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Fault Maps - Israel

Active Faults around the Sea of Galilee (SOG)
Description Image Source
Faults in Jordan River Valley and SOG Fig 1b - Ferrario et al (2020)
Faults around SOG Fig 1c - Ferrario et al (2020)
Faults around SOG Fig 1b - Hazan et al (2004)

Faults N of SOG Fig. 1 - Wechsler et al (2018)
Neotectonic map of SOG Fig. 6 - Gasperini et al (2020)
Tectonic map of SOG Fig. 2 - Gasperini et al (2020)
Tectonic models for SOG Fig. 2 - Gasperini et al (2020)
Carmel & Gilboa Faults Fig. 31.1 - Marco et al (2006)
Dead Sea
Description Image Source
Dead Sea Fig 1 - Wetzler et al (2012)
PAF - W side
of Dead Sea
Fig 1 - Salamon (2004)
Tectonic Map
Dead Sea
Fig 17.4a - Ben-Avraham et al (2012)
Dead Sea Faults Fig. 2.6 - Rast and Schaub (2003)
Entire Country
Description Image Source
Quaternary Fault Map Fig 7 - Sharon et al (2020)
Active and Potentially Active Fault Map Geologic Survey of Israel

Fault Maps - Jordan

Jordan River Valley
Description Image Source
Segmented Faults in
Jordan River Valley
Fig 1b - Ferry et al (2011)
Segmented Faults in
Jordan River Valley
Fig 6 - Ferry et al (2011)
Segmented Faults in
Jordan River Valley
Fig 1 - Ferry (2007)
Closeup of Faulting
at Ghor Khabed
Fig 3 - Ferry (2007)
Seismotectonic Map
Jordan Valley
Fig 2 - Galli (1999)
Dead Sea Faults Fig. 2.6 - Rast and Schaub (2003)
Araba Valley
Segmented Faults in
Araba Valley
Fig 1 - Klinger et. al. (2015)
Closeup of
Yotvata Extension jog
Fig 2 - Klinger et. al. (2015)
Morphotectonic Map
Araba Valley
Fig 3a - Le Béon et al (2012)
Morphotectonic Map
N Araba Valley
Fig 3b - Le Béon et al (2012)
Seismotectonic Map
Araba Valley
Fig 1 - Galli (1999)
Geologic Map
N Araba
Fig 2 - Atallah (2002)
Geologic Map
N Araba
tighter scale
Fig 3 - Atallah (2002)
Dead Sea Transform Fig 1 - Atallah (2002)
Gulf of Aqaba (GOA)
Main transform faults
Fig 2 - Hartman at al (2014)
Geologic Map
Fig 3 - Hartman at al (2014)
Fig 7 - Hartman at al (2014)
Main transform faults
Fig 15 - Hartman at al (2014)
Seismicity & Faults
Fig 2 - Salama et al (2021)

Al-Taj, M. M., et al. (2007). "The Tectonic Geomorphology and the Archeoseismicity of the Dead Sea Transform in Jordan Valley." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 41.

Atallah, M., et al. (2002). "Deformation at a strike-slip, stepover zone along the southeastern margin of the Dead Sea pullapart basin, Jordan." Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 2.

Ferry, M., et al. (2011). "Episodic Behavior of the Jordan Valley Section of the Dead Sea Fault Inferred from a 14-ka-Long Integrated Catalog of Large Earthquakes." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101(1): 39-67.

Ferry, M., et al. (2007). "A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 260(3-4): 394-406.

Klinger, Y., et al. (2015). "5000 yr of paleoseismicity along the southern Dead Sea fault." Geophysical Journal International 202(1): 313-327.

Le Béon, M., et al. (2010). "Early Holocene and Late Pleistocene slip rates of the southern Dead Sea Fault determined from 10Be cosmogenic dating of offset alluvial deposits." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B11)

Le Béon, M., et al. (2012). "Quaternary morphotectonic mapping of the Wadi Araba and implications for the tectonic activity of the southern Dead Sea fault." Tectonics 31(5): TC5003.

Galli, P. (1999). "Active tectonics along the Wadi Araba-Jordan Valley transform fault." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104(B2): 2777-2796.

Hartman, G., et al. (2014). "Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Northern Gulf of Elat/Aqaba along the Dead Sea Transform." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119(12): 9183-9205.

Rast, W. E., Schaub, R. T. (2003). Bab Edh-Dhra': Excavations at the Town Site - Part 1. United States: Eisenbrauns. - can be borrowed with a free account from archive.org

Salama, A., et al. (2021). "Review of Tsunami Hazard Potential for Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt." Journal of the Geological Society of India 97: 1545-1550.

Tectonic and Bathymetric Maps - Gulf of Aqaba

Tectonic setting of entire Gulf of Aqaba

Figure 1

(A) Tectonic setting of the sinistral strike-slip Dead Sea Fault (DSF). Seismicity from the ISC earthquake catalogue 1964 - 2015 (http://www.isc.ac.uk). The DSF connects to the North to the East Anatolian Fault System (EAFS) and to the South to the Red Sea ridge (modified from Le Béon et al., (2008)) GA: Gulf of Aqaba, ST: Strait of Tiran.

(B) Multibeam bathymetric map of GA and ST with the main active faults, combining R/V Thuwal (2018), F/S Meteor (1999) and Hall & Ben Avraham (1978) datasets. The main strike-slip faults are in red while normal faults are in black. Fault traces have been simplified for clarity. The grey focal mechanisms corresponding to the successive sub-events for the, Mw 7.3, 1995 earthquake, and location of the seismic swarms in 1983, 1990, 1993 and other focal mechanisms after Klinger et al., (1999). Grey background is Landsat 8 Imagery, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (2018).
  • ArF: Arnona Fault
  • AF: Aragonese Fault
  • DF: Dakar Fault
  • EF: Eilat Fault
  • HF: Haql Fault
  • TF: Tiran Fault
Matthieu et al. (2021)

Bathymetric Maps

Figure 2
  1. Bathymetric map of the Gulf of Aqaba combining R/V Thuwal (2018), F/S Meteor (1999) and Hall & Ben Avraham (1978) datasets
  2. Shade bathymetry of the Gulf of Aqaba with an azimuth of 315N and a sun angle of 25°
  3. Slope map of the Gulf of Aqaba from low slope angle (white: 0°) to high slope angle (black: >45°)
All maps are projected in WGS 84 - UTM 36N. On-land grey background from a Landsat-8 image, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey.

Matthieu et al. (2021)

Fault Map - North Gulf of Aqaba

Figure 3
  1. Zoom-in of the northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba, along the morphological trace of the Haql fault (see location on Figure 2) with location of the cross sections shown in (B). The fault lines are more detailed than in Figure 1. Red lines represent the main strike-slip faults, black lines the main normal faults. Along the Eilat fault, a long-term displaced channel as well as the left-lateral displacement of a small hill confirm the strike-slip character of the Eilat fault.
  2. Cross-sections along the longitudinal shape of the alluvial fans, North of the city of Haql. No vertical offsets are visible on these cross-sections, with the exception of a possible knickpoint along profile D-D’. The continuous convex shape of the fans suggests no recent activity of the Haql fault.
  3. The trace of the Haql fault is buried by fans coming from the coastal plain, with no visible recent perturbations of the fans at this location. Nevertheless, the high relief shows the long-term normal or oblique character of the Haql fault. In few places, the shaded topography suggests that a small part of strike-slip motion is also accommodated along the Haql fault.
  4. At the southern termination of the Haql fault, discontinuous small scarps across the fans suggest that this section of the fault might have been activated recently.
Matthieu et al. (2021)

Fault Map - Central Gulf of Aqaba

Figure 4
  1. Detailed fault map of the sinistral strike-slip fault system in the central GA. Direct evidence of surface rupture associated to the main subevent (see Fig. 2) of the 1995 Mw = 7.3 Nuweiba earthquake are found in box B.
  2. Sharp fault morphology suggesting very recent fault activation. Small changes of geometry along the Aragonese fault are responsible for small pull-apart (black squares) and counterslope scarp (white square).
  3. Detail of the fault zone between Aragonese Deep and Arnona Deep resulting from a complexity in the geometry of the Arnona fault. The red line represents the main active strike slip fault.
Matthieu et al. (2021)

Fault Map - South Gulf of Aqaba

Figure 5
  1. Southern part of the Gulf of Aqaba (see location on Figure 2). Dakar and Tiran Deeps are located between the sinistral strike-slip Arnona fault (red line) and the normal Dakar fault (bold black lines). The location of the main strike-slip fault is partly masked by diapiric foldings (black arrows) and secondary faulting (thin black and dashed black lines) associated with the destabilization of large salt deposits moving down from the Dahab plateau.
  2. Cross-sections across the Dahab plateau showing the eastward sloping and the topographic drop from the Dahab plateau toward the Dakar and Tiran deeps.
Matthieu et al. (2021)

Fault Map - Strait of Tiran

Figure 6

Strait of Tiran (see location on Figure 2).
  1. The sinistral strike-slip Tiran Fault is located between the Woodhouse and Jackson reefs. The sharp bathymetry to the North and to the South of the reef emphasizes the location of the fault. Red lines represent the main strike slip faults, black lines represent the main normal faults.
  2. Slope map of the Strait of Tiran, from low slope angle (white: 0°) to high slope angle (black: >45°).
Matthieu et al. (2021)

Fault Maps - Lebanon

. . .
Description Image Source
Major Faults Fig 1- Daeron et al (2007)
Tectonic Map of DSF Fig 1- Gomez et al (2007)
Topography of LRB Fig 2a- Gomez et al (2007)
Geology of LRB Fig 2b- Gomez et al (2007)
Roum Fault Fig 4 - Nemer and Meghraoui (2006)
DST in Lebanon Fig 1 - Nemer et al (2008)
DST in Lebanon Fig 1 - Nemer and Meghraoui (2006)
Active Faults
of Lebanon
Fig 1b - Daëron et al (2004)
Fault Area
Fig 2 - Nemer et al (2008)
Major Faults Fig 1 - Fedorik et al (2022)
Geotectonic Map Fig 1a - Wetzler et al. (2022)
Tectonic and Fault Map Fig 1b - Wetzler et al. (2022)
Mount Lebanon Thrust
Description Image Source
Mount Lebanon Thrust Fig 1- Elias et al (2007)
Historical Earthquakes
in Lebanon
Fig 4- Elias et al (2007)
Area around Tripoli
Description Image Source
Region of Tripoli Fig 6- Gomez et al (2007)
Bekaa Valley
Description Image Source
Southern Bekaa Valley Fig. 12a - Gomez et al (2006)
Maps from Nemer et al. (2023)

Fig. 1 - Faults and Geologic Features of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 1
  • Regional map of the Middle East showing the eastern Mediterranean area and the Arabian, African, and Anatolian plates; dashed box is the location of (b)

  • Digital elevation model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, 90-m resolution) of the eastern Mediterranean region showing the different segments of the Dead Sea Transform Fault; box shows the location of the Lebanese Restraining Bend (c)

  • Digital elevation model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, 90-m resolution) of the Lebanese Restraining Bend showing the main units, structures, and places that are referred to throughout the text
Nemer et al. (2023)

Fig. 2 - Faults, Folds, and seismicity of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 2

The study area with:
  • main faults (red)
  • folds (green)
  • seismogenic zones (blue outlines, cf. Fig. 4)
  • estimated epicentral locations (black squares annotated by date and magnitude) of the major historical earthquakes of the Lebanese Restraining Bend (e.g. Sbeinati et al., 2005)
  • instrumental seismicity earthquakes with magnitudes ≥ 4
Nemer et al. (2023)

Fig. 4 - Faults, Folds, and focal mechanism solutions of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 4 - Faults, Folds, and focal mechanism solutions of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 4

The study area with
  • main faults (red)
  • folds (green)
  • seismogenic zones (blue outlines and labels) associated with their focal mechanism solutions
  1. after Pondrelli et al. (2002) (light blue), Salamon et al. (2003) (green), Hofstetter et al. (2007) (yellow), Abdul-Wahed et al. (2011) (orange)
  2. after Meirova and Hofstetter (2013) (pink)
  3. after Palano et al. (2013) (red)
  4. from Table 1
Refer to text for how the focal mechanism solutions in (d) were generated. Letters above the focal mechanisms in (d) indicate the following:
  • F fault
  • Fl flexure
  • M middle
  • N northern
  • S southern
  • St structure
Nemer et al. (2023)

Focal Mechanisms

Focal Mechanisms


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Focal Mechanisms vs. Fault Type

Focal Mechanisms vs. Fault Type


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Development of Beach Ball

Development of the Focal
Mechanism Beach Ball


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Fig. 5 - Velocity Polygons and Geological Map of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 5
  1. The study area with regional polygons that delimit the velocity structural models (differentiated by colors)
  2. Geological map of the study area after Dubertret (1962)
Nemer et al. (2023)

Fig. 5b - Geological Map of Lebanon and vicinity

Fig. 5b

Geological map of the study area after Dubertret (1962)

Nemer et al. (2023)

Fault Maps - Syria

Description Image Source
Regional tectonic map Fig 1 - Abdul-Wahed and Ibrahim (2010)
Tectonic Zones Fig 2 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Principal Faults Fig 3 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Principal Faults Fig 2 - Abdul-Wahed and Ibrahim (2010)
Seismicity Fig 5 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Focal Mechanisms Fig 7 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Focal Mechanisms Fig 4 - Abdul-Wahed and Ibrahim (2010)
Simplified Focal Mechanisms Fig 5 - Abdul-Wahed and Ibrahim (2010)
Epicentral Map
Fig 8 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Detailed Epicentral Map
Fig 10 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Epicentral Map
Central Syria
Fig 9 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Epicentral Map
N Aleppo
Fig 11 - Abdul-Wahed et al (2018)
Missyaf fault segment Fig 7 - Meghraoui (2015)
Active Faults Syria Fig 1B - Sbeinati et al (2010)
Major Historical Earthquakes Fig 2 - Sbeinati et al (2010)
Major Historical Earthquakes Fig 1a - Meghraoui et al (2003)
Tectonic Map of Syria Fig. 15 - Brew et al (2001)
Tectonic Map of Syria Fig. 5 - Brew et al (2001)
Palmyride mountains
Fig. 1 - Alsdorf et al (1995)
Simplified neotectonic
map of Syria
Fig. 1 - Rukieh et al (2005)
topography and boundaries
of the neotectonic provinces
Fig. 2 - Rukieh et al (2005)
Schematic map of the
main neotectonic features
Fig. 7 - Rukieh et al (2005)
Active faults in Syria Fig. 12 - Rukieh et al (2005)
topography and boundaries
of the neotectonic provinces
Fig. 13 - Rukieh et al (2005)
Overall structure of DSF Fig. 1 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
SOG to Homs Basalts Fig. 2 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
Geological Map Fig. 3 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
Sat Map Homs Basalts Fig. 5 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
Shin Volcanoe faulting Fig. 7 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
Overall Scheme DSF Fig. 11 - Chorowicz et al (2005)
Simplified Geol. Map Fig. 1 - Gomez et al (2006)
Central DSF Fig. 3a - Gomez et al (2006)
Northern DSF Fig. 5a - Gomez et al (2006)
Damascus Region Fig. 9 - Gomez et al (2006)

Abdul-Wahe, M. K. and J. Asfahani (2018). "The recent instrumental seismicity of Syria and its implications." Geofísica Internacional 57: 121-138.

Abdul-Wahed, M. K. and A.-T. Ibrahim (2010). "Preliminary outlining of the seismological active zones in Syria." Annals of Geophysics 53: 1-9.

BREW, G., et al. (2001). "Structure and tectonic development of the Ghab basin and the Dead Sea fault system, Syria." Journal of the Geological Society 158(4): 665-674.

Meghraoui, M. (2015). Paleoseismic History of the Dead Sea Fault Zone. Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering. M. Beer, I. A. Kougioumtzoglou, E. Patelli and I. S.-K. Au. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 1-20.

Sbeinati, M. R., et al. (2010). "Timing of earthquake ruptures at the Al Harif Roman aqueduct (Dead Sea fault, Syria) from archaeoseismology and paleoseismology." Geological Society of America Special Papers 471: 243-267.

Meghraoui, M., et al. (2003). "Evidence for 830 years of seismic quiescence from palaeoseismology, archaeoseismology and historical seismicity along the Dead Sea fault in Syria." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1–2): 35-52.

Brew, G., et al. (2000). "Tectonic map and geologic evolution of Syria: The role of GIS." Geophysics 19: 176-182.

Mcbride, J. H., et al. (1990). "Seismic reflection structure of intracratonic Palmyride fold-thrust belt and surrounding Arabian platform, Syria." AAPG Bulletin 74(3): 238-259.

Alsdorf, D., et al. (1995). "The intraplate Euphrates fault system-Palmyrides mountain belt junction and relationship to Arabian plate boundary tectonics." Annals of Geophysics 38.

Rukieh, M., et al. (2005). "Neotectonic map of Syria and some aspects of Late Cenozoic evolution of the northwestern boundary zone of the Arabian plate." Journal of Geodynamics - J GEODYNAMICS 40: 235-256.

Chorowicz, J., et al. (2005). "Tectonics of the Pliocene Homs basalts (Syria) and implications for the Dead Sea Fault Zone activity." Journal of The Geological Society - J GEOL SOC 162: 259-271.

Fault Maps - Turkey

Active Fault Map Quadrangles (click on map to open)

Updating of Active Fault Map of Turkey and its Database (Archived Project on Research Gate - 72 references including quadrangle maps)

Description Image Source
Active Fault Map - E Med. Fig 2 - Duman et al (2018)
Active Fault Map - E Med. Fig 1 - Emre et al (2018)
Active Fault Map - Turkey Active Fault Map
of Turkey
with an Explanatory Text
1:1,250,000 Scale
Active Fault Map - Turkey (Big) Active Fault Map
of Turkey
with an Explanatory Text
1:1,250,000 Scale
Active Fault Map - Antakya Quadrangle Active Fault Map
of Turkey
Antakya Quadrangle
1:250,000 Scale
Active Faults - W Turkey Fig 3a - Emre et al (2018)
Active Faults - Central Turkey Fig 3b - Emre et al (2018)
Active Faults - E Turkey Fig 3c - Emre et al (2018)
Table 1 Table 1 - for Fig 3 a,b,c Table 1 - Emre et al (2018)
Fault Bend Systems NW Anatolia Fig 4 - Emre et al (2018)
Seismicity in Turkey vs. Mw Fig 4 - Duman et al (2018)
Focal Depth
Seismicity in Turkey
Fig 5 - Emre et al (2018)
Focal Depth
Seismicity in Turkey
Fig 9 - Duman et al (2018)
Crustal Cross-Sections Fig 8 - Duman et al (2018)
Focal mechanism map Fig 6 - Duman et al (2018)
Historical Earthquakes in Turkey Fig 5 - Duman et al (2018)
Earthquakes in Turkey
Fig 6 - Emre et al (2018)
Seismotectonic domains Fig 12 - Duman et al (2018)
Amik Basin Fig 1 - Akyuz et al (2006)
Hacipasa Fault Fig 2 - Akyuz et al (2006)
DST into EAF Fig 8 - Meghraoui (2015)
Tectonic Setting - EAF Fig 1 - Güvercin et al (2022)
Fault segmentation - EAF Fig 2 - Güvercin et al (2022)
Seismicity - EAF Fig 3 - Güvercin et al (2022)
Moment tensor solutions - EAF Fig 7 - Güvercin et al (2022)

Duman, T., et al. (2018). "Seismotectonic database of Turkey." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16: 3277-3316.

Emre, Ö., et al. (2018). "Active fault database of Turkey." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16: 3229-3275.

1:25 000 Scale Basic Active Fault Maps - GIS data available for a fee

References for Emre et al (2018) Fig 1 (Active Fault Map of the Eastern Mediterranean)

  • Faults in Turkey are from Emre et al. (2013)
  • Faults in the south and east are simplified from Garfunkel (2014), Hessami et al. (2003) and Gudjabidze (2003)
  • Faults in Aegean and Balkans are from Burchfiel et al. (2006), Caputo et al. (2012, 2015), Woessner et al. (2015)
  • Faults in Mediterranean are re-evaluated from Angelier et al. (1982) and Papazachos and Papaioannou (1999)
  • Faults in Black Sea are re-evaluated from Şengör et al. (1985) and Barka and Reilinger (1997)
  • Neotectonic Provence modified from Şengör (1980) and Koçyiğit and Özacar (2003)
  • For the other details of the faults in Turkey see Fig. 3.
References for Duman et al (2018) Fig 2 (Active Fault Map of the Eastern Mediterranean)
  • Faults in Turkey are from Emre et al. (2013)
  • Faults in the south and east are simplified from Hessami et al. (2003) and Gudjabidze (2003)
  • Faults in Aegean and Balkans are from Burchfiel et al. (2006), Caputo et al. (2012, 2015), Woessner et al. (2015), Garfunkel et al. (2014).
  • Faults in Mediterranean are re-evaluated from Angelier et al. (1982) and Papazachos and Papaioannou (1999)
  • Faults in Black Sea are re-evaluated from Şengör et al. (1985) and Barka and Reilinger (1997)
  • Neotectonic Provence modified from Şengör (1980)
Akyuz, H. S., et al. (2006). "Historical earthquake activity of the northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone, southern Turkey." Tectonophysics 426(3–4): 281-293.

Meghraoui, M. (2015). Paleoseismic History of the Dead Sea Fault Zone. Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering. M. Beer, I. A. Kougioumtzoglou, E. Patelli and I. S.-K. Au. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 1-20.

Active Fault Map Quadrangles - Big Detailed Maps - click on map to open

Maps of Turkey - MTA

Güvercin, S. E., et al. (2022). "Active Seismotectonics of the East Anatolian Fault." Geophysical Journal International.


Bitlis Suture Info - find and upload images and then sort - add DEMS to arcgis pro





add image reference table to geoscience refs - incl this on tectonic geomorphology

Fault Maps - Entire Transform

Description Image Source
Entire DST Fig 3 - Meghraoui (2015)
Quaternary Fault Map Fig 7 - Sharon et al (2020)
Tectonic sketch map Fig 1 - Karcz (2004)
Dead Sea Fault Segments + Seismicity Fig 25.1 - Abou Karaki et al. (2022)

Reference Images

Description Image Source
Common Geologic Map Symbols Fig. 4-54 - Introduction to Physical Geology (miracosta.edu)
Reverse and Thrust Faults Figure 10.3.4 - A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology
by Siobhan McGoldrick

Fault Files and Fault Data

Earthquake Related

Charts and Illustrations

Earthquake Archeological Effects (EAE)

Earthquake Archeological Effects Chart

Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013)

Potential Earthquake Archeological Effects (PEAEs)

Potential earthquake archaeological effects (PEAEs) on Minoan remains. Adapted from Rodríguez-Pascua et al. (2011) and Macdonald (2001), completed by Warren (1991), Knappett and Cunningham (2003), and Rucker and Niemi (2010). See text for further explanation.

Jusseret et al. (2013)

Environmental Effects (ESI 2007)

  • from Amos Salamon
Graphic Representation of ESI 2007 Intensity

click on image to open a higher resolution version in a new tab

Synoptic Table of ESI 2007 Intensity Degrees

Plate I

Synoptic Table of ESI 2007 Intensity Degrees - The accuracy of the assessment improves in the higher degrees of the scale, in particular in the range of occurrence of primary effects, typically starting from intensity VIII, and with growing resolution for intensity IX, X, XI and XII. Hence, in the yellow group of intensity degrees (XI-XII) they become the most effective tool for intensity assessment.

click on image to open a higher resolution version in a new tab

Michetti et al. (2007)

Surface Faulting vs. Intensity

Table 1

Ranges of surface faulting parameters (primary effects) and typical extents of total area (secondary effects) for each intensity degree.

Michetti et al. (2007)

Environmental Effects vs. Intensity

Table 2

Diagnostic range of intensity degrees for each class of environmental effects.

Michetti et al. (2007)

Simple MMI Intensity Scale

  • from ?
Simple MMI Intensity Scale

More Subjective MMI Intensity Scale

  • from ?
More Subjective MMI Intensity Scale

Intensity vs. PGA

Table 3.8

Correlation of PGA with the
Instrumental Intensity scale
and Richter scale

Abdelmonem (2014)

Focal Mechanisms

Focal Mechanisms


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Focal Mechanisms vs. Fault Type

Focal Mechanisms vs. Fault Type


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Development of Beach Ball

Development of the Focal
Mechanism Beach Ball


Mikenorton - CC BY-SA 3.0

Easily create .kml file to plot focal mechanisms in Google Earth
All Charts and Illustrations in a Thumbnail Table

Description Image Source
Earthquake Archeological Effects Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224)
Environmental Effects (ESI 2007)
Synoptic Table of ESI 2007 Intensity Degrees Michetti et al. (2007)
Surface Faulting vs. Intensity Michetti et al. (2007)
Environmental Effects vs. Intensity Michetti et al. (2007)
Simple MMI Intensity Scale
More Subjective MMI Intensity Scale
Intensity vs. PGA Abdelmonem (2014)
Focal Mechanisms Focal Mechanisms - Wikipedia
Focal Mechanisms vs. Fault Type Focal Mechanisms - Wikipedia
Development of Beach Ball Focal Mechanisms - Wikipedia

Short Descriptions of Various Intensity Scales

Scale Description Reference(s)
MMI The MMI scale estimates the intensity of an earthquake by considering its effects on people, objects, buildings and environment on a specific locality. (anonymous reviewer of JW's Mid 8th century Earthquakes article)
INQUA (ESI- 2007) The Environmental Seismic Intensity scale (ESI07) is only based on the local effects triggered by the earthquake in the natural environment (Michetti et al. 2007). (anonymous reviewer of JW's Mid 8th century Earthquakes article)

Environmental Seismic Intensity scale - ESI 2007

ESI 2007 Intensity Scale

Textual Descriptions


There are no environmental effects that can be used as diagnostic.

IV -LARGELY OBSERVED - First unequivocal effects in the environment

Primary Effects


Secondary Effects

  1. Rare small variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded, as well as extremely rare small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in springs and wells, especially within large karstic spring systems, which appear to be most prone to this phenomenon.

  2. In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height not exceeding a few centimeters may develop, commonly observed only by tidal gauges, exceptionally even by naked eye, typically in the far field of strong earthquakes. Anomalous waves are perceived by all people on small boats, few people on larger boats, most people on the coast. Water in swimming pools swings and may sometimes overflows.

  3. Hair-thin cracks (millimeter-wide) might be occasionally seen where lithology (e.g., loose alluvial deposits, saturated soils) and/or morphology (slopes or ridge crests) are most prone to this phenomenon.

  4. Exceptionally, rocks may fall and small landslide may be (re)activated, along slopes where the equilibrium is already near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose and generally saturated soil.

  5. Tree limbs shake feebly.

V -STRONG - Marginal effects in the environment

Primary Effects


Secondary Effects

  1. Rare variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded, as well as small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs and wells.

  2. In closed basins (lakes, even seas) seiches with height of decimeters may develop, sometimes noted also by naked eye, typically in the far field of strong earthquakes. Anomalous waves up to several tens of cm high are perceived by all people on boats and on the coast. Water in swimming pools overflows.

  3. Thin cracks (millimeter-wide and several cms up to one meter long) are locally seen where lithology (e.g., loose alluvial deposits, saturated soils) and/or morphology (slopes or ridge crests) are most prone to this phenomenon.

  4. Rare small rockfalls, rotational landslides and slump earth flows may take place, along often but not necessarily steep slopes where equilibrium is near the limit state, mainly loose deposits and saturated soil. Underwater landslides may be triggered, which can induce small anomalous waves in coastal areas of sea and lakes.

  5. Tree limbs and bushes shake slightly, very rare cases of fallen dead limbs and ripe fruit.

  6. Extremely rare cases are reported of liquefaction (sand boil), small in size and in areas most prone to this phenomenon (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near-surface water table).

VI -SLIGHTLY DAMAGING - Modest effects in the environment

Primary Effects


Secondary Effects

  1. Significant variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded, as well as small variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs and wells.

  2. Anomalous waves up to many tens of cm high flood very limited areas nearshore. Water in swimming pools and small ponds and basins overflows.

  3. Occasionally, millimeter-centimeter wide and up to several meters long fractures are observed in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils; along steep slopes or riverbanks they can be 1-2 cm wide. A few minor cracks develop in paved (either asphalt or stone) roads.

  4. Rockfalls and landslides with volume reaching ca. 103 m3 can take place, especially where equilibrium is near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose saturated soil, or highly weathered / fractured rocks. Underwater landslides can be triggered, occasionally provoking small anomalous waves in coastal areas of sea and lakes, commonly seen by instrumental records.

  5. Trees and bushes shake moderately to strongly; a very few tree tops and unstable-dead limbs may break and fall, also depending on species, fruit load and state of health.

  6. Rare cases are reported of liquefaction (sand boil), small in site and in areas most prone to this phenomenon (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near surface water table).

VII -DAMAGING - Appreciable effects in the environment

Primary Effects

observed very rarely, and almost exclusively in volcanic areas. Limited surface fault ruptures, tens to hundreds of meters long and with centimetric offset, may occur, essentially associated to very shallow earthquakes.

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 10 km2

  1. Significant temporary variations of the water level in wells and/or of the flow-rate of springs are locally recorded. Seldom, small springs may temporarily run dry or appear. Weak variations of chemical-physical properties of water and turbidity in lakes, springs and wells are locally observed.

  2. Anomalous waves even higher than a meter may flood limited nearshore areas and damage or wash away objects of variable size. Water overflows from small basins and watercourses.

  3. Fractures up to 5-10 cm wide and up to hundred metres long are observed, commonly in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils; rarely, in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil fractures are also seen, up to 1 cm wide. Centimeter-wide cracks are common in paved (asphalt or stone) roads.

  4. Scattered landslides occur in prone areas, where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / saturated soils), while modest rock falls are common on steep gorges, cliffs). Their size is sometimes significant (103 - 105 m3); in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil, the volumes are usually up to 100 m3. Ruptures, slides and falls may affect riverbanks and artificial embankments and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) in loose sediment or weathered / fractured rock. Significant underwater landslides can be triggered, provoking anomalous waves in coastal areas of sea and lakes, directly felt by people on boats and ports.

  5. Trees and bushes shake vigorously; especially in densely forested areas, many limbs and tops break and fall.

  6. Rare cases are reported of liquefaction, with sand boils up to 50 cm in diameter, in areas most prone to this phenomenon (highly susceptible, recent, alluvial and coastal deposits, near surface water table).

VIII - HEAVILY DAMAGING - Extensive effects in the environment

Primary Effects

observed rarely - Ground ruptures (surface faulting) may develop, up to several hundred meters long, with offsets not exceeding a few cm, particularly for very shallow focus earthquakes such as those common in volcanic areas. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values on the order of a few centimeters may occur.

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 100 km2

  1. Springs may change, generally temporarily, their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Some small springs may even run dry. Variations in water level are observed in wells. Weak variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, may be observed in springs and/or wells. Water turbidity may appear in closed basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are locally observed.

  2. Anomalous waves up to 1-2 meters high flood nearshore areas and may damage or wash away objects of variable size. Erosion and dumping of waste is observed along the beaches, where some bushes and even small weak-rooted trees can be eradicated and drifted away. Water violently overflows from small basins and watercourses.

  3. Fractures up to 50 cm wide and up to hundreds metres long, are commonly observed in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils; in rare cases fractures up to 1 cm can be observed in competent dry rocks. Decimetric cracks are common in paved (asphalt or stone) roads, as well as small pressure undulations.

  4. Small to moderate (103 - 105 m3) landslides are widespread in prone areas; rarely they can occur also on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / saturated soils; rock falls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their size is sometimes large (105 - 106 m3). Landslides can occasionally dam narrow valleys causing temporary or even permanent lakes. Ruptures, slides and falls affect riverbanks and artificial embankments and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) in loose sediment or weathered / fractured rock. Frequent is the occurrence of landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.

  5. Trees shake vigorously; branches may break and fall, trees may be uprooted, especially along steep slopes.

  6. Liquefaction may be frequent in the epicentral area, depending on local conditions; the most typical effects are: sand boils up to ca. 1 m in diameter; apparent water fountains in still waters; localised lateral spreading and settlements (subsidence up to ca. 30 cm), with fissuring parallel to waterfront areas (river banks, lakes, canals, seashores).

  7. In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground in the epicentral area.

  8. Stones and even small boulders and tree trunks may be thrown in the air, leaving typical imprints in soft soil.

IX - DESTRUCTIVE - Effects in the environment are a widespread source of considerable hazard and become important for intensity assessment

Primary Effects

observed commonly - Ground ruptures (surface faulting) develop, up to a few km long, with offsets generally in the order of several cm. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of a few decimeters may occur.

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 1000 km2

  1. Springs can change, generally temporarily, their flow-rate and/or location to a considerable extent. Some modest springs may even run dry. Temporary variations of water level are commonly observed in wells. Variations of chemical physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Water turbidity is common in closed basins, rivers, wells and pings. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission ones may burn.

  2. Meters high waves develop in still and running waters. In flood plains water streams may even change their course, also because of land subsidence. Small basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, dangerous tsunamis may reach the shores with runups of up to several meters flooding wide areas. Widespread erosion and dumping of waste is observed along the beaches, where bushes and trees can be eradicated and drifted away.

  3. Fractures up to 100 cm wide and up to hundreds metres long are commonly observed in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils; in competent rocks they can reach up to 10 cm. Significant cracks are common in paved (asphalt or stone) roads, as well as small pressure undulations.

  4. Landsliding is widespread in prone areas, also on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose / saturated soils; rock falls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their site is frequently large (105 m3), sometimes very large (106 m3). Landslides can dam narrow valleys causing temporary or even permanent lakes. Riverbanks, artificial embankments and excavations (e.g., road cuts, quarries) frequently collapse. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level.

  5. Trees shake vigorously; branches and thin tree trunks frequently break and fall. Some trees might be uprooted and fall, especially along steep slopes.

  6. Liquefaction and water upsurge are frequent; the most typical effects are: sand boils up to 3 m in diameter; apparent water fountains in still waters; frequent lateral spreading and settlements (subsidence of more than ca. 30 cm), with fissuring parallel to waterfront areas (river banks, lakes, canals, seashores).

  7. In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground.

  8. Small boulders and tree trunks may be thrown in the air and move away from their site for meters, also depending on slope angle and roundness, leaving typical imprints in soft soil.

X - VERY DESTRUCTIVE - Effects on the environment become a leading source of hazard and are critical for intensity assessment

Primary Effects

Primary Effects become leading. Surface faulting can extend for few tens of km, with offsets from tens of cm up to a few meters. Gravity grabens and elongated depressions develop; for very shallow focus earthquakes in volcanic areas rupture lengths might be much lower. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of few meters may occur.

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 5,000 km2

  1. Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Some springs may run temporarily or even permanently dry. Temporary variations of water level are commonly observed in wells. Even strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Often water becomes very muddy in even large basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission zones may burn.

  2. Meters high waves develop in even big lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers may change their course, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence. Basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups exceeding 5 m flooding flat areas for thousands of meters inland. Small boulders can be dragged for many meters. Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with noteworthy changes of the coastline profile. Trees nearshore are eradicated and drifted away.

  3. Open ground cracks up to more than 1 m wide and up to hundred metres long are frequent, mainly in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils; in competent rocks opening reaches several decimeters. Wide cracks develop in paved (asphalt or stone) roads, as well as pressure undulations.

  4. Large landslides and rockfalls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of slopes, causing temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees and earth dams may also incur serious damage. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.

  5. Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Some trees might be uprooted and fall.

  6. Liquefaction, with water upsurge and soil compaction, may change the aspect of wide zones; sand volcanoes even more than 6 m in diameter; vertical subsidence even > 1 m; large and long fissures due to lateral spreading are common.

  7. In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground.

  8. Boulders (diameter in excess of 2-3 meters) can be thrown in the air and move away from their site for hundreds of meters down even gentle slopes, leaving typical imprints in soil.

XI - DEVASTATING - Effects on the environment become decisive for intensity assessment, due to saturation of structural damage

Primary Effects

Primary Effects are dominant. Surface faulting extends from several tens of km up to more than one hundred km, accompanied by slips reaching several meters. Gravity graben, elongated depressions and pressure ridges develop. Drainage lines can be seriously offset. Tectonic subsidence or uplift of the ground surface with maximum values in the order of numerous meters may occur.

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 10,000 km2

  1. Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Many springs may run temporarily or even permanently dry. Temporary or permanent variations of water level are generally observed in wells. Even strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Often water becomes very muddy in even large basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission zones may burn.

  2. Large waves develop in big lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers can change their course, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence and landsliding. Basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the shores with runups reaching 15 meters and more devastating flat areas for kilometers inland. Even meter-sited boulders can be dragged for long distances. Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with noteworthy changes of the coastal morphology. Trees nearshore are eradicated and drifted away.

  3. Open ground cracks up to several meters wide are very frequent, mainly in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils. In competent rocks they can reach 1 m. Very wide cracks develop in paved (asphalt or stone) roads, as well as large pressure undulations.

  4. Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees and earth dams incur serious damage. Significant landslides can occur even at 200 - 300 km distance from the epicenter. Frequent are large landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.

  5. Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Many trees are uprooted and fall.

  6. Liquefaction changes the aspect of extensive zones of lowland, determining vertical subsidence possibly exceeding several meters; numerous large sand volcanoes, and severe lateral spreading can be observed.

  7. In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground.

  8. Big boulders (diameter of several meters) can be thrown in the air and move away from their site for long distances down even gentle slopes, leaving typical imprints in soil.

XII - COMPLETELY DEVASTATING - Effects in the environment are the only tool for intensity assessment

Primary Effects

Primary Effects are dominant. Surface faulting is at least few hundreds of km long, accompanied by offsets reaching several tens of meters. Gravity graben, elongated depressions and pressure ridges develop. Drainage lines can be seriously offset. Landscape and geomorphological changes induced by primary effects can attain extraordinary extent and site (typical examples are the uplift or subsidence of coastlines by several meters, appearance or disappearance from sight of signcant landscape elements, rivers changing course, origination of waterfalls, formation or disappearance of lakes).

Secondary Effects - The total affected area is in the order of 50,000 km2

  1. Many springs significantly change their flow-rate and/or elevation of outcrop. Temporary or permanent variations of water level are generally observed in wells. Many springs and wells may run temporarily or even permanently dry. Strong variations of chemical-physical properties of water, most commonly temperature, are observed in springs and/or wells. Water becomes very muddy in even large basins, rivers, wells and springs. Gas emissions, often sulphureous, are observed, and bushes and grass near emission zones may burn.

  2. Giant waves develop in lakes and rivers, which overflow from their beds. In flood plains rivers change their course and even their flow direction, temporary or even permanently, also because of widespread land subsidence and landsliding. Large basins may appear or be emptied. Depending on shape of sea bottom and coastline, tsunamis may reach the sho¬res with runups of several tens of meters devastating flat areas for many kilometers inland. Big boulders can be dragged for long distances. Widespread deep erosion is observed along the shores, with outstanding changes of the coastal morphology. Many trees are eradicated and drifted away. All boats are tore from their moorings and swept away or carried onshore even for long distances. All people outdoor are swept away.

  3. Ground open cracks are very frequent, up to one meter or more wide in the bedrock, up to more than 10 m wide in loose alluvial deposits and/or saturated soils. These may extend up to several kilometers.

  4. Large landslides and rock-falls (> 105 - 106 m3) are frequent, practically regardless to equilibrium state of the slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. Levees and earth dams incur serious damage. Significant landslides can occur at more than 200 - 300 km distance from the epicenter. Frequent are very large landslides under the sea level in coastal areas.

  5. Trees shake vigorously; many branches and tree trunks break and fall. Many trees are uprooted and fall.

  6. Liquefaction occurs over large areas and changes the morphology of extensive flat zones, determining vertical subsidence exceeding several meters, widespread large sand volcanoes, and extensive severe lateral spreading can be observed.

  7. In dry areas, dust clouds may rise from the ground.

  8. Also very big boulders can be thrown in the air and move for long distances even down very gentle slopes, leaving typical imprints in soil.

Master Textual Chart

Plate I

Synoptic Table of ESI 2007 Intensity Degrees - The accuracy of the assessment improves in the higher degrees of the scale, in particular in the range of occurrence of primary effects, typically starting from intensity VIII, and with growing resolution for intensity IX, X, XI and XII. Hence, in the yellow group of intensity degrees (XI-XII) they become the most effective tool for intensity assessment.

click on image to open a higher resolution version in a new tab

Michetti et al. (2007)

Master Graphical Chart

  • from Amos Salamon
Graphic Representation of ESI 2007 Intensity

click on image to open a higher resolution version in a new tab

Surface Faulting vs. Intensity

Table 1

Ranges of surface faulting parameters (primary effects) and typical extents of total area (secondary effects) for each intensity degree.

Michetti et al. (2007)

Environmental Effects vs. Intensity

Table 2

Diagnostic range of intensity degrees for each class of environmental effects.

Michetti et al. (2007)

Correlation between ESI 2007 and Traditional Macroseismic Scales

In principle, the correlations of intensity scales, degree by degree, should be never allowed because each scale classifies the effects in a different way. Hence, for the comparison of two earthquakes it should be advisable to use the same intensity scale, even if it is necessary to reclassify all the effects. For instance, in the MSK64 scale the concepts of "typical" damage and building types are used. As a result this is a scale of constant intervals. The MCS and Modified Mercalli scales, based on maximum effects, are scales of order. As a consequence intensity VIII is much easier to get in original Mercalli than applying MSK64.

Indeed, the "classic" twelve degrees scales, though they included environmental effects, were not able to differentiate intensities above IX, because (a) they did not make difference between primary and secondary effects, (b) they did not use quantitative approach for the effects on nature. Therefore, it is expected that when we deal with the strongest earthquakes the application of the ESI 2007 scale will yield an intensity value that is different, and more physically meaningful, from that obtained with the others scales. That is exactly the reason why it is necessary to develop this new intensity scale.

As a matter of fact, in the practice of macro-seismic investigation, very often one is obliged to compare earthquakes intensities classified with different scales. This has promoted the use of conversion tables, such as those proposed by KRINITZSKY & CHANG (1978), REITER (1990), and PANZA (2004). On the other hand, the application of such kind of tables has often caused the introduction of additional uncertainties, such as the use of half-degrees or fractional degrees.

In order to avoid these inconveniences, the correlation among the most important intensity scales has to be simply based on one-to-one relationships. As discussed in MICHETTI et al. (2004), due to the level of uncertainty inherent in the structure itself of the macroseismic scales, and in case a conversion between scales is a step that cannot be absolutely avoided, the best we can do is to consider all the twelve degrees scales as equivalent. This includes also the Chinese macroseismic intensity scale, which has been originally designed to be consistent with the MM scale (e.g., XIE, 1957; WANG, 2004). Nevertheless, the correlation with the 7-degrees JMA intensity scale (KRINITZSKY & CHANG, 1977; REITER, 1990; HANCOX et al., 2002), and with other scales not based on twelve degrees, inevitably requires grouping of some intensity degrees.

Structure of the Scale


The ESI 2007 scale has been developed to be consistent with the Modified Mercalli macroseismic scale (MM-31, WOOD & NEUMANN, 1931; MM-56, RICHTER, 1958) and the MSK-64 ( Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik scale), since these are the most applied worldwide and includes many explicit references to environmental effects.

More in general, the new scale was carefully designed in order to keep the internal consistency of the original twelve degrees scale, as discussed in depth by MICHETTI et al. (2004). A great deal of work in seismic hazard assessment is accomplished in the world, and intensity is a basic parameter in this. Any "new word" in this research field must not result in dramatic changes. The members of the WG are aware that, by definition, the twelve-degree macroseismic scales are based essentially on effects on humans in the range of intensity II to V, on damage in the range of intensity VI to IX, and on natural environment in the range of intensity X to XII. The ESI 2007 scale is therefore really useful only for the assessment of the highest intensities. But, as mentioned above, to avoid any confusion, the classical numbering is kept.

Main Groups of Intensity Degrees

The ESI 2007 scale starts where environmental effects become regularly observed in favorable conditions, i.e. at intensity IV. The scale is linear and works well up to XII degree. In the first version of the scale, intensity I, II and III were also defined using environmental effects (MICHETTI et al. (2004)). It is important to remark that several effects on nature, especially concerning water bodies and hydrogeological phenomena (MONTGOMERY & MANGA, 2003 and references therein), but also instrumentally-detected primary tectonic deformations (permanent fault offset measured at the INFN Gran Sasso, Italy, strain-meter; cf., AMORUSO & CRESCENTINI, 1999), have been observed for very low intensity. Perhaps future investigation will allow a new revision of the scale in order to include environmental effects suitable for intensity assessment in the range from I to III. However, after 4 years of application at a global scale through the INQUA scale project, it was clear that with the knowledge available today, effects on natural environment in this range are not diagnostic.

Therefore, comparing the ESI 2007 with the other 12 degrees scales, we can identify three main subsets:

  1. From I to III: There are no environmental effects that can be used as diagnostic.

  2. From IV to IX: Environmental effects are easily observable starting from intensity IV, and often permanent and diagnostic especially starting from intensity VII. However, they are necessarily less suitable for intensity assessment than effects on humans and manmade structures. Their use is therefore recommended especially in sparsely populated areas

  3. From X to XII: Effects on humans and manmade structures saturate, while environmental effects become dominant; in fact, several types of environmental effects do not suffer saturation in this range. Thus, environmental effects are the most effective tool to evaluate the intensity.

Entire article



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