The north gate of Jerash is located at the north end of the cardo at the northern terminus of the city.
savior and founderof the city. However, Kraeling (1938:47) attributed the dedication to the improvement of the roads out of Jerash; in particular the Road to Pella which enabled direct connections to the coastal cities of Caesarea and Ptolemais (aka Acre). This contention may be supported by the plan of the north gate whose northern face is angled towards Pella. If the Incense Road Earthquake was caused by a fault break on the Araba fault, seismic damage at Jerash would likely have been light.
Kraeling, C. (1938) Gerasa: City of the Decapolis, American Schools of Oriental Research. - can be borrowed with a free account at
Kraeling, C. (1938) Gerasa: City of the Decapolis, American Schools of Oriental Research. - open access at Hathi Trust