Al-Sadani, Abdul Latif (1971). (Jalal-Eddine Al-Suyouti) Kasff Al-Salsala Wa Wasf Al-Zalzalah, in Arabic.
Rabat, Morocco.- Iaakov Karcz thinks this was used by Ambraseys (2009). Abou Karaki et al (2022) cite this text -
at HathiTrust
Al-Sadani, A. (1971). (Jalal-Eddine Al-Suyouti) Kasff Al-Salsala Wa Wasf Al-Zalzalah, in Arabic.
Rabat, Morocco.- Iaakov Karcz thinks this was used by Ambraseys (2009). Abou Karaki et al (2022) cite this text -
open access from
Ambraseys, N. (1961). On the seismicity of south-west Asia; Data from XV-century Arabic MS
, Revue pour l'Etude des Calamites, Geneva, 37, 18-33. - Razani (1972) says this contains an abridged
catalog of Suyuti that may be superior to that of Sprenger (1843)
Nejjar, S. (1973-1974). Traité du tremblement de terre / Jalal ad-Din as-Suyut'i ;
trad. annotée [de l'arabe] de Saïd Nejjar. Rabat, Cahiers du centre universitaire de la recherche scientifique.
- recommended as a better fuller translation by Iaakov Karcz
Razani, Reza (1972) A Chronology of the Historical Earthquakes in the Middle East
, translated and prepared by Reza Razani based on a detailed translation of the material of the Lahors copy of a XV century Arabic
treatise on earthquakes entitled KASF AL-SALSALAH AN WASF AL-ZALZALAH written by Jalal-Al-Din Suyuti (1445-1506),
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA USA April 1972.
- open access at
Sprenger (1843). "As-Soyuti's work on Earthquakes, ." Journal of The Asiatic Society of Bengal 12(141): 741-749. -
open access at - this translation is abridged
al-Da’udi, continuator of al-Suyuti, in Kashf al-salsala, pp. 62–64; also al-Hafiz (1982).
al-Ghuzzi, al-Najm (1982). al-Ghuzzi, al-Najm; continuator of al-Suyuti, in al-Hafiz (1982).
al-Hafiz, Muhammad Muti’ (1980–82) Nusus ghayr manshura ’an al-zalazil
, BEO 32 and 33 (for 1980–81), Damascus, 1982, pp. 256–264. - at JSTOR
al-Bayhaqi, The Proofs of Prophethood (aka The signs of prophethood aka Dala'il al-Nubuwwah)
al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din (K), Kashf al-salsala ’an wasf al-zalzala,
ed. Abd al-Latif Sa’adani, Fez, 1971. Also B: BM MS
Or. 5852, 1768; P: BNP MSS Ar. 5929, 1706; C: Cairo
NM MS N324; CB: Cambridge Or. 8.172, 1760; L:
Lahore BM Opuscula 14521.c.37, 1890; for a recent
translation into Russian see Buniyatov (1983). Also
Husn al-muhudara fi akhbar Misr wa‘l-Qahira, ed.
Cairo, 1882.
Khasais al kubra by Imam Suyuti
Abou Karaki, N., et al. (2022). Seismological and Remote Sensing Studies in the Dead Sea Zone, Jordan 1987–2021.
in Applications of Space Techniques on the Natural Hazards in the MENA Region. M. M. Al Saud. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 589-621.
Guest, A. R. (1902), ‘The Delta in the Middle Ages’, J. R. Asiat. Soc. for 1912, 941–982.
al-Suyuti's biography, written by his disciple
'Abd al-Kadir al-Shadhili, Bahdjat al-adbidin bitardjamat Djaldl al-Din (mss. in London, Dublin, Kuwayt)
Shams al-Din al-Dawudi, Taradjamat al-Suyuti (ms. Tubingen)
Nadjm al-Din al-Ghazzi, al-Kawakib al-sa'ira bi-a'ydn al-mi'a a al-'ashira, Beirut 1945, i, 226-31.
E.M. Sartain, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti - remains the most complete study in a Western language
eadem, Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti's relations with the people of Takrur, in JSS, xvi (1971), 193-8.
S. Abu Djib mentions several studies in Arabic (op. cit., 331-2).
In his Muhammad's birthday festival (Leiden 1993, 45-70), N.J. Kaptein presents and translates al-Suyuti's
fatwa which validates the practice of the mawlid nabawi