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Bet Zeyda

Bet Zeyda Earthquakes
Figure 8b

Tying the offsets to event ages. The events that were recognized by Wechsler et al. (2014) are represented by their age probability density functions (pdfs) as generated by Oxcal, and color coded by channel. For each event, an associated offset is attached. Colored boxes at the top represent the age extent of each channel's sediments. Historically known earthquakes are marked by grey lines. There is an age uncertainty as to the age of the oldest units in channel 4 (units 490–499) marked by a dashed rectangle. Inset – the result of the CVt calculation for the earthquake ages.

JW: Shape of events at 1202 and 1759 on this plot understate uncertainty and present unrealistic probability distributions - because these two events came from older work where such a probability density vs. time plot wasn't generated. Event E.H. 1 dates to between 1020 and 1280 CE and very likely reflects the 1202 CE earthquake. Event E.H.2 struck after 1415 CE but it is not known how long after. It could have been a result of a number of different earthquakes such as the 1546, 1759, and 1837 earthquakes. Marco et al (2005) favored the 1759 CE earthquake but considered the possibility of other earthquakes.

Wechsler at al. (2018)

Summary of 2D and 3D Paleoseismic Study at Bet Zayda

Results are based on a 3D paleoseismic study conducted over multiple years, utilizing multiple trenches, and performed by multiple researchers at Bet Zeyda (aka Beteiha) just north of the Sea of Galilee (aka Lake Kinneret). Trenches were dug to examine paleo-channels which intersect and were offset by the active Jordan Gorge Fault. Initial work was done by Marco et al (2005). At Marco et al (2005)'s northern site, they identified two fault ruptures which exhibited a similar temporal pattern to two fault ruptures at the Tel Ateret archaeoseismic site ~12 km. to the north. In their radiocarbon derived age-depth model for Bet Zayda, Event E.H. 1 was tightly dated (1020 - 1280 CE) and likely was caused by the 1202 CE earthquake. Event E.H. 2 was not tightly dated. It struck sometime after 1415 CE. Marco et al (2005) suggested that one of the Baalbek Quakes of 1759 CE was responsible for E.H. 2, but they considered other possibilities such as the 1546 CE and 1837 CE earthquakes. Information from Marco et al (2005)'s work is summarized below:

Seismic Events from Marco et al (2005)
Event Date Range Quake assignment Displacement (m) Estimated Magnitude Notes
E.H. 1 1020-1280 CE 1202 CE ~2.2 7.1 - 7.3 Sinistral Slip
E.H. 2 after 1415 CE 1759 CE 0.5 6.6 - 6.9 Sinistral Slip
Another channel from their southern site trenches was sinistrally displaced ~15 meters in the past 5 ka. Its dip slip was 1.2 m with the west side down. This indicated that 12.3 m of sinistral slip accumulated between 5 ka and just before the 1202 CE earthquake. Subsequent work at the same location (northern site) by Wechsler at al. (2014) revealed 8 more surface-rupturing earthquakes with a total of 5.2 m of displacement. These additional events extended the record back by ~1100-1600 years. Seismic events were identified in two paleo-channels which were labeled as Channels 3 and 4. Wechsler at al. (2014) presented their work from 3 fault crossing trenches (T37, T39, and T44) and 2 fault parallel trenches (T33 and T41a) although many other trenches were cut and logged. This leaves 7.1 m of unresolved slip between ~3000 BCE and the latter part of the 1st millennium BCE - just waiting to be sleuthed. It is also possible that lacustrine seismites could be found south of the site which record more seismic history. Radiocarbon sampling from Wechsler at al. (2014) appears to have been sufficiently dense for historical earthquake work except for the oldest event - Event CH4-E6.

Wechsler et al (2018) extended and refined previous work of Wechsler at al. (2014). They used Petrel software to create a 3D model of the displaced channels and make estimates of offset for a number of seismic events. This, in turn, allows one to make Magnitude Estimates. The Bet Zayda Master Seismic Events Table has offset and Moment Magnitude estimates on the Summary tab. Wechsler et al (2018) also added a new seismic event (CH2-E1) which appears to capture one of the mid 8th century CE earthquakes.

Aerial Views, Trench Logs, and Age Models
Aerial Views, Trench Logs, and Age Models

Aerial Views

  • Bet Zeyda Trenches Area in Google Earth
  • Bet Zeyda Trenches Area on

Later Work by Neta Wechsler

Trench Logs

Location Maps

Wechsler et al. (2014)

Figure 2

General settings of the Beteiha (aka Bet Zayda) site.

(a) An air photo of the field where the trenches were excavated, with the Jordan River, the main fault, and the local drainage demarcated. The channel flowing west through the trench site (double thin-dashed line) is abandoned and the field is now drained by the marked artificial canal (short thick-dashed line).

(b) A photo of the trench site at the beginning of the first-trenching campaign, looking north toward the Jordan Gorge. A white car stands next to T30. A vegetation lineament associated with the fault is visible at the front.

(c) The trench site with outlines for all trenches dug during our campaign, as well as the location of Marco et al. (2005) trenches. The trenches discussed in this paper are highlighted and labeled. The modern channel margins are marked by a dashed line. The topography model was obtained using a terrestrial laser scanner prior to second-year trenching, courtesy of O. Katz from the Geological Survey of Israel. The contour lines represent variations in elevation.

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Google Earth

Bet Zeyda Trenches Area in Google Earth outlined in red

click on image to explore this site on a new tab in Google Earth

Trench T45

Trench Log

Figure 3

Partial trench logs for T45 (north and south walls), focusing on the fault zone. Inset: Location map of trenches and channels mentioned in the paper. The outline of the channels is drawn schematically, based on this study and previous results (Marco et al., 2005; Wechsler et al., 2013). The legend applies to Figures 6–8 as well.

Wechsler at al. (2014)


Figure S1
  • a - north wall of T45
  • b - south wall of T45

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Trench T37

Trench Log

Figure 6

Trench logs for T37 (north and south walls). Event horizons are marked with dashed lines and faults in gray. The inset map and legend are the same as Figure 3.

Wechsler at al. (2014)


Figure S1
  • d - north wall of T37
  • e - south wall of T37

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Trenches T33 and T41a (a deeper re-exposure of T33)

Trench Log of T33

Figure 7

Trench logs for T33 (east wall), where channel 4 is exposed. Event horizons are marked with dashed lines and faults in gray. The intersections with T37 and T39 are marked. Ages in italic denote proxy locations (same unit, different exposure) from another exposure of the same wall (see Fig. S1c available in the electronic supplement). The inset map and legend are the same as Figure 3.

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Photomosaic of T33

Figure S1
  • f - east wall of T33 where channel 3 is exposed

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Photomosaic of T41a (a deeper re-exposure of T33)

Figure S1
  • c - east wall of T41a, which is a deeper re-exposure of T33

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Trench T39

Trench Log

Figure 8

Trench logs for T39 (north and south walls). Event horizons are marked with dashed lines and faults in gray. The sample at the bottom of T39N is in a proxy location from a lower unit of channel 6, below the channel 4 deposits (see Fig. S1c available in the electronic supplement). The inset map and legend are same as in Figure 3.

Wechsler at al. (2014)


Figure S1
  • g - north wall of T39
  • h - south wall of T39

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Trench T30

Figure 2

A simplified log of the parts of the west wall of T30 where channels cut into the massive clay. Channels are marked by their corresponding numbers in the text. The legend is the same as in Wechsler et al. (2014). Channel 4 was not exposed in T30. Inset on lower left – an example partial photolog of T37S, where the coarse sediments of channel 4 can be seen in fault contact. Faults are marked in red, event horizons in orange (full log was published in Wechsler et al., 2014).

Wechsler at al. (2018)

Trench T30 and T30S

T30 Trench Log

Unpublished Image - courtesy of from Tom Rockwell (email 30 March 2022)

Trench T34


Figure S1
  • i - east wall of T34, where channels 2 and 3 are exposed

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Photomosaics of All Trenches

Figure S1

High resolution photomosaic logs of trench walls. 14C sample dates in the log are not calibrated (years BP). For trench locations, see Figure 2c in the main article. Units are numbered and their descriptions appear in Table S1 of the supplementary material:
  1. north wall of T45
  2. south wall of T45
  3. east wall of T41a, which is a deeper re-exposure of T33
  4. north wall of T37
  5. south wall of T37
  6. east wall of T33 where channel 3 is exposed
  7. north wall of T39
  8. south wall of T39
  9. east wall of T34, where channels 2 and 3 are exposed.

Click on image to open a high resolution magnifiable image in a new tab

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Stratigraphic Unit Descriptions for Channels 3 and 4

Table S1. Unit Descriptions for Channels 3 and 4
Unit Number Description
301 clay with carbonates, brown
305 sandy clay, yellow
308 sand
310 pebbly sand
320 cross bedded sand and sandy gravel
322 sandy gravel
323 sand
324 cross-bedded sandy gravel with manganese staining
324 clayey sand
325 well sorted sand, sometimes with foresets
326 sand, cross bedding
328 pebbles and cobbles
328 basalt gravels, pebbles and cobbles
329 pebbly sand with fossils
329 clayey pebbly sand + shells
330 sandy clay
332 clayey gravely sand
333 sandy clay
334 silty sand
335 clayey sand
337 sand
340 pebbly sandy clay, grey
342 clayey gravel
345 silty clay
349 clayey fine gravel
350 clayey sand
355 clayey gravel
360 clayey coarse gravel and pebbles
365 gravely sand
370 clayey gravel
372 sand
373 clayey gravel
375 clayey sandy gravel
380 clayey sand
382 clayey sandy gravel
384 clayey coarse sand
385 clayey sand
387 sandy gravely clay
388 silty clay
390 sandy gravel
392 sandy clay
394 sandy gravel
395 clayey pebbly gravel
396 pebbly sand
397 clayey gravel
398 clayey sandy gravel
399 clayey pebbly gravel
400 dark brown clay below channel deposits
405 brown clay
415 calciferous clay with shells
420 sandy clay
425 sandy gravelly clay
429 sandy gravelly clay
431 clayey gravelly sand
432 clayey gravelly sand
433 clayey gravelly sand
434 gravelly sand
435 gravelly sand
436 gravelly sand
437 gravelly sand
438 gravelly sand
439 gravelly sand
440 clayey gravel
441 silty clay
442 clayey gravel
443 sandy clay
445 clayey gravel
449 clayey gravel
450 clayey gravel
452 sandy gravel
453 sandy gravel
454 sandy gravel
455 sandy gravel
456 sandy clay
457 sandy gravel
458 sandy gravel
459 silty clay
460 sandy clay
480 clayey gravelly sand
481 clayey gravelly sand
482 clayey gravelly sand
483 clayey gravelly sand
484 clayey gravelly sand
485 clayey gravelly sand
486 clayey gravel
487 clayey gravel
488 clayey gravel
489 clayey gravel
490 gravelly sand
491 silty clay
492 gravelly sand
493 gravelly sand
494 silty clay
495 gravelly clay
496 gravelly clay

Initial Age Model

Normal Size

Figure 5

An OxCal model of the overall stratigraphy of the channel complex using OxCal 4.1 (Bronk-Ramsey, 2009). We use the Marco et al. (2005) ages as an upper bound for our model, and a sample obtained from below channel 4 as a lower bound.

Wechsler at al. (2014)


Figure 5

An OxCal model of the overall stratigraphy of the channel complex using OxCal 4.1 (Bronk-Ramsey, 2009). We use the Marco et al. (2005) ages as an upper bound for our model, and a sample obtained from below channel 4 as a lower bound.

Wechsler at al. (2014)

Revised Age Model

Normal Size

Figure 4

the revised OxCal model for channels 2 and 3. Changes relative to Wechsler et al (2014) are marked in red

Wechsler at al. (2018)


Figure 4

the revised OxCal model for channels 2 and 3. Changes relative to Wechsler et al (2014) are marked in red

Wechsler at al. (2018)

Initial Work by Schmuel Marco

Trench Logs

Location Map

Fig. 4

Map of trench site. The site was developed over three seasons, each marked with a different line.

Marco et al (2005)

Fault Parallel Trenches T16, T17, T7, and T18 (Northern Group)

Fig. 6

Fault-parallel trench logs of the northern group show offset stream channels. Alternating alluvium and lake deposits reflect fluctuations of water level of the Kinneret. Clay units 1 and 8 below and above the channels indicate high stands of the Kinneret whereas channel incision indicates low stand.

Marco et al (2005)

Fault Perpendicular Trenches T4 and T10 (Northern Group)

Fig. 7

Trench logs and dated stratigraphy of Trenches T10 (top) and T4 (bottom). Solid lines mark the faults, dashed are very faint,discontinuous disturbances, which we attribute to late adjustments of the overlying strata. Two slip events are observed in T10. Based only onthe C14 dating, the first slip event (E.H. 1) postdates the 12th century and predates the 13th century. The second slip (E.H. 2) postdates the 15thcentury. Based on historical earthquake catalogues and correlation to Ateret we correlated the slip events to the earthquakes of 20 May, 1202 and30 October 1759. The trace of the 1759 slip is not clear in trench T7 because of the poorly-consolidated unit 6c. We therefore mark only E.H. 1.

Marco et al (2005)

Fault Perpendicular Trench T15 (Southern Group)

Fig. 8

The stratigraphy near the fault at Trench T15 of the southern group. The oldest age of bulk organic matter leached from of the alluvial sand layer is 5 kaF50 yr. The concordance of the other dates with the stratigraphy indicate their reliability. The top of the trench shows the surface expression of the fault, where the eastern side is about 0.8 m higher than the western side.

Marco et al (2005)

Age Model

Fig. 9

Top: calibrated date distribution for samples from trenches T2, T4, and T10. Center: probability density functions for radiocarbon dates that constrain the timing of the penultimate event at the Bet-Zayda palaeoseismic site. The dates were trimmed with Bayesian statistics in OxCal,and the probability density function for the event age is calculated from the radiocarbon ages. Note that the historical 1202 earthquake falls within the probability distribution, and is in fact the only historical earthquake in the vicinity that can possibly fit the age distribution. This indicates that the detrital charcoal dated for this study was not resident in the system for an extended period of time (decades versus centuries). Bottom: calibrated date distribution for samples from trench T15. Calibration of C14 ages was done with the Bronk Ramsey’s (2002) OxCal program version 3.8 using the atmospheric data of Stuvier et al.

Marco et al (2005)

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table



Tom Rockwell (personal correspondence, 2022) relates the following:

In our 2014 paper, we show a map of the site, which includes our original locator trench - T30 - in which we searched for channels. For Neta's post-doc work, we focused on the northern set of channels, but look at the ages of the southern several channels - they fill in time periods that we didn't investigate. I believe that area is still open for study - was a bit salty for the farmers.

Bet Zeyda Trench T30
T30 Trench Log

from Tom Rockwell (email 30 March 2022)

kmz's for Site Visits

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