the north of Hippos, an impressive sanctuary was built in exactly the same period. The reference is to the sanctuary in Omrit near
Kibbutz Kfar Szold (in Northern Israel). Although the excavators are not in agreement as to the identity of the site, there is no doubt that this was a cultic site of the
Roman period in the center of which there was a temple that in its earlier stage had been Herodian. See A. Overman, J. Olive & M. Nelson, "A Newly Discovered
Herodian Temple at Khirbet Omrit in Northern Israel", in N. Kokkinos (ed.), The World of the Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 177-195; A. Overman and D. Schowalter
(eds), The Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit: An interim report, Oxford 2011; M. Bernett, 'Space and Interaction: Narrative and Representation of Power under
the Herodians'. in D. Balch and A. Weissenrieder (eds), Contested Spaces: Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament, Tilbingen 2012, p. 283-309,
figs 1-4.
62 See chapters on Urban Plan and City Landscape and on the Forum.
63 In the prayer hall of the Northwest Church, eight marble bases were discovered which the church builders had used to heighten the columns of the colonnade
separating the nave from the northern aisle. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "The Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2001, p. 6-13, figs 27-28, 35. Of special
interest is the section of a marble frieze decorated with scrolls of acanthus leaves which, in secondary use, became the base for the chancel screen in the southern
aisle of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Exploration of the Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2002, p. 15-28, figs 33-34. According to
the impressive level of workmanship of this architectural item, it can apparently be dated to the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd century CE. Its proportions,
however, encourage us to think that it may have originated from the temple during the Severan stage of its existence.
The excavations in the forum area are still far from completion. Until we excavate the shops that border the forum on the east side and separate it from central bathhouse and until the northeast area of the forum is exposed where the forum, decumanus maximus and basilica come into contact with each other, we cannot determine the general overall shape of the forum and propose its full reconstruction. Nonetheless, we now possess at the end of 12 seasons of excavations sufficient data about the main stages in the existence of the forum, from its beginnings until its final abandonment at the mid 8th century.
47 See the following chapters: Urban Plan and City Landscape, Basilica and Odeion.
48 See the chapter on Hellenistic Sanctuary, n. 62 and the chapter on Urban Plan and City Landscape.
49 See above, n. 30.
50. See the chapter on the Basilica, n. 57.
The basilica in Hippos was erected at the end of the 1 st century or the beginning of the 2nd century CE, during the period in which other public buildings in the city were constructed, such as the odeion.55 It is reasonable to assume that the forum plaza and the decumanus maximus were also laid out within the same period of time.
55 Hippos 2009, p. 31.
56 The reference is to the two walls built of rough stones, each of which has survived to the height of one course only: wall W2096, running in an east-west direction
and wall W2203, that runs north-south.
57 The reign of Septimius Severus and his son Caracalla (193-217 CE) was a period of florescence and renewal for many cities in the eastern provinces of the Roman
Empire. On the basilica in Samaria, see J. Crowfoot, K. Kenyon, E. Sukenik, Buildings at Samaria, London 1942, p. 55-57, fig. 39; J. Baity, Curia Ordinis, Bruxelles 1990,
p. 396-397, 507-509, figs 197 and 248; N. Avigad, "Samaria (City)", in E. Stem (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Jerusalem 1993,
vol. 4, p. 1308. On the Large Theatre in Beth Shean (Scythopolis), see A. Segal, Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia, Leiden 1995, p. 56-60, figs 49-58. On the
reign of Septimius Severus, see A. Birley, The African Emperor: Septimius Severus, London 1988. Another good example of extensive renovations in a public building
is the theatre in Caesarea which was erected in 10 BCE during the reign of Herod. The front of the stage building (scaenae frons) was redesigned and decorated with
various items in granite and marble. See A. Segal, op. cit., p. 64-69.
58 On the assorted ovens and other installations that were exposed in the area near the southern wall of the basilica, see Hippos 2007, p. 19-22, figs 22-26 (Area I: Oven
59 Three out of the four walls of the Umayyad structure have been exposed on their outer sides: the southern one (W2089), the western one (W2090) and the northern
one (W2091). It is reasonable to suppose that the eastern wall, which has not yet been exposed, extends to the east of the eastern wall of the basilica. This area, as
well as the interior space of the Umayyad structure, has not yet been excavated.
The Northwest Church (NWC) complex, excavated and studied by the Polish team in 2000-2009,1 is one of the rare instances attested for the region of a church that was still active as such during the Umayyad period. Archaeological contexts sealed by the earthquake of 749 CE provide us with an invaluable record of the church's activity at that time, while the analysis of archaeological material sheds light on both the liturgical functioning of this church and the economic role of its annexes at that late period (fig. 255).
1 The team was directed by Jolanta Mlynarczyk (on behalf of the Research Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as the Institute
of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) and by Mariusz Burdajewicz (on behalf of the National Museum in Warsaw). The many students who participated in the
dig represented the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, the Conservation Faculty, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, University of Stefan Wyszynski in
Warsaw, Catholic University of Lublin, Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. We would like to thank most warmly all the
institutions and individuals who provided financial and logistic support for our project, among them the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities who annually
assisted the team director with a scholarship. The former Ambassadors of the Republic of Poland to Israel, Dr. Maciej Kozlowski and Dr. Agnieszka Miszewska
supported our project in multiple ways. Our research on one of the aspects of the Northwest Church, specifically, its liturgical functioning, was financed by Grant
No. lHOl B009 29 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland (2005-2007).
2 From a topographical description of the churches at Sussita as provided by Ovadiah 1970, 174-178, Nos. 171-174, one would conclude that Northwest Church should
be identified as his "Church a" (No. 171, pl. 69); however, neither the description of visible remains nor the sketch plan match the church in question.
3 For remains of the temple, see J. Mlynarczyk and M. Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 53.
15 For the conclusive evidence, see Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 31-32.
16 For the phasing of the church, see Mlynarczyk 2008a, p. 149-169.
64 This is believed to have happened about the reign of Justin II (565-578 CE), cf. Crowfoot 1938, p. 51.
101 Ognibeni 2002, 112, mentions earthquakes of 658 and 717 or 718 CE as having caused the damage done to the West Church in Pella of the Decapolis. There is little
doubt that the same earthquakes must have inflicted similar damage to the buildings on Sussita.
102. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, figs 78-79.
103. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 61, fig. 77.
104. A. Berman, Hippos 2001, no. 31.
105. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 33-34, fig. 63. For a parallel cross found at the Northeast Church, see M. Schuler, Hippos 2003, p. 41, fig. 71, and for a
stone cross from Khirbet el-Beyudat in the Lower Jordan Valley, see Hizmi 1993, p. 158.
106. Records discussed by Ognibeni 2002, p. 130-132. Crosses occur also on the gable roofs of churches depicted on the mosaic in the lower church at Quwaysmah laid
in 718/719, cf. Piccirillo1997, fig. 454.
107. The altar pertains to type F according to the typology of altars by Chalkia 1991, p. 54, F:It 2.
108. About this find: Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 71; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48-50.
109. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, n. 54. For this form of the reliquary in the churches of Palaestina II (example of Pella, East Church) and Arabia, see Michel
2001, p. 75-77.
110. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2001, p. 9, fig. 40; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 50, pl. 11.
lll. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 39.
112 Northwest Church, see n. 101 above.
113. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 44; Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 28, ii. 14.
114. For "eternal light" and curtains in front of the martyrs chapel, see Pena 2000, p. 52.
115. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2002, p. 19; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 47-48 and pl. 8.
116. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26, fig. 47; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, pl. 9.
117. Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 25; a similar way of obtaining the eulogia might have been used in the East Church at Pella, cf. Michel 2001, p. 122, fig. 37.
Examples of receiving the blessing by touching the holy relics (a practice more rare in the East than in the West) are quoted by Pena 2000, p. 70-71 (for the Antioch
region?) and p. 74-75 (for Chalcedon). On hagiasma and eulogia, see Festugiere 1962, notes 149-150.
118. Initially misinterpreted as pertaining to two different altars, cf. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 49.
119. Michel 2001, p. 62-68, fig. 34: b-c; Duval 2003, p. 66.
120. Cf. Duval 2003, p. 108-110.
121. Lassus 1947, p. 195.
136. Mlynarczyk (Pottery Report), Hippos 2007, p. 96.
137. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2007, p. 64-65, figs 100-102.
138. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 36-35, figs 65-72; Mlynarczyk 2008b.
139. footnote is missing
140. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2006, p. 54; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz., Hippos 2007, p. 62; E. Deutsch, Hippos 2007, p. 97.
Work on the Northeast Insula Project began with excavation of the Northeast Church. Probes beneath the floor levels of the complex consistently show ceramic assemblages dating no later than the late 5th or early 6th centuries. The Northeast Church was most likely built during that time frame. But the church was clearly situated within the pre-existing street grid of the city and may have incorporated walls of a previous building (W512b and W554) or set some of its wall over foundations of earlier ones ( e.g., W541). The apse of the church did break the line of Cardo 3N and required reworking of W1230/1267 to incorporate the peristyle house into the larger church compound. Possibly a pre-existing home once occupied the site of the church (see domestic remains under the south hall and in the plaza to its south; Cistern A may have served a peristyle court).
64 For a parallel example of a place of incubation, see the discussion of the basilica at Dor along with pertinent citations
from Greek and early Christian healing sources ... JW: rest of footnote missing in my copy
65 K. Russell, "The Earthquake Chronology of Palestine and Northwest Arabia from the 2nd through the mid-8th Century A.O.", Bulletin of the American Schools of Or:,
Research 260 (1985), p. 45.
66 Hippos 2006, p. 84.
67 Russell, op. cit., p. 47.
68 Hippos 2008, p. 45.
69 Hippos 2009, p. 71.
70 P. Magdalino, "The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos", in M. Angold (ed.), The Byzantine Aristocracy IX to XIII Centuries, Oxford 1984, p. 94.
71 JW: this footnote is missing in my copy
Segal et al. (2013:210) suggest that the Northwest Church suffered damage in a 7th or early 8th century CE earthquake.
The final phase of the church (Phase III) was the decline of the basilica which must have been the result of some unspecified disaster of an unknown date but which clearly caused serious damage to the nave; it was probably one of the earthquakes which affected this region in the second half of the 7th century (658 CE) or at the beginning of the 8th century (717 CE).101 Indeed, eloquent testimony to the ancient repairs made to the mosaic floor can be seen at the southern pastophorion. Right under the arched entrance to this room, the mosaic bears traces of repairs carried out after it was damaged, probably during an earthquake (fig. 281).Although Segal et al. (2013:210) suggested the the 717 CE Earthquake as a possible candidate, the epicenter of this event was likely too far away to have caused such damage. The Jordan Valley Quake(s) of 659/660 CE, however, is a plausible candidate as is an earthquake unreported in currently extant historical records.Footnotes101 Ognibeni 2002, 112, mentions earthquakes of 658 and 717 or 718 CE as having caused the damage done to the West Church in Pella of the Decapolis. There is little doubt that the same earthquakes must have inflicted similar damage to the buildings on Sussita.
A number of probes conducted at various sites within the area of the temple courtyard confirm that in the 3rd century BCE, during the reign of the Ptolemies, a settlement was established here of unknown size and character. It may have been a military outpost or a cultic site and we cannot preclude the possibility there was a settlement here that combined these two functions. Evidence for this is based mainly on pottery and numismatic finds.56
56 See the chapter on Military Architecture and the chapter on The Coin Finds.
57 A. Segal, "The Southwest Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 13-14, figs 6, 13; idem, "The Hellenistic Compound: Summary of Five Excavation
Seasons", Hippos 2004, p. 26-31, figs 11, 50-52; idem, "The Stratigraphic Examination South of the Southern Stylobate in the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2005, p.
25-26, figs 5, 53-55.
58 See above, notes 13 and 14.
59 On the altar on the lower courtyard of the Zeus Sanctuary in Gerasa, see J. Seigne, "Decouvertes recentes sur le sanctuaire de Zeus a Jerash", ADA/ XXXVII (1993),
p. 341-351, figs 1-3, pis I-VI; H. Eristov, J. Seigne, "Le Naos Hellenistiquedu sanctuaire de Zeus Olympien a /erash (Jordanie)", Topoi Suppl. 4 (2003), p. 269-298, figs 1-14;
P.-L. Gatier etJ. Seigne, "Le Hammana de Zeus a Gerasa", Electrum 11 (2006), p. 171-189, figs 1-6; R. Raja, Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman
Provinces, 50 BC-AD 250, Copenhagen 2012, p. 172-175.
60 A. Segal, "The Paved Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 14-18, fig. 10 (A); J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Architectural Decoration Presumably
Pertaining to the Early Roman Temple", Hippos 2005, p. 48-49, fig. 18. See also M. Greenhalgh, "Spolia: A Definition in Ruins", in R. Brilliant and D. Kinney (eds),
Reuse Value: Spolia and Appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine, Farnham 2011, p. 75-95.
61 This dating is based on reliable and accurate evidence from the pottery finds unearthed during the stratigraphic probes carried out along the walls of the temple
podium by the excavators of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Stratigraphic Trench inside the Chancel Area", Hippos 2003, p. 32-33, figs
19, 57-58; idem, "Pre-Church Structures", Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; idem, "Stratigraphic Probes", Hippos 2005, p. 45-48, figs 16-17,77. It is interesting to note in
this connection that during the last two decades of the 1st century BCE extensive building projects were constructed at the initiative of King Herod throughout his
kingdom and also outside it. Since Hippos had already been included within the kingdom of Herod in 30 BCE, we cannot negate the possibility that Herod wanted
to show favor to its inhabitants and financed the building of the temple. Josephus does not mention Hippos as one of the cities that enjoyed the king's largesse but
this does not preclude the possibility that Herod was indeed involved with this building project as well. See T. Rajak, "Josephus as Historian of the Herods", in N.
Kokkinos ( ed.), The World of Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 23-34; S. Japp, Die Baupolitik Herodes' des Grossen, Rahden/Westf. 2000, p. 15-48.It is worth mentioning here that
at a distance of about 46 km to the north of Hippos, an impressive sanctuary was built in exactly the same period. The reference is to the sanctuary in Omrit near
Kibbutz Kfar Szold (in Northern Israel). Although the excavators are not in agreement as to the identity of the site, there is no doubt that this was a cultic site of the
Roman period in the center of which there was a temple that in its earlier stage had been Herodian. See A. Overman, J. Olive & M. Nelson, "A Newly Discovered
Herodian Temple at Khirbet Omrit in Northern Israel", in N. Kokkinos (ed.), The World of the Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 177-195; A. Overman and D. Schowalter
(eds), The Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit: An interim report, Oxford 2011; M. Bernett, 'Space and Interaction: Narrative and Representation of Power under
the Herodians'. in D. Balch and A. Weissenrieder (eds), Contested Spaces: Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament, Tilbingen 2012, p. 283-309,
figs 1-4.
62 See chapters on Urban Plan and City Landscape and on the Forum.
63 In the prayer hall of the Northwest Church, eight marble bases were discovered which the church builders had used to heighten the columns of the colonnade
separating the nave from the northern aisle. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "The Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2001, p. 6-13, figs 27-28, 35. Of special
interest is the section of a marble frieze decorated with scrolls of acanthus leaves which, in secondary use, became the base for the chancel screen in the southern
aisle of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Exploration of the Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2002, p. 15-28, figs 33-34. According to
the impressive level of workmanship of this architectural item, it can apparently be dated to the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd century CE. Its proportions,
however, encourage us to think that it may have originated from the temple during the Severan stage of its existence.
The excavations in the forum area are still far from completion. Until we excavate the shops that border the forum on the east side and separate it from central bathhouse and until the northeast area of the forum is exposed where the forum, decumanus maximus and basilica come into contact with each other, we cannot determine the general overall shape of the forum and propose its full reconstruction. Nonetheless, we now possess at the end of 12 seasons of excavations sufficient data about the main stages in the existence of the forum, from its beginnings until its final abandonment at the mid 8th century.
47 See the following chapters: Urban Plan and City Landscape, Basilica and Odeion.
48 See the chapter on Hellenistic Sanctuary, n. 62 and the chapter on Urban Plan and City Landscape.
49 See above, n. 30.
50. See the chapter on the Basilica, n. 57.
The basilica in Hippos was erected at the end of the 1 st century or the beginning of the 2nd century CE, during the period in which other public buildings in the city were constructed, such as the odeion.55 It is reasonable to assume that the forum plaza and the decumanus maximus were also laid out within the same period of time.
55 Hippos 2009, p. 31.
56 The reference is to the two walls built of rough stones, each of which has survived to the height of one course only: wall W2096, running in an east-west direction
and wall W2203, that runs north-south.
57 The reign of Septimius Severus and his son Caracalla (193-217 CE) was a period of florescence and renewal for many cities in the eastern provinces of the Roman
Empire. On the basilica in Samaria, see J. Crowfoot, K. Kenyon, E. Sukenik, Buildings at Samaria, London 1942, p. 55-57, fig. 39; J. Baity, Curia Ordinis, Bruxelles 1990,
p. 396-397, 507-509, figs 197 and 248; N. Avigad, "Samaria (City)", in E. Stem (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Jerusalem 1993,
vol. 4, p. 1308. On the Large Theatre in Beth Shean (Scythopolis), see A. Segal, Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia, Leiden 1995, p. 56-60, figs 49-58. On the
reign of Septimius Severus, see A. Birley, The African Emperor: Septimius Severus, London 1988. Another good example of extensive renovations in a public building
is the theatre in Caesarea which was erected in 10 BCE during the reign of Herod. The front of the stage building (scaenae frons) was redesigned and decorated with
various items in granite and marble. See A. Segal, op. cit., p. 64-69.
58 On the assorted ovens and other installations that were exposed in the area near the southern wall of the basilica, see Hippos 2007, p. 19-22, figs 22-26 (Area I: Oven
59 Three out of the four walls of the Umayyad structure have been exposed on their outer sides: the southern one (W2089), the western one (W2090) and the northern
one (W2091). It is reasonable to suppose that the eastern wall, which has not yet been exposed, extends to the east of the eastern wall of the basilica. This area, as
well as the interior space of the Umayyad structure, has not yet been excavated.
The Northwest Church (NWC) complex, excavated and studied by the Polish team in 2000-2009,1 is one of the rare instances attested for the region of a church that was still active as such during the Umayyad period. Archaeological contexts sealed by the earthquake of 749 CE provide us with an invaluable record of the church's activity at that time, while the analysis of archaeological material sheds light on both the liturgical functioning of this church and the economic role of its annexes at that late period (fig. 255).
1 The team was directed by Jolanta Mlynarczyk (on behalf of the Research Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as the Institute
of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) and by Mariusz Burdajewicz (on behalf of the National Museum in Warsaw). The many students who participated in the
dig represented the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, the Conservation Faculty, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, University of Stefan Wyszynski in
Warsaw, Catholic University of Lublin, Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. We would like to thank most warmly all the
institutions and individuals who provided financial and logistic support for our project, among them the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities who annually
assisted the team director with a scholarship. The former Ambassadors of the Republic of Poland to Israel, Dr. Maciej Kozlowski and Dr. Agnieszka Miszewska
supported our project in multiple ways. Our research on one of the aspects of the Northwest Church, specifically, its liturgical functioning, was financed by Grant
No. lHOl B009 29 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland (2005-2007).
2 From a topographical description of the churches at Sussita as provided by Ovadiah 1970, 174-178, Nos. 171-174, one would conclude that Northwest Church should
be identified as his "Church a" (No. 171, pl. 69); however, neither the description of visible remains nor the sketch plan match the church in question.
3 For remains of the temple, see J. Mlynarczyk and M. Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 53.
15 For the conclusive evidence, see Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 31-32.
16 For the phasing of the church, see Mlynarczyk 2008a, p. 149-169.
64 This is believed to have happened about the reign of Justin II (565-578 CE), cf. Crowfoot 1938, p. 51.
101 Ognibeni 2002, 112, mentions earthquakes of 658 and 717 or 718 CE as having caused the damage done to the West Church in Pella of the Decapolis. There is little
doubt that the same earthquakes must have inflicted similar damage to the buildings on Sussita.
102. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, figs 78-79.
103. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 61, fig. 77.
104. A. Berman, Hippos 2001, no. 31.
105. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 33-34, fig. 63. For a parallel cross found at the Northeast Church, see M. Schuler, Hippos 2003, p. 41, fig. 71, and for a
stone cross from Khirbet el-Beyudat in the Lower Jordan Valley, see Hizmi 1993, p. 158.
106. Records discussed by Ognibeni 2002, p. 130-132. Crosses occur also on the gable roofs of churches depicted on the mosaic in the lower church at Quwaysmah laid
in 718/719, cf. Piccirillo1997, fig. 454.
107. The altar pertains to type F according to the typology of altars by Chalkia 1991, p. 54, F:It 2.
108. About this find: Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 71; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48-50.
109. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, n. 54. For this form of the reliquary in the churches of Palaestina II (example of Pella, East Church) and Arabia, see Michel
2001, p. 75-77.
110. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2001, p. 9, fig. 40; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 50, pl. 11.
lll. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 39.
112 Northwest Church, see n. 101 above.
113. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 44; Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 28, ii. 14.
114. For "eternal light" and curtains in front of the martyrs chapel, see Pena 2000, p. 52.
115. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2002, p. 19; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 47-48 and pl. 8.
116. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26, fig. 47; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, pl. 9.
117. Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 25; a similar way of obtaining the eulogia might have been used in the East Church at Pella, cf. Michel 2001, p. 122, fig. 37.
Examples of receiving the blessing by touching the holy relics (a practice more rare in the East than in the West) are quoted by Pena 2000, p. 70-71 (for the Antioch
region?) and p. 74-75 (for Chalcedon). On hagiasma and eulogia, see Festugiere 1962, notes 149-150.
118. Initially misinterpreted as pertaining to two different altars, cf. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 49.
119. Michel 2001, p. 62-68, fig. 34: b-c; Duval 2003, p. 66.
120. Cf. Duval 2003, p. 108-110.
121. Lassus 1947, p. 195.
136. Mlynarczyk (Pottery Report), Hippos 2007, p. 96.
137. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2007, p. 64-65, figs 100-102.
138. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 36-35, figs 65-72; Mlynarczyk 2008b.
139. footnote is missing
140. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2006, p. 54; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz., Hippos 2007, p. 62; E. Deutsch, Hippos 2007, p. 97.
Work on the Northeast Insula Project began with excavation of the Northeast Church. Probes beneath the floor levels of the complex consistently show ceramic assemblages dating no later than the late 5th or early 6th centuries. The Northeast Church was most likely built during that time frame. But the church was clearly situated within the pre-existing street grid of the city and may have incorporated walls of a previous building (W512b and W554) or set some of its wall over foundations of earlier ones ( e.g., W541). The apse of the church did break the line of Cardo 3N and required reworking of W1230/1267 to incorporate the peristyle house into the larger church compound. Possibly a pre-existing home once occupied the site of the church (see domestic remains under the south hall and in the plaza to its south; Cistern A may have served a peristyle court).
64 For a parallel example of a place of incubation, see the discussion of the basilica at Dor along with pertinent citations
from Greek and early Christian healing sources ... JW: rest of footnote missing in my copy
65 K. Russell, "The Earthquake Chronology of Palestine and Northwest Arabia from the 2nd through the mid-8th Century A.O.", Bulletin of the American Schools of Or:,
Research 260 (1985), p. 45.
66 Hippos 2006, p. 84.
67 Russell, op. cit., p. 47.
68 Hippos 2008, p. 45.
69 Hippos 2009, p. 71.
70 P. Magdalino, "The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos", in M. Angold (ed.), The Byzantine Aristocracy IX to XIII Centuries, Oxford 1984, p. 94.
71 JW: this footnote is missing in my copy
yielded a number of invaluable archaeological deposits securely sealed by the debris of an earthquakewhich was assigned to one of the 749 CE Sabbatical Year Earthquakes.
Scores of typical Umayyad-period ceramic vesselsand coins were found in the sealed debris. The latest coin, sealed on the floor of the northern aisle, was minted in Tiberias between A.D. 737 and 746 thus providing a secure terminus post quem. In addition to debris, remains of three victims were discovered in the church.
A number of probes conducted at various sites within the area of the temple courtyard confirm that in the 3rd century BCE, during the reign of the Ptolemies, a settlement was established here of unknown size and character. It may have been a military outpost or a cultic site and we cannot preclude the possibility there was a settlement here that combined these two functions. Evidence for this is based mainly on pottery and numismatic finds.56
56 See the chapter on Military Architecture and the chapter on The Coin Finds.
57 A. Segal, "The Southwest Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 13-14, figs 6, 13; idem, "The Hellenistic Compound: Summary of Five Excavation
Seasons", Hippos 2004, p. 26-31, figs 11, 50-52; idem, "The Stratigraphic Examination South of the Southern Stylobate in the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2005, p.
25-26, figs 5, 53-55.
58 See above, notes 13 and 14.
59 On the altar on the lower courtyard of the Zeus Sanctuary in Gerasa, see J. Seigne, "Decouvertes recentes sur le sanctuaire de Zeus a Jerash", ADA/ XXXVII (1993),
p. 341-351, figs 1-3, pis I-VI; H. Eristov, J. Seigne, "Le Naos Hellenistiquedu sanctuaire de Zeus Olympien a /erash (Jordanie)", Topoi Suppl. 4 (2003), p. 269-298, figs 1-14;
P.-L. Gatier etJ. Seigne, "Le Hammana de Zeus a Gerasa", Electrum 11 (2006), p. 171-189, figs 1-6; R. Raja, Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman
Provinces, 50 BC-AD 250, Copenhagen 2012, p. 172-175.
60 A. Segal, "The Paved Area of the Hellenistic Compound", Hippos 2003, p. 14-18, fig. 10 (A); J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Architectural Decoration Presumably
Pertaining to the Early Roman Temple", Hippos 2005, p. 48-49, fig. 18. See also M. Greenhalgh, "Spolia: A Definition in Ruins", in R. Brilliant and D. Kinney (eds),
Reuse Value: Spolia and Appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine, Farnham 2011, p. 75-95.
61 This dating is based on reliable and accurate evidence from the pottery finds unearthed during the stratigraphic probes carried out along the walls of the temple
podium by the excavators of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Stratigraphic Trench inside the Chancel Area", Hippos 2003, p. 32-33, figs
19, 57-58; idem, "Pre-Church Structures", Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; idem, "Stratigraphic Probes", Hippos 2005, p. 45-48, figs 16-17,77. It is interesting to note in
this connection that during the last two decades of the 1st century BCE extensive building projects were constructed at the initiative of King Herod throughout his
kingdom and also outside it. Since Hippos had already been included within the kingdom of Herod in 30 BCE, we cannot negate the possibility that Herod wanted
to show favor to its inhabitants and financed the building of the temple. Josephus does not mention Hippos as one of the cities that enjoyed the king's largesse but
this does not preclude the possibility that Herod was indeed involved with this building project as well. See T. Rajak, "Josephus as Historian of the Herods", in N.
Kokkinos ( ed.), The World of Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 23-34; S. Japp, Die Baupolitik Herodes' des Grossen, Rahden/Westf. 2000, p. 15-48.It is worth mentioning here that
at a distance of about 46 km to the north of Hippos, an impressive sanctuary was built in exactly the same period. The reference is to the sanctuary in Omrit near
Kibbutz Kfar Szold (in Northern Israel). Although the excavators are not in agreement as to the identity of the site, there is no doubt that this was a cultic site of the
Roman period in the center of which there was a temple that in its earlier stage had been Herodian. See A. Overman, J. Olive & M. Nelson, "A Newly Discovered
Herodian Temple at Khirbet Omrit in Northern Israel", in N. Kokkinos (ed.), The World of the Herods, Miinchen 2007, p. 177-195; A. Overman and D. Schowalter
(eds), The Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit: An interim report, Oxford 2011; M. Bernett, 'Space and Interaction: Narrative and Representation of Power under
the Herodians'. in D. Balch and A. Weissenrieder (eds), Contested Spaces: Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament, Tilbingen 2012, p. 283-309,
figs 1-4.
62 See chapters on Urban Plan and City Landscape and on the Forum.
63 In the prayer hall of the Northwest Church, eight marble bases were discovered which the church builders had used to heighten the columns of the colonnade
separating the nave from the northern aisle. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "The Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2001, p. 6-13, figs 27-28, 35. Of special
interest is the section of a marble frieze decorated with scrolls of acanthus leaves which, in secondary use, became the base for the chancel screen in the southern
aisle of the Northwest Church. See J. Mlynarczyk, M. Burdajewicz, "Exploration of the Northwest Church Complex", Hippos 2002, p. 15-28, figs 33-34. According to
the impressive level of workmanship of this architectural item, it can apparently be dated to the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd century CE. Its proportions,
however, encourage us to think that it may have originated from the temple during the Severan stage of its existence.
The excavations in the forum area are still far from completion. Until we excavate the shops that border the forum on the east side and separate it from central bathhouse and until the northeast area of the forum is exposed where the forum, decumanus maximus and basilica come into contact with each other, we cannot determine the general overall shape of the forum and propose its full reconstruction. Nonetheless, we now possess at the end of 12 seasons of excavations sufficient data about the main stages in the existence of the forum, from its beginnings until its final abandonment at the mid 8th century.
47 See the following chapters: Urban Plan and City Landscape, Basilica and Odeion.
48 See the chapter on Hellenistic Sanctuary, n. 62 and the chapter on Urban Plan and City Landscape.
49 See above, n. 30.
50. See the chapter on the Basilica, n. 57.
The basilica in Hippos was erected at the end of the 1 st century or the beginning of the 2nd century CE, during the period in which other public buildings in the city were constructed, such as the odeion.55 It is reasonable to assume that the forum plaza and the decumanus maximus were also laid out within the same period of time.
55 Hippos 2009, p. 31.
56 The reference is to the two walls built of rough stones, each of which has survived to the height of one course only: wall W2096, running in an east-west direction
and wall W2203, that runs north-south.
57 The reign of Septimius Severus and his son Caracalla (193-217 CE) was a period of florescence and renewal for many cities in the eastern provinces of the Roman
Empire. On the basilica in Samaria, see J. Crowfoot, K. Kenyon, E. Sukenik, Buildings at Samaria, London 1942, p. 55-57, fig. 39; J. Baity, Curia Ordinis, Bruxelles 1990,
p. 396-397, 507-509, figs 197 and 248; N. Avigad, "Samaria (City)", in E. Stem (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Jerusalem 1993,
vol. 4, p. 1308. On the Large Theatre in Beth Shean (Scythopolis), see A. Segal, Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia, Leiden 1995, p. 56-60, figs 49-58. On the
reign of Septimius Severus, see A. Birley, The African Emperor: Septimius Severus, London 1988. Another good example of extensive renovations in a public building
is the theatre in Caesarea which was erected in 10 BCE during the reign of Herod. The front of the stage building (scaenae frons) was redesigned and decorated with
various items in granite and marble. See A. Segal, op. cit., p. 64-69.
58 On the assorted ovens and other installations that were exposed in the area near the southern wall of the basilica, see Hippos 2007, p. 19-22, figs 22-26 (Area I: Oven
59 Three out of the four walls of the Umayyad structure have been exposed on their outer sides: the southern one (W2089), the western one (W2090) and the northern
one (W2091). It is reasonable to suppose that the eastern wall, which has not yet been exposed, extends to the east of the eastern wall of the basilica. This area, as
well as the interior space of the Umayyad structure, has not yet been excavated.
The Northwest Church (NWC) complex, excavated and studied by the Polish team in 2000-2009,1 is one of the rare instances attested for the region of a church that was still active as such during the Umayyad period. Archaeological contexts sealed by the earthquake of 749 CE provide us with an invaluable record of the church's activity at that time, while the analysis of archaeological material sheds light on both the liturgical functioning of this church and the economic role of its annexes at that late period (fig. 255).
1 The team was directed by Jolanta Mlynarczyk (on behalf of the Research Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as the Institute
of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) and by Mariusz Burdajewicz (on behalf of the National Museum in Warsaw). The many students who participated in the
dig represented the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, the Conservation Faculty, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, University of Stefan Wyszynski in
Warsaw, Catholic University of Lublin, Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. We would like to thank most warmly all the
institutions and individuals who provided financial and logistic support for our project, among them the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities who annually
assisted the team director with a scholarship. The former Ambassadors of the Republic of Poland to Israel, Dr. Maciej Kozlowski and Dr. Agnieszka Miszewska
supported our project in multiple ways. Our research on one of the aspects of the Northwest Church, specifically, its liturgical functioning, was financed by Grant
No. lHOl B009 29 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland (2005-2007).
2 From a topographical description of the churches at Sussita as provided by Ovadiah 1970, 174-178, Nos. 171-174, one would conclude that Northwest Church should
be identified as his "Church a" (No. 171, pl. 69); however, neither the description of visible remains nor the sketch plan match the church in question.
3 For remains of the temple, see J. Mlynarczyk and M. Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 67-68, fig. 25; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 53.
15 For the conclusive evidence, see Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 31-32.
16 For the phasing of the church, see Mlynarczyk 2008a, p. 149-169.
64 This is believed to have happened about the reign of Justin II (565-578 CE), cf. Crowfoot 1938, p. 51.
101 Ognibeni 2002, 112, mentions earthquakes of 658 and 717 or 718 CE as having caused the damage done to the West Church in Pella of the Decapolis. There is little
doubt that the same earthquakes must have inflicted similar damage to the buildings on Sussita.
102. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, figs 78-79.
103. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 61, fig. 77.
104. A. Berman, Hippos 2001, no. 31.
105. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 33-34, fig. 63. For a parallel cross found at the Northeast Church, see M. Schuler, Hippos 2003, p. 41, fig. 71, and for a
stone cross from Khirbet el-Beyudat in the Lower Jordan Valley, see Hizmi 1993, p. 158.
106. Records discussed by Ognibeni 2002, p. 130-132. Crosses occur also on the gable roofs of churches depicted on the mosaic in the lower church at Quwaysmah laid
in 718/719, cf. Piccirillo1997, fig. 454.
107. The altar pertains to type F according to the typology of altars by Chalkia 1991, p. 54, F:It 2.
108. About this find: Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2004, p. 71; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48-50.
109. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, n. 54. For this form of the reliquary in the churches of Palaestina II (example of Pella, East Church) and Arabia, see Michel
2001, p. 75-77.
110. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2001, p. 9, fig. 40; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 50, pl. 11.
lll. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 39.
112 Northwest Church, see n. 101 above.
113. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 44; Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 28, ii. 14.
114. For "eternal light" and curtains in front of the martyrs chapel, see Pena 2000, p. 52.
115. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2002, p. 19; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 47-48 and pl. 8.
116. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 26, fig. 47; Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz 2005, p. 48, pl. 9.
117. Burdajewicz and Mlynarczyk 2006, p. 25; a similar way of obtaining the eulogia might have been used in the East Church at Pella, cf. Michel 2001, p. 122, fig. 37.
Examples of receiving the blessing by touching the holy relics (a practice more rare in the East than in the West) are quoted by Pena 2000, p. 70-71 (for the Antioch
region?) and p. 74-75 (for Chalcedon). On hagiasma and eulogia, see Festugiere 1962, notes 149-150.
118. Initially misinterpreted as pertaining to two different altars, cf. Mtynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2003, p. 27, fig. 49.
119. Michel 2001, p. 62-68, fig. 34: b-c; Duval 2003, p. 66.
120. Cf. Duval 2003, p. 108-110.
121. Lassus 1947, p. 195.
136. Mlynarczyk (Pottery Report), Hippos 2007, p. 96.
137. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2007, p. 64-65, figs 100-102.
138. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2005, p. 36-35, figs 65-72; Mlynarczyk 2008b.
139. footnote is missing
140. Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz, Hippos 2006, p. 54; Mlynarczyk and Burdajewicz., Hippos 2007, p. 62; E. Deutsch, Hippos 2007, p. 97.
Work on the Northeast Insula Project began with excavation of the Northeast Church. Probes beneath the floor levels of the complex consistently show ceramic assemblages dating no later than the late 5th or early 6th centuries. The Northeast Church was most likely built during that time frame. But the church was clearly situated within the pre-existing street grid of the city and may have incorporated walls of a previous building (W512b and W554) or set some of its wall over foundations of earlier ones ( e.g., W541). The apse of the church did break the line of Cardo 3N and required reworking of W1230/1267 to incorporate the peristyle house into the larger church compound. Possibly a pre-existing home once occupied the site of the church (see domestic remains under the south hall and in the plaza to its south; Cistern A may have served a peristyle court).
64 For a parallel example of a place of incubation, see the discussion of the basilica at Dor along with pertinent citations
from Greek and early Christian healing sources ... JW: rest of footnote missing in my copy
65 K. Russell, "The Earthquake Chronology of Palestine and Northwest Arabia from the 2nd through the mid-8th Century A.O.", Bulletin of the American Schools of Or:,
Research 260 (1985), p. 45.
66 Hippos 2006, p. 84.
67 Russell, op. cit., p. 47.
68 Hippos 2008, p. 45.
69 Hippos 2009, p. 71.
70 P. Magdalino, "The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos", in M. Angold (ed.), The Byzantine Aristocracy IX to XIII Centuries, Oxford 1984, p. 94.
71 JW: this footnote is missing in my copy
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Collapsed Walls and re-used building elements |
Basilica![]() ![]() THE BASILICA
(Y. NAKAS AND M. EISENBERG) Eisenberg (2021) |
Collapsed Roof | Northern part of the nave of the Basilica![]() ![]() THE BASILICA
(Y. NAKAS AND M. EISENBERG) Eisenberg (2021) |
The sole evidence for a sudden disaster is the find of parts of skeletons of at least four humans that were buried under the collapsed roof in the northern part of the nave. Two of the almost intact skeletons belonged to an adult male and a young female. The female was found with an iron nail (most probably from the roof ) stuck in her knee bones and a dove-shaped pendant resting between her neck bones.- Eisenberg (2021:171-173) |
Human Remains | Northern part of the nave of the Basilica![]() ![]() THE BASILICA
(Y. NAKAS AND M. EISENBERG) Eisenberg (2021) |
The sole evidence for a sudden disaster is the find of parts of skeletons of at least four humans that were buried under the collapsed roof in the northern part of the nave. Two of the almost intact skeletons belonged to an adult male and a young female. The female was found with an iron nail (most probably from the roof ) stuck in her knee bones and a dove-shaped pendant resting between her neck bones.- Eisenberg (2021:171-173) |
Foundation Damage | Saddle Necroplis (Lion and Flower Mausoleum)![]() ![]() Mt. Sussita and its environs with the three necropoleis and the Saddle Necropolis monuments indicated:
drone view towards north (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) ![]() ![]() Drone’s view towards west looking at the Lion’s Mausoleum (left), the Flowers Mausoleum (right), and Burial Cave A beneath them (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) ![]() ![]() An artistic reconstruction of the funerary monuments along the main road in the Saddle Necropolis with the funerary podia series and the two mausolea (Y. Nakas and M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) |
![]() ![]() The Flowers Mausoleum northern wall and architectural fragments at its foot during excavations; view towards east (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) |
Collapsed colonnade? | Forum |
The devastating earthquake that occurred in the region in 363 CE did not spare the forum. It may be assumed that the colonnades collapsed and as a result, some of the stylobates were also dismantled.- Segal et al. (2013:160) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Nave of the Northwest Church![]() ![]() General plan of the Northwest Church Complex with numbers of loci and walls mentioned in the text. Segal et al. (2013) |
Fig. 281
![]() ![]() The mosaic under the arched entrance to the southern pastophorion (the martyrion chapel) with evidence of repairs. Segal et al. (2013) |
The final phase of the church (Phase III) was the decline of the basilica which must have been the result of some unspecified disaster of an unknown date but which clearly caused serious damage to the nave; it was probably one of the earthquakes which affected this region in the second half of the 7th century (658 CE) or at the beginning of the 8th century (717 CE). Indeed, eloquent testimony to the ancient repairs made to the mosaic floor can be seen at the southern pastophorion. Right under the arched entrance to this room, the mosaic bears traces of repairs carried out after it was damaged, probably during an earthquake (fig. 281).- Segal et al. (2013:210) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Tilted and displaced walls (tilted and displaced to the west) |
Wall W1386 in the area east of the Hellenistic Compound (HLC 5)![]() ![]() Segal and Eisenberg (2007) |
![]() ![]() Hippos 2009, area to the east of the HLC (Hellenistic Compound). Wall 1386. Note the extent of damage, most probably the results of the landslide caused by the earthquake JW: located in HLC 5 Segal et al (2019) |
Collapsed walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
Tilted Walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
Displaced Walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
Fallen columns ? (? because the collapse is undated but likely due to this earthquake) |
Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
Northwest Church![]() ![]() General plan of the Northwest Church Complex with numbers of loci and walls mentioned in the text. Segal et al. (2013) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
Tilted walls | ? |
![]() ![]() Tilted wall,Susita. In addition to the effects of construction and ground instability, the unequal load distribution of the rubble should be considered (i.e. post-destruction effects) Karcz and Kafri (1978) ![]() ![]() Tilted building, Susita. Karcz and Kafri (1978) |
Tilted wall and building - Karcz and Kafri (1978) |
1 Granite Quarrying at Aswan is discussed in
Kelany, a., Negem, m., tohami, a. and Heldal, t. (2009) Granite quarry survey in the aswan region, egypt: shedding new light on
ancient quarrying. In abu-Jaber, N., bloxam, e.G., Degryse, p. and Heldal, t. (eds.) QuarryScapes: ancient stone quarry landscapes
in the Eastern Mediterranean, Geological Survey of Norway Special publication,12, pp. 87–98.
The Cathedral is, so far, the only structure that has been at the center of quantitative archaeoseimsic studies. Yagoda-Biran and Hatzor (2010) tried to estimate minimum levels of peak ground acceleration (PGA) during the earthquake ground motion which was necessary to topple the Cathedral columns. However, they used the model of a freestanding column of the same size as the ones found in the Cathedral, but with no capital, architrave or other superstructure. Since 2D models were used and forces were applied to the center of gravity of the columns and pedestals, the reported 0.2 - 0.4 m/s2 PGA threshold at frequencies between 0.2 and 4.4 Hz can only be regarded as a rough estimate and are not necessarily representative for the complete structure of the Cathedral which has a significantly different response to earthquake ground motions than a solitary column. Hinzen (2010) used 3D discrete element models conforming to the size of the toppled columns of the Cathedral and showed that the toppling direction during a realistic earthquake ground motion in three dimensions is a matter of chance. A column that is being rocked by earthquake ground motions is in a nonlinear dynamic system and its behavior tends to be of a chaotic character. Small changes to the initial conditions can have a strong influence on the general dynamic reaction and significantly alter the toppling direction. The same paper shows that the parallel orientation is probably an effect of the superstructure connecting the columns mechanically and not a consequence of the ground motion character. This interpretation is also strongly supported by the fact that the two remaining columns of the southern row rest at angles of ~90° compared with the columns from the northern row, as shown in a 3D laser scan model of the site (Fig. 2.4). A similar analysis of the Hippos columns was performed by Hinzen (2010)
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description | Intensity |
Collapsed Walls and re-used building elements |
Basilica![]() ![]() THE BASILICA
(Y. NAKAS AND M. EISENBERG) Eisenberg (2021) |
VIII+ | |
Collapsed Roof suggesting displaced walls | Northern part of the nave of the Basilica![]() ![]() THE BASILICA
(Y. NAKAS AND M. EISENBERG) Eisenberg (2021) |
The sole evidence for a sudden disaster is the find of parts of skeletons of at least four humans that were buried under the collapsed roof in the northern part of the nave. Two of the almost intact skeletons belonged to an adult male and a young female. The female was found with an iron nail (most probably from the roof ) stuck in her knee bones and a dove-shaped pendant resting between her neck bones.- Eisenberg (2021:171-173) |
VII+ | |
Foundation Damage | Saddle Necroplis (Lion and Flower Mausoleum)![]() ![]() Mt. Sussita and its environs with the three necropoleis and the Saddle Necropolis monuments indicated:
drone view towards north (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) ![]() ![]() Drone’s view towards west looking at the Lion’s Mausoleum (left), the Flowers Mausoleum (right), and Burial Cave A beneath them (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) ![]() ![]() An artistic reconstruction of the funerary monuments along the main road in the Saddle Necropolis with the funerary podia series and the two mausolea (Y. Nakas and M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) |
![]() ![]() The Flowers Mausoleum northern wall and architectural fragments at its foot during excavations; view towards east (photo M. Eisenberg) Eisenberg and Kowalewska (2024) |
IX+ |
Collapsed colonnade? | Forum |
The devastating earthquake that occurred in the region in 363 CE did not spare the forum. It may be assumed that the colonnades collapsed and as a result, some of the stylobates were also dismantled.- Segal et al. (2013:160) |
V+? or VIII+? |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description | Intensity |
Nave of the Northwest Church![]() ![]() General plan of the Northwest Church Complex with numbers of loci and walls mentioned in the text. Segal et al. (2013) |
Fig. 281
![]() ![]() The mosaic under the arched entrance to the southern pastophorion (the martyrion chapel) with evidence of repairs. Segal et al. (2013) |
The final phase of the church (Phase III) was the decline of the basilica which must have been the result of some unspecified disaster of an unknown date but which clearly caused serious damage to the nave; it was probably one of the earthquakes which affected this region in the second half of the 7th century (658 CE) or at the beginning of the 8th century (717 CE). Indeed, eloquent testimony to the ancient repairs made to the mosaic floor can be seen at the southern pastophorion. Right under the arched entrance to this room, the mosaic bears traces of repairs carried out after it was damaged, probably during an earthquake (fig. 281).- Segal et al. (2013:210) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description | Intensity |
Tilted and displaced walls (tilted and displaced to the west) |
Wall W1386 in the area east of the Hellenistic Compound (HLC 5)![]() ![]() Segal and Eisenberg (2007) |
![]() ![]() Hippos 2009, area to the east of the HLC (Hellenistic Compound). Wall 1386. Note the extent of damage, most probably the results of the landslide caused by the earthquake JW: located in HLC 5 Segal et al (2019) |
Collapsed walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
Tilted Walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
VI+ |
Displaced Walls | Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
The atrium and the southern aisle floors were covered with collapsed building debris, composed mainly of basalt ashlars. Only the lowest ashlar courses of the building’s walls were extant, and in some places even the lowest course was tilted and pushed out of place. The eastern area of the opus sectile floor of the southern aisle was well preserved.- Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
VII+ |
Fallen columns ? (? because the collapse is undated but likely due to this earthquake) |
Cathedral |
![]() ![]() The Cathedral at the end of the 2021 excavation, aerial view from 3D model. Kowalewska and Eisenberg (2021) |
VI+ (EAE) 6.5-8.5 (Yagoda-Biran and Hatzor, 2010) |
Northwest Church![]() ![]() General plan of the Northwest Church Complex with numbers of loci and walls mentioned in the text. Segal et al. (2013) |
The saddle-like structure of the Sussita hill is prone to topographic amplification of strong ground motion during earthquakes, especially at the hilltop. The focusing effects of seismic waves in similar situations have been reported to lead to significant ground motion amplification (e.g., Massa et al., 2010). In the case of Hippos, the special geometry of the hill is combined with the unusual situation of high impedance material in the form of a basalt flow on top of weaker conglomerates. Figure 2.5 (above) shows a simplified north-south trending profile through the site and the neighboring valleys of Ein-Gev and Sussita. Estimates of ground motion amplification of vertically traveling shear waves from 1D model calculations indicate amplification factors at the hilltop in the range of 8 at frequencies of 2-3 Hz, a frequency range at which constructions such as colonnades show high vulnerability. In any further archaeoseismic studies of the damaged structures in Hippos, the exceptional location of the site and the local conditions must be taken into account.
Variable | Input | Units | Notes |
g | Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration | ||
km. | Distance to earthquake producing fault | ||
unitless | Site Effect due to Topographic or Ridge Effect (set to 1 to assume no site effect) |
Variable | Output - Site Effect not considered | Units | Notes |
unitless | Conversion from PGA to Intensity using Wald et al (1999) | ||
unitless | Attenuation relationship of Hough and Avni (2009) used to calculate Magnitude |
Variable | Output - Site Effect removed | Units | Notes |
unitless | Conversion from PGA to Intensity using Wald et al (1999) | ||
unitless | Attenuation relationship of Hough and Avni (2009) used to calculate Magnitude |
Source :
Kramer (1996:92-93)
Variable | Input | Units | Notes |
GPa | Shear Modulus | ||
m | Displacement | ||
km. | Fault width | ||
km. | Fault length | ||
Variable | Output | Units | Notes |
N-m | Seismic Moment | ||
dynes-cm. | Seismic Moment | ||
unitless | Moment Magnitude |
Variable | Input | Units | Notes |
unitless | Radiation Patttern | ||
unitless | Free surface effect | ||
km./s | Shear Wave velocity of the rock | ||
g/cc | Density of the rock | ||
Moment Magntidue | |||
Hz. | cutoff frequency - 15 Hz. typical for W N Am. | ||
bars | 50 bars typical for W N Am. | ||
Hz. | frequency | ||
km. | Fault Distance | ||
Variable | Output | Units | Notes |
constant | |||
dyne-cm. | Seismic Moment | ||
Hz. | Corner frequency | ||
|A(f)| = [C*Mo*(f2/{1-(f/fc)2})*(1/sqrt{1 + (f/fmax)8})]e-{π*f*R/Q(f)*vs}/R
(3.30 -
Kramer, 1996:92)
|A(f)| = fourier amplitudes
C = constant
Mo = Seismic Moment (dyne-cm.)
f = frequency (Hz.)
fc = corner frequency (Hz.)
fmax = cutoff frequency (Hz.)
Q(f) = frequency dependent quality factor, inversely proportional to the damping ratio of the rock
π = Pi
R = distance from circular rupture surface
vs = shear wave velocity of the rock
C = RθΦ*F*V / 4*π*ρ*vs3
(3.31 -
Kramer, 1996:92)
RθΦ = Radiation Pattern ≈ 0.55
F = Free-surface effect =2
V = √2/2 - accounts for partitioning of energy into two horizontal components
π = Pi
ρ = density of the rock
vs = shear wave velocity of the rock
fc = 4.9 x 106*vs*(Δσ/Mo)1/3
(3.32 -
Kramer, 1996:93)
fc = corner frequency (Hz.)
vs = shear wave velocity of the rock (km/sec.)
Δσ = stress drop (bars) - 50 and 100 are typically used for western and eastern North America
Mo = Seismic Moment (dyne-cm.)
Mw = (2/3)*log10Mo-10.7
(2.5 -
Kramer, 1996:49)
Mw = Moment Magnitude
Mo = Seismic Moment (dyne-cm.)
Mo = μ*A*D
(2.1 -
Kramer, 1996:42)
μ = Shear Modulus (Pa)
A = Area of rupture (m2)
D = displacement (m)
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