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English Translation of Nejjar's (1973-1974) French Translation


  • from Nejjar (1973-1974)
  • Earthquakes in Brackets [] indicates that some part of or all of the account may be suspect

1. [The earthquake (2) which occurred on the day that Abraham was going to slaughter his son]

Az-Zubair Ibn Bakkar said in al-Muwffaqiyyat 4 (3)
'Alî Ibn Çâlih' transmitted to me the following from 'Amir ibn Çâlih'5 ibn 'Abd-Allâh ibn 'Urwa6 Ibn Az-Zubair, from al-H'asan ibn Abu al-H'asan al-Baçrî, from Abu Umâma al-Bâhili, from Ka'b al-Ah'bâr (4): When Ibrâhîm (5), the friend of God, tied7, his son Ish'âq8, [Isaac] and stretched him on the "rock" to slaughter him, the sky suddenly changed color, the earth cracked9, and the mountains trembled (6); when he took the knife and placed it on Ish'aq's throat , the Throne of God, it seems10, jumped, the heavens, the earth, the mountains and the oceans complained to God; the sun "fell" from its place; the angels, seeing what was happening, said: "This is truly strange"; if God had to choose a friend, he should choose this slave ('Abd) "slave of God", and that day God chose Ibrahim as a friend11. And it was heard from the sky12: "Ibrâhim, you have realized the vision13 (7)"; and Ish'âq was redeemed from an enormous sacrifice (8)

4) Unimportant variant in (B). We have subsequently designated this sentence by its simple abbreviation: V.s.i.

5) according to 'Amir ibn Çâlih' — (G).

6) V.s.i. in (B).

7) V.s.i. in (G).

8) The name of Ish'âq is mentioned in all the copies; in truth, it is, as is well known, Ismâ'îl [JW: this reflects an Islamic revisionist variation on Genesis where Ismail is allegedly almost sacrificed instead of Isaac. In Genesis, it is Isaac who is almost sacrificed. This revisionism is widely believed in modern Islam and is reflected in the opinion of the Editor and/or Translator. This particular revisionism may be based on the use of Hadiths to explain Quranic passages. This is potentially illuminating in two ways. 1. It shows that the editor and/or translator would not alter the main text if it contradicted their religious beliefs. 2. It suggests that renowned Hadith scholar as-Suyuti (who was also a Sufi) held an opinion on the exegesis of this passage in the Quran that differs from modern exegeses.]

9) “The sky suddenly changed color, the earth cracked; (G): “it changed color and the earth cracked.”

10) V.s.i. in (G).

11) and that day God chose Ibrahim as his friend — (B).

12) V.s.i.

13) Surah as-Suffat:, 37, verses 104-105.

2) In the first part of the Treatise, we read, on page three of the Fez edition and in the title: "The first earthquake that occurred in the world": "The exegetes relate that when Cain killed Abel, the earth was shaken by [earthquakes] for seven days."

3) Az-Zubaïr ibn Bakkâr ibn 'Abd-Allâh al-Qurshî al-Asdi al-Makkî (172-256 AH/788-870 AD), genealogist and historian; held the office of Qadi in Mecca. This is indeed al-Muwaffaqiyyât, a work composed by Ibn Bakkâr for al-Muwaffaq ibn al-Mutawakkil the Abbasid (from whom the title derives) and which is a collection of original short stories and historical facts. Cf. Az-Zirikli, vol. II, p. 73.

4) Ka'b ibn Mâti' ibn thî Hajn al-H'imyarî, Abû Ish'âq; was in the pre-Islamic period, one of the greatest Jewish scholars of Yemen; he embraced Islam at the time of the Caliphate of Abû Bakr and came to Medina under 'Umar; the companions of the Prophet borrowed many historical facts concerning the ancient peoples. Cf. al-A'lâm, vol. VI, p. 85.

5) Abraham is said to have been born and lived in Ur in Chaldea (Mesopotamia) during the Larsa period, that is, between 1920 and 1800 BC. Cf. Sir Leonard Woolley, History of Mankind, vol. I, Prehistory, UNESCO, 1967, p. 616. The scene in question is said to have taken place in the valley of Mina, near Makk. Cf. Ibn Jubaïr, Voyages, trans. and comments, M. Gaudefroy Demombynes, Paris, 1949, p. 184; M. Gaudefroy Demombynes, Mahomet, L'évolution de l'Humanité, Paris, 1969, p. 351.

6) Yaqût al-H'amawi indicates in his Mu'jam, that at the time of Abraham, one of the regions of al-Kûfa, named Bâniqyâ, and having 12 "farsakh" in length (or about 75 km), was shaken every night by earthquakes..; according to tradition, the passage of Abraham in this locality would have stopped this cataclysm.. ! Cf. Yâqüt, Mu'jam al-Buldan, 1st ed., 1906, vol. II, p.50.

7) The Koran, complete translation Muhammad Hamidoullah, Club Francaise du Livre, 1966. Çûrat [Surah] 37: “ Les Rangées en rangs”, verses: 104-105, pp. 433-34.

JW: Translators Notes 8-28 on page 48-49 are missing in my copy

2. [The destruction [by an earthquake] of the people of ShuaibA (9)]

God the Most High said:
Then the calamity took them and they were on their knees, lying in their homes14 (10)
Ish'âq Ibn Bishr15 (11) and ibn 'Asàkir (12) published, respectively in "Kitâb al-Mubtada'" and "Târikh Dimashq", the next tradition, by the way of Juwaybir16, according to ad-Dah'h'âk, according to Ibn 'Abbàs (13), regarding this word of the Most High17 "Then the cataclysm took them"18 (13 bis); [Ibn 'Abbâs] would have said: "The Angel Gabriel (peace be upon him!) came down [from heaven] to before them; he then emitted a cry (14) which made the earth and the mountains tremble; their souls then left their bodies, hence the expression: "The earthquake took them"; that is, when19 they heard the Cry, they rose up in terror, the earth then trembled beneath them, and [the earth] threw them all down dead.

A) JW: Shuaib is a an ancient Midianite prophet in Islam, the most revered prophet in the Druze faith, and is traditionally identified with biblical Jethro, Moses' father-in-law.

14) Surah al-A'raf: 7, verse 91.

15) V.s.i. in (A).

16) V.s.i. in (B)

17) V.s.i.

18) Surah al-A'raf: 7, verse 91.

19) V.s.i. in (B).

JW: Translators Notes 8-28 on page 48-49 are missing in my copy

3. Earthquake that affected the seventy20 [people] who had been chosen by Moses

God the Most High said:
And Moses chose from his people seventy men for an appointment with us; then when the calamity had taken them21 (15)
Concerning the killed22, Ibn Ahî H'àtim published the following tradition from Ibn 'Abbas who said23:
When the Banû Isrâel, who had begun to worship the Calf, were convinced24 of their error, they asked to repent. Moses then chose from his people25 seventy men and went to ask his God for forgiveness for his people; the earth beneath them was then shaken by an earthquake (16); God knew that some of them had attached themselves to the Calf and believed in it, which is why the earth trembled beneath them.
Ibn Abi Hatim published the following tradition according to Sa'îd ibn H'abbân26 who said:
If the seventy had been affected by the earthquake, it was because they had not wanted to abandon the worship of the Calf.
Abu Ash-Shaikh Ibn H'abbân27 published the following tradition through Qatâda (17) who said:
We were told that Ibn 'Abbas said:
The seventy were caught in the cataclysm because they had not separated from the people who had adopted28 the Calf as an object of worship, then that they had initially decided not to associate with them in this practice.
Ibn Abî H'âtim published the following tradition according to Nawf al-Bikali (18):
They said:
Show us God in the open29 (19)
They were then carried away by the earthquake30 (19 bis)
Another tradition was published through the voice of 'Alî ibn Abî Talh'a, according to Ibn 'Abbas who said:
Among the requests they had addressed to God, there were some which they expressed thusly:
O God, give us what you have not given to others before us, and give nothing to others after us.
This prayer was hardly appreciated by God: they were then “caught” by the earthquake.
The following tradition was published by 'Ali Ibn Abî T'âlib31
When Aaron died, the Banu Isrâel32 said to Moses that it was he who had killed Aaron out of jealousy; Moses said: "Choose who you will want"; They chose seventy people; When they came to him and said, "O Aaron, who killed you?" he said, "No one killed me, it was God who took me away"; they were then caught by the earthquake.

20) V.s.i. in (B)

21) Surah al-A'raf: 7, verse 155.

22) V.s.i. in (B and G)

23) V.s.i.

24) V.s.i. in (B)

25) in his people: (B) among.

26) Variant in the name of the terminal link of the isnad.

27) Variant in the name of the person who published the hadith in question.

28) V.s.i. in (B)

29) Surah an-Nisâ': 4, verse 153.

30) They were then carried away by the earthquake; (B): they were then struck down.

31) V.s.i. in (B and G).

32) V.s.i. in (G).

JW: Translators Notes 8-28 on page 48-49 are missing in my copy


6. Bteween 550 and 560 CE - Mecca

Earthquake that occurred when the People of the Elephant came to the city of Mecca

Ibn al-Mundhir (28) published in his Tafsîr by the way of T'alh'a Ibn Karrîz, according to Mawlâ al-Hudhaï138 who said:
"I passed by39, leading Mawla40 who had lost his sight; I passed by Uthmân Ibn 'Affân (29) who was sitting in the company of his friends. They said to him41: "O Prince of the Believers, this is the oldest among the Arabs." He called him; I then brought him42 leading until he sat before 'Uthmân; the latter then said to him: "Tell us what happened on the "Day of the Elephant." Mawlâ replied43 to him: "I was sent on the "Day of the Elephant" to keep watch (in reconnaissance) on my father's horse; I was posted on the mountain from where I observed them. Then the wind raged and darkness reigned everywhere; the earth was shaken by an earthquake and it was so great that my horse collapsed beneath me; flocks of white birds from the sea came flying over them, each of them carrying a stone (30) in its beak and another in its feet; they then wiped them away44 [from the surface of the earth]. The darkness disappeared and the wind died down; I looked, and then I saw the people lying [on the ground], lifeless." (31)

38) V.s.i. in (A and G).

39) I passed: exists in all copies; it would be more accurate to say "I was out", which is more in line with the idea expressed.

40) V.s.i. in (B).

41) V.s.i. in (G).

42) V.s.i. in (B).

43) V.s.i. in (G).

44) They erased them; (G): they transformed them .

JW: Translators Notes 8-28 on page 48-49 are missing in my copy.

29) 3rd Orthodox [Rashudin] Caliph (47 av. AH-35 AH/577-656 AD).

30) These are blocks of hardened clay (Hijâra min sijjîl - تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍۢ مِّن سِجِّيلٍۢ), Quran, idem Surah al-fil (105), verse 4, p. 610.

31) This is the campaign of evangelization of Arabia launched by Abraha, viceroy of Yemen (his army included one or more elephants); this operation has generally been assigned the date of 570 AD; however, it seems that the latter took place before this date. Indeed, the inscription of Murayghan, Ryckmans 506, mentions the campaign that Abraha had organized against the Ma'add and this, in central Arabia; in the meantime, another part of the South Arabian army defeated the tribal confederation of the 'Amir b. Ça'ça'a in the oasis of Tuaraba (100 km east of al-T'â'if); the inscription includes the date of 662 of Sabaean Era (around 550 AD); the Year of the Elephant falls after this date but well before 570 AD, because "the fairly substantial bundle of texts from the decade or so preceding the Murayghan inscription, coupled with the complete cessation of South Arabian documents shortly thereafter (the last being dated to 565 of the Sabaean Era, towards 553 AD) would suggest that it is rather unlikely that Abraha and his kingdom were still flourishing enough to mount a large-scale expedition against Mecca as late as 570." In this sense, the earthquake in question must have occurred near Mecca, probably between 550 and 560 AD. Cf. A.F.L. Beeston, E.I., 2nd ed. p. 916

7. [Between ~567 and ~573 CE - Mecca]

Earthquake that affected al-Bayt (32) [the House (of God)] on the evening the Prophet (33) was born

Abu Nu'aim (34) published the following tradition in ad-Dalâ'il, according to 'Amrû ibn Qutaiba, according to his father who said:
When Amina (35) gave birth, the idols all collapsed to the ground; as for the House of God, a voice45 was heard for days coming from within it saying: "Now my light will come to me46, my visitors will also arrive. Now I will be cleansed of the impurities47 Jahihyya (Pre-Islamic Period), you al-'Uzzâ are finished." The House of God continued to be affected by earthquakes for three nights48 and three days. This was the first sign that Quraish witnessed concerning the birth of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow His blessings upon him).

45) V.s.i.

46) V.s.i. in (A, B, G, and D).

47) of impurities — (G) of

48) V.s.i. in (G).

32) This is the sanctuary of the Ka'ba, in Mecca.

33) The exact date of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is not known. According to tradition, it was either the 10th or the 12th of Rabi' I, 569 or 570 AD. Generally, the dates given range from 567 to 573; the date of 571 has often been adopted.

34) Ah'mad ibn 'abd Allah ibn Ah'mad al-Isbahani, Abu Nu'aim (336-430 AH/948-1038 AD); historian, lived in Isfahan; he composed among other works, "Dala'il an-Nubuwwa" (The proofs of the prophecy). Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. I, p.150.

35) Amina bint Wahb, mother of the Prophet.

8. [Between ~567 and ~573 CE - Ctesiphon, Iraq (near Baghdad)]

Earthquake that affected Iwân Kisrâ (36)

Al-Baihaqi and Abu Nu'aim both published in ad-Dalâ'il, the following tradition from Hâni' al-Makhzûmi who declared49
"On the evening when the Messenger of God (37) was born, the palace of Chosroes vibrated; fourteen of its merlons fell.

49) V.s.i. in (G); in another copy; according to Umm Hani ai-Makhzûmiyya who said.

36) Iwân = palace; Kisrâ or Khosroes is the title of the Persian kings among the Arabs. This palace was located in Ctesiphon (33°-0' lat. N. and 44°7' long. E.), in the southern district, named Asfanbar; it was built by the Sassanid sovereign of Persia Sapor (Sâbûr) I (241-72 AD); Cf. M. Streck, E.I., vol. III, p. 77.

37) Around 570 AD.


4. and 5. ~613-~622 CE - Sham

Earthquakes that occurred in Shâm after Jesus

Al-Baihaqt (20) published the following tradition in Dalâ'il an-Nubuwwa, [The Proofs of Prophethood] through the medium of Marwân Ibn Al-H'akam, according to Mu'âwiyya Ibn Abî Sufyan (21) who said:
Abû Sufyan Ibn H'arb (22) transmitted this to me:
We had left for Shâm, myself and Umayya Ibn Abî aç-Çalt (23) when we encountered a hermit who told us that a prophet was going to be sent33 and the sign of his arrival is that Shâm (24) has been shaken by earthquakes eighty times34 (25) after Jesus son of Mary, and there would remain an [one?] earthquake which will bring misfortunes and catastrophes35 to Shâm. When we we were near36 Thaniyya (26), we saw a horseman.37 We said [to him]: "Where do you come from ?", He replied: "from Shâm". We said [to him]: "Has something happened?" he said: "Yes, Shâm was shaken by an earthquake (27) which caused misfortunes and catastrophes"
Dates for this earthquake ( ~613-~622 CE) come from Ambraseys (2009). For more details, see Sign of the Prophet Quake.

33) V.s.i. in (B).

34) eighty; (D): two hundred.

35) the body of the sentence going from "eighty" to "catastrophes" does not exist in G.

36) V.s.i. in (B).

JW: Translators Notes 8-28 on page 48-49 are missing in my copy

9. Between 628 and 632 CE - Medina

The following tradition was published from Abu-Huraïra50 (38) who said:
The earth shook (39) at the time of the Messenger of God. He then said: "Your God has reproached you; so return to Him (and leave what angers Him)". Abu-Huraïra embraced Islam in the year in which the capture of Khaybar took place, that is to say in the year 751 of the Hegira; we therefore deduce that the earthquake occurred in the last years52 of the Hegira (40).

50) Variants in isnad.

51) V.s.i. in (G).

51) V.s.i. in (G).

52) V.s.i. in (G).

49) V.s.i. in (G); in another copy; according to Umm Hani ai-Makhzûmiyya who said.

38) 'Abd ar-Rah'mân ibn Çakhr ad-Dawsî al-Yamanî (602-678 or 79 AD). Companion of the Prophet. Reportedly transmitted 3,500 hadiths. Ibn Hanbal's Musnad contains 213 of his hadiths. Cf. J. Robson, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 133.

39) In the first part of the Treatise, (p. 10 of the Fez edition), two other hadiths mention the same earthquake; one of them indicates that it occurred in Medina.

40) Abu Huraira came to Medina while the Prophet was besieging Khaibar (Muh'arram 7 AH = May 11 - June 9, 628 AD); the earthquake in question therefore took place between May 628 and 13 Rabi' I 11 AH = June 8, 632, which is the date of the Prophet's death. Cf. Zirikli, vol. IV, pp. 80-81; H.G. Cattenoz, Tables de concordance des ères chrétienne et hégirienne, 3rd ed., Rabat 1961; we will use this work to establish all date correspondences.

10. February 628 - June 12, 632 CE - Mecca

Al-Bukhari (41) reported the following tradition from Anas (42) who said:
The Prophet, may God bestow His blessings upon him, ascended Mount Uh'ud or Mount Hira53 (43); he had with him Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (44). The mount was then shaken by an earthquake (45); the Prophet struck54 [the ground ?] with his foot and said: "Stand still, you have upon you a prophet, a truthful witness and two martyrs.
Muslim (46) published the following tradition from Abu Huraira who said:
The Prophet went up Mount Uh'ud in the company of Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, 'Al155 (47), Talha'a (48) and az-Zubair (49); he then said: "Calm down, you have upon you only a prophet or a truthful witness."56
Abu Ya'lâ (50) and at'-T'abarâni57 (51) have published the following tradition from Ibn 'Abbas (52) who declared:
The Messenger of God went up Mount H'îra; It trembled; the Prophet then said: "Stand still, H'ira, you have on you only a prophet, a truthful witness and a martyr."

53) Uh'ud or H'ira; (B): Uh'ud and H'ira.

54) V.s.i. in (B and G).

55) And 'Ali in (D and B).

56) V.s.i. in (A).

57) at'-T'abarâni — (G).

41) Muhammad b. Isma'il b. Ibrahim b. Mughira b. Bardizbah Abu 'Abd-Allah al-Ju'fî (194-256 AH/810-870 AD). Famous traditionist. His work entitled "ac-Cah'ih" groups 7,400 traditions. His traditions are of the highest authority. Cf. J. Robson, E.I., 2nd ed. p. 1337.

42) Anas b. Malik, Abû H'amza (10 av. AH-91 or 93 AH/612-709 or 11 AD), servant of the Prophet; he is one of the most prolific traditionists. Bukhari And Muslim recorded 278 traditions of Anas. Cf. A.J. Wensinck [J. Robson], E.I., 2nd ed, p. 496.

43) It seems that this is indeed Mount H'ira (Mount Uh'ud is located near Medina). Ibn Jubaïr who mentions the same earthquake (Voyages, trans. M. Gaudefroys-Demombynes, Paris, 1949, p. 133), also places the event on Mount H'ira, which "rises to the east, about a parasang from Mecca and dominates Mina." This is the well-known place where the Prophet retreated and received the Revelation.

44) Abû Bakr aç-Çiddîq (573-634 AD), 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'âb (584-644 AD), and 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (577-656 AD), respectively first, second and third Orthodox [aka Rashudin] Caliphs.

45) It is known that 'Ali, Abû Bakr and 'Uthman were the first Meccans to embrace the new faith (around 610-613 AD); 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'âb, for his part, only converted around 616. Cf. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Mahomet, pp. 98-99.

If it is Mount H'ira, the earthquake in question must have occurred either between May 616 {date of the conversion of 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'ab and July 16, 622 (date of the Hegira), this in the case where the Prophet and his companions climbed Mount H'ira, during their stay in Mecca (before the Hegira), or what is more probable (as-Suyût'î mentioning the earthquakes in chronological order) between February 16, 628 (the date of the Prophet's departure for the 'Umra) and June 8, 632, the period during which the Prophet had performed the pilgrimage (631). If it is Mount Uh'ud, the earthquake in question must probably have occurred between July 16, 622 and June 8, 632 (date of the Prophet's death): the period during which Muh'ammad resided in Medina; and as the last earthquake cited is between May 628 and June 632, the date of that of H'ira must be inserted in the same interval. In any case, it seems that it is necessary, (whether it is Mount H'îra or Mount Uh'ud), to retain the interval February 628 - June 12, 632.

46) Muslim ibn Hajjâj ibn Muslim al-Qushaïri an-Nîsâbûri (204-261 AH/820-875 AD). Famous traditionist. He grouped in his “Cah'îh' ” approximately 12,000 hadiths. Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. VIII, pp. 117-118.

47) 'Ali ibn Abî T'âlib ibn 'Abd al-Mut't'alib (600-661 AD), fourth Orthodox [aka Rashudin] Caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet.

48) T'alh'a ibn 'Ubayd Allah ibn 'Uthmân at-Taïml al-Qurashi al-Madani (28 av. AH-36 AH/596-656 AD). Companion of the Prophet ; one of the first eight people who embraced Islam. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. VIII, p. 331.

49 Az-Zubayr ibn al-'Awwâm ibn Khuwailid (28 av. AH-36 AH/596-656 AD), Companion of the Prophet.

50) Ah'mad ibn 'Ali ibn al-Muthanna at-Tamîmî al-Mawsili (...-307/...-919). Traditionalist. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. I, p. 164.

51) Sulaymân ibn Ah'mad ibn Ayyûb ibn Matir al-Lakhmî ash-Shâmi, famous traditionist (260-360/873-971). Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. III, p. 181.

52) Muh'ammad ibn al-'Abbas ibn 'abd al-Mut't'alib al-Qurashi al-Hâshimi, (3 av. AH-68AH/619-687 AD), "father of Qur'anic exegesis"; Companion of the Prophet. He is credited with several authentic traditions. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. IV, pp. 228-29.

11. 640/641 CE - Medina

The following tradition was published by Ibn Abi Shaiba and Nu'aïm ibn H'ammâd in "al-Fitan"58 (53) and by al-Khat'îb al-Baghdadl (54) according to Safiyya bint Abi 'Ubaid59
The earth was shaken by an earthquake during the reign of 'Umar; he then said: "O people, what is this? You were quick in what you caused! If the "earthquake" were to happen again, I would never live among you again."
The author of Mir'at az-Zamân (55) said:
My grandfather (56) mentioned, in a work entitled Ma'âni al-Ma'ânî, [the following]:
'Umar struck [the earth] with his whip; then it calmed down. Hisham60 said: "This was the first earthquake that occurred in the Muslim era, and it was in al-Madlna61 (57); the houses had been abandoned; this took place in the year twenty62 of the Hegira [December 21, 640/December 9, 641].

58) Ibn abi Shaiba, Nu'aim ibn H'ammad in al-Fitan and » — (A and G).

59) V.s.i. in (B).

60) V.s.i. in (G).

61) and this in Medina — (B).

62) twenty; in another copy: ten.

53) Nu'aïm ibn H'ammâd ibn Mu'âwiyya ibn al-Hârith (...-228/...-843), traditionalist. Resided in Egypt and then in Iraq. Among his works, the one cited by as-Suyûtl and entitled: "al-Fitan wa-l-Malah'im". Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. IX, p. 14.

54) Abû Bakr b. 'Ali b. Thâbit (392-463/1002-1071). The most famous of his works is the "Tarikh, Baghdâd", a directory of scholarly traditionists who lived in Baghdad (14 volumes published in Egypt, 1349). He is the author of about a hundred treatises, the majority of which are devoted to the "sciences of Hadith". Cf. W. Marcais, E.I., p. 981. On page 10 of the Fez edition, another tradition is worded as follows:

Ibn Abî ad-Dunyâ published the following tradition:
the earth was shaken by an earthquake during the reign of 'Umar; he struck it with his hand and said: "What is the matter with you, what is the matter with you? It seems as if it were the Day of Resurrection.
Is this the same earthquake as that of 21 Dec. 640-9 Dec. 641? If it is another one, it should be placed (As-Suyût'î presenting the earthquakes in chronological order), between the year 640-41 and 6 November 644 (the date of 'Umar's death).

55) It is Ibn al-Jawzî, Shams ad-Dîn Abû-l-Muthaffar Yûsuf b. Kizoghlu known as Sibt' (581 or 82-654 AH/1185-1256 AD), famous preacher and historian. He is the author of an immense universal history entitled: “ Mir'ât az-Zaman fî Târikh al-A'yân” (Mirror of Time or the History of Notables), limited edition [for the ?] years [of ?] 495-653 of Jewett, Chicago 1907, ed. of Haydarabad, 1952, and ed. and translation of about forty years from the first crusade in Recueil des Historiens des Croisades. Cf. Cl. Cahen,E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 775-76.

56) He was one of those who contributed to its formation. Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lâm, vol. IX, p. 324.

57) This is Medina, the ancient Yathrib, a city of the H'ijâz. Cf. Fr. Buhi, E.I., pp. 85-86.

54) V.s.i. in (B and G).

55) And 'Ali in (D and B).

56) V.s.i. in (A).

57) at'-T'abarâni — (G).

41) Muhammad b. Isma'il b. Ibrahim b. Mughira b. Bardizbah Abu 'Abd-Allah al-Ju'fî (194-256 AH/810-870 AD). Famous traditionist. His work entitled "ac-Cah'ih" groups 7,400 traditions. His traditions are of the highest authority. Cf. J. Robson, E.I., 2nd ed. p. 1337.

42) Anas b. Malik, Abû H'amza (10 av. AH-91 or 93 AH/612-709 or 11 AD), servant of the Prophet; he is one of the most prolific traditionists. Bukhari And Muslim recorded 278 traditions of Anas. Cf. A.J. Wensinck [J. Robson], E.I., 2nd ed, p. 496.

43) It seems that this is indeed Mount H'ira (Mount Uh'ud is located near Medina). Ibn Jubaïr who mentions the same earthquake (Voyages, trans. M. Gaudefroys-Demombynes, Paris, 1949, p. 133), also places the event on Mount H'ira, which "rises to the east, about a parasang from Mecca and dominates Mina." This is the well-known place where the Prophet retreated and received the Revelation.

44) Abû Bakr aç-Çiddîq (573-634 AD), 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'âb (584-644 AD), and 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (577-656 AD), respectively first, second and third Orthodox [aka Rashudin] Caliphs.

45) It is known that 'Ali, Abû Bakr and 'Uthman were the first Meccans to embrace the new faith (around 610-613 AD); 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'âb, for his part, only converted around 616. Cf. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Mahomet, pp. 98-99.

If it is Mount H'ira, the earthquake in question must have occurred either between May 616 {date of the conversion of 'Umar ibn al-Khat't'ab and July 16, 622 (date of the Hegira), this in the case where the Prophet and his companions climbed Mount H'ira, during their stay in Mecca (before the Hegira), or what is more probable (as-Suyût'î mentioning the earthquakes in chronological order) between February 16, 628 (the date of the Prophet's departure for the 'Umra) and June 8, 632, the period during which the Prophet had performed the pilgrimage (631). If it is Mount Uh'ud, the earthquake in question must probably have occurred between July 16, 622 and June 8, 632 (date of the Prophet's death): the period during which Muh'ammad resided in Medina; and as the last earthquake cited is between May 628 and June 632, the date of that of H'ira must be inserted in the same interval. In any case, it seems that it is necessary, (whether it is Mount H'îra or Mount Uh'ud), to retain the interval February 628 - June 12, 632.

46) Muslim ibn Hajjâj ibn Muslim al-Qushaïri an-Nîsâbûri (204-261 AH/820-875 AD). Famous traditionist. He grouped in his “Cah'îh' ” approximately 12,000 hadiths. Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. VIII, pp. 117-118.

47) 'Ali ibn Abî T'âlib ibn 'Abd al-Mut't'alib (600-661 AD), fourth Orthodox [aka Rashudin] Caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet.

48) T'alh'a ibn 'Ubayd Allah ibn 'Uthmân at-Taïml al-Qurashi al-Madani (28 av. AH-36 AH/596-656 AD). Companion of the Prophet ; one of the first eight people who embraced Islam. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. VIII, p. 331.

49) Az-Zubayr ibn al-'Awwâm ibn Khuwailid (28 av. AH-36 AH/596-656 AD), Companion of the Prophet.

50) Ah'mad ibn 'Ali ibn al-Muthanna at-Tamîmî al-Mawsili (...-307/...-919). Traditionalist. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. I, p. 164.

51) Sulaymân ibn Ah'mad ibn Ayyûb ibn Matir al-Lakhmî ash-Shâmi, famous traditionist (260-360/873-971). Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. III, p. 181.

52) Muh'ammad ibn al-'Abbas ibn 'abd al-Mut't'alib al-Qurashi al-Hâshimi, (3 av. AH-68AH/619-687 AD), "father of Qur'anic exegesis"; Companion of the Prophet. He is credited with several authentic traditions. Cf. Ziriklî, al-A'lam, vol. IV, pp. 228-29.

12. Between 4 December 656 and 24 January 661 CE - Ruh'ba near to al-Qâdisiyya, Iraq

Ar-Rafi'i63 (58) said in Kitâb at-Tadwîn fî akhbâr Qazwîn:
I saw writing from the hand of Abî al-H'usaîn64 ibn Maïmûn:
"Al-'Arjî announced65 to us, according to 'Ali ibn 'abd al-H'amid al-Qazwînî: “Muh’ammad ibn Sulaymân66 an-Nakha’î and ‘Umar67 ibn Sâma ar-Rahâwi68 transmitted to us from Fad'l ibn az-Zubair:
While 'Ali, may God ennoble him69, was sitting at ar-Ruh'ba (59), the earth was shaken by an earthquake (60); then 'Ali70 struck it with his hands then said: "Stay calm"71

63) V.s.i. in (G).

64) Abu al-H'usain, (B): Abu al-H'asan.

65) V.s.i. in (G).

66) V.s.i. in (A).

67) 'Umar; in another copy: Muh'ammad.

68) V.s.i. in (G).

69) V.s.i. in (A, D, and G).

70) “sitting in ar-Ruh'ba, the earth was shaken by an earthquake, so 'Ali struck it — (G).

71) V.s.i. in (B).

58) 'Abd al-Karim b. Muh'ammad b. 'Abd al-Karim, Abû-l-Qâsim ar-Rafi'i al-Qazwînî (557-623 AH/1162-1226 AD). Lived in Qazwin. Jurisconsult Shafi'ite. His work is entitled: "at-Tadwin fi Dhikr Akhbar Qazwin”. Cf. Ziriklî, al A'lam, vol. IV, p. 179.

59) Ruh'ba is a village located near al-Qâdisiyya, at a stage of al-Kûfa, on the south side. Ibn Jubaïr who passed there around 1184 AD, mentions the existence, in this place, "of constructions and cultures". Yâqût al-H'amawî notes, towards the first third of the 13th century, that this village was in full decadence. Cf. Ibn Jubaïr, Voyages... p. 240; Yâqût, Mu'jam..., vol. IV, p. 234.

60) The earthquake in question must have occurred between 4 December 656 (Battle of the Camel), the date from which 'Ali first entered the city of al-Kûfa and the day of his death in that same city on 24 January 661; (after having fought Mu'awiyya at Çiffin in June-August 657 and the Kharijites in 659 AD, he had retired definitively to al-Kûfa). E.I., vol. I, p. 286.

13. ~660 CE (Exact Date undetermined) - possibly in Basra, Iraq

We have previously reported that an earthquake occurred in the time of Ibn 'Abbas; I have not been able to determine the date (61)

61) This is the earthquake mentioned on page 12 of Part 1 and which is reported by three hadiths. One of these hadiths indicates that it took place in the city of al-Baçra, another specifies that it took place occurred during the night; the earthquake in question occurred at the time of Ibn 'Abbas. This is 'abd-Allâh ibn 'Abbâs ibn 'Abd Mut't'alib alj-Qurashî (619-687 AD). He was born in Mecca. It is possible that the earthquake mentioned occurred in al-Baçra, during his stay in Iraq: he was in fact present at the Battle of the Camel and at [the Battle of] Çiffin alongside 'Ali (Dec. 656-Feb. 659 AD).

14. between 661 AD and 712-713 CE - probably in al-Kûfa, Iraq

Ibn Abi ad-Dunya published the following tradition from Ash'ath72 ibn Siwâr73 who said:
A man among the people of the Al-Kûfa mosque and whose father had participated in the battle of Badr74 transmitted to me the following:
I passed near a village which was being shaken by an earthquake75 (62); I stopped nearby and looked; a man then came out of the village; I said to him: "So, tell"; He said to me: "I left [the village] while it was being shaken by an earthquake; the walls were banging against each other." I asked him: "What did they [the inhabitants] do?"; he replied: "They practiced lending at interest [?]" [trans. from "Ils pratiquaient le prêt à intérêt"]

72) V.s.i. in (B).

73) V.s.i. in (G).

74) Badr -- (B).

75) V.s.i. in (G).

62) It is likely that the village in question is located in the suburb of al-Kûfa (a city in Iraq, south of the ruins of Babylon ci. note 192). Taking into account the chronological order adopted in the treatise, this earthquake would have occurred between 661 AD and 712-713 AD, the date of the next earthquake.


15. 712/713 CE - Antioch

In the year 94 A.H. [October 7, 712/September 25, 713 AD], Sham was the scene of earth tremors that continued for forty days; this is what Ibn Jarîr (63) cited and this is what the author of al-Mir'ât wrote; when he said:

Muh'ammad ibn Mûsâ al-Khawarizmi (64) mentioned that in this year [94 A.H.], on the 20th Adârm (65), earthquakes occurred for 40 days around the world. Tall buildings collapsed; most of the city of Ant'akia [Antioch] (66) collapsed.

63) This is Muh'ammad ibn Jarîr ibn Yazid at'-T'abarî (224-310 A.H./ 839 923 AD), historian, traditionist and exegete. Lived in Baghdad.

64) Muh'ammad ibn Mûsâ al-Khuwârizml, Abû 'abd-Allâh, mathematician, astronomer and historian. Cf. complete list of his works, in E. Wiedermann, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 965-66 (...-232- A.H./...- 847 AD). Ziriklî, vol. V, p. 377.

65) Adâr corresponds to the month of March of the Christian era (Adâr 94 A.H. therefore corresponds to March 713).

66) This is ancient Antioch (left bank of the Orontes), founded in 300 BC by Seleucus I; this city suffered during the first five centuries of the Christian era, from at least ten major earthquakes; that of 526 AD, would have caused at least 250,000 victims; (not mentioned by as-Suyût'î). Current Antakié (36° 14' lat. N. 36° 07' long. E.) covers only a tenth of the surface area of the city that existed before Justinian; the latter had, inside the walls (a crenellated wall 22 miles in circumference — more than 23 km — with 360 towers according to Ibn Butlan), which are still recognizable, built, on a more restricted plan, the new city. Cf. Streck, E.I., vol. I, p. 363-366. The city suffered from severe earthquakes in the 19th century. Cf. Streck, [H.A.R. Gibb], E.I., 2nd ed., p. 532; M. Canard, Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie de H'amdanides [H'amdanid Dynasty], vol. I, pp. 227-28

16. 716/717 CE - Sham ?

In the year A.H. 98 [August 25, 716/August 13, 717], the earthquakes of land occurred again for forty days (66 bis); This is what is mentioned in al-Mir'ât


66 bis) In Sham or elsewhere?

17. 717/720 CE - Sham

At the time of the Caliphate of 'Umar Ibn 'Abd al-'Azîz (67), a earthquake occurred in Sham, as we have already noted77 (68).


67). 8th Umayyad Caliph . The earthquake in question occurred during his reign, that is to say between 10 Safar 99 = 22 September 717 and 20 Rajab 101 = 5 February 720.

77) see infra, p. 13 [of the first part of the Fez edition.].

68) Cf. p. 13 of the first part of the Fez edition.

18. 747/748 CE - Damascus

In Tadkirat al-Wadâ'î (69), the following tradition is reported carried according to 'abd-Allâh ibn Kathîr al-Qârî who said:

We were victims of an earthquake in Damascus78 in A.H. 130 [September 11 747/August 30, 748]; the inhabitants had left their city; the sûq ad-Dâjâj79 (poultry market) fell from the “Great Rocks”80. Several days after the disaster, they began to search part of the rubble, and31 it was then that they found a living man! "How did you survive?"32 they asked him; he replied: "A young dog33 brought me a bone, which she held in her mouth, and put it in mine."

69) 'Ali ibn al-Mudh'affar ibn Ibrâhîm al-Kindi al-Wadâ'i (1242 AD - 1316 AD), author of a work in 50 volumes entitled: “at-Tadkira al-Kindivya”. Cf. Ziriklî, vol. V, pp. 174-175

78) to, Damascus in 130; (G): to Damascus and in 130...

79) V.s.i. in (B).

80) Rocks (A and G) : of.

31) V.s.i. in (B and G)

32) V.s.i. in (G)

33) V.s.i. in (B)

19. 748/749 CE - Damascus ?

'Abd-Allâh ibn Kathîr al-Qâri said [also]:

I was told informed, during the catastrophic earthquake84 of A.H. 131 [August 31, 748/August 19, 749], that the ceiling of the mosque (70) opened, revealing the sky; another earthquake occurred after this last one85, closing the opening again.

84) during the catastrophic earthquake + (G): and during.

70) This is most likely the one in Damascus.

85) V.s.i. in (B)

20. 796/797 CE - Alexandria, Egypt (Lighthouse)

In the year A.H. 180 [March 16, 796/March 4, 797], a violent earthquake took place in Misr [Egypt]; it caused the top of the lighthouse of AI-Iskandariyya [Alexandria] to fall (71)


71) Alexandria, a port of Egypt, is located at 30° 21' N. lat., 29° 51' long. This is the famous lighthouse located at the northeastern tip of the Island; its height was 135 m. "The Pharos [i.e. the Lighthouse of Alexandria] is reported to have been damaged by earthquakes and restored several times during the Muslim period." "A large part of the building collapsed in 724 AH/1324 AD." Cf. Rhuvon Guest, E.I., p. 570


21. 802/803 CE - Mopsuestia

In the year A.H. 187 [December 30, 802/December 19, 803], a very violent earthquake occurred in al-Maççîça87 [Mopsuestia] (72); part of the city wall collapsed to the ground; the water disappeared during the night for an hour (72 bis)


87) In the margin of another copy, we read: "Maççîça, locality of ash-Shâm: it is not Maççîçiyya (according to Mukhtâr aç-Çi'âh').

72) This is the ancient Greek city of Mopsuestia and the current Missis, located at 37° lat. on the right bank of the river Djaihan (Pyramus which watered ancient Cilicia, currently called Djihon), a stronghold and important frontier town located 12 miles from the Mediterranean and equipped with a wall pierced by five gates. It consisted of two towns, Kafarbayya on the left bank and Miççîça on the right bank, joined by a stone bridge; [note that a village in the suburbs of Damascus bears the same name]. "Al-Mansur had the city wall restored in 140 AH (757-58 AD) after it had been damaged by an earthquake the previous year [139 AH/5 June 756 - 24 May 757] (not mentioned by as-Suyut'î). In 187 (803), an earthquake devastated the city." On 13 Haziran 1122 Sel (811 AD), a major earthquake destroyed the city walls and many houses and three neighboring villages (not mentioned by as-Suyutl); near al-MassÎsa, the flow of the Jaihan was stopped for about a week, so that the boats were left stranded." "In 245 [859, i.e. either interval 8 April-31 December 859], the city was again ravaged by an earthquake (cited by as-Suyût'i) which destroyed several localities in Syria, Mesopotamia, and Cilicia (citing al-Ya'kûbî, III, 1440)". "The great earthquake of 1144 AD destroyed al-Massissa as well as several other cities in Cilicia and Syria". (This is most likely the one cited by as-Suyût'î and dated 29 May 1144). "The region of al-Massissa was tested by an earthquake in 1269 AD, (al-Suyût'î, in Docum. arm., II, 1906, p. 772, rem. next,). Cf. E. Honigmann, E.I., vol. III, pp. 591-96.

72 bis) That is sixty minutes.

22. 818/819 CE - Khurasan

In A.H. 203 [July 9, 818/June 27, 819], Khurasan (73) was the scene of earthquakes that lasted for 70 days; the dwellings were destroyed; the mosque of Balkh (74) collapsed as well as a quarter of the same city; this was mentioned by Ibn al-Jawzi.


73) It is the vast region of east-north-east of Iran, which includes the large cities of Balkh (Bactres), Marw (Merv), Harat and Nisâbûr.

74) This is the ancient Bactra, a city of Khurasan, located south of the Oxus (Jayhûn, Amu-Darya). "It was sadly renowned for its unsanitary conditions due to the multiple ramifications of the "Balkh River" (Dehas) poorly maintained” in Al-Mukaddasi, Ahsan at-Takasim fî Ma'rifat al-Alkâlim (The best distribution for the knowledge of the provinces), trans. annot. André Miguel, Damascus 1963, p. 257. Today, Balkh is a simple village in the current North Afghanistan (approximately 67° long. E, 36° 45' lat. N.).

23. [834/835 CE - Iraq ?]

The author of al-Mir'ât notes that in A.H. 21988 [January 16, 834/January 4, 835], there was great darkness between noon and about four o'clock in the afternoon, and extremely violent earthquakes occurred. Abu Bakr an-Nahli'as (74 bis) said that at the time when Ah'mad ibn H'anbal (75) was beaten89, the world (76) sank into darkness and earthquakes occurred


88) In 219 + (G): The earth was shaken by an earthquake.

74 bis) Abu Bakr ibn Ismâ'îl ibn Nah'h'às ad-Dimashqî (...-862/... 1458), Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. VI. p. 284.

75) Muslim theologian, jurist and traditionist, (164-241/ 780-855), founder of one of the four great Sunni schools: the H'anbalite school: "he also profoundly marked Islam both in its historical development and in its contemporary renewal." He had refused to adhere to the dogma of the creation of the Koran, contrary to orthodoxy [which H'anbal supported]; this is why he was summoned to appear before the 'Abbâsid Caliph al-Mu'taçim [al-Ma'mun] (defender of the Mu'tazilite school) in Ramadan 219 (date on which the darkness and the earthquake in question had occurred); he persisted in denying this dogma and then received a flogging. It seems that the earthquake relating to Ibn H'anbal and that of 219, cited previously, are one and the same. Cf. H. Laoust, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 281.

89) V.s.i. in (B).

76) The author clearly errs by exaggeration; by "world" one should perhaps consider only the country of Iraq

24. 835 CE - Antioch

In A.H. 220 [January 5, 835/December 25, 835], the earth was shaken by earthquakes for forty days; the city of Antioch was subject to destruction.

25. 838/839 CE - Fergana Valley

In A.H. 224 [November 23, 838/ November 11, 839], Farghâna90 (77) was shaken by an earthquake; fifteen thousand people died there.


90) Farghana; (B): Far'àna.

77) Region south of the upper course of the Sayh'ûn (river of ash-Shâsh, Iaxarte or Sir-Darya), in Turkistan [JW: currently mostly in Uzbekistan]. It is 300 km long and 70 km wide. Balâdhurî (late 9th century) and Ist'akhrî (around 950 AD), mentioned the existence, in this region, of several populated localities. Several geographers of the 4th/ 10th century noted "that the villages in Farghâna were larger than anywhere else in Transoxiana and sometimes had a length of a day's march." Cf. W. Barthold - [B. Spuler], E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 809-810

26. 839/840 CE - Khuzestan

The following year [A.H. 225: November 12, 839/October 30, 840]91 (78) al-Ahwaz92 [modern Khuzestan] (79) was shaken; the mountains cracked; the earthquakes continued for sixteen days


91) The following year; (B): the year preceding it.

78) In manuscript B: the year preceding it; the copyist's error is obvious, the terms "follows and precedes" having in Arabic, a similar spelling.

92) Al-Ahwaz; (G): al-Ahwar; (D): al-Ahwan

79) It is a province of the Abbasid Empire, whose limits coincide with today's Khuzestan. Its capital had the same name (31° 91' N. lat. and 48° 46' E. long.). Cf. E. Streck, E.I., vol. I, p. 212

27. and 28. 846/848 CE - Damascus, Antioch, and many other places [amalgamated]

In A.H. 233 [August 17, 847/August 4, 848]93 (80), a terrible earthquake occurred in Dimashq [Damascus] (81), which caused several houses to collapse and resulted in the death of many94 people; the seismic wave reached Antioch which it destroyed and al-Jazira (82) which it left in ruins; it also affected al-Mawçil [Mosul], where according to what is said, fifty thousand of its inhabitants died; this is what is mentioned in the Târîkh of Adh-Dhahabî (84). As for the author of al-Mir'ât, he said

In 32 [A.H. 232: August 28, 846/August 16, 847]95 (85), earthquakes multiplied throughout the world (86), notably96 in the Maghrib (87) and in Sham; the walls of Damascus97 and of H'ims (88) were destroyed; the most violent earthquakes occurred in Antioch and in al-'Awâçim98 (89); al-Jazira was destroyed, al-Mawçil [Mosul] too; this intense seismic activity continued for several days).
He [the author of al-Mir'ât] then says:
And in 33 [A.H. 233: August 17, 847/August 4, 848]99, a very severe earthquake struck; al-H'afidh ibn 'Asâkir mentioned it in "Kitâb az-Zalâzil" (the book of earthquakes); he then said100 :
Damascus was shaken by an earthquake at dawn on Thursday 11101 (89 bis) Rabi' II and 233 (November 24, 847); a quarter of the mosque102 was torn to pieces; the large stones were torn out and the minaret collapsed. The bridges and houses collapsed; the seismic wave passed through al Ghût'am (91): it destroyed Dârayyâ104 (92), al-Mizza (93), Bail Lihyâ105 (94) and other [localities]. The people reached al-Muçall'â (95) where they prayed until noon; [then] everything calmed down

93) In 233; (B and D): in 230.

94) V.s.i. in (B and G).

95) That is to say in 232, as is evident from what precedes and what follows.

96) notably; (B) and.

97) V.s.i. in (A).

98) al-'Awâçim: strongholds located between H'alab and Antâkia, Cf. Yâqût, Vol. IV, p. 165. In the margin of another copy, we read; al-'Awâçim, whose capital is Antioch, Cf. al-Qâmûs, Vol. IV, p. 151.

99) 33, c.a.d. in 233, as is evident from what precedes and from what follows.

100) and he said again; (G): and.

101) The 11th; in another copy: the 21st.

102) A quarter of the mosque was torn to pieces; (B): the great mosque was shredded.

103) V.s.i. in (D); we read, in the margin, in another copy: al-Ghût'a, city of Damascus or its district. Cf. al-Qamûs, T. II, p. 377.

104) Dârayyâ, one of the villages of Damascus.

80) The year 230, mentioned in manuscripts B and D, seems more probable, as-Suyût'i having adopted in his treatise, the chronological order. Moreover, he cited, infra, an earthquake which affected the same city of Damascus in the year 233.

81) Damascus (36° 18' long. E and 33° 30' lat. N). Towards the middle 8th century AD, its plan was substantially the same as in the Roman period; then, from the 10th century AD, "this plan breaks up into multiple watertight compartments". Cf. detailed study, in Sauvaget, "Outline of a history of the city of Damascus", Revue des etudes Islamiques, 1934, N. Elisséeff, Dimashk, E.I. 2nd ed., 290.

82) Refers to the northern part of the territory between the Tigris and the Euphrates, hence the name Jazira (island); in fact, the territory in question extends northward beyond the upper course of the Tigris (al-Jazira is on the northern and northeastern side bordering Armenia) and also includes a variable strip extending both on the left bank of the Tigris and on the right bank of the Euphrates; on the eastern side, it borders Adharbaydjân and to the west of Syria; on the southern side, it borders Iraq from a line running from Takrit to Anbar (Anbar, a city on the left bank of the Euphrates, located at 43° 43' E, 33° 22' 30" N, 62 km from Baghdad; Takrit, a city on the right bank of the Tigris north of Samarra). It was divided into three main provinces : Diyâr Bakr, Diyâr Mud'ar and Dyâr Rabî'a. During the 'Abbasid era, al-Mawçil was sometimes detached from the government of the Jazira. The province was also sometimes included in a larger whole. Bordering Armenia was often united with it or sometimes united only with Diyâr Bakr. (The name of Jazîrat ibn 'Umar is also given to a city located on the right bank of the middle Tigris at 42° 11' long. E and 37° 20' lat. N). Cf. Marius Canard, Jazîra, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 536-537.

83) Mosul, capital of Diyâr Rabî'a and of the Jazîra (this metropolis = miçr, takes its name, "the confluence", from the meeting in a single bed of several arms of the Tigris) situated on the right bank of the Tigris opposite the ancient Nineveh; the city dominated the river and, according to Ibn Il'awqal, there were approximately 60 cubits between the river level and the ground of the city; geographers give it the shape of a "t'ailasân" (elongated rectangle). Around 985-86 AD, it was, according to al-Maqdisi, arranged in a semicircle. The majority of the houses were built of tuff or marble; their roofs were domed. Cf. Honigmann, E.I., vol. III, pp. 650-51; Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie de H'amdanides [H'amdanid Dynasty]..., vol. I, pp. 117-121.

84) This is Shams ad-Dîn Abû 'Abd-Allah Muh'ammad b. 'Uthman b. Kaymaz b. 'Abd-Allah al-Turkumânî al-Fariqî ad-Dimashqî al-Shafi'i, Arab historian and theologian, born in Damascus, or in Mayya-farikin, in 673 or 74-748 or 53 AH/1274-1348 or 52-53 AD. He excelled in three disciplines: Tradition, Law and History. The work in question is "Tarikh al-Islam" which is his major work (published in Cairo from 1367/1947-8). The work consists of a history of Islam beginning with the genealogy of the Prophet and ending in 700/1300-1; its value lies in the "narration of events neglected by Ibn al-Athîr in his Kamil "(M. Ben Cheneb [De Somogyi], E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 221-222..

85) It is in 232. The copyist omitted this time and often thereafter the hundreds figure, logically so as not to have to quote it several times in a row.

86) A term which of course has a restrictive meaning: it concerns the Muslim world (Dar al-Islâm), to which, however, must be added a fringe of a certain depth extending along the borders into non-Muslim territory.

87) This is the Muslim West: Spain (Al-Andalus), Morocco, Algeria (central Maghreb), Tunisia (Ifriqya) and Tripolitania Cyrenaica (Barqa).

88) This is ancient Emesa and the present-day H'oms (36° long. E. and 34° 20' lat. N.). Ya'qûbî, in the 9th century, reported it as one of the largest cities in Syria. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie amtique et medievale, Paris, 1927, p. 104. N. Elisséeff, Hims, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 409.

89) Name given to a portion of the border area that stretched between the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Empire to the North and North-East of Syria. Ath-Tughûr (border places) is the name given to the most advanced places in the area, al-'Awâçim (the protectors) designating the places located further back, and constituting fallback centers (the most important being Antioch). Some places were erected in ''Awâçim in 786 AD, by Hârûn ar-Hashid; they are: Manbig (the ancient Bambyce or Hierapolis of Syria), Duluk (the ancient Doliché), Ant'akia... Ibn Khurdadbih mentions other al-'Awâçim, including Bâlis (the ancient Barbalissus) ; Ibn H'awqal cites Sumaysât (the ancient Samosata) and Ibn Shaddâd mentions among other names: Baghras (the ancient Pagrae), Rab'ân, Kurus, Kaysûm, Kal'at Najm, Artah, Tall 'Abbasin... On a delimitation of the territory of the Awâçim, Cf. Marius Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie de H'amdanides [H'amdanid Dynasty]..., pp. 226-235. The region of the Thughûr and the Awâçim was conquered by Nicephorus Phocas in 969 AD; the term Awâçim, as a purely geographical expression, continued to be used at the time of the Crusades and the Mamluks, by Arab geographers. Cf. Marius Canard, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 783-84.

89 bis) The 21st of Rabi' II corresponds to a Sunday; this date is therefore to exclude.

90) Are these the cut stones from the church of Saint John in Damascus which had been reused for the construction of the mosque from the same city? Cf. N. Elisséeff, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 289.

91) This is the irrigated area surrounding Damascus, between the mountains and the eastern lakes. Today, Ghouta only refers to the garden regions. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., p. 293.

92) Village of the Ghût'a of Damascus, 8 km to the South-West of it; "it is known in the Syriac texts under the name of Dara of Sham and in the Christian Greek texts under the form Daraia". Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie..., p. 297.

93) Large village located southeast of Damascus, at a distance of 1/2 farsakh [farsang?] (3 km.). Cf. Yâqût, Mu'jam al-Buldan, vol. VIII, p. 47.

94) Al-Aliha = the idols. This village of Ghûta, which is nevertheless quite famous (Abraham is shown breaking his father's idols; a fairly large church was there) does not appear on the maps. According to Ibn Jubaïr and Ibn Bat't'ût'a, it is located to the East, more precisely to the North East of Damascus, between the latter and Berzé. It seems, in reality, to have been a suburb of the city; [another locality, bearing the same name, is located to the East of Rasheiya and is obviously to be excluded]. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., p. 295; al-Muqaddasi, Ah'san at-Takasim fi ma'rifat al-Akâlîm, trad. annot. André Miquel, Damascus, 1963, p. 261.

95) Open-air mosque (open to the sky) outside the walls

29. 848/849 CE - Harât

In A.H. 234 [August 5, 848/July 25, 849], an earthquake occurred in Harât106 (96) which destroyed the houses.


106) Harât: in the margin we read another copy: Harât, city of Khurâsân and city of Fars. Cf. Al-Qâmûs, T. IV, p. 407.

96) City in western Afghanistan (34° 22' lat. N., 62° 9' long. E.). This is the ancient Alexandria in Aria. Ist'akhri and Ibn H'awqal (10th century ) note that the city had very extensive suburbs. [It is also a small locality in Fars to the east of Ist'akhr; Cf. Le Strange, The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, Cambridge, 1905, p. 287]; it is very probably the first city which is concerned.

30. 853/854 CE - Tiberias

In A.H. 239 [June 12, 853/June 1, 854], an earthquake shook T'abariyya [Tiberias] (97) to the point that the ground moved [shifted].


97) Tiberias (modern Tveryah), a city in Palestine, located on the western shore of Lake Kinneret or the Sea of Galilee). Al-Muqaddasi notes, around 985 AD, that the city, which is located between the mountain and the sea, "stretched in length for about a farsang" (6 km); its width is very restricted. Al-Muqaddasi Ah'san at-Takasim..., p. 177. This city suffered an earthquake in 1759 and then another in 1837, which was more violent and destroyed a large part of this city. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., pp. 609-610

31. 854/855 CE - Tunisia

In A.H. 240 [June 2, 854/May 21, 855]107, the Maghrib108 was shaken by an earthquake; thirteen villages109 [in the suburbs] of al-Qayrawân (98) [Kairouan, Tunisia ?] disappeared underground.


107) An earthquake shook T'abariyya [Tiberias] to the point that the ground moved [shifted] and in 240 - (G).

108) V.s.i. in (A, B and G).

109) V.s.i. in (G).

98) City of Ifrlqya (Tunisia) considered by al-Muqaddasi as one of the great Muslim metropolises (Mier).

32. 856 CE - Tunis and many other places

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 242 [December 3-December 31, 856]110, a very violent earthquake occurred in Tunis (99); many houses were destroyed, while forty-five thousand inhabitants were killed. Violent earthquakes also occurred in Yaman (100), Khurâsân, Fârîs (101), ash-Shâm, a Bis t'am (102), a Qumm (103), a Qâshân (104), ar-Rayy111 (105), Jurjan (106), at Naysabur (107), at ad-Damghan (108), at T'abaristan (109), at Icbahan (110); mountains were split [were torn to pieces]; the earth was cracked, the width of the crack being such that a man could enter it112 (111). The village of as-Sawda'113 (112), situated in the region of Micr (113), was bombarded114 by five stones [meteorites]; one of these meteorites fell on the tent of a Bedouin which burst into flames; one of these stones was weighed and found to weigh six rit'l (114); a mountain located in Yaman and containing cultivated fields having their owners moved and came to the place of other cultivated fields. A white bird, not a raptor, [preaching bird], came115 to H'alab [Aleppo] (115) in the month of Ramad'ân and began to say in a loud voice: "O People fear God [return to God] God, God"; it cried forty times then flew away. He came back the next day and did the same thing again. The postmaster wrote this down and called five hundred people who had heard him to testify


110) The Maghrib was shaken by an earthquake; thirteen villages [in the suburbs] of al-Qayrawân disappeared underground. And in 242 — (B).

111) in Qâshân and ar-Rayy; (G); in Qâsan and az-Zayy.

112) for a man to enter it; (A, B, D): for a foot to enter it.

113) The village as-Sawdâ'; (B and D): village as-Sawîd; as-Sawdâ': district of H'ims [Homs ?].

114) was bombarded; (B): was shaken by an earthquake.

115) V.s.i. in (B).

99) City of Tunisia, located at 36° 47' 39" lat. N. and 7° 51' long. E; This is the ancient Tynes; in the 8th and 9th centuries (Aghlabid dynasty), it was counted among the important cities. Cf. H. Brunshvig, E.I., vol. IV, pp. 881-82.

100) Corresponds to the South-West of the Arabian peninsula; it is the Happy Arabia of the ancients. Ibn H'awqal (10th century) places the northern limit of Yaman south of at'-Tâ'if; once detached from the 'Abbasid empire, al-Yaman had a much larger area restricted. Cf. Adolph Grohmann, E.I., vol. IV, p. 1219.

101) This is the Persis of the Greeks, corresponding to the south-east of present day Persia. It is limited to the north-west by Khuzistan (the ancient Susiana), to the north by al-Jiba1 (or 'Irâq al-'Ajam, cf. infra note 150); to the east by Kirmân (the ancient Karmania) and to the west and south-west by the Persian Gulf. Fars was, in the 9th century, larger than in the past: its limits extended to the north-east, beyond the city of Yazd (a city of 'Irâq al-'Ajam; formerly called Katha); to the north, they passed to the south of Isbahân (see infra). Cf. L. Lockhart, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 830-31.

102) Important city of Khurâsan, situated at 55° long E and 36° 30' lat. N.; this is the current Bostam.

103) City in the region of al-Jibâl (ancient Media); was built of bricks. Cf. Yâqût, Mu'jam..., vol. VII, p. 109.

104) Town in the same region, 12 farsakh [JW: parsang ?] (= 72 km) from Qumm. It was destroyed by an earthquake during the reign of Wakil Karim Khân Zend who rebuilt it (end of the 18th century). Cf. Cl. Huart, E.I., p. 834.

105) This is ancient Raghes; its ruins are still visible 8 km SSE of Tehran. "The Greek folk etymologies that explain the name Ragha as referring to earthquakes must reflect the frequency of this phenomenon in this region" Içt'akhri notes that this city occupied an area of 1.5 by 1.5 farsakh and that the buildings were made of rammed earth (but also of bricks and plaster). Cf. V. Minorsky, E.I., pp. 1182-1183.

106) Name designating the ancient province of Hycarnia, in the south-east of the Caspian Sea; it corresponds, roughly, to the current province of Astarabadh; it also designates the city located in this same region; this was divided into two parts, Andarhaz (current Gurgân): on the east side was the city itself, called Shahristan; on the west side, was the suburb of Bakrabadh; it was destroyed by the Mongols. In the 14th century, a pile of ruins. The location in the angle formed by the confluence of the Gurgân and the Khurmârûd, is indicated today only by a pile of rubble still unexploited. Cf. R. Hartmann, JA Boyle, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 1108.

107) One of the four great cities of Khurâsan. The city suffered other earthquakes including those of 540/1145 and 679/1208 not mentioned by as-Suyût'î. Yâqût visited the city in 613 (1216) and again noted the damage caused to the city by the earthquake of 1145; that of 1208 was also very violent: "the inhabitants fled to the plain downstream and remained there for several days". After each earthquake, the inhabitants rebuilt the city on another site. The current city of Naïsâbûr is located at 36° 12' lat. N. and 58° 40' long. E. Cf. E. Honigmann, E.I., pp. 992-93.

108) A city located between Tehran and Mashhad, 344 km east of the former. Here is the oldest surviving mosque in Iran, the Târikhâna (3rd-10th century). Cf. DN Wilber, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 109.

109) Region located south of the Caspian Sea, bordered to the east by Djurdjân; corresponds to present-day Mazandaran. Cf. Muqaddasi Ah'san at-Tagâslm..., p. 331.

110) This city, located in the middle of a region irrigated by the Zende-Rud, was formerly composed of two juxtaposed cities: Djayy, which would later be the location of the city itself and Yahûdiyya which would have been a creation of Nebuchadnezzar; Ibn Lodda notes that the diameter of the city, which had a circular plan, measured 6,000 cubits = 1/2 farsakh = 3 km. Cf. Huart, E.I., p. 563.

111) In manuscripts B and D: "the width of the crack is that which can allow a foot to enter it.

112) In Yâqût, this name designates only a village in one of the districts of H'ims. Cf. Mu'jam, vol. V, p. 167. None of the Arab geographers that we have been able to consult cites this toponym; Yâqût clearly indicates that the territory of the city of Miçr [Old Cairo, see following note] includes a very large number of villages, but does not cite any. Cf. Mu'jam, vol. VIII, p. 72; As-Sawdâ' must probably be one of these villages. [Let us note that there is a locality named Kharibat as-Sawdâ, situated in the south of Arabia, Cf. A. Grohmann, E.I., p. 194].

113) Miçr, a generic name designating a Muslim metropolis. Before the founding of al-Qâhira (Cairo) in 359-969, Miçr, which is referred to here, designated the city of al-Fustât' (later called Old Cairo). This name also designates Egypt as a country. Here, we are referring to the city itself. Cf. AJ Wensinck, E.I., vol. III, pp. 590-91.

114) The Rit'l is a unit of weight weighing 12 ûqiya (ounces), each ûqiya weighs 50 dirhams (Kaïl dirhams or shar'i, unit of weight weighing 2.931 g). The meteorite in question would thus weigh; 2.931 x 600 x 10 = 17.586 Kgs = 17.6 kgs. Cf. M. Gaudefroy Dernombynes, La Syrie à l'époque des Mamelouks,, p. 136; Zambaur, E.I., vol. IV, p. 1006; D. Eustache, Etudes de numismatique et de métrologie musulmanes (II), Hespéris Tamuda, vol. X, fasc. 1-2, Rabat, 1969, note 17, p. 149.

115) This is Aleppo, an important city in Syria, which had received the name of Boroea during the Macedonian conquest, located at 38° 68'5" long. E. and 40° 12' lat. N. At the time of al-Muqaddasi, its fortified enclosure still had the appearance of the roughly regular quadrilateral of the Seleucid period. In 363 (October 2, 973 - September 20, 974), A'zaz (originally Tell A'zaz), located 45 km northwest of Aleppo and capital of a territory comprising nearly 300 towns, was destroyed by an earthquake (not mentioned by as-Suyut'i). Aleppo was the scene of other earthquakes, particularly violent in the 19th century. Cf. M. Sobernheim, E.I., p. 242-3; J. Sauvaget, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 87; R. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., pp. 472-473; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides...., vol. I, pp. 221-222 and 225.

33. 859/860 CE - Antioch and "all over the world"

In A.H. 245 [April 8, 859/March 27 , 860], earthquakes occurred all over the world which destroyed cities, strongholds, bridges...; a mountain fell from Antioch into the sea; from this city, one thousand five hundred dwellings and more than ninety116 "towers of the enclosure were destroyed117 (116); a river (117) located one farsakh from this city, disappeared underground118 and its trace was lost; terrible cries were heard coming from the openings119 of the houses; they [the inhabitants] then fled from their homes. Egypt was shaken by a earthquake120; a great noise121 was heard in Tinnis122 (118) and many people died there. The springs of Makkah [Mecca] disappeared underground. In that same year [245], as-Sinn123 (119), ar-Raqqa (120), Harran (121), Ra's al-Ain (122), H'ims, Damascus, ar-Ruha124 (123), Tarsus (124), al-Maccîca, Adana (125) and the coasts of ash-Shâm (126) were shaken by an earthquake; an earthquake occurred in al-Ladhikiyya125 (127); no dwellings remained standing there and very little remained126. Jabala (128) and its inhabitants were annihilated127: the seismic wave crossed the Euphrates after destroying Bâlisn128 (129) and its surroundings and spread across Khurâsan; an incalculable number of people died there.


117) V.s.i. in (B).

118) V.s.i. in (G).

119) V.s.i. in (B).

120) V.s.i. in (B).

121) we heard — (B).

122) Tinnîs: island in the sea of Egypt. near the coast, located between al-Farama and Damietta. Yâqût, vol. II, p. 51.

123) as-Sinn: city located on the banks of the Euphrates, above Takrit, Yâqût, Vol. III, p. 269.

124) ar-Ruhâ. Yâqût transcribed it with a terminal Hamza: ar-Ruha'.

125) V.s.i. in (A and G).

126) V.s.i. in (A); in another copy: none of its population remained...

127) V.s.i. in (G).

128) Bâlisn, a locality of ash-Shâm. situated between H'alab and ar-Raqqa (Yâqût).

116) Yaqut gives the following details about the enclosure of Antioch: "it had 360 towers and was guarded in turn by 400 guards". Cf. Yaqut, Mu'jam, vol. I, p. 345. It was 12 miles long and was built of stone.

117) The lower course of the Orontes or Nahr Ant'âkia, has several small tributaries located on the right bank around Ant'âkia. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., map IX, B 1.

118) City located on the island of the same name, in the Damietta region.

119) A town on the Euphrates, north of Takrit, and which is most probably the town in question. It was located a short distance from the Jabal Barimma range, which is the eastern continuation of the Tigris, of the Jabal Makk'û1 and for this reason was called Sinn Barimma. According to E. Herzfeld, the location of Sinn would be near the ford of the village of chajara (the tree). [There is also a stronghold of the same name, in the province of al-Jazira, near Sumaysât, the ancient Samosata, and nicknamed Sinn Ibn 'Ut'aïr; As-Sinn also designates a place in the region of ar-Rayy, a mountain in Medina, near Mount Uh'ud, and another mountain behind Qarmisin, near Dînawar]. Cf. Yâqût, Mu'djam, vol. V, pp. 153-54. M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, p. 126

120) Capital of Diyâr Mud'ar in al-Jazira; it is the ancient Kallinikos. The name of the city means low and marshy land; it is located in the angle formed by the meeting of the Euphrates and the Balikh, on the west bank of the latter. In 155 AH/772 AD, a new city, ar-Ràfiqa, was built near ar-Raqqa by the Caliph al-Mançûr (its plan was in the shape of a horseshoe). The new city eventually took the name of ar-Raqqa, while a borough linked the two cities; this urban complex was then called: ar-Raqqatân (the two Raqqas). In the 13th century, the old ar-Raqqa had fallen into ruins. The ruins of ar-Râfiqa "form, towards the North, a semicircle, while to the South, they follow in a straight line the old bank of the Euphrates ". Cf. Honjgman. E.I., pp. 1185-87 ; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, pp. 90 91.

121) This is the ancient Carrhae, another city of Diyâr Mud'ar, situated on the upper course of the Balikh, 4 farsakh downstream from Edessa (see below). Destroyed in the 14th century; currently in ruins. The city, oblong in shape, had a perimeter of approximately 4,000 m. Cf. G. Fehervari, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 235; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, pp. 93-94.

122) Yâqût transcribes it thus: Ra'su 'Aïn, a city of al-Jazira. This is the ancient Resain-Theodosiopolis, a city of al-Jazira, 50 km south of Tell Mauzan and 15 parasangs (90 km) east of Harrân, situated on the Khabur, at the confluence of the Jirjib and another river called Balija; it was known for its numerous springs (360 in number). It was built of stone and surrounded by a rampart and situated on the boundary of Diyâr Mud'ar and Diyâr Rabi'a; it was sacked by Timur towards the end of the 14th century. Cf. M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides.... vol. I, pp. 97-98.

123) Yâqût adds a hamza at the end: Ruhâ'. Important city of Diyâr Mud'ar, in al-Jazira. It is the ancient Osrhoene and the current Urfa (in Greek Edessa). It is located at 62° 50' long. E. and 37° 40' lat. N. The city was surrounded by a double wall of walls (At the time of Abu l-Fidâ [around 1321], it was in ruins). Cf. E. Honigmann, E.I., vol. III, pp. 1062-1067.

124) This is Tarsus, an ancient Greek city, situated on the border of Asia Minor and Syria. An important stronghold in the time of Muqaddasi. It is currently a small town, situated at a certain distance from the Nahr Baradân. Cf. Fr. Bubl, E.I., vol. IV, pp. 712-13.

125) This is the ancient Greek Adana, an important stronghold located on the right bank of the Sayhan (Saros), today the center of Cilicia (37° N. lat. and 35° 18' E. long.); according to Içt'akhri, Adana was in the 10th century, defended by a wall pierced by 8 gates and a citadel on the other bank. Cf. Fr. Taeschner. E.I., 2nd ed. pp. 87-88,

126) These are the coasts of Palestine and northern Syria.

127) This is ancient Laodicea and present-day Latakia, a coastal city in Syria and a maritime border place. (The city had other ancient names: Leuké Actè, Ramitha, of Semitic appearance, and Mazabdan of Aramaic or Persian form. [Note that there is another city named "Lâdhiqiyya al-Muh'tariqa" (Latakia the Burning) which is the ancient Laodicea of Asia Minor and which owed its nickname from Antiquity to the volcanic nature of the region or to its ovens; it is current Ladik located between the ruins of Ammoriun ('Ammuriyya) and Konia (ancient Iconium)]. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., p. 412 - 15; Muqaddassl, Ah'san..., p. 296; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides, vol. I, p. 205.

128) This toponym is not indicated in the index of place names of the Fez edition, p. 81. It is ancient Gagala (current Djeblé), a coastal city in Syria, located 30 km south of al-Lâdhiqiyya. The earthquake of 245 AH is said to have seriously damaged it. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., vol. I, pp. 1011-1012

34. 864 CE - ar-Rayy

In the month of Dhû-l-H'ijja A.H. 249 [January 15/February 12, 864], the inhabitants of ar-Rayy129 were victims of an extremely violent earthquake which resulted in the death130 of many people and which destroyed many houses; the survivors fled into the desert.


129) V.s.i. in (G).

130) V.s.i. in (B and D).

35. 872 CE - Wâsit'

In A.H. 258 [November 18, 871/November 6, 872], a violent earthquake occurred in Wâsit' (130). It destroyed many homes and caused about twenty thousand victims.


130) A city located on the east bank of the Tigris, between Baghdad and al-Baçra, more precisely between Chatt al-Hayy, branch of the Tigris (old canal linking the Tigris to the Euphrates) and the current course of the Tigris where the navigable Tigris passed in the Middle Ages, at a place where only ruins and an embryo of a Canal remain. Founded by al-Hajjâ'j ibn Yûsuf in 83-85 AH (702-705 AD); in the 10th century, it was one of the largest cities in Iraq. It is about this that the text refers. [It should be noted that several localities also bear the name of Wâsit': it is a village that was on the very site of the town of Wâsit' and which was called Wâsit' al-Kaçab, of a famous village near Balkh, of a village near Qarqîsiyya, at the place where the Khâbûr flows into the Euphrates, of a village located 3 parasangs from Baghdâd, of a village located opposite ar-Raqqa to the west of the Euphrates, finally of a village located in the region of al-Mawçil]. Cf. Yâqût, vol. VIII, pp. 384-87; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., pp. 175 76; M. Streck, E.I., pp. 1188-1192.

36. 881 CE - Baghdad

In the month of Rabi' I A.H. 268 [September 29-October 28, 881], there occurred in Baghdad (131) an extremely violent earthquake; it was followed by torrential rains and lightning; the people were seized by fear131. This is what he [Ibn al-Jawzi] mentioned in al-Mir'at (132).


131) Situated at 33° 26' 18" N. lat. and 44° 23' 29" E. long. The city was built mainly of raw brick. According to Ist'akhri (in 279 AH/872 AD), it was approximately 7,250 km long and 6.5 km wide. In the 9th century, its population must have been 1.5 million inhabitants. Cf. AA Duri, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 921, 923 and 926; this author mentions other catastrophes which at the same time affected this city, pp. 926-27, in particular. Cf. detailed study in M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., pp. 155-174

131) people had been seized by fear; (B and • D): people died

132) Between 268 and 280, dates cited by as-Suyût'î, an earthquake occurred in Egypt, an earthquake mentioned in a work entitled: "Le Caire 969-1969" by Oleg V. Volkoff. "It was," says the author, "during the first year of his reign (this refers to the Tulunid Sovereign Khurnarawaïh ibn Ah'mad ibn T'ulûn) that Egypt was tested by an earthquake. It destroyed many houses (in al-Qat'âi') damaged the mosque of 'Amr and, in al-Fust'ât', caused the death of a thousand people. Cf. Oleg. V. Volkoff, Lee Caire 969-1969, (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie orientale du Caire, Cairo, 1971, p. 36). The earthquake in question occurred during the first year of the reign of Kumarawaïh, that is to say from Dhû-l-Qa'da 270 to Dhû-l-Qa'da 271 1 May, 884 - 19 May, 885). Cf. E. de Zambaur, Manuel de genealogie et de chronologie pour l'histoire de l'Islam, Unveraenderter Neudruck, 1955, Bad Pyrmont, p. 93.

37. 893/894 CE - Ardabîl

In A.H. 280 [March 23, 893/March 12, 894]132 (133), six earthquakes occurred in Ardabîl (134); houses were destroyed; one hundred and fifty thousand people died under the rubble; this is what is mentioned in the history work of Ibn Kathîr (135). In the Târîkh of adh Dhahabî [the following is mentioned]: in the month of Shawwal of that same year [December 14, 893/ January 11, 894], a lunar eclipse occurred in ad-Daybul133 (136); the following morning, darkness reigned everywhere; it did not cease until the time of [the prayer] of 'acr (137); a "black" wind then began to blow and lasted until the first third of the night; then a very violent earthquake occurred which destroyed almost the entire city; the number of victims pulled out from under the rubble was one hundred and fifty thousand134; Ibn Kathîr mentioned this catastrophe following the previous one and assigned it the date of 288 [December 26, 900/December 15, 901]; he said about it: the earthquakes135 continued for days and an eclipse occurred.


132) In 280; (G): In 208.

133) V.s.i. in (B).

134) fifty thousand — (G).

133) V.s.i. in (B).

133) In manuscript G: In the year 208; it is there, clearly, a copy error.

134) A city in eastern Adharbayjan, located at 48° 17' long E. and 38° 15' lat. N. Firdawsi notes that the city was founded by the Sassanid king Peroz (457-484 AD) and that it was given the name Badan Peroz or Badhan Fayruz; al-Qazwinî attributes its foundation to an earlier monarch. Cf. RN Frye, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 646.

135) This is Ismâ'îl ibn 'Umar ibn Kathîr ibn Daww ibn Der' ad-Dimashqî (701-774 AH/1302-1373 AD); the book in question is a work of history: al-Bidaya wan-Nihaya (the Beginning and the End); the work ends in the year 767. Cf. AH Zirik11, al-A'lam, vol. I, pp. 317-318.

136) Ancient port city of Sind, situated west of the Mirhan (Indus), at the head of a creek; the ruins of this city, which was destroyed, have not yet been discovered (the ruins of Bharnbora were thought to be those of ad-Daybul, but excavations at this site failed to provide conclusive proof). Cf. E.A.S. Bazmee Ansari, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 194.

137) Between three and four o'clock in the afternoon


38. 902 CE - Baghdad

In the month of Rajab A.H. 289 [June 11-July 10, 902], Baghdad was, for days136, the scene of very violent earthquakes: a particularly violent137 wind blew on al-Baçra (138) uprooting almost all of its palm trees; one place [in the same city] collapsed, causing the death of six thousand people. In the month of Ramad'ân [August 9-September 7, 902] (139), before dawn, many (shooting) stars fell from the sky; they continued to fall until sunrise. On the day of 'Arafât (140) [9 Dhu-l-H'ijja 289/14 November 902], people had started to perform the 'asr prayer; it was summer; a freezing wind began to blow; people had to resort to fire for warmth138; they put on burnous and doubled clothes (141); the water had frozen as in winter. This happened in Baghdad and it was Ibn al-Jawzi who related it; in the city of H'ims (142) it was Ibn al-Athir (143) who mentioned it.


136) (earthquakes) continued for days in al-Baçra - (D).

137) a particularly violent wind — (D).

138) V.s.i. in (B).

138) Al-Baçra was founded in Muh'arram 17 AH or in Rabi' I or II 16 AH by the Companion of the Prophet, 'Utba ibn Ghazwân. The ancient city was not located, like modern Baçra, on the banks of the Tigris, but inland, at a distance estimated at four parasangs. Its location is today partially marked on the international map of the world at 1/100,000°, near the village of az-Zubayr. The coordinates of ancient Baçra are: 45° 30' longitude E., 30° 30' lat. N. Cf. Ch. Pellat, Le milieu basrien et la formation de Gahiz, Paris, 1953, pp. 2-3, p. 4 (note 4) and p. 7.

139) It is most likely the month of Ramad'an of the year 289 [August 9 - September 7, 902]. Did this happen in al-Baçra or in Baghdad ?

140) 'Arafât (a plain about 21 km east of Mecca, on the road to at'-Ta'if) is the place where the central ceremonies of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca take place. The day of 'Arafât corresponds to 9 Dhû-l-H'ijja; as the year in question seems to be still 289, 9 Dhû-l-H'ijja corresponds to 14 November 902 AD.

141) These are burnouses lined with fur. Cf. R. Dozy, Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes, vol. I, p. 292.

142) Did this same phenomenon also take place at H'ims ?

143) This is the historian Ali ibn Muh'ammad ibn 'Abd Al-Karîm ibn 'Abd Al-Wâh'id Ash-Shibanî Al-Jazari, abû 1-H'asan 'Izz ad-Din ibn al-Athîr (555-630 AH/1160-1233 AD); he resided in al-Mawçil; he is the author of al-Kâmil, a work of history in 12 volumes (published in Egypt in 1303 AH) where the last year cited is 629 A.M. Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. V, p. 153 and vol. X, p. 23rd

39. 912/913 CE - Dînawar (al-Jibâl)

In A.H. 300 [August 18, 912/August 6, 913] a mountain arose139 at Dînawar (144); a large quantity of water140 came out from below [the mountain] and engulfed several villages.


139) V.s.i. in (B).

140) large quantity of water; (B): a large river.

144) City of al-Jibâl, now in ruins; these ruins are located at 34° 35' N. lat. and 47° 26' E. long.. Under Mu'âwiyya, it received the name of Mah-kufa (which is also the name of two districts of al-Jibâ1). Cf. Loekhart, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 307.

40. 919/920 CE - Meteorite Impact

In A.H. 307 [June 3, 919/May 22, 920], a huge star "fell" and split into three pieces; after its "fall", a terrible thunderous noise was heard, and this in clear weather; this is what Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned.141


141) V.s.i. in (G).

41. 942/943 CE - Nasâ

In A.H. 331 [September 17, 942/September 3, 943], a very violent earthquake occurred in the country of Nasâ (145) which caused many buildings to collapse and led to the death of many people.


145) Nasâ, a name known from several cities: one in Khurâsân, another in Fars, another in Qirmân, another still in Farghâna and a last one in Hamadhan. Cf. Yâqût, Mu'jam al-Buldan, vol. VIII, pp. 282-283; V. Minorsky, E.I. pp. 904-5

42. 955/956 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 44 [April 27, 955/April 14, 956]142, a severe earthquake occurred143 in Mizr (146); it destroyed houses; the earthquake tremors continued for three hours; people had addressed God in prayers.


142) by 44 we want to indicate 344, as is evident from what precedes and what follows. I make the same assumption for the years by "45", "46" and "47".

143) a severe earthquake; (G): a very violent (and) severe earthquake.

146) This is most likely Egypt proper.

43. 956/957 CE - Hamadhân (Iran)

In A.H. 45 [April 15, 956/April 3, 957], a very violent earthquake took place in Hamadhân (147); houses collapsed; the palace of Shirin144 (148), struck by lightning, cracked; an incalculable number of people died under the rubble.


144) V.s.i. in (B) and in another copy.

147) It is a city in central Iran, located south of Mount Alwand (48° 31' long. E, 34° 48' lat. N.). In Armenian documents it bears the names of Ahmatan and Hamatan; (Ahmetà in the Bible). It was destroyed several times in ancient times. The earthquake took place in 956 [April 15-December 31, 956], as indicated by RN Frye, in E.I., 2nd ed., p. 108, Cf. RN Frye, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 107-108.

148) This is Farthad u-Shîrin, Christian favorite of the Sasânid king of Iran Khusraw II Parvîz (590-628 AD). Her palace, the ruins of which still exist today, was located in the locality of the same name, which is located next to Qarmîsin, between H'alwân and Hamadhân. Cf. A. Zajaczkowski, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 812; Yâqût, Mu'jam, vol. VII, p. 202.

44. 957/958 CE - ar-Rayy

In A.H. 46 [April 4, 957/March 24, 958], very violent earthquakes occurred in ar-Rayy144 bis and in the surrounding areas and lasted forty days, ceasing and reproducing alternately; the earth subsided in at'-T'âlaqân145 (149); one hundred and fifty146 villages of ar-Rayy147 disappeared underground. A mountain was torn to pieces in ar-Rayy; large fissures148 appeared in the ground and foul water149 came from them and very dense smoke. This is how Ibn al-Jawzi noted it150.


144 bis) V.s.i. in (G).

145) V.s.i. in (G).

146) V.s.i. in (B).

147) V.s.i. in (G).

148) V.s.i. in (G).

149) V.s.i. in (G).

150) V.s.i. in (B).

149) Name given to two cities: one of them is located in Tukharistan, between Balkh and Maru al-Rudh (3 days' march from the latter); was destroyed in 617 AH (1220 AD), by Cinggiz-Khan; its ruins are near Cacaktû; the other is a city of Daylam and is located between Qazwîn and Abhar: it is about it that the text is talking; indeed, as-Suyût'i places the seismic activity of the year 345 in ar-Rayy which is close to the city of Daylam. Cf. Cl. Huart, E.I., vol. IV, p. 672

45. 958/959 CE - Qumm

In A.H. 47 [March 25, 958/March 13, 959], earthquakes occurred again in Qumm, H'ulwân (149 bis), Qâshân151 and in the Ji-bâls152 (150), which caused153 innumerable victims and destroyed many dwellings. Baghdâd was also shaken (151).


151) V.s.i. in (A, G and B).

152) al-Jibâis: region located between Isfahàn and Kazvetn; Cf. Mu'jam al-Buldân, vol. II, p. 99.

153) V.s.i. in (A).

149 bis) City whose location is at the entrance to the Zagros passes (existed at the time of the Assyrians); currently in ruins. It is located on the left bank of the H'ulwâncai, south of Ser-i Pul. It is still recognizable by the ruins of a building from the Sasanian period, called T'âq-i Girra. "Geographers still attach it to 'Irâq 'Arabi, but more commonly to the province of Jibâls". This city suffered from several earthquakes. In the 8th century AH it was in ruins. Cf. Cl. Huart, E.I., vol. II, pp. 354-55.

150) Term designating the Iranian high plateau (ancient Media) which is the region in question. It also received the name of 'Irâq 'Ajamî to distinguish it from al-'Irâq which corresponds to lower Mesopotamia; its name comes from the fact that it is very mountainous. Its borders changed constantly. Shwarz showed that at different times, the extension of these mountains went very far into Persia. [This is also the ancient Arabic name for the portion of Arabia Petraea which is located south of the Wadi H'asa]. Cf. J. Sourdel-Thomine, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 548 Shwarz P., Iran im Mittelalter, vol. VI, p.853.

151) At the same time as the above-mentioned cities or at another time of the year 347 AH ?

46. 966/968 CE - Egypt

During the reign of Kafur al-Ikhshidi154 (152), earthquakes multiplied in Mizr (153); this seismic activity continued for six years, Muh'ammad ibn al-Qasim ibn 'Acim155 then composed156 a poem, in which we can read157: "Egypt was shaken by an earthquake, not because it was wished harm - In fact, it [Egypt] danced for joy before its justice [the Sovereign]. This is what I have158 in an old copy, of the work entitled: Muhaddhdhib at-T'âlibin159, written after the year 600 [1203-04] ; then I read [this verse] written differently, as I will indicate later160.


154) V.s.i. in (B).

155) V.s.i. in (B).

156) V.s.i. in (B).

157) of which + (B): this verse.

158) V.s.i. in (B).

159) B: Tahdhib at'-T'alibin.

160) as I will indicate later: cf. pp. 31-32 (of the edition of Fez).

152) This is Abû-l-Misk Kafur, Khadim of Ikhshid. The earthquakes in question took place during his reign, that is to say between 11 Muh'arram 355 and 20 Jumâdà I 357/January 7, 966 - April 22, 968. Cf. Zambaur, Manuel de genealogie..., p. 93.

153) It seems that in this case it is Egypt proper

47. 972/973 CE - Bilad ash-Sham

In A.H. 362 [October 12, 972/October 1, 973]161, an earthquake occurred in Bilad ash-Sham (Country) ; strongholds were destroyed, several towers of Antioch collapsed; A large number of people died under the rubble.


161) V.s.i. in (B and G).

48. 973/974 CE - Wâsit'

In A.H. 363 [October 2, 973/September 20, 974], a violent earthquake happened in Wâsit'

49. 977/978 CE - Baghdad

In A.H. 67 [August 19, 977/August 8, 978]162, Baghdad was shaken several times by earthquakes.


162) In 393 -- (A and B): in 300

50. 986/987 CE - al-Mawçil (Mosul)

In A.H. 76 [May 13, 986/May 2, 987], a very violent earthquake took place in al-Mawçil, which caused the destruction of many buildings and claimed countless victims.


51. 1002/1003 CE - Sham

In A.H. 393 [November 10, 1002/October 29, 1003]163 (153 bis), an earthquake occurred in Sham164 , in 'Awâçim, in Thughûr (154); several fortified complexes were destroyed; we had to deplore a large number of victims.


163) In 393 — (A and B): in 300.

164) V.s.i. in (G)

153 bis) A and B give “300”; this is clearly a copying error.

154) We divide the Thughûr (places - borders) into Syrian Thughûr (Shâmiyya), Mesopotamian (Jazariyya), then the Thughûr Bekrites, those which touch the Diyâr Bakr. Among the Bekrit Thughûr we distinguish: al Hattakh, Hâni, Malkin (current Melken or Melikian), Dai'at al-Qass, Hubâb, al-Ardîs, Kharaba (the former Asmosate), H'içn riyad, H'içn Thû-l-Qarnaïn. Among the Thughûr Jazariyya (these were located between Mar'ach and Malat'ya: this region was also designated under the name of ad-Durûb, the defiles), we can cite: Malat'ya, Qalandhya, Zibat'ra (ancient Sozopotra and the current Viranchevir), H'içn Mansûr, Kaisun (current Kosun), Hadath... Cf. M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, pp. 243-286.

52. 1008 CE - ad-Dînawar

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 398 [April 11, 1008/May 9, 1008], a violent earthquake occurred at ad-Dînawar; sixteen thousand165 people died under the rubble, not to mention those who were swallowed up by the earth.


165) V.s.i. in (G)

53. Between 1008 and 1021 CE - Shayzar - Earthquake/Tsunami

An earthquake occurred in Shiraz166 (155), and the sea dragged and engulfed many boats.


166) Shîrâz: this transcription is found in all the copies; it is undoubtedly Shayzar, because it is this city which is located near the sea and not Shirâz.

155) All the copies used for the Fez edition give "Shirâz"; this toponym corresponds to two cities, one in Khurâsân, the other in Fars (in the Zagros) and are therefore to be excluded, because the first is too continental and the second is too far from the Persian Gulf. It is therefore more likely Shayzar, a city of Shâm, close to the Mediterranean coast; it is the Cesare or Sisare of the Greco-Latin sources (Larissa at the time of Seleucus) and the current Sejar. It is located in a loop of the Orontes at 61° 10' long. E. and 31° 50' lat. N.; the medieval upper town (which was called balad, praesidium among the Franks) was located inside the fortress (h'isn), the lower town (madina - 13th century, Suburbium) was on the south side of the Nahr al-'Açî. "It is curious to note, in the midst of Arab civilization, the survival of the process of building walls in bricks simply dried in the sun." Cf. M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, la Syrie a l'epoque des Mameluks, Paris, 1923, p. 89: M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides de Jazira et de Syrie..., vol. I, Alger, 1951, pp. 209-210: Honigman, E.I., vol. IV, p. 298: Yâqût, Mu'jam, vol. V, pp. 322 and 324: R. Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., pp. 199-200.

54. Between 1008 and 1021 CE - Egypt

Under the reign of al-H'âkim al-'Ubaïdî167 (156), Ibn Fad'l Allah al-'Umarî (157) noted in al-Masâlik, that an earthquake had occurred in Miçr (158) and that it was such that the surrounding regions were [also] shaken; the population was alarmed, not knowing how to ensure one's salvation (159). Al-H'akim reigned from 386168 (159 bis) to 411,


167) V.s.i. in (A)

168) In 386 -- (G): six.

156) This is the Fatimid ruler al-H'akim, Abû 'Ali al-Mançûr. He reigned from 29 Ramad'ân 386 to 27 Shawwâ1 411/15 October 996 - 13 February 1021; Cf. Zambaur, Manuel de genealogie..., p. 94. The earthquake in question had to, since the earthquakes are mentioned in chronological order, have occurred between 398 (date of the last earthquake cited) and Shawwâl 411; the one that affected Shalzar, must have occurred either in 398 AH, or between 398 and 411 AH.

157) Ah'mad ibn Yah'yâ ibn Fad'l Allâh al-Qurashl al-'Adwi al-'Umari (700-749 AH/1301-1349 AD), historian; lived in Damascus; the work in question is Masalik al-Abcar fi Mamalik al-Amcar (vol. I, published in Egypt in 1342/1924). Cf. Zirikli, al-A'lam, vol. I, p. 254 and vol. X, p. 344.

158) This is the land of Egypt.

159) There follow two verses composed by Muh'ammad abu al-Qasim ibn 'Acim, a poet in the service of Al-Hâkim and which are almost identical to the previous ones.

159 bis) The copyist omitted to cite the hundreds and tens digits.

55. 1033/1034 CE - Palestine

In A.H. 425 [November 26, 1033/November 15, 1034], earthquakes multiplied in Egypt and Sham, causing much169 destruction; many people died under the ruins170. A third of the city of ar-Ramla,(160) was destroyed while its mosque was literally torn to pieces; its inhabitants settled outside and remained there for eight days; when everything calmed down, they returned to their city. The wall of Bait al-Maqdis (161), part of the Mih'rab of Dawud (162) and another part of Masjid Ibrâhîm (163) collapsed. The minaret of Ja'lân (164) and the top of the minaret of Ghazza171 (165) fell to the ground; Half of the buildings of Nâblus (166) collapsed; the village of al-Bâdân172 (167) disappeared underground173 with its inhabitants, its cows and its herds; the same happened to several villages in the same region; this was mentioned by Ibn al-Jawzî.


169) causing much destruction; 913: destruction of buildings.

170) V.s.i. in (G).

171) V.s.i. in (G).

172) al-Bâdân = Yâqût notes that al-Bâdân is one of the villages of Samarqand, and it is said, of Bukharà.

173) V.s.i in (B and G).

160) It is the capital of Palestine (39 km west-northwest of Jerusalem), a new city founded by the governor of Palestine, Sulayman (674-718 AD), brother of the Umayyad sovereign al-Walid. It covered an area of one square mile; its buildings were built of cut stone and clay bricks. The main mosque or al-Jâmi' al-Akbar is the one that was torn to pieces; it stood in the market square. Cf. E. Honigmann, E.I., vol. II, pp. 1193-94.

161) This is the al-Aqsâ Mosque in Jerusalem.

162) This term refers to the Mih'râb of the esplanade of the al-Aqsâ Mosque in Jerusalem, which is rather poorly located; it also refers to an oratory in the citadel of Jerusalem, sometimes called the Tower of David (Burg David in popular tradition); "Mas'ûdî (10th century) knows the oratory of David or Mih'râb Dâwud, built by this king in Jerusalem and which still existed at the time of the historian; it is, he says, the highest building in the city (its height is 50 pieces of stone and its width 30); from there one could see the Dead Sea and the Jordan; it is apparently the citadel or tower of David", Cf. R.P.A.S. Marmarji, Textes géographiques arabes sur la Palestine, Paris, 1951, p. 214.

163) Town in southern Palestine also called al-Khalil, H'abrân, H'abra [JW: aka Hebron]. "There is a fortress, with a stone dome in its center, built over the tomb of Abraham. The enclosure has been transformed into a mosque and dwellings have been built around it for the Pilgrims, which are one with the central building." Cf. E. Honigmann, E.I., p. 936; al-Muqaddasi, paragraph 179, p. 199-200.

164) This locality (we could not locate it) is in Sham). , as-Suyut'i situates the seismic activity of the year 425 AH in this same country.

165) This is the ancient 'Azza [JW: aka Gaza or Gaza City], located in the southwestern part of Judea, 4 km from the sea. Ibn Ha'awqal and al-Muqaddasi present it in the 10th century as a large city with a beautiful main mosque. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., vol. II, p. 168.

166) Nabulus (Nablus), a town in central Palestine 50 km north of Jerusalem; takes its name from Flavia Neapolis; the Old Testament mentions the town of Shechem at about the same place. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., p. 860.

167) Badan at Yaqut; it is one of the villages of Samarqand or also of Bukhara. Yaqut, Mu'jam, vol. II, p. 29. Badan (with a long â) which is the one mentioned by as-Suyut'î, is a village of Sham (which has not been able to be delimited), due to the fact that all the seismic activity of the year 425 AH concerns this same country (Egypt was also affected, but all the places mentioned by as-Suyut'î are located in Shâm).

56. 1042/1043 CE - Tabriz

Adh-Dhahabi and Ibn Kathir note that in the year174 A.H. 434 (August 21, 1042/August 9, 1043)175, an extremely violent earthquake occurred in Tabriz (168), causing the destruction of its citadel, its enclosure, its souks, its houses and even the majority of the palaces176 of Dâr al-Imâra; fifty thousand177 people died under the rubble.


174) V.s.i. in (B).

175) four hundred - (B).

176) V.s.i. in (G).

177) 50,000. In another copy: about 50,000.

168) Tibrîz according to Yâqût; it is the capital of the Persian province of Adharbaïdjan to the east of Lake Urmiya. This city has often been affected by earthquakes; the most violent occurred in 244 AH (858, i.e. the interval 19 April - 31 December 858) (an earthquake not mentioned by as-Suyût'î), in 434 AH (1042, i.e. the interval 21 August - 31 December 1042), (year mentioned by as-Suyût'i; this earthquake was supposedly predicted by the astronomer Abû T'ahir Shirâzî), in 1641, in 1727; other earthquakes occurred on 22-23 September 1854 and 30 October 1856; They were described from personal observations by Khanykov in Bulletin Hist. Phil. de l'Academie de St. Petersbourg, 1855, p. 251; 1858, pp. 337-52. It seems that the tremors are due to the volcanic activity of Sahand; according to Khanykov, they are rather due to "the mechanical displacement of the layers of earth." It should be noted that "the tendency of the city is to extend to the west and southwest." The name Tabriz most probably means "the one who makes heat flow" in connection with the volcanic activity of Sahand. Cf. Minorsky, E.I., vol. IV, p. 613.

55. bis 1042/1043 CE (?) - Palmyra (Tadmur) and Baalbek

An earthquake struck (168 bis) Tadmur (169) and Ba'albakk (170); the majority of the population of Tadmur died under the ruins.


168 bis) The same year, that is to say in 434 AH ?

169) The word Tadmor is attested from the 11th century BC; it is the Palmyra of the Greeks located to the North-East of Damascus, in the middle of the great desert; this city was also affected by the terrible earthquake of 1157 AD. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., vol. III, p. 1090; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., p. 212; Dussaud, Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medievale..., pp. 244-50

170) It is the Heliopolis of the Greeks, a city in Lebanon; present-day Ba'albakk

57. 1046/1047 CE - Khilât' and Diar Bakr

In A.H. 438 [July 8, 1046/June 27, 1047]178, an earthquake occurred in Khilât' (171) and in Diar Bakr (172); it destroyed the fortified complexes and caused many victims179 (173)


178) Four hundred — (A and B).

179) V.s.i. in (B).

171) Town and citadel located at the north-eastern corner of Lake Van in the canton of Bzunik', 40 km north-east of Bitlis; this town was seriously damaged by the earthquake of 644 [May 19-December 31, 1246] (not cited by as-Suyût'i), Cf. Taeschner, E.I., 2nd ed., vol. I, p. 340; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, p. 188.

172) Name designating the northern part of the Jazîra (i.e. the upper basin of the Tigris). from the region of Si'irt and Tel Fafan to that of Arkanin, northwest of Amid (currently Diarbekir) and H'isn al-H'amma (Cermûk) west of Amid. Cf. M. Canard, Cl. Cahen, E.I. , 2nd ed., p. 353.

173) In 442 [May 26, 1050/May 14, 1051], a celestial phenomenon that seems to be correlated with an earthquake occurred in Ant'akia and which Yâqùt describes as follows:

...More than one person inside Ant'akia as well as outside it, had seen during the night of Monday 5 Ab (Jumâdà II) of the aforementioned year [October 1050] a sort of opening in the sky from which an intense light was gushing forth; this had then gone out. The next morning, people obviously commented on the event; it was later learned that at the beginning of the day on Monday, in the city of Ghunjura (Gangra, capital of Paphlagonia. Cf. Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, London 1890, p. 374, footnote at bottom of page), situated within the Byzantine territory, 19 days from Ant'akia, an extremely violent earthquake had occurred, followed by other tremors on the same day, In this city [Ghunjura], many buildings had collapsed; a place, situated behind it, disappeared underground; nothing remained of the great church and the small fortress that were there. From this place, a very hot and extremely abundant water flowed that drowned seventy agricultural estates. A A great number of people fled from these to the tops of mountains and high places, thus saving their lives; this water remained on the surface of the earth for seven days and spread around the city in a radius corresponding to two days' walk; subsequently, the water dried up, leaving mud in its location; a group of people who had experienced this situation told the inhabitants of Ant'akia what I have mentioned; they also told them that people were carrying their belongings to the top of the mountain; it was shaking under the violence of the earthquake, causing the luggage to fall to the ground ...
(Cf. Yaqut, Mu'jam, vol. I, pp. 355-57)

58. 1052/1053 CE - Arrajân and al-Ahwâz

In A.H. 444 [May 3, 1052/April 22, 1053], very violent earthquakes180 occurred in the vicinity of Arrajân181 (174), al-Ahwâz and in [the whole] country (174 bis), which caused much destruction182. Ibn Kathîr related that he saw the hall open so that he could see the sky; then the hall returned to its original state without any change. This was also related by a reliable person, as well as by the author of al-Mirat.


180) earthquakes; (B): an earthquake.

181) V.s.i. in (A). Arrajân: city in southern Iran.

182) V.s.i. in (B).

174) An important border town of Fars and the district of al-Ahwâz (halfway between Shirâz and the city of al-Ahwâz). "A part of the province of Arrajan formerly belonged not to Fars but to Khuzistan". The decline of this town dates from the 13th century; its ruins are located on the ruins of T'ab, present-day Ab-i Kurdistan or Mârûn) at 31° 40' N lat. and 50° 20' E long. According to Herzfeld, these ruins are located "two hours on horseback east of the town of Bihbahan, on a diversion channel of the Marun River and form a roughly rectangular area of 1200 x 800 m near to Kûh-i Bihbahan"; according to Stein "cultivation has now erased all traces of construction". As-Suyût'î notes that "the earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of Arrajân and al-Ahwaz and throughout the country", which could correspond to an area covering the northeastern part of Fars and that part of Khuzistan bordering on Fars and the region of al-Ahwaz proper. Cf. Yâqût, vol. I, p. 180; MS Streck [D.N. Willer], E.I., vol. I, 2nd ed., pp. 679-80.

174 bis) By "country" it seems that we should include Khuzistan and Fars, and probably the north-western part of the latter.

59. 1058 CE - Baghdad

On the night of Tuesday 10183 Shawwâl A.H. 450 [November 30-December 1, 1058], between al-maghrib and al-'ishâ', a violent184 earthquake185 occurred in Baghdad which caused the destruction of many houses; from this city186 the seismic wave reached Hamadhân, Wâsit', 'Ana187 (175) and Takrît (176); the violence of the earthquake caused the mills to fall188.


183) the night of Tuesday 10 — (A and G)

184) a violent one; (G): (of) violence.

185) (an) earthquake; (G): (some) earthquakes.

186) V.s.i. in (B).

187) V.s.i. in (B). 'Ana: locality situated between ar-Raqqa and, Hît; is part of al-Jazira. Cf. Yâqût, vol. IV, p. 72.

188) made it fall; in another copy: made it stop (the operation).

175) City of Diyâr Mudar (in Greek Anatho) on the right bank of the Euphrates, (41° 58' long. E, 34° 28' lat. N). The name still exists today, but applies to a locality extending for several kilometers on the right bank of the river; the ancient 'Anat was on an island; it had a fort overlooking the river (still mentioned in the 11th century). In the 'Abbasid era, 'Ana was part of the province of al-Jazira, very close to the border of Iraq. Cf. M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides, vol. I, p. 96; S.H. Longrigg, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 474.

176) Birtha in Ptolemy. Vira in Ammianus Marcellinus, Teghrith in Syriac literature; located on the right bank of the Tigris, north of Samarra (Surr-Man-Rà); the city which formerly had a large area was built on several hills, two of which were immediately near the Tigris, one to the north bearing the citadel, the other to the south, a little lower, constituting the city itself, the whole surrounded by walls: it is because of these two main hills that we find the name in the dual: at-Takritaïn; the city was well built in stone, lime, brick and pebbles; it was an important river port. Takrît was, until the middle of the 10th century, counted by Arab geographers, as administratively part of al-Jazira; from Maqdisî, the city is most often considered as part of al-'Irâq. Cf. J.H. Kramers, E.I., 2nd ed., vol. IV, pp. 663-64; M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., p. 130. The earthquake of 425 was therefore felt in almost all of Iraq and in the Ih'if and Bâdurâyâ.

60. 1066 CE - Wasit', Antioch, Latakia, Tyre, Acre, Tripoli

In the month of Jumâdâ II of the year A.H. 458 [April 30 - May 28, 1066]192, a very violent earthquake occurred in Wâsit', Ant'âkia [Antioch], al-Lâdhiqiyya, Sur190 [Tyre] (177), 'Akko (178), ar-Rûm (179), and Ard' ash-Shâm; it brought down part of the enclosure of T'arâ-bulus191 [Tripoli] (180).


190) V.s.i. in (A and G).

191) it brought down part of the enclosure of T'arâbulus [Tripoli]; (G): it brought down several parts of the enclosure of T'arâbulus [Tripoli]. V.s.i. in B and in another copy.

192) by 58: we want to indicate 458, as is evident from the above and by the following.

177) This is Tyre, located on an island (south coast of Lebanon, position rectified by the Taqwîm: 57° long. E., 33° 5' lat. N); Nâsir-i Khusraw, who visited the city in 1047 AD, noted that the houses were five and even six stories high. This city was hit by the earthquake of 552 AH/1157 AD (as-Suyût'î who mentioned this earthquake, did not mention Sur among the cities reached, nor also Sàïdà' (a city located south of Beirut) and Beirut, as well as the earthquake of 600 (1203-4) which destroyed the walls of its enclosure (as-Suyût'i did indeed cite the earthquake of 600; he indicates that the whole of the province of Shâm was shaken, but does not cite the name of any city); in 1837, Sùr also suffered an earthquake. Cf. M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, La Syrie à l'époque des Mameluks, p. 122; E. Honigmann, E.I., vol. IV, pp. 585-87.

178) A coastal city in Palestine; it is the Ptolemais of the Greeks and the Acre of the French; mentioned as a large city by Al-Idrisi; it remained in ruins from the end of the 13th century until the middle of the 18th century, when the city was revived. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 351-52.

179) This is the Byzantine Empire, at least the southern fringe that runs along the border.

180) This is the Tripoli of the Greeks; the ancient city was located on the site of the current port. Nasir-i Kusraw (438 AH/1047 AD), notes that the population of the city was 200,000. In 1170, the city was badly damaged by a terrible earthquake (not mentioned by as-Suyuti). In 1289, the Sultan of the Mamluks, al-Mansour Kala'un took the city from the Christians. "He had a new Tripoli built on the summit and on the slope of the Mount of the Pilgrims; the old city was partially destroyed and became an uni

61. 1066 CE - Khurâsan

In the month of Jumâdà II of the year A.H. 458 [April 30 - May 28, 1066]192, an earthquake occurred in Khurâsan; the [earthquakes] continued to [repeat] for days; the mountains cracked; there were many victims and many193 villages disappeared underground. People reached the desert and stayed there; from there194 a message describing the situation was sent195 to Baghdad. Here is the message:

“This very violent earthquake [...] cracked196 the mountains and the plateaus.... The villages were overthrown [...] destroyed [...] few of their inhabitants were able to save their lives [...]; the majority197 of the buildings of this "country" was destroyed198 [...]; there were countless victims [...]; The Last Day had come prematurely [...] people were stationed on the garbage dumps199 [...] the earth never ceasing to stop moving [...]
This was quoted by the author of al-Mir'ât (181)

192) by 58: we want to indicate 458, as is evident from the above and by the following.

193) numerous — (B):

194) V.s.i. in (G).

195) V.s.i. in (B).

196) V.s.i. in (G).

197) the major part — (B).

198) V.s.i. in (G).

199) V.s.i. in (B).

181) From this message, we have translated only the most significant passages; we have done the same for the speeches which appear on pages 47-48 and 51-54 of the Fez edition.

62. 1068 CE - the Hejaz and Palestine

Ibn al-Jawzi wrote that on the day200 of Tuesday 11 Jumâdâ I A.H. 460 [17 April 1068]201 (181 bis), a violent earthquake took place in Ard' Filas-t'în (182); it destroyed the city202 of ar-Ramla; in the Hijâz, two galleries of the mosque of the Prophet (183), may the Peace of God be upon him, collapsed; the seismic wave reached Wâdî ac-Safrâ'203 (184), Khaybar (185), Badr (186), Yanbu' (187), Wadi al-Qurâ204 (188), Taima205 (189), Tabûk (190); the earth opened up at Taimâ revealing monetary treasures206. This earthquake was felt in ar-Ruh'ba (191) and al-Kûfa (192). In a letter from a merchant, we read the following:

It [the earthquake] made ar-Ramla disappear under the ground; only two houses escaped the disaster; twenty-five thousand victims were to be deplored; Ayla207 (193) disappeared with its inhabitants; the rock beneath Baït al-Maqdis208 (194) cracked; the crack subsequently disappeared on the order of God; the sea (195) moved away from the shore for a distance equivalent to a day's march then returned to its place; in all these countries, this earthquake struck within a time span of a single hour (196).

200) V.s.i. in (G).

201) In 460; (B): in 406.

202) city. In the margin of another copy: the country.

203) V.s.i. in (G).

204) V.s.i. in (G). Wadî al-Qurâ: cf. Mu'jam al-Buldân, vol. V, p. 345.

205) V.s.i. in (G). Yâqût transcribed it with a terminal hamza; it is a city located on the limits of the Shâm , between it and Wâdî al-qurâ; it has a citadel with great defensive qualities. Cf. Mu'jam, vol. II, p. 67.

206) Monetary treasures — (B): Treasures of.

207) Ayla: a city located on the coast of the Red Sea, on the side of the Shâm; Yâqût. vol. I, p. 292.

208) V.s.i. in (G).

181 bis) (B) gives 406; this is a copying error.

182) Ard' Filast'in covered, in the 10th century, Samaria, Judea and Idumea with the corresponding coastal plain.

183) This is the mosque of the Prophet in Medina, in the H'ijâz. "The Hijàz forms the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. There is no agreement on the geographical boundaries of al-Hidjâz. Although Tihama is not part of it, it is often included in this region. Mecca, on the hills, has been called Tihâmiyya, and Medina mi-Tihâmiyya, mi-Hidjàziyya. In the East, al-Hidjâz is sometimes pushed as far as al-Fayd, near Adja', and Salmâ; but this is an extreme interpretation, as much as the one which makes it go back up towards the North as far as Palestine. The most restricted version of its extension towards the North excludes Madyan and its hinterland Hismâ. In the South, al-Hidjâz was formerly adjacent to Yaman, but for some time and since the Mamelukes, the 'Açlr has separated them. Cf. G. Rentz, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 37.

184) Between Badr and Medina. "The path that leads from Badr to aç-Safrâ' (locality where there is a solid fortress) is in a valley between the mountains, in which palm groves follow one another without interruption and where springs are numerous." Cf. Ibn Jubair, Voyages, p. 169 and pp. 216-217.

185) Oasis located 150 km from Medina, on the road linking Medina to Syria; it is about this that the text refers; [note that there is another Khaybar (called the Khaybar pass) designating the northern route between Afghanistan and India, leading from Kabul to Peshawar; its center is located at 34° 6' north lat. and 71° 5' long. East. Cf. Adolfe Grohmann and T.W. Haig, E.I., vol. II, pp. 921-922.

186) Locality at the west end of Medina, one night's journey from the coast Cf Yaqut Mu'jam, vol. I, pp. 88-89; M. Watt E.I. 2nd ed., p. 892.

187) Term designating two localities: the port, also called Yanbu' al-Bah'r, located on the coast of Arabia, in the region of Medina, and the older locality, situated 6 or 7 leagues to the north-east of the port and bearing the name of Yanbu' an-Nakhl. Cf. A. Grohmann, E.I., p. 1222.

188) Depression between al-'Ela' and al-Madina, usually called wadi Deidibhan (on the ancient trade route from southern Arabia to Syria). Cf. Adolf Grohmann, E.I., vol. IV, p. 1135.

189) Oasis of North Arabia, four days' march south of Dûmat al-Djandal; al-Maqdisi places it four days' journey from wàdi-l-Qurâ. lbn H'awqal (10th century) notes that Taïmâ is more populated than Tabûk; see infra. Cf. Fr. Buhl, E.I., vol. IV, p. 653.

190) A city in northern Arabia, located halfway between Medina and Jerusalem (230 km southeast of Mu'ân). Muqaddasî places it in the district of as-Sarât, itself belonging to Shâm; Cf. Yâ-qût, Mu'jam, vol. I, p. 824; Buhl, E.I., vol. IV, p. 623.

191) City which was on the site of the current al-Mayadin, downstream from the current Dêr ez-Zôr; the ruins which still bear the name of Rah'ba, represent a more recent Rah'ba, built in the 12th century AD, after the destruction of the other by an earthquake. The Rah'ba of the 10th century AD, which is the one mentioned by as-Suyût'i, bore the name of Rah'bat Malik ibn Tauq, because it was supposedly founded at the time of al Ma'mûn (198-202 AH/813-17 AD) by a Taghlibite emir of that name; it is, according to Ist'akhri, a fairly large city, with a solid rampart according to ibn H'awqal; al-Muqaddasî notes that it has a rectangular shape and had a fortress and a suburb. Cf. M. Canard, Histoire de la Dynastie des H'amdanides..., vol. I, pp. 95-96.

192) Founded in 17, 18 or 19 AH, by Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqâs on the west bank of the Euphrates, south of the ruins of Babylon. Arab geographers note that the city occupied a vast area in the plain bordering the river. By the time of al-Muqaddasi (10th century), al-Kûfa was in decline. Ibn Bat't'ût'a (14th century) must have found it practically deserted. After the 14th century, there is no longer any mention of Najaf, located in the surrounding area and currently called Mashhad 'Ali. Cf. K.V. Zettersteen, E.I., p. 191; L. Massignor., Explication du plan de Mita (Iraq), in Mélanges Maspéro, III, Orient Islamique, Cairo, 1940, pp. 338-39 and pp. 355-57.

193) A port located at the northwestern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. In the text, it refers to the modern city that Muqaddasî calls Wayla. [There is, further north, an old ruined city that Muqaddasî calls Ayla]. Cf. Musil, E.I., vol. I, pp. 214-15; Yâqût, Mu'jam, vol. I, p. 422.

194) This is the Rock (Dome of the Rock) in Jerusalem (al-Maqdis); "A great earthquake occurred in 407 AH/1016 AD (not mentioned by as-Suyùt'i), after which the dome had to be rebuilt." Cf. A. Miguel, Ahsan at-Takasim, n. 195, p. 194. Other earthquakes affected the dome: in 130 AH/746 AD [JW: Actually 749 CE], 780 AD [JW: Exact date unknown - constrained to between some time after 749 CE and 785 CE] , 418 AH/1027 AD [JW: 1033 CE]. Cf. Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, London, 1890, pp. 92-93 and p. 125.

195) This is of course the Eastern Mediterranean; the sea moves away (reflux) from the shore over a distance equivalent to a day's walk (stage), or approximately 25 to 30 km. [JW: East Mediterranean was NOT specified by al-Suyuti or anyone else. This tsunami was likely in the Gulf of Aqaba where we may have turbidite evidence in R/V Thuwal Core 11 of Bektas et al., 2024. A Gulf of Aqaba tsunami would also explain textual reports that everyone in Ayla died except for a few fishermen who were out on the water. For more on the turbidite evidence, see Gulf of Aqaba Landslide Evidence]

196) This earthquake therefore affected Palestine and the North of the Hijaz; it was felt in al-Kûfa and ar-Ruh'ba; the seismic wave had therefore reached the western part of 'Irâq, as well as the border of Shâm and al-Jazira.

63. 1070 CE - Ramla, Jerusalem, Cairo, Egypt

Ibn al-Jawzi wrote that on Tuesday 11 Jumâdâ I A.H. 462 [February 25, 1070]209, a very violent earthquake took place in ar-Ramla and her districts, in Jerusalem, and in Mizr [JW: Mizr = Egypt] (197); such that one of the corners of the latter's mosque moved210; this earthquake was followed, in the same hour, by two other earthquakes (198).


209) In 400 -- (A and B).

210) V.s.i. in (B).

197) This appears to be the city of Cairo proper (located at 30° 6' lat. N. and 31° 6' long. E.).

198) In the same places ?

64. 1071/1072 CE - Baghdad

In A.H. 464 [September 29, 1071/September 16, 1072]211, a very violent earthquake took place in Baghdad which made the earth tremble six times.212


211) in 400 --- (A and B)

212) six times; in another copy: seven times

65. 1085/1086 CE - Arrajân

In the month of Muh'arram213 in A.H. 478 [April 29, 1085/May 28, 1086]214, an earthquake occurred in Arrajân215, which caused many victims216 among (or in ?) Rûm and destroyed their flocks.


213) V.s.i. in (B).

214) By 78, we mean 478, as is evident from what precedes and what follows.

215) V.s.i. in (G).

215) V.s.i. in (B).

66. 1086/1087 CE - Iraq, al-Jazira, and Sham

In A.H. 479 [April 18, 1086/April 7, 1087]217, earthquakes218 took place in Iraq, al-Jazira, and Sham, causing numerous destructions both on the material and human level: The inhabitants of Iraq went into the desert and then returned to [their homes].


217) By 79, we want to indicate 479 as is evident from the above. and by the following.

218) earthquakes; (G): an earthquake

67. 1091/1092 CE - Sham, Antioch

In A.H. 484 [February 23, 1091/February 11 1092]219, there were many earthquakes in Sham and other [regions] leading to the destruction of countless buildings, including eighty towers of the city wall220 of Antioch; many people died under the rubble221.


219) In 400 -- (A and B)

220) V.s.i in (G)

221) V.s.i in (B). From “In 484” to “under the rubble”. — (D).


68. 1114/1115 CE - al-Jazira, ar-Ruhà (Edessa), Harran, Balis, Samsat

In A.H. 508 [July 7, 1114/May 26, 1115], an extremely violent earthquake occurred in the territory of al-Jazira222 (199); it caused the collapse of thirteen towers of ar-Ruhà, part of the enclosure [JW: i.e. City Walls] and many houses of H'arrân (200); in Balis (n)223 (201) one hundred houses were destroyed while half of its citadel fell over with the other half remaining intact; the city of Sumaysât'224 (202) disappeared underground; there was a deplorably large number of victims.


222) in the territory of al-Jazira; (B): in the territory of al-Madina.

223) from Balisn; (G): from Balis.

224) V.s.i. in (A and B); Samaysât': city located on the left bank of the Euphrates.

199) The variant of B : "in the territory of al_Madina" is rejected; it is indeed al-Jazira, the author citing, among the urban centers affected, the cities of ar-Ruha and Harran (see below).

200) An earthquake occurred in this city in 552 AH/1157 AD (not mentioned by as-Suyiit'i). Cf. G. Fehervari, E.I., 2nd ed., p. 235.

201) This is indeed Bâlis, (Cf. note 129); copy G gives the exact transcription.

202) This is ancient Samosata, located on the right bank of the Euphrates and currently known as Samsât' or Simsât'; it was one of the [front-line] Muslim towns (thaghr) against the Byzantines. Cf. Ettore Rossi, E.I., vol. IV, p. 576

69. 3 April 1118 CE - Baghdad

On the day of 'Arafât of the year A.H. 511 [9 Thûl-Hijjah 511: April 3 1118]225 a very violent earthquake took place in Baghdad which caused the destruction of many houses.


225) V.s.i. in (G).

70. 10 December 1119 CE with a year of aftershocks - Qazwîn

al-Imâm Abu al-Qasim ar-Rafi'i in the work227 titled Târîkh Qazwin wrote that on the night of Wednesday 5228 Ramad'ân [December 10, 1119] in the year A.H. 513226, a very violent earthquake occurred in Qazwîn (203); the earthquakes repeated for a whole year [December 10, 1119/November 28, 1120].


226) V.s.i. in (G and B). By 13 we want to indicate 513 as is evident from what precedes and what follows. I make the same assumption for the years "89" to "98".

227) in the work; (A): in his work.

228) V.s.i. in (G).

203) City in Persia, on the borders of Jibâls and T'abaristân, 150 km from Tehran, at the southern foot of the Alburz. It was founded by Shâpûr I who gave it the name of Shâd Shâpûr, Cf. Huart, E.I., vol. II, p. 890

71. 1121/1122 CE - Mecca, Medina, the Hejaz

In A.H. 515 [March 22, 1121/March 11, 1122)229, a very violent earthquake took place in the Hijaz; the Yemeni corner (204) (may God ennoble it further), was damaged; part of it was destroyed; part of the mosque (205) of the holy city of Medina collapsed.


229) In the year 15; (G): in the year 16. By 15, we mean 515, as is evident from what precedes and what follows. I make the same assumption for the years by "16", "29", “32”, “33”, “38”, “44 “49”, “50”, “51”, and “52".

204) This is the name of one of the corners of the Ka'ba in Mecca, so named because it is in the direction of Yaman [JW: Yemen].

205) This is the Prophet's Mosque in Medina.

72. 1122/1123 CE - Ganja, Azerbaijan and 73. 1130 CE - Baghdad

In A.H. 516 [March 12, 1122/February 28, 1123]230, Janza231 (206) was shaken by an earthquake; part [of the city] disappeared underground232; part of its enclosure was also destroyed. This is what Ibn al-Jawzî cited in al-Mir'ât233, where we also read that in the month of Rabi' I of the year A.H. 524 [February 12 - March 13, 1130]234, a very violent earthquake occurred in Baghdad which caused the destruction of many houses235.


230) V.s.i. in (G).

231) V.s.i. in (B and D).

232) V.s.i. in (G).

233) V.s.i. clans (A and G).

234) This is what he mentioned in al-Mir'at; and in 24 — (B).

235) From "In the month of Rabi' I of the year 24" to "house" -- (B and G)

206) Was called Elizavetpol; it is the current Kirovabad [JW: This was the Soviet Union name at the time that Nejjar made this translation. Now, in post Soviet Union times, it is known as Ganja, Azerbaijan], a city of Adarbaidjan, in Transcaucasia, founded in 245 AH/859 AD; its name seems to derive from the pre-Islamic capital of Adharbaydjan (current ruins of Takht-i Sulaymân). 'Imâd ad-Din al-Içfahâni gives, regarding the earthquake of 533, the figure of 300,000 victims; al-Athir mentions the figure of 130,000. The city was rebuilt in the 13th century. Cf. [W. Barthold - J.A. Bayle] E.I., 2nd ed., vol., 997-98.

74. 1135 CE - Baghdad

Sibt' ibn al-Jawzî in al-Mir'ât wrote that in A.H. 529 [October 22, 1134/October 10, 1135]236, countless earthquakes occurred in Baghdad; the first took place on Thursday, 11 Shawwal; from [the 11th] until the night of Friday, 17 Shawwal [25 July 1135/31 July 1135], there were six earthquakes per day; then, the earthquakes recurred on the night of Tuesday, 21 Shawwal [4 August 1135] from the middle of the night until dawn; people then did not stop calling for help


236) In 29 -- (G).

75. 1137/1138 CE - Bilâd ash-Shâm, al-Jazira, Irâq

In A.H. 532 [September 19, 1137/September 7, 1138]237, a very violent earthquake took place in Bilâd ash-Shâm, in al-Jazira , and in 'Irâq; there was much destruction and many victims.


237) V.s.i. in (G).

76. 1138/1139 CE - Aleppo, Janza

In A.H. 533 [September 8, 1138/August 27, 1139], a very violent earthquake occurred in Janza238, causing two hundred and thirty thousand victims; the The city of Janza was then absorbed by the land; there was, at that location, black water covered an area of ten square parsangs (206 bis). The inhabitants of Aleppo were affected in a single night with eighty seismic tremors. Abu Ya'lâ Ibn al-Qalânisî239 (207) said:

The whole world was affected by these tremors; only those which occurred in H'alab [Aleppo] were the most violent; they destroyed the enclosure [walls] of this city as well as the towers of the citadel.

238) V.s.i. in (B and D). Janza: located between Shirawan and Adherbaidjàn [Azerbijan].

239) V.s.i. in (B).

206 bis) That is 3600 km2.

207) this is H'amza ibn Asad ibn 'Ali ibn Muh'ammad at-Tamlmi, Abu Ya'la, Damascene historian; he is the author of a work entitled: Thail Târîkh Dimashq, "a complement [or continuation] to the History of Damascus.” Cf. Zirikl, al-A'lam, vol. II, p. 308

77. 29 May 1144 CE - Location Unknown

The night of Tuesday 24240 Dhû-l-Qa'da A.H. 538 [May 29, 1144]241, the The earth was shaken by a very violent earthquake (208). This is what the author of al-Mir'ât and Ibn Kathîr said.


240) V.s.i. in (G).

241) Thû al-ka'da; (B): Thû al-h’ijja.

208) Non-localized shock.

78. 1149/1150 CE - Baghdad, H'ulwân

In A.H. 544 [11 May 1149/29 April 1150], a very violent earthquake occurred; Baghdad shook ten times; (this earthquake)242 shredded a mountain in H'ulwân and caused many victims among the Turkmen.


242) V.s.i. in (B).

79. 1154/1155 CE - Wasit'

In A.H. 549 [March 18, 1154/March 6, 1155], a violent fire-laden wind began to blow after al-'Isha' [prayer] (209); people feared that it was Judgment Day; the earth was shaken by an earthquake; the water of the Tigris [River] turned red and blood of unknown origin appeared on the ground of Wasit'.


209) after ~7 p.m.

80. 1155/1156 CE - Baghdad

In A.H. 550 [March 7, 1155/February 24, 1156]243, an earthquake struck Baghdad244.


243) In the year 50; (A): in year 5.

244) In 50, an earthquake occurred in Baghdad — (G)

81. 1157/1158 CE - Northern Syria

In A.H. 552 [February 13, 1157/February 1, 1158]245, a very violent event occurred in Shâm ; only God knows the total number of victims, it affected the greater part of the cities of Aleppo, Hamât [Hama] (210), Shaizar246 (211), H'ims [Homs], Kafart'âb247 (212), Hisn al-Akrâd248 (213), Latakia249, al-Ma'arra250 (214), Antioch, and T'arabullus [Tripoli]. Ibn al-Jawzî said:

In Shaizar251 (215), only one woman and one of her servants escaped; the others died; in Kafart'âb, there were no survivors; the citadel of Afânia252 [Apamea] (216) was swallowed up by the earth; Till H'arb253 [location unknown] (217); it was divided in two; Ma-dâ'in al-Ifranj254 (218) was seriously affected both in human and material terms; the enclosures of most of the cities of Shâm255 were destroyed; in Hamât [Hama], a Qur'anic school collapsed on the boy students killing everyone. No-one came to search for their loved ones. This was quoted by ash-Shaykh al-Imâm al H'âfidh' Abû Shâma (219) in the work entitled "ar-Rawd'atayn"; he also quoted what the poets had said on this occasion.

245) V.s.i. in (G).

246) Shayzar; (G): Shirar; (B): Shiraz.

247) Kafart'ab: locality located between al-Ma'arra and the city of H'alab [Aleppo]. Yâqût, vol. IV, p. 470.

248) V.s.i. in (B).

249) V.s.i. in (G).

250) V.s.i. in (A).

251) Shayzar; (G): Shirar; (B): Shiraz.

252) V.s.i. in (G and B).

253) V.s.i. in (G).

254) V.s.i. in (G). Madâ'in al-Ifranj: name of two villages in Aleppo. Yâqût, vol. V, p. 75.

255) V.s.i. in (G).

210) City of central Syria, 54 km north of H'iims [Homs] and 152 km south of H'alab [Aleppo], built on both banks of the Nahr al-'Açî or Orontes; this city is mentioned in the Bible under the name of Hamat; it was called, in the Hellenistic period, Epiphania. The real city was located on the left bank, higher in elevation (reaching in places more than 40 m above the level of the river); it included a lower town and an upper town. Cf. D. Sourdel, E.I., 2nd ed., pp. 122-123; M. Canard, Histoire de la H'amdanid dynasty..., vol. I, pp. 208-209.

211) In G: Shîrar; in B: Shlrâz. This is indeed Shaïzar, given that the earthquake in question, that of 552, had affected the province of Shâm.

212) On Kafritab., generally known to Western historians as Capharda (ancient Arra). Al-Qalqashandi notes that Kafart'âb is on the road between Ma'arrat an-Nu'mân (v. infra) and Shaizar, cities which are twelve Arab miles apart; Abû 1-Fidâ' places the city halfway between al-Ma'arra and Shaizar and notes that the region lacks water. The site has been fixed a little to the northwest of present day Khan Sheikhoun. Cf. René Dussaud, Topograpie ..., pp. 178-187, in particular, p. 179 and p. 186 and maps VIII, B 1 and XIV, B 2; M. Canard, Histoire de la H'amdanid dynasty ..., vol. I, p. 210; R.P. Mouterde, “Rapport sur une mission épigraphique en Haute Syrie, 1928”, Syria, X, 1929, pp. 126-129; map by Desehamps, “le Château de Sâone et ses premiers seigneurs ”, Syria, 1934.

213) This is the famous Crac des Chevaliers, a Syrian castle located on Mount Khalil (750 m. above sea level) "the last southern surge of the Djabal Ansariyya", about 60 km northwest of H'ims [Homs]. During the invasion of Ramses II, the emipaternent [?] of Crac was occupied by a town called Shebton or Shabtuna. Arabic texts cite this toponym for the first time in the first half of the 5th/11th century under the name of H'içn al-Safh' (castle of the Slope: simple tower surrounded by a wall); at the same time (422 AH/1031 AD), a colony of Kurds was installed there; the place then took the name of H'içn al-Akrâd (today known as Kal'at al-H'isn). N. Elisséeff notes that in Rajab 552 Aug. - Sept. 1157, "a violent earthquake (it seems that it this is the same earthquake mentioned by as-Suyut'i) shook the castle; the damage was quickly repaired." In 565 AH/1170 AD, a second earthquake (most likely the same as that mentioned by as-Suyut'i; in this case the date to remember is 1170, i.e. the interval 1 January - 13 September 1170), severely tested the place; major works were then undertaken." "In 597 AH [1201, i.e. the interval 1 January - 30 September 1201; as-Suyut'i, who mentions this earthquake, does not mention H'isn al-Akrad] and 598 AH [1201. i.e. the interval 1 October - 31 December 1201] (earthquake cited by as-Suyût'î), new earthquakes affected Kafartâb and imposed important rearrangements. N. Elisséeff, E.I., 2nd ed., vol. III, p. 523; Dussaud, Topographie..., p. 92.

214) City in Syria, located 50 km north of Hama, and 70 km southwest of Aleppo; it is the ancient Arra. Cf. Dussaud, Topographie..., p. 188; Miquel, Ahsan..., p. 299.

215) This is indeed Shaizar, a city of Sham. (Cf. note 155).

216) Also known as Afamya and Famya. It is the ancient Pharnake, Pella at the time of Alexander, and Apamea under Seleucus Nicator, located on the right bank of the Orontes, 40 km north of H'amâ. The earthquake of 552 A11/1157 AD destroyed its fortifications. Its ruins still exist; to the west of these is Qal'at al-Mud'îq, a citadel of more recent date. Cf. H.A.R. Gibb, E.I., 2nd ed., vol. I, p. 221; Dussaud, Topographie.. , pp. 188-89; M. Canard, Historie..., p. 210.

217) Locality of Shâm (we could not locate it).

218) In Yâqût, al-Mâdâ'in is the name of the two villages in the region of H'alab [Aleppo], in the plain of Bani-Asad. It seems that these are the two localities, given that the earthquake of 552 AH had affected the province of Shâm. [Note that the word al-Madâ'in designates the two cities of Irâq, Taisafûn (Ctesiphon) and Bahrasir, located about thirty km southeast of Baghdâd. Cf. Yâqût, vol. VIII, p. 444; Streck, E.I., pp. 73-83.

219) This is 'Abd-ar-Rah'man ibn Ismâ'il ibn Ibrâhîm al-Maqdisi ad-Dimashqi, Abù Shâma (1202-1267 AD), historian and traditionist. Originally from Jerusalem, he was born and lived in Damascus. Apart from his work entitled: ar-Rawd'atayn fî Akhbâr ad-Dawiatayn: aç-Çâlih'iyya and an-Nûriyya » (published in Egypt, 1287/1870-71, 2 volumes), he wrote a history of Damascus « Tarîkh Dimashq”, in 20 volumes; See Zirikli, al-Al'am, vol. IV, p. 70.

82. 1156/1158 CE - Northern Syria [ran out of footnotes]

Abu Shama said (220):

In A.H. 551256, and during the following year [February 25, 1156/February 1, 1158], earthquakes multiplied in Sham ; thus, on the 22nd of Rabi' I [22 Rabi' I/15 May 1156], an extremely violent earthquake occurred; it was preceded by [another] earthquake, then followed by another of the same intensity; this during the day and the night257; three other earthquakes occurred afterwards, which gives a total of six earthquakes. On the night of the 25th of the same month [25 Rabi' I 551/18 May 1156] an earthquake occurred in the morning, then [another] in the evening which sowed fear among the people; According to the news from the region of H'alab [Aleppo] and H'amât [Hama], many places [localities] were destroyed; I had [the same source] indicate that the number of individual shocks that could be counted reached forty and that there had not been a similar catastrophe in past years and eras. On the 29th of the same month [May 22, 1156], an earthquake occurred in the evening and another at the end of the night. On the first of Ramad'ân [1 Ramad'ân 551/October 18, 1156], a frightening earthquake [took place]258 (221) then a second, and then a third. On 3 Ramad'ân [20 October 1156] three earthquakes occurred, then another around noon and another extremely violent earthquake in the middle of the night [October 21 1156]. On the 15th of Ramadan [November 1, 1156], during the night, an extremely violent earthquake, which exceeded in intensity all those which preceded it, occurred; and another struck in the morning [16 Ramad'ân 551: November 2, 1156]. Two earthquakes occurred the following night [November 2, 1156], one at the beginning of the night and the other towards the end. [Another earthquake] occurred on the following day [17 Ramad'ân-3 November 1156]. During the night of the 23rd of this month [November 9, 1156], a frightening earthquake struck. On the 2nd of Shawwal [November 18, 1156], a earthquake struck which was more violent than those which preceded it; On the 7th [November 23, 1156]259, the 16th [December 2, 1156] and the following day [December 3, 1156], four earthquakes struck. During the night260 of the 22nd of that same month [December 8, 1156], one or more earthquakes struck.

256) V.s.i. in (B).

257) V.s.i. in (A and G).

258) The verb “to occur”, "struck", etc. is implied; the same is true for the following sentences.

259) V.s.i. in (A, B, and D).

260) V.s.i. in (B).

220) After citing the earthquakes of 551 AH, As-Suyût'i dealt again with the earthquakes of 552 AH and more particularly those which affected the city of Damascus.

221) The verb indicating the action (took place, occurred) isn't ... NEED MORE PAGES

81. bis 1156/1157/1158 CE - Syria esp. Northern Syria

Abu Shama said (220):

In A.H. 551256, and during the following year [February 25, 1156/February 1, 1158], earthquakes multiplied in Sham ; thus, on the 22nd of Rabi' I [22 Rabi' I/15 May 1156], an extremely violent earthquake occurred; it was preceded by [another] earthquake, then followed by another of the same intensity; this during the day and the night257; three other earthquakes occurred afterwards, which gives a total of six earthquakes. On the night of the 25th of the same month [25 Rabi' I 551/18 May 1156] an earthquake occurred in the morning, then [another] in the evening which sowed fear among the people; According to the news from the region of H'alab [Aleppo] and H'amât [Hama], many places [localities] were destroyed; I had [the same source] indicate that the number of individual shocks that could be counted reached forty and that there had not been a similar catastrophe in past years and eras. On the 29th of the same month [May 22, 1156], an earthquake occurred in the evening and another at the end of the night. On the first of Ramad'ân [1 Ramad'ân 551/October 18, 1156], a frightening earthquake [took place]258 (221) then a second, and then a third. On 3 Ramad'ân [20 October 1156] three earthquakes occurred, then another around noon and another extremely violent earthquake in the middle of the night [October 21 1156]. On the 15th of Ramadan [November 1, 1156], during the night, an extremely violent earthquake occurred, which exceeded in intensity all those which preceded it ; and another struck in the morning [16 Ramad'ân 551: November 2, 1156]. Two earthquakes occurred the following night [November 2, 1156], one at the beginning of the night and the other towards the end. [Another earthquake] occurred on the following day [17 Ramad'ân-3 November 1156]. During the night of the 23rd of this month [November 9, 1156], a frightening earthquake struck. On the 2nd of Shawwal [November 18, 1156], an earthquake struck which was more violent than those which preceded it; On the 7th [November 23, 1156]259, the 16th [December 2, 1156] and the following day [December 3, 1156], four earthquakes struck. During the night260 of the 22nd of that same month [December 8, 1156], one or more earthquakes struck.
"Then came the year A.H. 552261; during the night of the 19th of Safar [April 2, 1157], a very violent earthquake took place and another followed later; the same thing happenned [earthquake] during the night of the 20th [20 Safar 552 - April 3, 1157]262; according to the news that came from the territory of Sham, the effect of these earthquakes was considerable. During the night from 25263 Joumâdâ I [July 5, 1157], four earthquakes occurred; the people then began to praise God, chanting the formula: there is no God but Allah. During the night of the 4th of Joumâdâ II [July 14, 1157], two earthquakes struck; news from the northern region264 (222) indicate that these earthquakes had affected the city of Aleppo to the point that its inhabitants were frightened; these earthquakes had [according to the same source], an identical effect on H'ims (Homs) where they caused much destruction; they caused more destruction in H'amât265 [Hama], Kafart'âb, and Taima. On the 4th of Rajab [August 12, 1157], a very violent earthquake, larger than anything experienced previously, struck Damascus; "his" tremors continued [to occur] for quite a long time; people, fearing for their lives, fled from their homes266, from their shops, from the covered galleries... (223); the tremors affected several places [in Damascus] and caused a considerable quantity of mosaics and marble slabs that would be difficult to replace [with another]268 to fall from the mosque267 [of Damascus]; this earthquake was followed269 immediately by another; [then ?] the [tremors] ceased; three earthquakes followed, one at the beginning of the night270, another in the middle [of the night], and a [third] one at the end of the night. During the night of Friday 8 Rajab [August 16, 1157], a frightening earthquake struck which sowed fear among the people; it was followed in the middle of the night by another earthquake; at dawn [August 17, 1157]271, a third earthquake struck (224); The same thing [earthquake] happened again on the nights of Saturday, Sunday and Monday [9, 10 and 11 Rajab - August 17, 18 and 19, 1157]; Then, the tremors of earth multiplied so much that a description would be too long. The news from the North was very alarming: in Hamât [Hama], the citadel and most of the dwellings had collapsed on the inhabitants; old people, young children, women, very few were able to escape. In Shayzar272, the fortress [of this city] collapsed on its governor Tâj ad-Dawla Ibn al-'Asâkir ibn Munqid273 (225) and his retinue; only those who were outside escaped; as for H'ims [Homs], its inhabitants left the city274 (226).

On the night of 29 Rajah [6 September 1157], [adds Abu Shama]275, an earthquake occurred in Damascus; the inhabitants of this city were frightened by the violence276 [of the tremor]; they went to the gardens and the desert and spent several nights and several days [there] in fear and terror, praying to God and repeating [the ritual formula]: "there is no God but Allah". On 24 Ramad'an [30 October 1157], an earthquake occurred in Dimashq [Damascus] which sowed fear among the population. News from the region of Aleppo indicates that277 this earthquake was extremely violent in this city, and shook278 a great number of houses and walls; [According to the same source] this earthquake was more violent in H'amât [Hama] than in any other city; the tremors repeated there for several days; during [each] of these days, there were a great number279 of extremely violent tremors followed by [multiple] cries which were added to frightening noises of thunder; these tremors were followed by less and less violent tremors280 and then, on Saturday 10 Shawwâl [15 November 1157]281, an extremely violent earthquake took place (227) after the evening prayer which sowed fear [among the population] and which made [the buildings] shake; this earthquake was followed immediately by a slight tremor282; During the night of the 10th of Dhu'l-Qa'da [14 December 1157] and the following day [15 December 1157] other earthquakes occurred. During the night283 of the 23rd284 and the 25th of the same month [27th and 29th of December 1157] earthquakes struck; the people had gone to the desert and had begun to pray and praise God. On Friday at the end of Dhu'l-Qa'da [30 Dhu'l-Qa'da/3 January 1158], an earthquake occurred which shook the ground and caused fear among the people (228). Then he285 later related that Ibn al-Athîr286, quoted above, had said:
"a schoolmaster in Hamât [m'] said that he left the classroom to take care of some business; then the earthquake struck; the houses were destroyed and the classroom collapsed on all the boys; the schoolmaster pointed out that no one came to fetch any boy from that school."
Mu'ayyad ad-Dawla Usânia ibn Murshid287 ibn Munqid composed [verses] about these earthquakes288 [those of Rajab, Shawwâ1 and Dhû-l-Qa'da 552] (229)
“The people then lived, after the houses [of the city] [were destroyed ?], in huts287 which they built of wood290 so that earthquakes would not destroy them” (230).
Abu Shama also said:
"Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (231) was in the company of a servant of his, named 'Ubaid, in a dwelling290 in Hamat [Hama] on the day of the earthquake (232); the city collapsed except for the dwelling in which they were staying (233)."
Ibn Muyassar293 (234) noted294 that in Târikh Miçr in the month of Sha'ban 553 [August 28 - September 25, 1158], aç-Çâlih' T'âlâ'i' ibn Ruzzik295 (235) sent an army against the Franks [al-Faranj] and defeated them and seized their goods and their horses; this took place in al-'Arîsh (236). Al-Muhadhdhab ibn az-Zubayr composed a poem on this occasion in which he praised ac-Çâlih'296 and mentioned the battle297 in question. On the subject of earthquakes, we can read in this poem:
It is said that [earthquakes] are caused by a vapor that has been in the interior298 of the two lands for a very long time (237).

261) V.s.i. in (B and G).

262) V.s.i. in (G).

263) (The) 2"; (D); (the) 21.

264) northern region; in another copy: ash-Shâm.

265) in H'amât [Hama] — (B) to.

266) V.s.i. in (A).

267) V.s.i. in (A, B and D).

268) V.s.i. in (G and B).

269) V.s.i. in (A and G)

270) at the beginning of the night; (G) at the beginning of the day.

271) V.s.i. in (B and G).

272) Shayzar; (B): Shîraz. Shîraz, name of one of the villages of Sarkhas.

273) V.s.i. in (G, B and D).

274) V.s.i. in (B).

275) V.s.i. in (G).

276) This is Abu Shama, in Kitab ar-Rawd'atayn. Cf. p. 25, line 12.

277) V.s.i. in (B).

278) V.s.i. in (A and G).

279) V.s.i. in (G).

280) V.s.i. in (B).

281) Saturday 10 Shawwâ; (B and D): Saturday of the month of Shawwâl.

282) Shake; in another copy: a crash.

283) V.s.i. in (B).

284) of the 23rd; (D): of the 21st.

285) Then he said: it is about al-H'âfith Abû Shâma in Kitâb ar-Rawd'atayn, p. 25, line 12.

286) Ibn al-Athîr: name cited in all copies; it could rather be Ibn al-Jawzi, based on what was said previously. Cf. p. 25, line 2.

287) V.s.i. in (A and G).

288) of this earthquake ; (G); of these earthquakes

289) V.s.i. in (B).

290) wooden (B).

291) Ubaïd, in a dwelling — (G).

292) the city had collapsed (G).

293) V.s.i. in (G).

294) noted — (B)

295) V.s.i. in (B) and in another copy.

296) aç-Çâlih' — (G).

297) V.s.i. in (A and D).

298) V.s.i. in (A).

83. 1169/1170 CE - Shâm and al-Jazira

In A.H. 565 [September 25, 1169/September 13, 1170], a very violent earthquake occurred in Shâm and al-Jazira299; it affected the greater part [of the area] of these provinces300 ; several enclosures were destroyed301 and many houses collapsed on their inhabitants in Shâm302, notably in Damascus, H'ims [Homs], H'amât [Hama] and Aleppo; the enclosure as well as most of the citadel303 of Ba'albakk [Baalbek] was destroyed; Sultan Nûr-ad-Dîn (238) the Martyr, may God rest his soul304, repaired most of what had collapsed. About this earthquake or the one that preceded it, the eminent Qadl al-Fâd'ii said

... the earthquake which struck as-Shâm was a catastrophe ...; it caused ath-Thughûr to collapse...; it affected a large part (of Shâm) such that it destroyed every place and lowered every eminence...; the fortresses became piles of ruins ...

299) in Shâm and al-Jazira; (G) : in Shâm and al-Madîna.

300) V.s.i. in (B).

301) V.s.i. in (A).

302) to Shâm — (B)

303) V.s.i. in (G).

304) V.s.i. in (B).

84. 1178/1179 CE - Armîniyya and in the territory of Uzbak

In A.H. 574 [June 19, 1178/June 7, 1179], the author of ai-Mir'ât said:

An earthquake occurred in Armîniyya (239) and in the territory of Uzbak305 (239 bis). Mountains were striking against each other: The earthquakes306 tore away two mountains which were separated by a certain distance; they collided and then returned to their [original] location.

305) Uzbak; (A, D and G). : Arbal.

306) Earthquakes; (B and G): the earthquake.

85. 1179/1180 CE - Location unspecified

Ibn Khathîr said in his Târîkh:

"In A.H. 575 [June 8, 1179/May 27, 1180]307, a very violent earthquake occurred. It destroyed fortresses and villages; large blocks of stone tumbled down (240) from the tops of the mountains.

307) In 75; (D) : in 76.

86. 1191/1192 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 587 [January 29, 1191/ January 17, 1192]308, al-Maqrizi (241) wrote that an earthquake occurred in Miçr [Egypt] (242).


308) In 87; (B and D) : in 37.

[87. 1195/1196 CE - Ka'ba in Mecca and Egypt]

In A.H. 592 [December 6, 1195/November 23, 1196]309 (242 bis) a black wind began to blow throughout the world; the Ka'ba moved several times; a part of the Yemenite310 corner [of the Ka'ba ] fell; an earthquake took place in Egypt.


309) In 92; (G) : in 72.

310) V.s.i. in (G).

88. 1196/1197 CE - Meteor Strike ? - Location unspecified

In A.H. 593 [November 24, 1196/November 12, 1197], a giant star fell311 and a terrible noise was heard when it fell; houses and various places were shaken; people then began to cry for help and to pray. Ibn Kathîr said:

On this subject, a letter was written about this by by Qadi al-Fad'il to adi Muh'yî ad-Dîn ibn az-Zaki312 (243) in which he said312
During the night of Friday 9 Jumada II [April 29, 1197], a thick black cloud appeared along with lightning314 and violent winds; the latter redoubled in violence and force; the thunderbolts multiplied; the walls315 vibrated and collided316 with each other despite their distance; a whirlwind began to whirl between the sky317 and the earth; people then began to say: it seems as if this one [the sky] and that one [the earth] had318 touched each other.

311) V.s.i. in (A).

312) V.s.i. in (B).

313) V.s.i. in (G).

314) Lightning; (G): a flash of lightning.

315) V.s.i. in (A).

316) V.s.i. in (G).

317) between sky; (A): clouds.

318) V.s.i. in (A).


89. May/June 1201 CE - many places

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 597 [May 7-June 4, 1201], according to the author of al-'Ibar, a very violent earthquake319 occurred in almost the entire world. The author of Mir'ât and other [people]320 said:

a very violent earthquake originated in aç-Sa'îd (244) [Upper Egypt] which destroyed the buildings of Cairo; many people died under the rubble; the seismic wave reached Shâm, Sawâh'il, al-Jazira, Bilâd ar-Rûm (245) and 'Irâq; in Shâm, many houses were destroyed; a village in the district of Buçrà321 (246) sank under the earth; as-Sawâh'il, for its part, suffered many destructions322 [both human and material]; several places in Tripoli, Śûr [Tyre], 'Akko and Nablus were destroyed. In Nablus323, only H'ârat as-Sâmra324 remained; thirty thousand people died there under the rubble. A large part of the eastern minaret of the Damascus mosque as well as fourteen325 galleries [around the minaret] collapsed; the same happened to most of al-Kilâsa and the Bimâristân [Hospital] an-Nûri (247); people went to the wastelands326, calling for help; the greater part of the cathedral of Ba'albakk [Baalbek] fell to the ground; people had come out of Ba'albakk [Baalbek] to pick gooseberries327 in Jabal Lubnân (248); the two mountains collided while they [the people] were in their midst; every single person died. The seismic wave crossed the sea and reached Qubruç328 (249); the 'sea split into two, its appearance became mountainous329; it threw ships330 onto its shore; the [same] seismic wave spread towards the East; Khilat', Arminiyya, Adharbaijan (250) and al-Jazira; the number of victims caused by this earthquake was counted and it was found that it amounted to one million one hundred thousand people; This earthquake had at its beginning, a duration equivalent to the time it takes to read the Sûrat al-Kahf331 (251); thereafter and for several days, the tremors continued to recur. On this subject, a rhetorician said:
When this earthquake occurred in Shâm, it affected territory from al-Jazira to the countries of Sâh'il332 (252), it destroyed the fortresses, it ruined an incalculable number of houses and it overturned buildings333 ... ".

319) an earthquake; (G): earthquakes.

320) V.s.i. in (B).

321) Buçrâ:

  1. City of Shâm, part of the region of Damascus.
  2. one of the villages of Baghdad. Yâqût, vol. I, p. 441.
322) V.s.i. in (G).

323) V.s.i. in (B).

324) V.s.i. in (B).

325) V.s.i. in (B).

326) V.s.i. in (G).

327) V.s.i. in (A and B). Bilberry [Myrtille in French]: a plant resembling chard, but its taste is acidic or sweet; it ripens in the (Syriac) month of H'azîrân and is common in the mountains of Shâm. Cf. Tadhkirat ûlî al-albâb (of) Dâwûd al-Ant’âkî, vol. I, p. 158.

328) Yâqût transcribed it with a terminal sin: Qubrus. Mu'jam, vol. IV, p. 305.

329) V.s.i. in (G).

330) V.s.i. in (G).

331) It is deduced that this earthquake lasted at least 10 minutes. It would thus be one of the largest earthquakes in history due to the destruction it caused, and the number of victims it claimed, namely 1,100,0001 people. [JW: Number of victimes likely grossly exagerrated]

332) Country of Sah'il: this is a specific place, and not the coastal regions as the term suggests.

333) V.s.i. in (A).

90. April/May 1202 CE - Homs, Nablus, and Krak de Chevaliers

Ibn al-Jawzi said in al-Mir'ât that in the month of Sha'ban A.H. 598 [April 26 - May 24, 1202], a very violent earthquake occurred which cracked334 the citadel of H'ims [Homs] and caused the observatory of this [same] citadel to collapse; it destroyed H'içn al-Akrâd [Krak de Chevaliers] and reached Nablus and destroyed what remained there335 (253).


334) cracked; (B): fell.

335) that is to say what remained after the earthquake which occurred in A.H. 597; see p. 32, of the translation, line 19.

91. 1203/1204 CE - (too) many places

In A.H. 600 [September 10, 1203/August 28, 1204], a very violent earthquake took place in the provinces of Egypt [Diâr Miçr], Shâm and al-Jazira; it was felt in al-Mawçil [Mosul], in the province of Iraq, in Byzantine territory [Bilâd ar-Rûm] , in Cyprus and in other countries. This was mentioned by Ibn al-Athir336 in Kâmil, other people told him that [this earthquake] reached Sabta (254), [Ceuta], in the Land of Maghrib.


336) V.s.i. in (G)

92. 1208/1209 CE - Naïsâbûr

In A.H. 605 [July 16, 1208/July 5, 1209], a very violent earthquake occurred in Naïsâbûr; the [seismic tremors] continued for ten days. This was cited by Ibn al-Jawzi in al-Mir'at.

93. 1211/1212 CE - Egypt, Karak, and ash-Shawbak

In A.H. 608 [15 June 1211/2 June 1212], a violent earthquake337 occurred. It destroyed many houses in Egypt and in al-Qâhira [Cairo] as well as in the city of al-Kark [Karak]338 [Karak] (255) and in ash-Shawbak339 (256); towers of the citadel of the latter collapsed; many men and women died under the ruins; between sunset and al-'Isha' [prayer] , near the tomb of 'Atika (257), West of Damascus, smoke descended from the sky to the earth.


337) In another copy: a terrible, very violent earthquake.

338) al-Kark [Karak] village located at the foot of Jabal Lubnân. Yâqût, Vol. IV, p. 452.

339) Fortress located on the borders of Shâm between 'Ammân, Ayla and al-Qulzum, near al-Kark [Karak]. Mu'jam al-Buldân, Vol. III, p. 370.

94. 1226 CE - Mosul ?

Ibn Al-Athîr noted that in A.H. 623 [January 2-December 21, 1226], an earthquake took place in [his] countryA (258); it destroyed many villages and many strongholds337.


A) JW: Ibn Al-Athîr spent most of his life in Mosul.

340) Strongholds ; (A): the heights. In the margin of this copy, one can read: plural of Til'a, which is a high place.

95. June 1256 CE - Hejaz

On Monday, 1 Jumada II A.H. 654341 [June 26, 1256], in al-Madîna ash-Sharîfa [Medina], a noise similar to the noise of distant thunder was heard; it continued to occur intermittently for two days; on Wednesday [June 28, 1256], this noise was followed by a very violent earthquake which shook the ground and the walls...; al-Minbar ash-Sharîf (259) [the Prophet's pulpit] vibrated; the noise of the earthquake resembled that of thunder; the tomb of the [Prophet] vibrated; the seismic tremors continued to recur342 from hour to hour until Friday [June 29 and 30, 1256]; fire appeared in al-H'arra (260).

A poet composed the following [verses] on this subject:

[the earthquakes] shook343 7 [days]
the earth opened [up]
[unveiling] a spectacle to which the eye of the sun
remained blind344.
A sea of fire on which eminences run,
mountains resembling ships moored345 to the land (261).

341) By 54, we mean 654, as is evident from what precedes and what follows; I make the same assumption for the years following this one and stopping at (6) 93, p. 37.

342) V.s.i. in (B)

343) V.s.i. in (A and G))

344) V.s.i. in (G)

345) V.s.i. in (B)

96. 1258/1259 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 657 [December 29, 1258/December 17, 1259], a very violent earthquake took place in the land of Egypt [Diâr Miçr]; this was reported by Ibn al-Athir346.


346) This was reported by Ibn al-Athîr; (B and G): this was reported by Ibn Kathîr.

97. 1262/1263 CE - Mosul

In A.H. 661 [November 15, 1262/November 3, 1263] (261 bis), a very violent earthquake occurred in al-Mawçil [Mosul]; it caused the destruction of the majority of the houses there348.


348) ...the majority of houses; (B): ....the majority.

98. 1263/1264 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 662 [November 4, 1263/October 23, 1264], a very violent earthquake took place in Egypt.

99. 1268/1269 CE - Sis

In A.H. 667 [September 10, 1268/August 30, 1269], an earthquake occurred in the country of Sis349 [Sis in Cilicia ?] (262); it caused the destruction of several350 strongholds and caused many victims.


349) V.s.i. in (B); Yâqût transcribes it as: Sîsiyya; its inhabitants pronounce it Sis. Cf. Mu'jam, Vol. III, p. 297.

350) several — (B).

100. 1293 CE - Gaza, Ramla, Qâqûn, and Karak

In the month of Safar A.H. 692 [January 11-February 8, 1293],351 an earthquake took place in Ghazza [Gaza], ar-Ramla, Qaquk352 (263) and al-Kark [Karak]; several parts of the citadel of the latter, as well as three of its towers, collapsed.


351) V.s.i. in (B); in a copy: in 72.

352) Qâqûl; (A and B); Fâqûl: this is probably Qâqûn which Yaqut says is a fortress in Palestine, near ar-Ramla; Cf. Mu'jam, Vol. IV, p. 299.

101. 1293/1294 CE - Egypt

Ibn al-Mutawwaj353 (264) reports that in A.H. 693 [December 2, 1293/November 20, 1294], an earthquake occurred which affected the entire province of Egypt; some columns of the mosque of 'Amrû (264 bis) were dislocated354; the effect of this earthquake on this [mosque] was less serious than that which it had on the mosque of Cairo.


353) V.s.i. in (A).

354) V.s.i. in (A and B).


102. 1303 CE - Egypt

In the month of Dhû-l-H'ijja A.H. 702 [July 17-August 14, 1303]355 (265), a very violent earthquake occurred in Egypt356 and in Sham; [a number of] houses collapsed357 and [a number] of people died under the ruins. The seas were shaken and boats were broken. The tremors continued for forty days; people reached al-Qaràfa358 (2136) and pitched tents; the effect of these earthquakes on al-Iskandariyya [Alexandria] was more serious; indeed, the sea swallowed up half of the city [tidal wave] and swept away camels and men359 ; boats sank; in Egypt (267), an incalculable number of houses collapsed (268). Shâfi'360 Ibn 'Abd-adh'-Dh'âhir361 composed (on the occasion of this earthquake) the following speech:

... on Thursday, 23 Dhû-l'-H'ijja362 A.H. 702, at sunrise [August 8, 1302] (an earthquake struck) [...], it caused destructions in the mosque of Al-H'akim [ ], destroyed everything that is built on eminences [ ], shook all the fortresses [ ], brought down all tall construction; it was general; no one could escape [...]; there was a great din of cries [...] ; the walls danced under the applause363 of the roofs [ ]; to the knowledge of the Egyptians, such an earthquake has never occurred before; the old people364 have never experienced one like it... .
[The example] of this frightening earthquake and the following ones365 which preoccupied minds366 prompted me to look in history books for everything relating to earthquakes; I then found mention of this phenomenon, as well as of extraordinary celestial phenomena367 , whose effect on things and spirits was very large; and I have recorded all these facts in this work so that it may be known that the causes of these phenomena are permanent368.

355) V.s.i. in (B).

356) the author subsequently reproduces the text of a speech given on this occasion and which specifies the precise date of this earthquake, namely: Thursday 23 Dhû al-H'ijja A.H. 702 at sunrise 8 August 1302.

128) V.s.i. in (B).

368) V.s.i. in (G).

359) camels, men; (G): camels and camel saddles.

360) V.s.i. in {G).

361) Shâfi' ibn 'abd adh'-Dh'ahr; (B) Shâfi' ibn 'abd al-Mut't'alib.

362) .. The 23rd Dhû-l-H'ijja; (B): the 22nd of Dhû-l-H'ijja. There does not seem to be any difference in date, since the author of the speech says (after mentioning the year and month in question): "at sunrise"; indeed, some have thought that the day of the 23rd began with sunset, while others have thought the opposite.

363) V.s.i. in (G).

364) V.s.i. in (B).

365) V.s.i. in (G).

366) V.s.i. in (B).

367) V.s.i. in (B).

368) permanent + (B): so far; then comes the next.

103. 1322 CE - Damascus

In the month of Muh'arram A.H. 722 [January 20-February 18, 1322]369, an earthquake struck at night in Damascus; it shook the ground very strongly and then stopped on the order of God, the Most High. This was mentioned by adh-Dhahabi370 in al-'Ibar (269).


369) 722; (D): 702

370) V.s.i. in (B).

104. 1339 CE - Tripoli

In the month of Rajab A.H. 739 [January 13-February 11, 1339], an earthquake struck T'arâbulus [Tripoli] of Shâm [Jarabulus ?]; there were sixty victims. [Adh-Dhahabî] mentioned it in the complement of al-'Ibar371.


371) V.s.i. in (G).

105. 1343/1344 CE - Egypt and Sham

Al-Muh'ibb Abû-l-Walîd ibn ash-Shih'na (270) said in his Târîkh:

In A.H. 744 [May 26, 1343/May 14, 1344]372, a very violent earthquake happened in Egypt and Sham; people had reached the desert regions373; this earthquake was followed, for some time, by other earthquakes374.

372) By 44 we mean 744, as is evident from what precedes and what follows; I make the same assumption for the year ending in 8.

373) in desert regions; (G): in the desert.

374) From “this earthquake” to “other earthquakes”; (B): “This earthquake was followed by some other earthquakes.”

106. 8 December 1347 CE - Cairo

On the 4th of Ramad'ân A.H. 748 [December 8, 1347]375, two earthquakes occurred in Cairo within the space of a single hour. This has been reported by al-Maqrizi in his Tarikh.


375) In 48; (D): in eighty seventy. In 48: that is, 748, as is evident from what precedes and what follows.

107. 1364/1365 CE - Location unspecified

In A.H. 766 [September 28, 1364/ September 17, 1365], a very violent earthquake struck; I saw this written on the spine of a book; the location where the earthquake occurred was not indicated.

108. 1373/1374 CE - Cairo

In A.H. 775 [June 23, 1373 - June 11, 1374]376, a minor earthquake occurred in Cairo.


376) By 75, we mean 775; the same applies to years ending in “87” and “88”.

109. September 19, 1385 CE - Cairo and Egypt

During the night of 13 Sha'ban377 A.H. 787 [September 19, 1385], a slight earthquake occurred in Egypt and Cairo378.


377) The night of the 13th of Sha'ban; (B): the night of the 12th of Sha'ban.

378) From “a slight” to “al-Qâhira” -- (G).

110. July 17, 1386 CE - Location unspecified

On 18 Jumâdâ II A.H. 788 [July 17, 1386], a slight earthquake occurred.

111. January/February 1389 CE - Nishapur ?

In the month of Safar A.H. 791 [January 30-February 27, 1389], a strong wind blew379 in Naïsâbûr [Nishapur ?] which made the ground vibrate380 violently; a frightening earthquake occurred; the earth overturned and its inhabitants and everything was turned upside down; the city was destroyed and its inhabitants perished; few people were saved. Al-Maqrîzî said:

The inhabitants of Naïsâbûr knew that it had been demolished seven times by earthquakes; but this time, this earthquake [Safar 791] was more catastrophic than previous times, because it left the city upside down.381

379) Blown — (G).

380) V.s.i. in (B).

381) From "the city was destroyed" to "upside down" -- (B).


114. April/May 1407 CE - Antioch

In the month of Dhu'l-Qa'da A.H. 809 [April 9-May 8, 1407], a very violent earthquake occurred in Antioch; many people died under the ruins

115. December 1408/January 1409 CE - Aleppo and Tripoli

In the month of Sha'ban382 A.H. 811 [20 December 20, 1408 - January 17 1409]383, a very violent earthquake occurred in the environs384 of H'alab [Aleppo] and T'arâbulus [Tripoli]; it destroyed many places; many people died under the ruins.


382) in the month of Sha'ban (G).

383) V.s.i. in (G); 11, that is, 811.

384) In the vicinity; (G): the vicinity.

116. 1419/1420 CE - Arzankân

In A.H. 822 [January 28, 1419 - January 16, 1420]385, a very violent earthquake took place in Arzankân386 (271) which caused a great number387 of victims; many of the buildings of al-Qust'anti-niyya (272) had collapsed. This was mentioned by al-H'âfidh' ibn H'ajar in "Inbâ' al-ghumn" (273).


385) V.s.i. in (B and G).

386) Arzankan; (G): Azrankân.

387) V.s.i. in (A and G).

117. 1421/1422 CE - Cairo

In A.H. 825 [December 26, 1421 / December 4, 1422], a minor earthquake occurred in Cairo. [Ibn H'ajar] also mentioned it in Inbâ' al-Ghumr.

118. June/July 1425 CE - Egypt

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 828 [June 18 - July 16, 1425]388, three terrible tremors occurred in Egypt in one [single] day, and this lasted for two darajahs [10 minutes] (274); [the population] was called upon to fast389 for three days because of the earthquake.


388) 28, that is to say 828; the same is true for the following years up to (8) 63.

389) V.s.i. in (B).

119. April/May 1431 CE - Gharnât'a and in Al-Andalus

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 834 [April 14 - May 12, 1431], an earthquake390 occurred in Gharnât'a [Emirate of Granada ?] (275) and in Al-Andalus (276); several places disappeared underground; several others391 were destroyed; the inhabitants, frightened by the gravity of the situation, went to the desert [regions].


390) An earthquake occurred in Gharnât'a; in another copy: an earthquake followed by another earthquake occurred in Gharnât'a.

391) V.s.i. in (B).

120. November/December 1434 CE - Cairo

In the month of Rabi' II A.H. 838 [November 4 - December 2, 1434)392 (277), an earthquake occurred in Cairo.


392) In 38; (B): in 88.

121. January/February 1438 CE - Cairo

In the month of Sha'ban A.H. 841 [January 28 - February 25, 1438], a mild earthquake393 occurred in Cairo.


393) a mild earthquake; (G): a very violent earthquake.

122. 1456/1457 CE - Arzankân

In A.H. 861 [November 29, 1456 - November 18, 1457], a very violent earthquake struck Arzankân394 which almost completely destroyed it.


392) V.s.i. in (B); in another copy: Athraybajân.

123. 1458/1459 CE - Karak

In A.H. 863 [November 8, 1458 - October 27, 1459], a very violent earthquake occurred in al-Kark [Karak]. It destroyed parts of the citadel395, its enclosure and its towers. One hundred people were killed.


395) V.s.i. in (B).

124. 1476/1477 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 881 [April 26, 1476 - April 14, 1477]396, a minor earthquake occurred at night in Egypt.


396) In 800 ... -- (B).

125. 18 March 1481 CE - Egypt

On Sunday, 17 Muh'arram A.H. 886 (and 800) [March 18, 1481], after al-'açr, a painful earthquake occurred in Egypt; the ground underwent a back and forth movement and the buildings shook. It caused397 a gallery or a piece398 of the upper part of the madrasa aç-Çalih'iyya (278) to fall on the great Qadi h'anafite399, Sharaf ad-Dîn ibn 'Id400, who died from it; we belong to God and to Him we will return (279).


397) V.s.i. in (G).

398) or a piece (morceau in French); (B and D): and a piece (morceau in French).

399) h'anafite — (B).

400) V.s.i. in (B and G).

126. 15 June 1483 CE - Egypt

During the night of Sunday, 9 Jumâdâ I401 (280) A.H. 888 [15 June 1483]402, a minor earthquake occurred403 (281).


401) 9 Jumada I; (G) : 7 Jumada I.

402) 88, that is, 888; “89” and “96” correspond to 889 and 896.

403) V.s.i. in (B and D).

127. March/April 1484 CE - Aleppo

In the month of Rabi' I A.H. 889 [29 March - 27 April 1484], six frightening and violent earthquakes took place in Aleppo

128. and 129. 24 April and 2 May 1491 CE - Egypt

On Sunday, in the middle of the month of Jumâdâ II A.H. 896 [April 24, 1491], a slight earthquake occurred in Egypt404; another earthquake occurred405 on Sunday 22 (of the same month) [May 2, 1491]406 (282).


404) From “(six) earthquakes” to “Egypt” -- (G).

405) From .. "an earthquake" to "another one happened" -— (B).

406) V.s.i. in (A and B).


As-Suyuti's Catalog - one quake in 1500 CE

130. July 24, 1500 CE - Egypt

During the night of Friday 27 (283) Dhû al-H'ijja407 A.H. 905 [July 24, 1500]408, a minor earthquake occurred in Egypt.


407) 27 Dhû-l-Hijja; (B) : 17 Dhû-l-Hijja.

408) 905 — (D). In another copy: 950.

Continuation of As-Suyuti's Catalog by ad-Dâwudî - 1508 - 1534 CE



I read these additions at the end of a copy written by al-H'â-fidh' ad-Dâwudî, disciple of (the author), may God have mercy on their soul. (This disciple) added [the additions] to the text [of as-Suyût'î]. Below is what he wrote


415) Additions have been made to copies A and B; they concern earthquakes other than those mentioned by [as-Suyût'î]; these earthquakes concern Egypt and their dates begin where the treatise ends. Here is the addition that has been made to copy B.

132. 30 May 1508 CE - Egypt

During the night of Tuesday at the end of Muh'arram A.H. 914 [30 May 1508], a minor earthquake occurred in Egypt.

133. 7 March 1511 CE - Egypt

On Friday 7 Dhi-l-H'ijja A.H. 916 [March 7, 1511], after the 'açr, an earthquake also occurred [in Egypt].

134. 7 April 1512 CE - Egypt

On Monday, 20 Muh'arram A.H. 918 [April 7, 1512], before noon, an earthquake of one daraja [5 minutes] also occurred [in Egypt].

135. 4 April 1523 CE - Egypt

During the night of Saturday 17 Jumâdâ I A.H. 929 [April 4 1523], after al-'Isha' [prayer], an earthquake also took place (in Egypt]416.


416) This earthquake has been described in detail in the addition to copy A, pp. 46 and 47 of the French text; there is a difference between this copy and the other as to the day on which the earthquake occurred; the date given is 18 Jumâdâ. This is due to a difference in the estimation of the duration of a day, since the earthquake occurred at night after the last evening prayer.

136. 8 April 1525 CE - Egypt

During the night of Friday 14 Jumâdâ II A.H. 931 [8 April 1525], a minor earthquake also occurred [in Egypt]

137. 14 July 1527 CE - Egypt

Then a slight earthquake occurred [in Egypt], at dawn on Sunday in the middle of Shawwal A.H. 933 [July 14, 1527].

138. 12-13 November 1529 CE - Egypt

Towards the end of the night of Friday 10 Rabi' I A.H. 936 [12-13 November 1529], an earthquake of half a daraja [2 minutes 30 seconds] took place in Egypt.

139. and 140. 10-11 July 1532 and 23 March 1534 CE - Egypt

During the night of Wednesday 7 Dhû-l-H'ijja A.H. 938 [10-11 July 1532], a very slight earthquake occurred in Egypt, [and], after dawn on Monday 8 Ramad'ân A.H. 940 [March 23 1534] (289); this is the last notation that I read there; I also found, written by his hand, the following: Muh'ammad ibn 'abd-Allâh ibn Jabril ibn 'Ubaïd Allâh Abû Muh'ammad al-Ikhmbni of origin, known under the name of Ibn 'Ubaïd Allâh417, was born in Egypt in 624 AH (290).


417) V.s.i.

141 and 138 bis. 12 November 1529 (?) CE - Egypt

During the night of Friday418 10 Rabi' I A.H. 936 [12 November 1529]419, 10 daraj [50 minutes] before dawn, an earthquake occurred in Cairo; At that time I was inside a minaret; it wobbled dangerously and vibrated very strongly; I was seized with panic and fear and I thought that the minaret was going to collapse; it continued to wobble for two or three daraj [10 to 15 minutes).


419) This earthquake must, since earthquakes are presented in chronological order, come after the next earthquake (which is that of 926); so it is likely that the year in question is "926". JW: CHRONOS indicates that 10 Rabi' I A.H. 926 corresponds to 29 February 1520 CE in the Julian Calendar and 10 Rabi' I A.H. 936 corresponds to 12 November 1529 CE in the Julian Calendar. Thus, although the translator Nejjar suggests in this footnote that the year was A.H. 926, the date he used for the heading for this earthquake corresponds to A.H. 936. Note that the Gregorian Calendar reform took place in October 1582 CE so Julian dates are appropriate here.

Continuation of As-Suyuti's Catalog by ash-Shâdhilî - 1523-1588 CE

142. 5 April 1523 CE - Egypt

During the night of Saturday 18 Jumâdâ I A.H. 929 [April 5, 1523] (291), ten daraj [fifty minutes] after the call to prayer of al-'Isha' [prayer], an earthquake took place in Cairo; It lasted about half a daraj [2 minutes 30 seconds]; it shook the walls and the roofs; we had a bowl full of water; the water stirred and spilled over its edges ; a barely perceptible movement continued to animate this water. This is what 'Abd al-Qâdir Ash-Shâdhili al-Azhari mentioned.

4 February 1573 CE - Egypt

In A.H. 980 on the day of al-'Id Aç-Çaghir [1 Shawwâl] [February 4 1573], after al-'açr, a slight earthquake occurred [in Egypt], which had no consequences. I was then in the al-Hakim Mosque; I had some food with me; I had climbed on the platform that was in front of the pulpit; the platform suddenly tilted under me, I stood on the Qibla [Eastern] side, which vibrated strongly and I saw that it was going to fall on me; I was then seized with panic; I left the mosque for the souk; I then saw people shouting: “The earthquake! The earthquake!”

3-4 January 1588 CE - Egypt

On Sunday, 4 Safar A.H. 996 [January 3-4, 1588]A, shortly after noon, an earthquake occurred in Cairo which lasted about 5 daraj [25 minutes]; the minarets tottered; the upper parts of some of them collapsed; the water basins tilted; A reliable person told me this: "I was in the Moorish bath; my back was on the side of the basin; it then leaned towards me and the water poured over me; it was very hot; I raised my head and then saw the cups (of water) moving; I was frightened; I quickly got out while having the sensation that the bath was going to sink underground; my towel fell and I did not realize where I was until I reached the outer courtyard; I said then: "what is that?"; people answered me: it is an earthquake."

(there) end the quotations from 'Abd al-Qâdir ash-Shâdhilî, the Shafi'te muezzin and disciple of the author [as-Suyuti].


A) JW: CHRONOS indicates that Nejjar calculated this date correctly. As this date is after the Gregorian Calendar reform of October 1582 CE, it needed to be converted to a Gregorian date and, according to CHRONOS, 4 Safar A.H. 996 corresponds to the Gregorian date of 4 January 1588 CE and the Julian date of 25 December 1587 CE.

Two [Allegedly] Useful Remarks

First [Allegedly] Useful Remark

I have read in some historical writings that Qift'409, Ibn Miçr ibn Baicar ibn Ham ibn Nuh' built a high tower410 on a mountain in the city of Qift'411 (284) and from which he observed al-Bah'r al-Malih' ash-Sharqî (285); [the tower] collapsed under the effect of a very violent earthquake.

409) V.s.i. in (B).

410) V.s.i. in (G).

411) V.s.i. in (B). Yàqût indicates that it is located in the Upper Ça'id, on the Aswan side; Mu'jam, vol. IV, p. 383.

Second [Allegedly] Useful Remark

The author of "Manâhij al-'Ibar" said that earthquakes are more frequent in mountainous regions; [there] they intensify, crack the mounds, making the rivers disappear underground, destroying the fortresses412 and the enclosures413; he adds that about the peculiarities of the cities, it is said: "the Armenian winter, the summer of 'Amman (283), the lightning of Tihama (287) and the earthquakes from ad-Daybul"414 (288).

412) V.s.i. in (G).

413) V.s.i. in (B).

414) V.s.i. in (D). In another copy: Ardabil

Translation to English by Razani (1972)



Knowledge of the past history of earthquake activities and the determination of historical information about the time of occurrence, location, and characteristics of past earthquakes in a region are necessary for the correct estimation of the seismicity of that region. These historical data are useful in building and verifying any statistical model for the prediction of the return period and the frequency of earthquakes with different magnitudes. These data are of important value in seismic regionalization, seismic risk evaluation, and determination of the optimum aseismic design of structures in any region. Instrumental and detailed macroseismic data on seismic activities of various regions especially in the Middle East has been available only since the beginning of this century. Any prediction of future seismicity of a region on the basis of the available data of this century is risky, because it may over look the long period tectonic activities of which their period icity can not be determined by short duration observations. Ambrassey (1966, 1971) has discussed the importance of historical data and has shown that for certain regions there have been relatively quiet periods of a few hundred years, followed by a highly active seismic period of another few hundred years. He has then concluded that any seismic regionalization should be conducted with proper attention to the long duration seismic history of the area.

The present report is a detailed translation of a lithograph copy printed in Lahore in 1892 (from here on it will be called the Lahore copy) of an earthquake catalogue written in Arabic at the end of the 15 century by a well Known Egyptian writer named Suyuti. He has collected all the traditions, religious ideas, and theories about earthquakes plus a comprehensive chronology of the earthquakes which have occurred between 570 A.D. to 1500 A.D. in the present region of the Middle East.

Suyuti the Author

A detailed biography of the author and description of his works are given in the Encyclopedia of Islam. The following is a short biography of Suyuti based on the material of this source.

Djalal al-Din al-Suyuti (Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi-Bakr), the most prolific Egyptian writer during the Mamluk period and perhaps in Arabic literature, came from a Persian family who were formerly living in Baghdad. Suyuti was born on 1 Rajab 849 A.H. (Oct. 3, 1445 A.D.) in Cairo where his father was a religious teacher. He began his studies in 864 A.H. (1460 A.D.) and concluded them on a journey through the cities in Egypt and on a pilgrimage to Mecca in 869 A.H. (1463 A.D.). Returning to Cairo, he first set up business as a consultant on legal problems, and in 872 A.H. (1467 A.D.) he received the professorship position held formerly by his father. He then was moved to a more important position. In Rajab, 906 A.H. (Feb. 1501 A.D.) he retired to al-Rawda on the Nile island, where he died on 18 Jamada al Awla, 911 A.H. (Oct. 17, 1505 A.D.).

Suyuti’s literary activity, which he had begun at the age of 17 was distinguished by an unusual versatility. The vary long list of his writings compiled by Flugel in the Wiener Fahra, 1832, Vols, 56-60, lists 561 works, but it includes numerous short treatises in addition to substantial works. Suyuti's ambition was to try his skill in all branches of Moslem learning and he did make a number of compilations which are now of great value to us, which compensates for lost works of a classical literature as well as collections of material. In addition to many of his fine works in literature, grammar, religion, biography, philology, etc., he has three books in the field of history; a general world history, a history of the Caliphs, and a history of Egypt. Apparently he was motivated to write his collection on earthquakes due to the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in Egypt during his life time.

Suyuti's Earthquake Catalogue

Copies of Suyuti's collections on earthquakes in the form of manuscripts or lithographic prints have been found in many libraries1. The first abridged translation of this catalogue into the English language was done by A. Sprenger (1843) from an Arabic manuscript of the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris2 and was published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Suyuti’s catalogue and its translation was again brought to.the attention of the seismologist and engineers by Willis (1928) after the passing of almost one century. Willis used the information given in Sprenger's translation of Suyuti's work in hie earthquake catalogue. The dates of Sprenger’s translation were the original dates of Suyuti which were based on the Moslem lunar calendar of Hihhri (A.H.). Unfortunately, Willis thought that the dates were in the Christian calendar (A.D.) and mixed Suyuti’s Hijjri catalogue with the other works using Christian dates. His work was used by Seiberg and others in their earthquake catalogues and led to many errors. Ambrasseys (1962) pointed out the errors of the Willis catalogue and gave the corrected dates. Ambraseys (1961) also published a condensed translation of Suyuti's catalogue based on the manuscript available at the British Museum (Or. 5872).

1. Brockelmann (1902), p. 147, item 42; and Brockelmann (1938), p. 183, item 42.

2. Fonds Asselin, Ur. 218 (This number seems to have changed. According to Brockelmann the Paris copies are now Nr. 4658 and 4659).

Description of the Text (Lahore Copy)

The title of the Arabic text is "Kashf al-Salsalah an Wasf al-Zalzalah" meaning 'discovering the mysteries from the description of the earthquake' which is a collection of traditions relating to earthquakes. The text is in two parts. The first part is the photocopy of pages 11 to 16 of a lithograph copy of a.lithograph copy of a 32 page book entitled "A Collection of Nine Tracts by Suyuti". This book was published in Lahore, India around 1890; a copy of it is in the library of the British Museum under the title 14521.0.36.(1.). The second part is the photocopy of pages 22 to 41 of another lithograph copy of a 56 page book entitled "A Collection of Ten Tracts by Suyuti". This book seems to be an expanded edition of the proceeding collection with an additional tract. It was published in Lahore in 1892. A copy of it is in the library of the British Museum under the title 14521.0.37.

The material of the first book deals only with the religious aspect of the earthquake. This portion is completely repeated in the second book word for word; therefore, only the material of the second book was translated. The material dealing with earthquakes in the second book can be subdivided into four sections. The first section deals with the discussion of earthquake phenomena and the causes of their occurrence. It contains the collection of all the Islamic fables and stories related to the causes of earthquakes where increased sinning and usury are blamed as tho main causes. Another old theory relates the occurrence of the earthquake to an increase in the pressure and the escape of vapor from within the earth. This theory together with the description of the mechanism of the earthquake movement from a religious point of view has also been described in the text.

The second section of Suyuti’s article deals with the religious duties of a Moslem during and after the occurrence of an earthquake. In this section detailed instructions about special earthquake prayers that any faithful Moslem must perform after an earthquake and the charities which should be paid to the poor and needy after the earthquake, etc., are described.

The third section deals with the descriptions of the historical earthquakes before the appearance of Islam. Most of the material of this portion is based on Biblical stories and the stories described in the Quran. Some definite historical data about ancient earthquakes may be obtained from the material of this section.

The fourth section of the text deals with the chronology of the important historical earthquakes which have occurred in the present region of the Middle East (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, and Afghanistan) after the appearance of Islam up to the year 654 A.H. (1256 A.E.). This section is relatively detailed and is of important scientific and engineering value.

The Report

In this report, for the sake of brevity, the translation of sections 1 and 2 dealing with religious and literary aspects of the earthquakes is not included. The material of these two sections may have some value from the theological and philological point of view, however, at present it seems that they do not have much scientific and engineering usefulness.

Also, in this report only a brief summary of section 3 which deals mostly with Biblical type stories about the early pre-Islamic earthquakes is given. It is felt also that detailed descriptions of these events will not have much scientific and engineering usefulness. A complete translation of section 4 which deals with historical earthquakes in the Middle East after Islam is given. Additional historical material or other detailed information obtained from the references given in the text or from other historical Arabic or Persian books, available at the library of the University of California at Berkeley, are also included in this report.

No earthquake between the years 203 A.H. (817 A.D.) and 444 A.H. (1052 A.D.) is reported in the text. While Suyuti died in 911 A.H. (1506 A.D.), the catalogue given in the Lahore text covers only as far as the year 654 A.H. (1256 A.D.). In order to make this report complete and self contained the list and the summary description of the earthquakes between these dates are taken from the works of Sprenger (1843) and Ambrasseys (1961), and added to this report as Appendix I. A few additional historical earthquakes found by the translator between these dates in other sources are also included in this appendix.

Since many of the names of regions and cities in the Middle East have changed during the past centuries, therefore, at the end of this report in Appendix II the locations and descriptions of the regions during the period of occurrence of these earth quakes is given. This appendix is based on the geographical work of the Persian and Arab geographers of that time. In addition, for most cities the present coordinates are shown. The dates given in the text were all based on the Moslem calendar. The equivalent of these dates in the Christian calendar is also given.

In his catalogue Suyuti refers to many original sources which had been available to him at that time. Fortunately, many of these sources are presently available in libraries all over the world. Many of these sources which were available at the library of the University of California at Berkeley were consulted by the translator. It seems that Suyuti often had transcribed and in some cases had summarized the information given by the original sources. In any case wherever any additional information was obtained in the original sources it is included in this report.

The translator’s goal has been to augment the information given in the text wherever possible by additional information obtained from the references or other sources about these earth quakes. The objective is to make the description of these earth quakes as comprehensive as possible, such that the description of each earthquake can be counted as a short engineering and seismological report on that earthquake. For this reason wherever data was available, the names of the references, the exact time of the occurrence of the earthquake and its aftershock sequences, the description of the damage, the effect of the earthquake on land and water, and the condition of the people are indicated.


Earthquakes Before The Birth of Mohammed

Earthquakes After The Birth of Mohammed

English from Razani (1972) - embedded

Translation to English by Sprenger (1843)


Jelal-ed-din as-Soyuti, an Egyptian polygrapher of some merit, died in A. H. 911. He wrote this work on the occasion of an earthquake in Egypt, with a view of showing to his countrymen by a number of traditions which have been omitted in this translation, that earthquakes are ordained by God to punish men for their sins. At the same time the author wished to console them by showing them from history, that much more frightful punishments of this kind had taken place than the one under which they suffered in his time. This translation has been made from an Arabic MS. of the Royal Library at Paris, (fonds Asselin N. 218)which is neither very correct nor legible. A better copy is preserved in the library at Gotha. This translation, was not made with the view that it should ever be published, but it was merely intended as a sort of a hasty memorandum for the translator, it will therefore probably not stand the criticism of the philologist, though the student of Natural Philosophy may rely, that the facts are in general correctly rendered into English.. S.

It would appear that this is the original of the Persian work known amongst the native literati of the Western Provinces, by the name of ' Zelzele Namah,' for which enquiry was made sometime ago by Lieut. Baird Smith. See Proceedings of Nov. 1842, Vol. xi, p.1201. Upon our mentioning it to Dr. Sprenger, he expressed this opinion, and has been kind enough to place this curious little Treatise at our disposal for the Journal.Ens.


  • This translation is abridged and there are typos
  • Dates are A.H. - approximately 622-623 years lower than the equivalent Julian year - Use CHRONOS to convert dates
94. On the 20th of Adar (March) an earthquake in Syria, which lasted forty days. Many buildings were destroyed in Antiochia.

98. Again for forty days, during the Khalifat of Omar Ben Abdulaziz, in Syria.

130. There was an earthquake at Damascus, which was so violent, that the people were obliged to leave the town.

131. Several new shocks in Damascus.

180. In Egypt a very violent earthquake. The minaret of Alexandria was destroyed.

187. At Masisa as,a,,,Actif an earthquake and an inundation.

203. In Khorasan an earthquake which lasted seventy days ; the mosque of Balkh and the fourth part of the town were destroyed.

219. Great darkness from noon until the evening.

220. Antiochia was destroyed by an earthquake, which lasted forty days.

224. An earthquake at Fergana, by which 15,000 persons perished.

225. An earthquake at Ahwaz for sixteen days ; it was also felt in Jebal.

233. At Damascus many persons were buried under their houses; the earthquake extended to Antiochia, Mesopotamia, and Mausil. It is supposed that 50,000 persons perished.

232. Several earthquakes, more particularly in the Maghrib and in Syria, where the walls of Damascus and Emessa were destroyed. It was felt at Antiochia and El-Awassim in Mesopotamia and Mausil.

233. On Thursday, the 11 th of Rabi-al-Akhar, many buildings were destroyed at Damascus by an earthquake.

234. At Herat, the houses were destroyed.

239. At Tiberias.

240. In the Maghrib, thirteen villages of Kairowan sunk.

242. In Shaban a very violent earthquake. At Tunis about 45,000 persons were buried under their houses; it extended also over Yemen, Khorasan, Fars, Syria, Bastam, Komm Kashan, Rai, el-Damaghan, Nishapur, Taberistan and Ispahan. The mountains fell down, and the earth opened so extensively that men could walk into it ; and in the village El-sud 4",,.J1 in Egypt, five stones fell from heaven. One stone fell on the tent of a Bedouin and set it on fire. The weight of these stones was ten rotles. In Yemen a hill covered with fields moved from its place and became the property of another tribe.

245. Earthquakes prevailed over the whole earth, and many towns and bridges were destroyed. At Antiochia a mountain fell into the sea, with 1005 houses. It had been covered with about ninety villages. The river disappeared one farsang's distance. Dreadful noises were heard at Tinnis. In Mecca all the springs disappeared. The earthquake extended over Rakka, Harran, Ras el-'Ain, Emessa, Damascus, Rokha, Tarsus, Massissa and Adina. On the shores of Syria, in Laodicea, mountains moved with their inhabitants, and when it had destroyed , El-son, it crossed the Euphrates, and was felt in Khorassan.

249. In Dhul Hajj was a very violent earthquake, at Rai the houses fell down, and the people took flight into the fields.

258. At Wasit about 20,000 persons were buried under their houses, by an earthquake.

268. At Bagdad an earthquake, followed by torrents of rain and a thunder-storm.

280. At Ardebil six earthquakes took place in the course of this year ; 100,000 persons died under the ruins of their houses. One of these earthquakes was preceded by an eclipse of the moon, darkness and wind.

288. An earthquake which lasted for some days.

289. In Rejeb at Bagdad, it lasted for some days. On the day of Arafat which fell in summer, the wind was so cold, that the people were obliged to dress in furs.

300. A mountain split at Dinawar, and streams of water gushed out from it, which submerged many villages. A star split into three pieces, and this was followed by a frightful noise.

331. At Nesa many buildings tumbled down, and many people perished.

344. An earthquake in Egypt ; it lasted three hours, and did great damage.

345. An earthquake at Hamadan, many lives were lost.

346. An earthquake at Rai and about that town, it lasted 40 days, then it discontinued for sometime, but it again returned. It extended to Talikftn, and there sunk 150 villages belonging to Rai. At Rai a mountain sunk, and an enormous chasm opened from which water and smoke gushed out.

347. An earthquake at Komm, Holwan, Kaman and Jebal, many people perished ; at the same time Bagdad suffered from an earthquake. During the reign of Kafur the Akhshidian, repeated shocks of earthquakes visited Egypt within the space of six months.

362. Several castles in Syria were ruined by an earthquake.

363. At Wasit.

376. Many persons perished under the ruins caused by an earthquake.

393. In Syria, Abasim, and the Greek frontier, many castles were ruined by an earthquake.

398. In Shaban at Dinawar 10,000 persons perished under the ruins, besides those swallowed up by the ground. An inundation took place at Shiraz, and many ships were wrecked at sea. During the reign of El-Hakim El-Obeidi, who ruled from 386 to 411 in Egypt, several earthquakes took place.

425. Many earthquakes took place in Egypt and Syria, by which one-third of Ramlah was destroyed. The walls of Jerusalem fell down, and many villages were swallowed up by the ground.

434. At Tebris, the fortress and the town were nearly destroyed by an earthquake, and about 40,000 persons perished. Many also perished at Tadmor and Balbek by the same cause.

438. Khelat and Diarbekr.

444. An earthquake in Ahwaz, by which much destruction was caused.

450. In the month of Shahan an earthquake at Bagdad, which extended to Hamadan and Tekrit.

455. Sha'ban ; at Wasit, Antiochia, Laodicea, Sul, Akka and over all Syria. The walls of Tripolis were destroyed.

458. Jomadal Akhr in Khorassan, mountains were split, and many villages sunk under the inhabitants ; some saved themselves by taking refuge in the open fields. Soyuti gives a copy of the document which was sent to Bagdad on this occasion. The earthquake is thus described It caused the mountains to split ; it cleft hills, overturned towns together with their inhabitants, and it levelled them with the ground in such a way that but few people escaped. Most buildings lay in ruins, and it is impossible to ascertain the number of those who perished.

460. Tuesday I I th Jomadalawwal, an earthquake in Palestine : Ramla was destroyed. It extended to the Hejaz. It reached also Wadi EI-Szafr, Khaiber, Bedr, Yanba, Wadi-kora, Teima and Tabuk, and it extended as far as Kufa ; only two houses of Ramla remained, 25,000 persons perished. 'Aila was destroyed with all its inhabitants, the earthquake was also felt at Jerusalem. The sea receded from the coast, but soon returned again into its place. In all these countries it was felt at the same hour.

462. Tuesday llth Jomadalawwal at Ramla, and its dependencies, Jerusalem and Egypt. One corner of the principal mosque of Cairo gave way ; it was immediately succeeded by two other earthquakes.

464. The earth trembled six times at Bagdad in one earthquake.

478. In Moharrem there was an earthquake at Arjan, under which many Greeks perished.

479. In Irak, in Mesopotamia and in Syria, many buildings were destroyed by an earthquake.

484. In Syria and elsewhere, many buildings, ninety villages, and the walls of Antiochia were destroyed by an earthquake.

508. In Mesopotamia thirteen villages belonging to Roha were destroyed, and part of the walls of Herren ; also in Elsun about 100 houses and one-half of the fortress were destroyed.

511. In the days of Arafat were many houses destroyed at Bagdad.

513. The 5th of Ramadan Kazwin was destroyed by an earthquake which returned the following year precisely at the same time.

515. In the Hejaz.

516. At Jannezah part of its wall sunk.

524. Rabi 1st, at Bagdad, many houses were destroyed.

529. At Bagdad several shocks ; it began on Thursday the 11th of Shawal and lasted the whole day, amounting to six shocks until Friday night. On the 17th, three shocks took place from midnight till day-break.

532. An earthquake in Syria, Mesopotamia and Irak ; many persons were buried under the ruins.

533. At Jannezah 130,000 persons lost their lives. Jannezah sunk, and the spot was covered with black water for the distance of ten farsangs ; also Aleppo suffered eighty shocks in one night. It was felt over all the world, but strongest in Aleppo.

538. On the 14th of Zu-l-ka'de, which fell on a Tuesday, was a great earthquake over all the world.

544. At Bagdad about ten shocks were felt, and a mountain fell near Holwan ; the Turkomans suffered greatly.

549. A great fiery wind blew one evening : every body believed that the last day was come ; this was succeeded by an earthquake ; the water of the Tigris disappeared for a while, but made again its appearance.

550. An earthquake at Bagdad.

552. In Syria, the greater part of Aleppo was destroyed ; there suffered also Hamat, Shaizar, Emessa, Hisn al Akrad (the fort of the Kurds,) Laodicea, Antiochia. In Shaizar only one woman and a slave were saved. In Kafertab not one individual was saved. In Affania the castle was swallowed up, and many towns of the Franks suffered. The walls of several towns of Syria were destroyed ; the children perished in the schools, and no one came to ask for them.

551. And the following year several earthquakes took place in Syria.

551. In the night of Rabi 2nd, was a great earthquake. It was preceded and followed by others. In the night of the 25th, at Aleppo, Hamat, and many other places, there were about forty shocks. It was one of the most tremendous earthquakes. On the 29th of the same. month, an earthquake took place towards the end of the day, and continued during the night. The first of Ramazan three shocks. On the third of the same month three earthquakes ; one at noon, the others at midnight. In the middle of Ramazan there was an earthquake at night, and another in the morning, and two during the following night, and another shock the subsequent day. In the night of the 23d of Ramazan and in the second of Shawal, new shocks of earthquakes were felt which were more violent than the preceding ones, there were also earthquakes on the 7th, 16th and 17th, and in the night of the 22d.

552. In the night of 19th of Safr, a great earthquake took place which was followed by another shock ; a third one took place in the night of the 20th, and the following day in Syria. In the night of the 25th Jomada 1st, four shocks. In the night of the 4th of Jomada 2d, several shocks, particularly at Aleppo and Emessa, where they were destructive ; also in Hamat, Kafertab, and Taima. In the 4th of Rajeb at day time at Damascus it was so violent, that never the like had been seen ; it caused some destruction. In the night of Friday the 8th of Rajeb there were three earth- quakes, which were followed by other earthquakes on Saturday, Sunday and Monday night, and several shocks after that. It did great damage in Hamat, Shiraz, and Emessa. In Damascus it did not begin before Monday the 29th of Rejeb, but caused great consternation. Another earthquake took place on the 24th of Ramazan, which was terribly felt at Aleppo, and Hamat (Apamea,) where it continued for sometime with intermissions. In the night of Saturday the 10th of Shawal and in the night of the 10th of Dilkada, and on the night of the 23d and 25th of the same month, people were so frightened by earthquakes, that they took refuge in the fields. Apamea was destroyed.

565. An earthquake in Syria, Mesopotamia and almost all the ,world ; it destroyed many walls and houses in Syria, more particularly at Damascus, Emessa, Apamea, Aleppo and Balbek.

574. In Armenia and in the country of Irbil.

575. A great earthquake.

592. Great wind over all the world, and an earthquake in Egypt.

593. A large star was split, and a tremendous noise was caused by it, which made the earth tremble. This took place on Friday the 9th of Jomada 2d.

597. In Shawan, there was an earthquake almost over all the world, more particularly in Upper Egypt, where it caused great destruction ; it extended over Syria and the sea, Mesopotamia, the Greek Empire and Irak ; it was particularly destructive in Syria. It was also felt in Armenia, Azerbijan, and it is calculated that through this earthquake 1,100,000 lives were lost. The first shock lasted but a short time, but after that it continued for several days, and it seems that it came from Mesopotamia to the sea-coast.

578. In Shaban at Emessa, the castle of the Kurds was destroyed ; it extended as far ,,as Nablus.

600. An earthquake in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, Mausil, Irak, the Greek Empire and Cyprus ; it extended as far as Sabta in the Maghrib.

605. An earthquake at Nishapur, which lasted ten days.

608. In Egypt and Cairo many persons lost their lives, and great smoke arose west of Damascus.

623. On Monday, on the new moon of the latter Jomada, a noise was heard about Medina for two days, which was followed by a great earthquake, which caused great destruction.

657. In Egypt.

661. Mausil.

662. In Egypt.

667. In Sus, by which many castles were destroyed and many lives lost.

692. In the month of Safr at Ramla, Fakul and El-Kerk three villages were destroyed.

693. In Egypt.

702. On the 23d Dhilhajj, Thursday, in Egypt and Syria, many persons were buried under the ruins, and all Alexandria was submerged under the sea.

722. In Mohurrum at Damascus at night.

729. In Rajah, at Tripolis and in Syria.

744. In Egypt and Syria.

741. On the 4th of Ramazan, two shocks in one hour at Cairo.

775. A slight earthquake at Cairo.

787. On the 13th of Shahan, slight earthquake at Cairo and Egypt.

788. The 18th Jomada 2nd, a slight earthquake.

791. Sufr at Nishapur, violent wind and earthquake ; many souls lost. Nishapur was seven times destroyed by earthquakes, but this time was the worst. Aleppo and its dependencies suffered from earthquakes on Jomada 2nd, and Shawan and Jomada 1st ; and besides that several times in the same year.

809. An earthquake in Antiochia, many lives lost.

811. In Shaban about Aleppo and Tripolis, many lives lost by earthquakes

822. At Arzangin 1 and Constantinople.

825. At Cairo.

828. In Shaban, in Egypt, three shocks in one day.

834. In Shahan, at Granada, and in Spain.

838. In Rabi 2d at Cairo.

841. In Shaban at Cairo, a slight earthquake.

861. At Arzangin, the most part of which was destroyed.

863. At Kerk 100 lives lost by an earthquake.

881. In Egypt a slight earthquake at night.

880. 17th of Mohurrum, at noon, a violent earthquake in Egypt.

888. The 9th of Jomada 1st, on Sunday, a slight earthquake.

889. Rabi 1st, six or more terrible shocks at Aleppo.

896. 12th Jornada 2d, on Sunday, a slight earthquake in Egypt.

905. The night of Friday 27th Dilhajj, a slight earthquake.

English from Sprenger (1843) - embedded

An Original Manuscript - Arabic

  • The Noor book courtesy of Najib Abou Karaki (personal correspondence, 2022)

Notes regarding Manuscripts by Abou Karaki et al. (2022)

The only way to reproduce manuscripts was to recopy them manually, often by others than the original author. Different versions exist derived from an original work. The famous work of the Muslim tenth century paleographer Jalal-Eddine Al-Suyouti exists in twenty copies of variable qualities (Al-Sadani, 1971) p. XVII). One of them, namely that of the British Museum library, Ms. No. 5872, is known to be incomplete and to have some lack of accuracy problems (Al-Sadani, 1971) p. XIV). To illustrate this kind of difficulties by an example, the earthquake of 11 March 1068 AD is said to have destroyed the totality of Ramla except 2 “houses” (in Arabic DARRAN) in one manuscript or except 2 “lanes” (DARBAN) in another copy. The process of copying tend to produce, propagate and amplify errors. However this is not the only aspect of the problem, the ancient Arabic writing style is much more difficult to read and interpret. Recognizing the correct signification of a written word which could have a number of very different meanings is a matter of habit, training and context. Old style writing means more difficulties at least as far as the habit factor of the reader is concerned.


References for Al-Ghuzzi - Continuator of As-Suyuti

Title page of Al-Sadani's semi critical arabic manuscript of as-Suyuti's Earthquake Catalog

Image from a Manuscript