al-Suyuti References Open this page in a new tab

Translations and Original Texts

Earthquake Catalog

Al-Sadani, Abdul Latif (1971). (Jalal-Eddine Al-Suyouti) Kasff Al-Salsala Wa Wasf Al-Zalzalah, in Arabic. Rabat, Morocco.- Iaakov Karcz thinks this was used by Ambraseys (2009). Abou Karaki et al (2022) cite this text - at HathiTrust

Al-Sadani, A. (1971). (Jalal-Eddine Al-Suyouti) Kasff Al-Salsala Wa Wasf Al-Zalzalah, in Arabic. Rabat, Morocco.- Iaakov Karcz thinks this was used by Ambraseys (2009). Abou Karaki et al (2022) cite this text - open access from

Ambraseys, N. (1961). On the seismicity of south-west Asia; Data from XV-century Arabic MS , Revue pour l'Etude des Calamites, Geneva, 37, 18-33. - Razani (1972) says this contains an abridged catalog of Suyuti that may be superior to that of Sprenger (1843)

Nejjar, S. (1973-1974). Traité du tremblement de terre / Jalal ad-Din as-Suyut'i ; trad. annotée [de l'arabe] de Saïd Nejjar. Rabat, Cahiers du centre universitaire de la recherche scientifique. - recommended as a better fuller translation by Iaakov Karcz

Razani, Reza (1972) A Chronology of the Historical Earthquakes in the Middle East , translated and prepared by Reza Razani based on a detailed translation of the material of the Lahors copy of a XV century Arabic treatise on earthquakes entitled KASF AL-SALSALAH AN WASF AL-ZALZALAH written by Jalal-Al-Din Suyuti (1445-1506), Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA USA April 1972. - open access at

Sprenger (1843). "As-Soyuti's work on Earthquakes, ." Journal of The Asiatic Society of Bengal 12(141): 741-749. - open access at - this translation is abridged

Continuators (references come from Ambraseys, 2009)

al-Da’udi, continuator of al-Suyuti, in Kashf al-salsala, pp. 62–64; also al-Hafiz (1982).

al-Ghuzzi, al-Najm (1982). al-Ghuzzi, al-Najm; continuator of al-Suyuti, in al-Hafiz (1982).

al-Hafiz, Muhammad Muti’ (1980–82) Nusus ghayr manshura ’an al-zalazil , BEO 32 and 33 (for 1980–81), Damascus, 1982, pp. 256–264. - at JSTOR

References for Al-Ghuzzi - Continuator of As-Suyuti

Other Texts related to the Sign of the Prophet Quake

al-Bayhaqi, The Proofs of Prophethood (aka The signs of prophethood aka Dala'il al-Nubuwwah)

al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din (K), Kashf al-salsala ’an wasf al-zalzala, ed. Abd al-Latif Sa’adani, Fez, 1971. Also B: BM MS Or. 5852, 1768; P: BNP MSS Ar. 5929, 1706; C: Cairo NM MS N324; CB: Cambridge Or. 8.172, 1760; L: Lahore BM Opuscula 14521.c.37, 1890; for a recent translation into Russian see Buniyatov (1983). Also Husn al-muhudara fi akhbar Misr wa‘l-Qahira, ed. Cairo, 1882.

Khasais al kubra by Imam Suyuti

Articles and Books
References from the Encyclopedia of Islam

al-Suyuti's biography, written by his disciple 'Abd al-Kadir al-Shadhili, Bahdjat al-adbidin bitardjamat Djaldl al-Din (mss. in London, Dublin, Kuwayt)

Shams al-Din al-Dawudi, Taradjamat al-Suyuti (ms. Tubingen)

Nadjm al-Din al-Ghazzi, al-Kawakib al-sa'ira bi-a'ydn al-mi'a a al-'ashira, Beirut 1945, i, 226-31.

E.M. Sartain, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti - remains the most complete study in a Western language

eadem, Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti's relations with the people of Takrur, in JSS, xvi (1971), 193-8.

S. Abu Djib mentions several studies in Arabic (op. cit., 331-2).

In his Muhammad's birthday festival (Leiden 1993, 45-70), N.J. Kaptein presents and translates al-Suyuti's fatwa which validates the practice of the mawlid nabawi