Transliterated Name | Source | Name |
Gezer or Tel Gezer | Hebrew | גֶּזֶר |
Tell Jezar or Tell el-Jezari | Arabic | تل الجزر |
Ga-az-ru | Assyrian Akkadian | |
Gazara | ||
Gadara ? | Josephus |
Gezer is located in the Shephelah - a transition region between the Judean Mountains and the coastal plain. Roughly halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, it had a long history of occupation starting at least at the end of the 4th millennium BCE in the Chalcolithic. Although there were later occupations, it's heyday appears to have ended in the Iron Age ( William J. Dever in Stern et al, 1993 v. 2).
The earliest mention of the site is in an inscription of Thutmose III (c. 1490- 1436 BCE) on the walls of the great Temple of Amon at Karnak. There, a scene commemorating this pharaoh's victories on his first campaign to Asia in 1468 BCE portrays bound captives from Gezer. A short inscription of Thutmose IV (c. 1410-1402 BCE) in his mortuary temple at Thebes refers to Hurrian captives from a city, the name of which is broken but is almost certainly Gezer. During the tumultuous Amarna period, in the fourteenth century BCE, Gezer figures prominently among Canaanite city-states under nominal Egyptian rule. In the corpus of the el-Amarna letters are ten from three different kings of Gezer. Perhaps the best-known Egyptian reference to Gezer is that of Merneptah (c. 1207 BCE) in his "Israel" stela, in which it is claimed that Israel has been destroyed and Gezer seized. The conquest of Gezer is also celebrated in another inscription of this pharaoh, found at Amada.
“Carried off is Canaan with every evil, Brought away is Ascalon, taken is Gezer, Yenoam is reduced to non-existence; Israel is laid waste having no seed.” [9]The historicity of Merneptah’s southern Levantine campaign and his attack on Gezer (dated to his 5th year) enjoys wide acceptance [10]. Further evidence comes from the Amada Stela, where the king proudly titles himself as the “subduer of Gezer” [9] and the event may even be depicted in a battle relief at Karnak [11].
The first intensive exploration of Tel Gezer was conducted by R. A. S. Macalister during the years 1902–1905 and 1907–1909, under the auspices of the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF). Macalister published the results of these early excavations in three volumes (1912). Macalister excavated nearly 40 percent of the tel. Unfortunately, the methods of excavation were very primitive, as Macalister dug the site in strips and backfilled each trench. As a result of his excavations, he distinguished eight levels of occupation.
The first excavations at Gezer were conducted between 1902 and 1909 by R. A. S. Macalister for the Palestine Exploration Fund. The findings were published in three substantial volumes in 1912. These excavations were the largest yet undertaken by the fund or anyone else in Palestine, not surpassed in size or importance until the Germans worked at Jericho and the Americans at Samaria in 1908. Macalister began at the eastern end of the mound with a series of trenches, each about 10 m wide, running the entire width of the mound. Hedugeach trench down to bedrock(as deep as 13 m in some places). Then, proceeding to the next trench, he dumped the debris into the trench he had just completed. Although his notion of stratification was primitive-- even judged by the standards of the day - he was able to recognize as many as nine strata. In the excavation report he combined his architectural remains into six large plans. Each purports to represent a coherent stratum but is actually a composite of elements several centuries apart. The pottery was grouped according to seven general periods, some covering as many as eight hundred years: Pre-Semitic, First through Fourth Semitic, Hellenistic, and Roman-Byzantine. The remaining material was published by categories rather than by chronological periods - all the burials together, all the domestic architecture, all the cult objects, all the metal and lithic objects - and scarcely a single item can be related to the general strata, let alone to specific buildings.
South Gate Stratum (Tandy excavation) |
Site-wide stratum (HUC excavation) |
Period | Discussion |
12B | XV | LB IIB |
Stratum 12B (XV; LB IIB) is the earliest horizon for which a wide exposure has been
achieved and features a large building (ca. 15 m x 20 m) (Fig 4). The building extends all the
way to the slope edge and has partially eroded away, such that the southern closing wall can
only tentatively be reconstructed. There are two major room units (A–C and D) and a courtyard (E); Room F forms an auxiliary western room or part of an adjacent building. Working
Room A includes a stone vat and a well-worn disc-shaped working surface that was initially
interpreted as a pillar base; small finds here included a scarab of Amenhotep III, a cylinder seal
and several gold foil pieces. Several key finds were also retrieved from Room D, particularly a
bifacial plaque with the cartouche of Thutmose III – a typical 19th Dynasty product commemorating the 18th Dynasty ruler. The overall nature and function of the Phase 12B building is
uncertain, but the excavators suggest it served as an elite residency [58]. |
12A | XIV | Iron IA |
Stratum 12A (XIV; Iron IA). The inhabitants of Gezer evidently quickly re-established themselves following the destruction, as is indicated by a minor rebuild of the elite residency, and by similar re-use of architecture in Field II (local Str. 12) [47]. This phase is dated to Iron IA. |
11 | XIII–XII | Iron IA/B |
In Stratum 11 (XIII–XII; Iron IA/B) the layout changed completely (Fig 5 left). Gezer was apparently fortified during Iron I: a portion of the city wall was revealed along the edge of the slope, directly over the remains of Stratum 12. Little is known regarding the city gate or other elements of this fortification system. Against the northern face of the city wall, a row of irregularly sized units (1–5) was built, interpreted as storage rooms and perhaps forming a precursor to the Iron II casemate system. Further inside the city some 150 m2 of a building complex was exposed; this includes a large pillared room (D) and other partially-defined spaces to the north (A) and east (B, C, E, F). Stratum 11 has been dated to Iron IA/B. Notably, Philistine pottery (‘Philistine 2’ ware) appears for the first time in this horizon. |
10 | XI–IX | Iron IB |
Stratum 10 (XI–IX; Iron IB) with its two sub-phases reflects modifications to the plan of
the Stratum 11 complex (Fig 5 right). Surfaces were replaced and dividing walls added or
removed until an arrangement of four spaces (A–D) was reached in Stratum 10A (Fig 6 left).
In this last sub-phase an east-west street is evident, running along the northern wall of the
complex. The fortification wall and row of units adjoining the complex to the south were used
in Stratum 10 without modification. |
9 | Iron I/IIA |
Stratum 9 (Iron I/IIA) is an ephemeral phase that comprises the rebuild of a domestic structure (Fig 6 right). The builders were well aware of the destroyed Stratum 10 horizon and built directly on its architecture, integrating or reusing some architectural elements (e.g. Room 4 walls of Stratum 10). Stratum 9 seems to be associated with a new city wall that was subsequently further transformed in Stratum 8. The stratum may belong to late Iron I or early Iron IIA. |
8 | VIII | Iron IIA |
Stratum 8 (VIII; Iron IIA) signals a major transformation at Gezer, with the appearance of
monumental architecture (Fig 7). A new fortification system featuring a massive six-chambered gate, casemate wall and new stone-covered glacis was built in this part of the site, and a
large administrative building laid out close by. Macalister encountered the gate and casemate
but misdated them to the Hellenistic period [37]. Both were investigated stratigraphically by
HUC after Yadin identified the gate’s partial plan in Macalister’s drawings–similar to gates at
Hazor (X) and Megiddo (Str. VA–IVB) [39, 48, 49]. The Tandy expedition re-exposed ca. 27
m of the casemate wall west of the gate (after which it gives way to a single wall line) and identified an accompanying stone-covered glacis. To the fortification system of Stratum 8, HUC
would add the Outer Wall and lower gateway [55], but the stratigraphic associations of these
elements is debated. Finkelstein [75] has associated the construction of both with Stratum VII
(= Tandy Stratum 7). |
7 | VII | Iron IIA |
In Stratum 7 (VII; Iron IIA) the character of the gate area changed from administrative to
domestic, and adjoining units were built along the north face of the city wall (Fig 8). One fully
excavated building unit (D) includes a main pillared room and an interconnected group of
storage and work rooms. The casemate wall was re-used but the gate was rebuilt with a fourchambered plan [48, 49]. |
6 | VI | Iron IIB |
In Stratum 6 (VI; Iron IIB) the character of the architecture changed again, and three major public buildings were erected west of the city gate. In the northwestern part of its excavation, the Tandy expedition exposed a Four Room House [123], similar to but significantly larger than others found in adjacent Field VII [51]. The domestic buildings show clear evidence of destruction by fire, and the end of the stratum has been associated with the historically well-known campaign of the Assyrian monarch Tiglath Pileser III [35, 60]. |
Short-lived organic materials (primarily charred seeds) suitable for radiocarbon dating were collected throughout the ten Tandy excavation seasons, found in association with floors, installations, phytolith layers, burials and destruction layers. During the 2017 field season, the lead author worked with the team to improve the retrieval rate of smaller seeds/fragments from the most secure contexts (i.e. low likelihood of residual or intrusive material) by using targeted fine dry sieving. Samples for dating were selected to represent the series of overlying occupation horizons, where possible using multiple contexts and at least three measurements per stratum. Priority was given to contexts with evidence of in situ burning or larger concentrations of organic material (seed clusters, phytolith layers). Almost the whole late LBA through Iron IIA stratigraphy, from Stratum 12B through 7 was addressed (Table 3), with data lacking only for Stratum 12A. We initially chose not to radiocarbon date Stratum 6 because its expected chronological position (destroyed in 734 BC) would place it on the Hallstatt Plateau [124].
Samples for Stratum 12B derive from a wide variety of contexts across the elite residency (Fig 4). Charred seeds were obtained from the burnt contents of a tabun (L94101; Room D), from ash-filled contents (L94108) of a bin (L94106; Room E) and burnt destruction debris on the floor of Room A (L94032, L94052). L94052 is a concentration of charred seeds found together with restorable pottery. Also associated with Stratum 12B are seeds obtained from Vat L82047 (contents L82048); destruction debris within the vat was generally unburnt, making the charred seeds from this context somewhat less secure. The unburnt fully articulated skeleton of Individual #3 (L94120) provided bone collagen for dating. Overall, the samples may be expected to represent the use of the building, predominantly its last years. No dateable material was obtained for the subsequent rebuild of the elite residency (Str. 12A).
Samples from Stratum 11 derive from organic-rich deposits spread across a plaster floor (L92030 and L92040; Room D), and from a foundation deposit (L92008; Room B) (Fig 5 left). Stratum 10B is represented by a concentration of charred olive pits (L92010) on cobbled surface L82064, immediately adjacent to bin L92020 in Room A; three measurements were made from L92010 (Fig 5 right). Stratum 10A samples come from seeds on the plaster floor (L82040) of Room B, and a seed concentration associated with storage jars in Room A (L82026; Fig 6 left). Just one sample was identified that can reliably date Stratum 9: seeds on cobbled surface L82023 (Fig 6 right).
From the Stratum 8 Courtyard-type Administrative Building, several charred seeds were found on the plastered floors of Rooms 1 and 2 (L71042 and L71037), and others above the courtyard surface of Room 6 (L81011) (Fig 7). Plentiful charred seeds for dating Stratum 7 were obtained from rooms in Unit D, most notably destruction debris (L81002) in Room 5 and the burnt contents of a tabun (L81034) in Room 6 (Fig 8). Additional seeds were found while dismantling the plaster surface of Room 5 (L81025) and within a dog burial north of Unit C (L91050).
All measurements were made on charred seeds, with the exception of SANU-60015 (bone collagen). Adjacent pairs of results marked with an asterisk (*) were measured on the same seed. hpd = highest probability density.
Webster et al. (2023)
A total of 35 radiocarbon dates were run from seven strata / sub-strata, most represented by at least four measurements (Table 3). Multiple measurements were made for several contexts with large seed concentrations (e.g. Str. 12 17/94052, Str. 10B 16/92010, Str. 10A 15/82040 and Str. 7 15/81034). 14C measurement by Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) was carried out at five laboratories, primarily the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) (15 dates), the University of Groningen (9 dates) and BETA Analytic (9 dates). All measurements were made on single entity charred seeds, except for one measurement on bone collagen (SANU-60015, Australian National University facility). Samples were pretreated using an Acid-Base-Acid (ABA) protocol to remove carbon-bearing contaminants [126, 127]; in one case the measurement was made on the humic acid component (GrM-13317). Following ABA, the bone collagen was extracted using a gelatinization and ultrafiltration protocol [128]. Pretreated samples were combusted and the resultant CO2 converted to graphite, a portion of which was used to determine δ13C by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) for isotopic fractionation correction. AMS 14C measurement, along with standards and blanks, was made using a MICADAS (IonPlus®) accelerator at Groningen and ETH Zürich [129, 130], the ANTARES 10MV, STAR 2MV HVEE or VEGA 1MV NEC accelerators at ANSTO [131–133] and the Single Stage AMS at ANU [134].
Radiocarbon ages are reported in 14C years before present (BP) following international convention [135, 136]. Calibrated ages in calendar years were obtained using OxCal v 4.4 [118] and IntCal20 [137] interpolated to yearly intervals (Resolution = 1). Age ranges are given at 68.3% and 95.4% highest probability density (hpd; or ‘highest posterior density’ for modelled ranges).
Five ANSTO dates (prefix ‘OZX’) were revised by the laboratory after unstable current was noted in the AMS run, the correction giving younger ages by approximately 50 14C years BP. This was validated by additional measurements (prefix ‘OZZ’) on the same seed or context.
To obtain more precise chronological information, radiocarbon data was combined with a priori knowledge of relative stratigraphic order using a Bayesian approach [116–118]. Using OxCal v 4.4, dates were arranged in a sequence of ‘phases’ according to the archaeological strata. No internal order was assumed between dates inside the same phase. Single boundaries indicate phases that are contiguous (i.e. strata thought to follow one another without a gap), while an extra boundary and empty phase were introduced where radiocarbon data is lacking (e.g. Stratum 12A). Between Phases 9 and 8 an extra boundary was used due to the especially marked change in architecture and possible gap, and the low data quantity (single date) representing Phase 9. Weighted averages were applied only for measurements from the same seed and only when these pass the χ2 test. Note that the Bayesian models use only radiocarbon data and stratigraphic order within the Tandy excavation field; no constraints from historical information were applied.
There are two approaches to addressing outliers in OxCal [138]. A common strategy has been to iteratively remove dates with the lowest agreement index from the model until the overall model agreement index exceeds 60%. This can sometimes result in the complete exclusion of a substantial portion of data. A second approach utilises OxCal’s outlier functionality to automatically identify and downweigh poorly fitting data. The probability of a date being an outlier is assumed to follow a Student’s t distribution (the so-called ‘General’ model) and an initial 5% prior probability is assumed. The model subsequently calculates posterior outlier probabilities for all dates based on the model fit. These assumptions are appropriate for short-lived materials, which comprise all the Tandy excavation radiocarbon samples. The second approach to outliers–which is the one primarily employed here–is preferable because it generally reduces the need to manually eliminate dates from models. It is, however, sometimes still prudent to test the effect of fully excluding those dates identified as probable outliers, to ensure they are not unduly influencing the model. For robust modelling, both approaches to outliers should yield very similar results. For the purpose of comparison we provide a model using agreement indices in the supplementary data.
The set of independently calibrated radiocarbon dates from Tandy Strata 12B–7 generally reflect the stratigraphic order well (Table 3, Fig 9). The great majority of results are consistent within each stratum/sub-stratum, bearing in mind effects due to the shape of the calibration curve. Dates from multiple laboratories and AMS runs show good agreement, including five pairs of measurements on fragments of the same olive pit (marked blue in Fig 9 and by an asterisk in Table 3).
Two dates in Stratum 8 (Beta-436538 and Beta-436540) seem to be outliers; these seeds were found close to surfaces but not in large clusters and hence the risk of residual material is higher. Two Stratum 12B dates (GrM-13317 and GrM-13321) also appear somewhat early (though with better overlap), but these samples are from large seed concentrations that were certainly burnt in situ and should be reliable; we suspect this may be simply a matter of measurement statistics, or the seeds include material from slightly earlier in the life of Stratum 12B.
Constraining the radiocarbon data with stratigraphic order using a Bayesian approach, Fig 10 Model A utilises all dates and applies OxCal’s ‘General’ outlier model with 5% prior outlier probabilities. The prior and posterior outliers are displayed for each date, after the laboratory code and locus. Only Beta-436538 and Beta-436540 of Stratum 8 show distinctly elevated posterior probabilities of being outliers (44% and 66% respectively). Since these two samples fit poorly with the surrounding data and their contexts are less secure (not seed clusters or burnt in situ, though found on floors), we opted to run a second version of the Bayesian model in which they are fully excluded (Fig 10 Model B). This does not have a major impact on model outcomes but does provide narrower and arguably more realistic estimates for Stratum 8 and its boundaries; hence we prefer this model.
For the purpose of comparison, a model that uses the alternate approach to outliers (i.e. agreement indices and manual, iterative removal of dates) is provided (Model C, S1 Fig). The results are very similar to Models A and B. To reach an overall model agreement index >60%, three dates were iteratively removed, including the same two Stratum 8 dates, and OZ-V267 of Stratum 7.
The output from all models is provided in S1 and S2 Tables, and the OxCal code in S1 Appendix. All elements of the models converged at ≥95%. In the following discussion, results are cited from our preferred model (B) unless specified otherwise. Table 4 summarises key results from Model B: phase transitions and use-length estimates, the latter obtained using OxCal’s ‘Date’ function.
The Bayesian models place Stratum 12 in the 13th century BC, although we cannot yet reliably ascertain when this occupation horizon began. This must await further excavation, particularly of underlying Stratum 13. The end of Stratum 12B is more easily ascertained: constrained with the help of overlying strata, the destruction of the elite residence is placed 1218–1172 BC (68.3% highest posterior density, hpd). The subsequent rebuild of the residence (Str. 12A), though lacking direct data, evidently belongs to the first half of the 12th century BC, and soon gave way to the completely new architecture of Stratum 11 (Start, 1183–1136 BC, 68.3% hpd). Stratum 11 characterised the second half of the 12th century BC, with the modifications of Stratum 10 continuing into the first part of the 11th century BC (10B: 1116–1077 and 10A: 1090–1048, 68.3% hpd). The destruction of Stratum 10A is estimated at 1080–1021 BC (68.3% hpd).
Intermediary Stratum 9, though represented by just one direct data point, is essentially constrained to the second part of the 11th century BC. The transformation of Gezer in Stratum 8, with the erection of fortifications and the Courtyard-type Administrative Building, likely began in the early part of the 10th century BC (998–957 BC, 68.3% hpd). If the two outliers Beta-436538 and Beta-436540 are included in the model (i.e. down-weighted rather than omitted), the start boundary of Stratum 8 includes the late 11th century BC (Model A: 1041–967, 68.3% hpd). Stratum 8 was used during the first part of the 10th century BC, until its destruction near the middle of the century (969–940 BC, 68.3% hpd). While we would ideally like to have additional radiocarbon dates for Stratum 8, the chronological position of this horizon is hard to dispute thanks to constraint provided by overlying Stratum 7.
Stratum 7, with its shift to domestic architecture in the gate area, was used primarily during the later part of the 10th century BC. It was not particularly long-lived, as the site once again fell prey to a destructive event near the close of the 10th century BC or early decades of the 9th century BC (927–885, 68.3% hpd).
The existence and effect of small radiocarbon offsets relative to the calibration curve have recently been a focus of investigation [139–143]. These can arise due to differences in region and growing season of the dated sample compared to the northern hemisphere tree data underlying IntCal; a further contribution can also come from measurement factors (e.g. AMS versus decay-counting). How the regional and growing offsets varied through time is not yet well understood, but all evidence indicates they are small in magnitude, around one to two decades at most. S2 Fig provides a test case whereby a hypothetical offset of 19±5 years is applied to Model B, by using the Delta_R function to shift dates before calibration. 19±5 years is likely an over-estimate, noting that most measurements were made on olive pits, which have a similar (summer) growing season to the northern hemisphere trees underlying IntCal20. The effect of such an offset on the Gezer results is modest, shifting results later by not more than a few decades.
The new radiocarbon series from the Tandy expedition allows us to better establish the absolute chronology of Gezer from the close of the LBA through Iron Age IIA. Since relatively few sites in this region were continuously occupied during the LBA to Iron Age transition (and even fewer of these are well-dated with radiocarbon), a key contribution is made to understanding the archaeology of the Shephelah and coastal plain. Gezer’s strategic position and frequent appearance in textual sources, and the availability of a radiocarbon-based chronology for Egypt, provides a rather unique opportunity to re-examine the impact on Gezer of the complex political changes that occurred in the region during the LBA to Iron Age transition. Bearing in mind the limitations of texts and questions of historicity, we may use the independent radiocarbon chronology of Gezer to test–from a strictly chronological point-of-view–the viability of proposed direct correlations between archaeological remains and recorded events or phenomena.
Fig 11 summarises the 14C-based dates of stratigraphic transitions at Gezer (using the preferred Model B), plotting them alongside radiocarbon results from other southern Levantine sites as well as the 14C-based and traditional accession dates for Egyptian rulers Ramesses II through Sheshonq I. Note that the New Kingdom model follows Dee [3] and Manning [4] and has been updated with IntCal20 [137]. Combining radiocarbon data with known regnal order and lengths (but no traditional absolute data), the model assumes Aston’s ultra-high reign lengths for Thutmoses III through Ramesses II [144], and reign lengths from Schneider [145] for all other rulers. 14C-based results from other southern Levantine sites were obtained using single-site models, for which OxCal code and data references are provided in S1 Appendix.
Radiocarbon data from the Tandy excavation confirms that Gezer was continuously occupied from the 13th through 10th centuries BC, despite multiple disruptive events and rebuilding episodes. The elite residency of Stratum 12B, with its signs of wealth and links to Egypt, provides a window on Gezer during the 13th century BC that is currently only available in this part of the site. The sudden and fiery destruction of this building, in which multiple individuals were killed, occurred in the timeframe 1218–1172 BC (68.3% hpd; or 1244–1148 at 95.4% hpd). The impact of the event on the rest of the town is uncertain, though it may also have left traces in Field II. Various human or natural causes could be invoked to explain the destruction, but we note that the date is compatible with Merneptah’s campaign and his claim to have conquered Gezer (Fig 11). The 14C-based Egyptian model puts his accession at 1241–1219 BC (95.4% hpd) and that of Seti II at 1232–1209 (95.4% hpd). (Models using other reign length assumptions yield similar or slightly higher accession dates for these rulers.) Using the traditional approach to Egyptian chronology, Kitchen would date Merneptah’s reign at 1213–1203 BC [146], while Schneider would place it at 1224–1214 BC [145]. Applying a hypothetical offset of 19±5 year tends to weaken the fit between the Stratum 12B destruction (1198–1152 BC, 68.3% hpd; 1213–1131, 95.4% hpd) and Merneptah, whose reign in the Egyptian 14C-based model does not change by more than a few years.
The destruction of Stratum 12B fits well with radiocarbon data for destructive/disruptive events at other sites in the southern Levant [2]. It is notably similar to the destruction of Lachish–another major LBA city-state just 33 km to the south. Lachish Level VII shows evidence of widespread destruction and is well-dated by radiocarbon to 1218–1191 BC (68.3% hpd; Fig 11) [2]. While the direct causes of destruction or disruption at individual sites probably varied, and the events may have been separated by some years, the overall pattern is commonly viewed as part of a period of turmoil (the so-called ‘Crisis Years’) that affected the wider eastern Mediterranean region [147, 148]. Merneptah’s campaign and attempts to retain control of the southern Levant, appear to be a response to city-states and towns who were rebelling against Egyptian rule. Lachish is not mentioned by Merneptah but given its importance and proximity to Gezer we may speculate that it joined the rebellion or was targeted for its loyalty to Egypt; the latter is perhaps suggested by the strengthening Egyptian influence evident in the architecture and material culture of subsequent Level VI [149].
Gezer evidently recovered quickly with the rebuild of Stratum 12A in the first part of the 12th century BC. The site’s status within the next (last) phase of Egyptian rule in the southern Levant is uncertain, but it does not appear to have had the elevated status of sites like Lachish (VI) and Azekah, which show accumulating wealth and strengthened ties with the Egyptian administration [150]. Perhaps for this reason, Gezer did not share the fate of Lachish and Azekah, which suffered impressive site-wide destructions in the second part of the 12th century BC, after which they were abandoned for more than a century [2, 91, 108, 150, 151].
The Tandy excavation shows a substantial re-organization and planning of the city quarter and construction of a city wall in the timeframe 1183–1136 BC (68.3% hpd, Start Stratum 11). In this new setting, we see the arrival of so-called ‘Philistine’ pottery at Gezer, as type 2 / bichrome. Assuming the ware was indeed associated with the founding and main use of Stratum 11, the radiocarbon result suggests this pottery may have reached Gezer around the mid-12th century BC. It was almost certainly present by the last decades of the century (Stratum 11 phase estimate: 1162–1112 BC, 68.3% hpd).
Gezer provides one of the most robust 14C-based estimates currently available for Philistine 2 pottery and its first occurrence at the borders of Philistia. The result closely matches recent 14C results from Ashkelon (Start 19B: 1173–1131 BC, 68.3% hpd) [111] and is compatible with Tell es-Safi (Gath) (Start A6: 1220–1138 BC, 68.3% hpd) (Fig 11) ([104], see analysis in [2]). Available data from Tel Miqne (Ekron) and Beth Shemesh give distinctly lower estimates for the strata in which Philistine 2 pottery first appear: Start Miqne VIB at 1118–1059BC and Start Beth Shemesh 6 at 1081–989 BC (both 68.3% hpd). However, a close review (for details, see [2]) suggests that the discrepancy may be due to data limitations: key strata at Tel Miqne are represented by single contexts [98], and measurements for Level 6 at Beth Shemesh come from a single olive pit [152].
Occupation at Gezer continued well into the 11th century BC. There are indications of multiple disruption episodes in other parts of the site that are contemporary with Strata 11–10, notably Field VI (local Str. 6 ‘Granary’ and local Str. 5 Courtyard Houses) [50]. Unfortunately, these lack 14C data, but they may reflect Gezer’s position during Iron I, in a border/conflict region between emerging polities. In the southern part of the Gezer mound, destruction came in the timeframe 1080–1021 BC (68.3% hpd; or 1097–999 at 95.4% hpd), with the end of Tandy Stratum 10 (Stratum IX). This event seems to have been site-wide, reflected in nearby Field VII, local Str. 8 and perhaps also Field VI, local Str. 4.
HUC’s correlation of Stratum IX with Solomon’s era or Siamun, judged solely from the chronological point-of-view, seems improbable. The end of Tandy Stratum 10A is estimated by 14C within the 11th century BC, contemporary with the 21st Dynasty of Egypt but too early for Solomon by any estimate. There is limited overlap with the 14C-based estimate for the accession year of Siamun (1019–977 BC, 95.4% hpd) and none with traditional estimates for his reign (978–959 BC [146] or 995–976 BC [145]). Aside from any specific historical association at Gezer, the Tandy 14C results indicate that stamp seal impressions of the type found in the destruction can predate the reigns of Siamun and Sheshonq I. Indeed, the latest analysis of these seals associates them more broadly with the 21st Dynasty (i.e. 1110–945 BC, 95.4% hpd by the 14C Egyptian chronology) [153].
The construction of Stratum VIII (Tandy Stratum 8) likely occurred in the first part of the 10th century BC (Start 8: 998–957 BC, 68.3% hpd; 1023–942 BC, 95.4% hpd). The data and model–with constraints provided by overlying Stratum 7 –rule out a 9th century BC date for Stratum VIII (contra [81, 85–88]). The start of Stratum 8 provides an estimate for the Iron I to IIA material culture transition in this geographic area. The transition cannot be later than Stratum 8, since this horizon is unambiguously Iron IIA, however it could (at least in theory) be slightly earlier since the attribution of intermediate Stratum 9 may be Iron I or Iron IIA. The results for Strata 9 and 8 fit acceptably with 14C results from transitional Iron I/IIA strata at other sites in the same region: Khirbet Qeiyafa [91, 109, 110], Khirbet al-Rai (Level VII) [91] and Beth Shemesh (Level 4) [106, 107]. Note that the boundaries shown in Fig 11 were calculated using independent single-site models that do not equate strata a priori based on pottery (cf. [154]). The earlier dates for the Iron I to IIA transition emerging from southern sites stand in contrast to later estimates from sites in the north such as Dor [98] and Rehov [103], suggesting the need for a more nuanced approach to the chronology of this period that explores potential delays in material culture change in different parts of the country.
The Iron I/IIA transition sees the onset of monumental buildings and fortifications indicative of central administration and the development or expansion of polities. Notably, radiocarbon shows that the phenomena appeared at Gezer and Khirbet Qeiyafa in a similarly early timeframe: late 11th or early 10th century BC. The start of Khirbet Qeiyafa should be treated somewhat cautiously since this is a single occupation horizon (thus with less constraint available for modelling) and most of the dates likely pertain to the later part of the stratum; nonetheless the founding of this well-fortified site, like Gezer, cannot date beyond the first part of the 10th century BC. Other 14C-dated strata with indications of central administration may be somewhat later. The nature and fortification of Lachish V is disputed [91, 155–157] and its start date is not well-defined by 14C, but probably falls in the 10th century BC [2, 91]. More definitive evidence of central administration at Lachish (Level IV) and Beth Shemesh (Level 3) is 14C-dated to the second part of the 10th or first part of the 9th century BC (Fig 11). The radiocarbon evidence thus suggests a prolonged process of expansion in the Shephelah.
The Shephelah region during the Iron I and Iron IIA is generally seen as a ‘middle ground’ between coastal (‘Philistine’) and highland polities [158]. Bunimovitz and Lederman define this region as a buffer zone that experienced “alternating prosperity and decline” [159]. Some scholars have discussed ‘Canaanite resistance’ [160] or a ‘Canaanite enclave’ [90] in the Shephelah, though identities are speculative and hard to access archaeologically; indeed, at a border site such as Gezer, identities or political alignments may have changed multiple times. To explain the growth in settlements and appearance of sites with monumental architecture and fortifications during Iron IIA, various models have been proposed: a westward expansion of a nascent Judah [89–91, 161] or another polity based in Jerusalem or the Benjamin Plateau [92, 93], formation of localised chiefdoms [162], the economic influence of the strong coastal (‘Philistine’) site of Gath [163], or a combination of these factors. The 10th century BC 14C-based date for early expansion in the Shephelah notably rules out an association with the northern Israelite Omride dynasty (contra [88]), however it is chronologically compatible with Saul, David and/or Solomon, whose text-based dating (albeit approximate) falls in the 10th century BC (perhaps also the late 11th century BC). While scholars can debate the degree to which the accounts of these early highland rulers reflect historical memories, extra-biblical evidence indicates they were real historical figures [164–166], and most scholars see an early historical foundation to the later narrative development of the texts [167–172].
We propose that Gezer Stratum VIII represents a shift in political alignment of the city, corresponding to current models of state development in the region during the Iron Age IIA. (For a recent summary of the various theories of state development see [173]). The Tandy excavation directors consider that the most logical historical reconstruction based on the archaeological remains and 14C dates is the westward expansion of a nascent Judah already in the 10th century BC (cf. [174] and [175] which confine Judah’s expansion to the 9th century BC). The refined dating of Stratum 7 demonstrates that the Aijalon Valley was still a contested area at the end of the 10th century BC and that the polity represented by the Stratum 8 monumental city was short-lived.
Stratum 8 came to an end already in the mid-10th century BC (969–940 BC at 68.3% hpd; or 991–930 BC at 95.4% hpd). Radiocarbon suggests that Khirbet al-Rai and perhaps also Khirbet Qeiyafa were destroyed before Gezer Stratum 8 (Fig 11), consistent with the pottery evidence. The pottery assemblages at Khirbet Qeiyafa and Khirbet al-Rai are classified by the excavators as early Iron IIA [176, 177] but by other scholars as Iron I [178, 179] or transitional Iron I/IIA [154].
A comparison of the Stratum 8 destruction with the traditional and radiocarbon-based chronologies of Sheshonq I shows that this stratum may have come to an end during his reign (Fig 11). A 14C-based estimate for Sheshonq I puts his accession at 988–945 BC (95.4%) and the end of his reign at 967–934 BC (95.4%). (The traditional Egyptian chronology puts Sheshonq I’s reign at 945–924 BC [146] or 962–941 BC [145].) We do not, however, reach good agreement between 14C-based dates for Stratum 8 and Sheshonq I on the one hand, and the commonly cited historical-biblical date for Shishak’s campaign on the other: 925 BC based on Rehoboam’s 5th year and synchronisms between later Israelite/Judahite reigns and Assyrian chronology. The discrepancy is modest, however: <10 years at 95.4% and <20 years at 68.3%. This is insufficient to rule out a convergence of the Egyptian sources, the Bible and radiocarbon, since we are conscious that:
The 14C-based results from Stratum 7 open another possibility for correlation with Shishak / Sheshonq I. The end boundary (927–885 BC, 68.3% hpd) includes the common biblical date for Shishak’s campaign, but does not fit well with current 14C-based estimates for Sheshonq I. In any case, the previously held historical association of Stratum 7 with the Aramean ruler Hazael in the second part of the 9th century BC is firmly ruled out. The end boundary does not include the highest historical date for the campaign (ca. 830 BC) even at 95.4% hpd (970–857 BC). Comparison with 14C data at other sites shows that the event is unlikely to be contemporary with destructions at Tell es-Safi (Gath) and Tel Zayit Level I (Fig 11). There is minimal overlap at 68.3% between the end boundaries of Stratum 7 and Tell es-Safi Level A3, and none with Tel Zayit Level I even at 95.4% hpd. Unlike the situation at Gezer, the 14C evidence at Gath–the only city specifically mentioned in 2 Kings 12:17 as having been attacked by Hazael–converges well with Hazael’s campaign: a simple Bayesian model places the end of Tell es-Safi A3 at 887–798 BC (68.3% hpd). The Tel Zayit Level I destruction dates as much as a century after Tandy Stratum 7, perhaps even later than Hazael’s reign (end of Level I: 796–772 BC, 68.3% hpd). These outcomes raise caution concerning the tendency in scholarship to tightly group destruction layers based on pottery and historical sources; in reality these events may be associated with a wider variety of conflicts (recorded and unrecorded) and spread over a longer period of time. For Tandy Stratum 7, we ought to consider other skirmishes between Judah, Israel and their neighbors during the late 10th and early 9th centuries BC (e.g. 1 Kings 15:16–22), as well as non-military causes.
Gezer does not seem to have suffered any major destruction between ca. 900 BC and the second part of the 8th century BC. The town may have been much reduced in size and importance during this time and, given the earlier-than-expected date of Stratum 7, we should consider whether there was an occupation gap (at least on the southern edge of the site) between Tandy Strata 7 and 6.
For the date of Stratum 6 we must rely for now on the evidence of the pottery and finds [35]. In view of the higher-than-expected date for Stratum 7, adding 14C data for Stratum 6 may in fact be worthwhile, helping to assess its founding date and confirming that the destruction did not occur substantially before 734 BC (e.g. early 8th century BC, before the Hallstatt Plateau).
A debate over the Iron Age at Gezer arose during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Several scholars challenged the outer wall conclusions of the HUC excavations: Kempinski (1972, 1976) and Kenyon (1977) in their reviews of Gezer I (Dever, Lance, and Wright 1970) and Gezer II (Dever 1974), followed a few years later by Zertal (1981), Finkelstein (1981), and Bunimovitz (1983). Most proposed that the outer wall dated to the Iron Age IIB, although Kenyon dated the wall to the Hellenistic period and Zertal to the post-Assyrian period. During the 1990s an issue of Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research focused on the archaeology of Solomon. While the archaeological data of the Iron Age was primarily discussed, the debate centered on methods and historical correlations. This was the foreshadowing of the “low chronology” proposal that came five years later.
was destroyed in a fiery conflagration, whose calamitous nature is evidenced by the remains of three individuals. The human remains included a badly burned adult and child in Room A and
an adult female evidently killed by the collapsing building. The adult female
was found in the southwest corner of Unit D (Individual #3; Fig 4 inset). They also report that
burnt destruction debris and restorable potterywas found in
multiple rooms.
Stratum 12B was assigned to LB IIB based on potterya
19th Dynasty [of Egypt] bifacial plaqueand it's
stratigraphic position below the distinctly Iron I Stratum 11. The destruction horizon was
associated with the [military] campaign of Merneptah. The Merneptah Stele lists a victory by Merneptah's army over Gezer.
was violently destroyed, with evidence found in almost all roomsof structures found in the south gate area. Analogous destruction layers may have also been found
in Fields II (local Str. 7A), VI (local Str. 4) and VII (local Str. 8) [49, 50, 51]. Webster et al. (2023:10) further report that
HUC identified multiple Iron I destruction horizons only in Field VI, in Granary 24000 (local Str. 6) and the courtyard houses of local Stratum 5 [50]. Webster et al. (2023:11) suggested that this destruction layer may have been a result of military conquest by
Siamun or another 21st Dynasty [of Egypt] ruler based on 1 Kings 9:16which states
Pharaoh king of Egypt had come up and captured Gezer; he destroyed it by fire, killed the Canaanites who dwelt in the town, and gave it as dowry to his daughter, Solomon’s wife.
seems to have suffered a major destructive eventwhere
most walls of the administrative buildingfell in the same direction - westward. The structure
was buried in up to 1.5 m of mudbrick debrisand
concentrations of boulders filled some rooms. No human remains were found in the building. Webster et al. (2023:12) also report that
HUC found evidence of destruction in the adjacent six-chambered gate, as well as in Field VII [48, 49, 51]. Stratum 8 (VIII in the HUC excavations) was
firmlydated to Iron IIA by both the Tandy and HUC excavations.
came to a sudden end, as evidenced by a destruction layer in the pillared unit that included a large assemblage of Iron IIA restorable vessels.Although they did not supply a specific date or cause they noted that
the destruction was initially thought to date to the second part of the 9th century BC,
associated with the campaign of the Aramaean ruler Hazael ca. 830 BC, which destroyed the nearby city of Gath (2 Kings 12:18) and possibly other sites [60].
At that time, King Hazael of Aram came up and attacked Gath and captured it; and Hazael proceeded to march on Jerusalem. - 2 Kings 12:18They report that
ceramic parallels were initially drawn with Tell es-Safi (Gath) and Tel Zayit.
fallen ashlar blocks in a bricky fill containing 8th century BCE sherdswere found above 10th century BCE fill from an excavation against the outer face of Macalister's "Tower VII". For the location, see Plates 4 and 19 of Younker (1991). Younker (1991) noted that
the debris layers may be evidence of both an earlier 8th century earthquake (see below) and a later 8th century B.C. Assyrian destruction(Plates 15a and 15b).
Sometime during the 9th/8th century B.C. the upper courses of the Outer Wall were remodelled with large ashlars to create an offset.17 The ashlar offset was "inserted" more than a meter into the 10th century B.C. wall line.18
The 9th/8th century ashlar inserts and wall appear to have been destroyed sometime during the 8th century B.C. [JW: See Plates 16a and 16 b from Younker, 1991]. Several lines of evidence suggest that the agent of destruction was an earthquake. For one thing, several sections of the Outer Wall had been clearly displaced from their foundations by as much as 10 to 40 cm. Furthermore, these wall sections were all severely tilted outward toward the north. That this tilting was not due to slow subsidence over a long period of time was evident from the fact that intact sections of upper courses of the inner face of the wall had fallen backwards into the city. Only a very rapid outward tilting of the wall, such as that caused by an earthquake, could cause these upper stones to roll off backwards, away from the tilt. If the wall's outward tilt had occurred slowly, the stones on the top of the wall should have fallen off toward the downward-sloping outer face of the wall.
The southwest corner of the ashlar insert had been similarly displaced from its foundational cornerstone, although to a lesser degree because of the greater stability of the ashlar construction. However, even the cornerstone had been split longitudinally because of the great pressure created by the lateral movement of the upper courses. This same tremendous pressure also created fissures in the ashlar stones that penetrated through several courses. The reason the foundation stones were not themselves dislodged to any significant degree is probably due to the fact that they were set into levelled-out depressions cut directly into the bedrock.Footnotes17 The dating for the ashlar insert and the upper courses of the inner face of the Outer Wall was determined by 9th/8th century pottery in their foundation trench (which was dug into the 10th century trench), as well as by the style of the ashlars, which are larger and more rough than the fine, well-hewn, 10th century ashlars found in other sections of the wall (e.g., see above on Macalister Tower VII). This foundation trench was clearly dug into the earlier 10th century trench described above.
18 It was thought initially that this "insert" was the southwest corner of Macalister's Outer Wall Tower VI. However, clearing along the top of the wall to the east failed to produce the southeast corner of the tower. Ashlars were indeed found in the location where the corner was to be expected, but they were in the wall line and did not form a corner (see, e.g., Y. Shilo, Proto-Aeolic Capital, QEDEM series, vol. 11 [Jerusalem, 1979], p. 51). It therefore appears that the engineers who rebuilt the wall in the 9th/8th century modified the wall along this stretch by creating a series of offsets rather than by inserting a series of towers, as Macalister originally thought (he also dated the inserts to the 10th century B.c.). In fact, this stretch of offsets seems to continue the pattern of offsets that Macalister himself found for the Outer Wall further to the west between trenches 23 and 29 (see Macalister's plan, Plate 4).
the top of the inner faceof a long section of the outer wall east of "Tower VI" was
displaced 50 cm or more outward, and bowed out in a sweeping curve.In addition,
the tops of the wall stoneswere
tilted down-slope at an angle of ca. 10-20 degrees (fig. 15).
could have been caused by centuries of fill-pressure on the city wall, which is located on the slope of the mound, the sections of the wall where alleged archaeoseismic evidence was uncovered
were all part of a sub-structure, which was buried in the ground from the outset and hence could hardly have been affected by a quake, and
no evidence for a seismic event has ever been found in any free-standing building at Gezer.
scholars are divided as to whether there are two phases (tenth century and a later rebuilding during the ninth or eighth centuries B.C.E.) or only one.
13 See Macalister, Gezer I, pp. 244-256.
14 Ussishkin has argued that Macalister's "rebuilt" section (see Plate 4)
corresponds to or marks the position of a monumental building which used
this rebuilt stretch as a "back wall." According to Ussishkin, that section
was bonded to and ran between two of Macalister's towers, which presumably
served as corner towers for this building ("Notes," p. 75). Excavations from
the 1990 season indicate that Macalister's rebuilt section extends well to the
east of this 30 m. stretch and that what Macalister called "towers" are not
necessarily towers at all. Even Macalister admitted that many of the Outer
Wall's towers appeared to be little more than "set-offs" and that those on the
inner face did not always correspond to those on the outer face (see Macalister, Gezer /, p. 244).
That is exactly what was found this season in Probes 9 and 18. Also, it appears that little,
if anything, of the Late Bronze Age wall was left in this section of the Outer Wall
(described as "rebuilt"). Thus Ussishkin's criticism that the Iron Age builders of this
monumental building would have had to line it up to the stub of the Late Bronze Age wall
and then remove it to build up the back wall of the monumental building does not hold.
The Late Bronze Age wall was probably already missing in this section.
15 The vast difference in the depth to bedrock between the inner and outer faces of the
Outer Wall is due to the fact that the wall was built along an escarpment — a point noted by Macalister, Gezer I, p. 244.
16 The sections of both the east and west balks of this probe showed that the Middle Bronze Age glacis,
which has been found in all areas where the Outer Wall has been exposed, was cut clear to bedrock by a
10th century B.C. trench to make room for the founding of the wall.
17 The dating for the ashlar insert and the upper courses of the inner face of the Outer Wall was determined by 9th/8th
century pottery in their foundation trench (which was dug into the 10th century trench), as well as by the style of the
ashlars, which are larger and more rough than the fine, well-hewn, 10th century ashlars found in other sections of the
wall (e.g., see above on Macalister Tower VII). This foundation trench was clearly dug into the earlier 10th century
trench described above.
18 It was thought initially that this "insert" was the southwest corner of Macalister's Outer Wall Tower VI.
However, clearing along the top of the wall to the east failed to produce the southeast corner of the tower.
Ashlars were indeed found in the location where the corner was to be expected, but they were in the wall line
and did not form a corner (see, e.g., Y. Shilo, Proto-Aeolic Capital, QEDEM series, vol. 11 [Jerusalem, 1979], p. 51).
It therefore appears that the engineers who rebuilt the wall in the 9th/8th century modified the wall along this stretch
by creating a series of offsets rather than by inserting a series of towers, as Macalister originally thought
(he also dated the inserts to the 10th century B.c.). In fact, this stretch of offsets seems to continue the
pattern of offsets that Macalister himself found for the Outer Wall further to the west between trenches
23 and 29 (see Macalister's plan, Plate 4).
19 See Y. Yadin, Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible (New York, 1975), pp. 149-154.
20 Recent geological studies indicate that the modern town of Ramla (near Gezer) has experienced numerous earthquakes.
See E. J. Arieh, "Seismicity of Israel and Adjacent Areas," Ministry of Development Geological Survey Bulletin No. 43 (1967): 1-14.
12 For orientation and full references, see W.G. Dever, 'Of Myths and Methods,'
BASOR 277/278 (1990), pp. 121-130; see also the related articles in this same
issue by I. Finkelstein, J.S. Holladay, L.E. Stager, D. Ussishkin and G.J. Wightman.
Preliminary reports of the 1990 season will appear soon in IEJ and BASOR.
13 See R.A.S. Macalister, The Excavation of Gezer, London 1912, III, Pls. III, IV; cf.
the recent plan in W.G. Dever et. al., Gezer IV. The 1968-71 Seasons in Field VI,
the "Acropolis", Jerusalem 1986, Plan I.
14 Macalister (above, n. 13), I, p. 251; III, Pl. V.
15 See references in n. 12 above; and cf. Macalister (above, n. 13), I, pp. 244-251.
16 On the Assyrian destruction, see W.G. Dever, 'Solomonic and Assyrian Period "Palaces"
at Gezer,' IEJ 35 (1985), pp. 217-230, and references there.
17 Macalister (above, n. 13), I, pp. 248-251; III, Pls. V, VI.
18 Ibid., I, p. 251; III, Pl. V.
19 Schaeffer (above, n. 2), Fig. 1 (an ashlar wall of Ugarit Bronze Recent 2).
23 Dever, Lance, and Wright 1970: 44; Dever et al. 1974: 34, 35; Dever 1986: 13, 14.
24- Cf. Yadin 1972: 113, 179-82; 1975: 149-57. The observation of the 1990 season is mine and was confirmed on the spot by Amnon Ben-Tor.
25 See Schaeffer 1948: 1-7.
26- See Amiran 1950-1951; 1952 and references there; add now Arieh 1967.
The End of the Late Iron IIA: The Earthquake in the Early 8th Century BCE ?
3 Dever (1992) interpreted a tilt in the Outer Wall at Gezer as a result of the earthquake
mentioned in Amos 1:1. Yet, no real evidence for a quake exists at Gezer. The changes
described by Dever could have been caused by centuries of fill-pressure on the city wall,
which is located on the slope of the mound. Note that the sections of the city wall described
by Dever were all part of a sub-structure, which was buried in the ground from the outset
and hence could hardly have been affected by a quake; also note that no evidence for a
seismic event has ever been found in any free-standing building at Gezer.
4 Austin et al. (2000: 667-669) located the epicentre of the earthquake in the Beqa of Lebanon.
Yet, this is based on an uncritical reading of the archaeological `evidence' mentioned vis-à-vis
the Amos event, including sites such as Lachish and Tel Beersheba (see also the tilted wall at
'En Haseva— ibid.: 662—which could have resulted from pressure of a fill, not necessarily an earthquake).
5 Zechariah 14:5 (part of Deutero-Zechariah) is a late (Hellenistic?) source that could not have had
any independent information on this event; he must have relied on Amos 1:1.
87 William G. Dever, “A Case Study in Biblical Archaeology: The Earthquake of Ca. 760 BCE,” Eretz-Israel 23 (1992), 27*-35*.
88 Randall W. Younker, “A Preliminary Report of the 1990 Season at Tel Gezer: Excavations of the ‘Outer Wall’
and the ‘Solomonic’ Gateway (July 2 to August 10, 1990),” Andrews University Seminary Studies 29:1 (1991), 28.
89 Galadini, et al., “Archaeoseismology,” 403.
90 Ambraseys, “Earthquakes and Archaeology,” 1010.
91 Younker, “Preliminary Report,” 29.
89 Dever, “A Case-Study in Biblical Archaeology,” 30*.
90 Dever, “A Case-Study in Biblical Archaeology,” 30*.
91 Dever, “A Case-Study in Biblical Archaeology,” 28*-30*. Randall Younker, “A Preliminary Report of the 1990
Season at Tel Gezer, Excavations of the "Outer Wall" and the "Solomonic" Gateway (July 2 to August 10, 1990),”
AUSS 29 (1991): 19-60, argued that the inner face of the uppermost courses of the wall fell southward into the city
as further evidence for the suddenness of the wall's collapse. See also a similar critique by Fantalkin and Finkelstein,
“Sheshonq I,” 22.
92 L. Binda L and A. Anzani, “Structural behavior and durability of stone masonry,” in Saving our Architectural
Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures (ed. N. S. Baer and R. Snethlage; New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1997), 113–150. More recently, the Washington Monument suffered a number of cracks following the
Virginia earthquake on August 23, 2011. The monument is made up of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss.
93 Michael Steiger and A. Elena Charola, “Weathering and Deterioration,” in Stone in Architecture: Properties,
Durability (4 ed; ed. Siegfried Siegesmund and Rolf Snethlage), 227-316.
94 Migowski et al., “Recurrence Pattern,” 311, “Data of epicentral distance to farthest liquefaction versus seismic
moment have been complied for over a hundred modern shallow focus earthquakes.”
95 Migowski et al., “Recurrence Pattern,” 311, lists the epicenter of the 1033/34 CE quake south of the sea of Galilee
(one-third of Ramla destroyed), the 1068 CE quake just north of the Gulf of Eilat (Ramla destroyed), and the 1546
CE quake (which Dever lists Ramla as severely damaged), struck very close to Ramla.
96 Dever, “A Case-Study in Biblical Archaeology,” 31*, attempts to situate Gezer in its geotechtonic environment by
listing a number of quakes that struck Ramla/Lydda, located 15 km from Gezer. His approach is admirable but it
only demonstrates that quakes, based on the location of their epicenter in relation to Gezer (such as the 1927
earthquake where he lists 45 houses collapsed at Ramla), could have shook Gezer, and not that Gezer was shook in
an eighth century quake.
Period | Age | Site | Damage Description |
Iron IIB | 900-700 BCE | Gezer | offset along defense wall in Field VI, Area 32, showing a crack that splits three courses (Dever1992: 28-31). |
came to a sudden end, as evidenced by a destruction layer in the pillared unit that included a large assemblage of Iron IIA restorable vessels.They attributed the destruction to the Assyrian conquests of Tiglath Pileser III (in 734 BCE ?).
Effect | Location | Image | Description |
Collapsed Wall Fallen Ashlar Blocks in a debris layer |
Field XI - outer face outer wall at "Tower VII"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW:
Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
Displaced Wall - Shifted Ashlar Blocks | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: Are displaced ashlars at the bottom ? Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
Penetrative fractures in masonry blocks - through going joints | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: through going joints Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
Tilted Walls | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: through going joints Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
Tilted, displaced, and folded walls | Field XI - East of "Tower VI" in Areas 20 and 21![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() General Plan of Field XI East showing 1990 excavation areas; note line of Sections β-β', γ—γ' (cf. fig. 14). Dever (1993) |
![]() ![]() Line of Outer Wall between Field XI, Areas 20 and 21, looking west. Note wall stones still in alignment, but displaced northward, downslope, cf. fig. 14. Dever (1993) ![]() ![]() Tel Gezer, Field XI, Area 20: 'Outer Wall' (view to the north-west). Note the wall stones displaced and tilted outward, downslope. Dever and Younker (1991) |
Tilted Walls | Field XI - Areas 21 and 22![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() General Plan of Field XI East showing 1990 excavation areas; note line of Sections β-β', γ—γ' (cf. fig. 14). Dever (1993) |
![]() ![]() Schematic rendering of Section γ—γ' through Outer Wall in Field XI, Areas 21 and 22; cf. fig. 13. Dever (1993) ![]() ![]() Field XI, Area 22, looking south, with Section α—α' to right. Below meter stick is LB II Wall 22,002, founded on bedrock; above is Iron Age Wall 22,000, partially plastered. Note differing masonry, offset alignment; cf. fig. 16 for Section γ—γ'. Dever (1993) |
Effect | Location | Image | Description | Intensity |
Collapsed Wall Fallen Ashlar Blocks in a debris layer |
Field XI - outer face outer wall at "Tower VII"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW:
Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
Displaced Wall - Shifted Ashlar Blocks | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: Are displaced ashlars at the bottom ? Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
VII+ |
Penetrative fractures in masonry blocks - through going joints | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: through going joints Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
VI+ |
Tilted Walls | Field XI - inner face of outer wall at "Tower VI"![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) |
![]() ![]() JW: through going joints Younker (1991) ![]() ![]()
Younker (1991) |
VI+ |
Tilted, displaced, and folded walls | Field XI - East of "Tower VI" in Areas 20 and 21![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() General Plan of Field XI East showing 1990 excavation areas; note line of Sections β-β', γ—γ' (cf. fig. 14). Dever (1993) |
![]() ![]() Line of Outer Wall between Field XI, Areas 20 and 21, looking west. Note wall stones still in alignment, but displaced northward, downslope, cf. fig. 14. Dever (1993) ![]() ![]() Tel Gezer, Field XI, Area 20: 'Outer Wall' (view to the north-west). Note the wall stones displaced and tilted outward, downslope. Dever and Younker (1991) |
VII+ |
Tilted Walls | Field XI - Areas 21 and 22![]() ![]() Plan of Tel Gezer Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() Detail of Field XI (after Macalister). Note approximate locations of Squares 21 and 22. Younker (1991) ![]() ![]() General Plan of Field XI East showing 1990 excavation areas; note line of Sections β-β', γ—γ' (cf. fig. 14). Dever (1993) |
![]() ![]() Schematic rendering of Section γ—γ' through Outer Wall in Field XI, Areas 21 and 22; cf. fig. 13. Dever (1993) ![]() ![]() Field XI, Area 22, looking south, with Section α—α' to right. Below meter stick is LB II Wall 22,002, founded on bedrock; above is Iron Age Wall 22,000, partially plastered. Note differing masonry, offset alignment; cf. fig. 16 for Section γ—γ'. Dever (1993) |
VI+ |
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(July 2 to August 20, 1990)." Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS) 29.1 (1991): .
Webster, L. C., et al. (2023). "The chronology of Gezer from the end of the late bronze age to iron age II: A meeting point for radiocarbon, archaeology egyptology and the Bible."
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Wolff, Samuel R. (2021) The Date of Destruction of Gezer Stratum VI, Tel Aviv, 48:1, 73-86
R. A. S. Macalister, The Excavation of Gezer Volume 1, London 1912
- open access at
R. A. S. Macalister, The Excavation of Gezer Volume 2, London 1912
- open access at
R. A. S. Macalister, The Excavation of Gezer Volume 3, London 1912
- open access at
W. G. Dever et. al., Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons (Gezer I), Jerusalem 1970
W. G. Dever et. al., Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons (Gezer I-II), Jerusalem 1970
W. G. Dever et. al., Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I and II (Gezer 2), Jerusalem 1974
S. Gitin, A Ceramic Typology of the Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Tell
Gezer 1-2 (Gezer 3), Jerusalem 1990
W. G. Dever et. al., The 1969-71 Seasons in Field IV, "The Acropolis" 1-2 (Gezer 4),
Plates and Plans Jerusalem 1986
- can be borrowed with a free account
J. D. Seger, The Field I Caves ( Gezer 5), Jerusalem 1988 (Annuals of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archeology)
Gilmour, G. H. and R. G. Bullard (2014). Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II (1964-1974), Pennsylvania State University Press.
Seger, J. D., et al. (2013). Gezer VII: The Middle Bronze and Later Fortifications in Fields II, IV, and VIII, Pennsylvania State University Press.
Manual of Field Excavation: Handbook for Field Archaeologists (eds. W. G. Dever and H. D. Lance), Jerusalem 1978.
- can be borrowed with a free account
Survey Maps from Archaeological Survey of Israel -
see Square 82 (Gezer) and Map point for site 701 (Tel Gezer in the bottom left area of the map)
Tel Gezer at
Tel Gezer photos at wikimedia commons
New Orleans Seminary's Archaeology Blog
The Tel Gezer Excavation and Publication Project on the wayback machine
W. F. Albright, BASOR 92 (1943), 28-30
A. Malamat, Scripta Hierosolymitana 8 (1961), 228-231
R. Giveon, VT 14 (1964), 250
A. R. Millard, PEQ 97 (1965), 140-143
J. F. Ross,BA 30 (1967), 62-70
B.·Z. Rosenfeld, IEJ 38 (1988), 235-245.
R. A. S. Macalister, The Excavation of Gezer 1-3, London 1912
W. G. Dever et. al., Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons (Gezer 1), Jerusalem 1970
id., Report of the 1967-70 Seasons in Fields I and II (Gezer 2), Jerusalem 1974
S. Gitin, A Ceramic Typology of the Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Tell Gezer 1-2 (Gezer 3), Jerusalem 1990
W. G. Dever et. al., The 1969-71 Seasons in Field IV, "The Acropolis" 1-2 (Gezer 4), Jerusalem 1986
J. D. Seger, The Field I Caves ( Gezer 5), Jerusalem 1988 (Annuals of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archeology)
Manual of Held Excavation: Handbook for Field Archaeologists (eds. W. G. Dever and H. D. Lance), Jerusalem 1978.
Clermont-Ganneau, ARP 2, 224-275
W. M. F. Petrie, PEQ 36 (1904), 244-245
F. L. Griffith, ibid. 38 (1906), 121-122
J. L. Myres, ibid. 39 (1907), 240-243
L. H. Vincent, ibid. 40 (1908), 218-229
R. A. S. Macalister, PEQ 41 (1909), 183-189
E. W. G. Masterman, PEQ 66 (1934), 135-140
J. H. Illife, ibid. 67 (1935), 185
A. Rowe, ibid., 19-33; id., QDAP4(1935), 198-201
G. E. Wright, PEQ69 (1937), 67-78; id., BA 21 (1958), 103-104; id., IEJ 15 (1965), 252-253; id., RB 74 (1967), 72-73
R. Amiran, IEJ 5 (1955), 240-245
Y. Yadin, ibid. 8 (1958), 80-86
J. A. Callaway, PEQ 94 (1962), 104-117
W. G. Dever, IEJ 16 (1966), 277-278; 17 (1967), 274-275; 19 (1969), 241-243; 20 (1970), 226-
227; 22 (1972), 158-160; 23 (1973), 23-26; 35 (1985), 64-65, 217-230; (with R. W. Younker) 41 (1991),
282-286; id., BA 30 (1967), 47-62; 32 (1969), 71-78; 34 (1971), 93-132; 47 (1984), 206-218; 50 (1987),
148-177; id., Jerusalem Through the Ages, Jerusalem 1968, 26-33; id., Raggi 8 (1968), 65-74; id., RB 75
(1968), 381-387; 76 (1969), 563-567; 77 (1970), 394-398; 78 (1971), 425-428; 79 (1972), 413-418; 92
(1985), 412-419; id., BTS 116 (1969), I, 8-16; id., AJA 74 (1970), 192; 90 (1986), 223; id., Gezer l
(Reviews), AJA 76 (1972), 441-442. -IEJ22 (1972), 183-186.- JBL 92 (1973), 291-293.- PEQ 105
(1973), 170-171.- JAOS 94 (1974), 277-278.- ZDPV 90 (1974), 78-82.- JNES 34 (1975), 297-
299.- Bibliotheca Orienta/is 41 (1984), 222-224; id., Gezer 2 (Reviews), AJA 80 (1976), 307-308.-
IEJ26 (1976), 210-214.- JBL 96 (1977), 279-281.- PEQ 109 (1977), 55-58.- BASOR 233 (1979),
70-74.- ZDPV 97 (1981), 114-116; Gezer 4 (Reviews), BAR 14/l (1988), 11.- Orientalia n.s. 58
(1989), 435-437; id., PEQ 105 (1973), 61-70; id., Journal of Jewish Studies 33 (1982), 19-34; id., ESI 3
(1984), 30-31; id., BASOR 262 (1986), 9-34; 277-278 (1990), 121-130
H. D. Lance, BA 30 (1967), 34-47; id., Magnalia Dei (G. E. Wright Fest.), Garden City, N.Y. 1976, 209-223
A. Bruno, BTS 116 (1969), 3-6
N. Glueck, Syria 46 (1969), 186-187
J. S. Holladay, AJA 73 (1969), 237; id., BASOR 277-
278 (1990), 23-70
R. G. Bullard, BA 33 (1970), 98-132
A. Furshpan, "The Gezer 'High Place'"
(Ph.D. diss., Cambridge, Mass. 1970); id., AJA 75 (1971), 202
J.D. Seger, IEJ 20 (1970), 117; 22
(1972), 160-161, 240-242; 23 (1973), 247-251; 24 (1974), 134-135; id., RB 80 (1973), 408-412; 82
(1975), 87-92; id., EI 12 (1975), 34*-45*; id., BA 39 (1976), 142-144; id., BASOR 221 (1976), 133-139;
id., Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation (D. Glenn Rose Fest.), Atlanta 1987, 113-128; id., The
Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, 24 June-4 July 1990: Abstracts, Jerusalem 1990,
K. M. Kenyon, Royal Cities of the Old Testament, New York 1971
M. Avi-Yonah,
Archaeology (Israel Pocket Library), Jerusalem 1974, 87-91
M. Hughes, PEQ 106 (1974), 2-3
J. M.
Weinstein, BASOR 213 (1974), 49-57; 217 (1975), 1-16
S. Izre'el, TA 4 (1977), 159-167; id., Israel
Oriental Studies 8 (1978), 13-90
D. Cole, BAR 6/2 (1980), 8-29
S. Gitin, A Ceramic Typology of the
Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Tell Gezer l-3 (Ph.D. diss., Cincinnati 1979)
J. N. Tubb,
PEQ 112 (1980), 1-6
0. Borowski, BAR 7/6 (1981), 58-59
I. Finkelstein, TA 8 (1981), 136-144; id.,
BASOR 277-278 (1990), 109-119
R. Reich, IEJ31 (1981), 48-52; id. and B. Brandl, PEQ Il7 (1985),
41-54; B. Brandl, IEJ 34 (1984), 173-176; id., Levant 16 (1984), 171-172
Z. Kallai and B. Brandl, ESI
l (1982), 31-32; American Archaeology in the Mideast, 168-171
S. Bunimovitz, TA 10 (1983), 61-70;
15-16 (1988-1989), 68-76
E. Pennells, BA 46 (1983), 57-61
H. Shanks, BAR 9/4 (1983), 30-42
P. A.
Thomas, BA 47/1 (1984), 33-35
D. Milson, ZDPV 102 (1986), 87-92
I. Singer, TA 13-14 (1986-
1987), 26-31
Y. Shiloh, Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation (D. Glenn Rose Fest.), Atlanta !987,
Weippert 1988 (Ortsregister)
A. M. Maeir, TA 15-16 (1988-1989), 65-67
J. K. Hoffmeier,
Levant 22 (1990), 83-89
L. E. Stager, BASOR 277-278 (1990), 93-107
D. Ussishkin, ibid., 71-91
G. J. Wightman, ibid., 5-22
F. Zayadine, RB 97 (1990), 76
R. W. Younker, AUSS 29 (1991), 19-60.
G. B. Gray, PEQ41 (1909), 189-193
M. Lidzbarski, ibid., 194-195
F. M. Cross, Jr., and D. N. Freedman, Early Hebrew Orthography, New Haven 1952, 46-47
W. Wirgin, EI 6 (1960), 9*-12*
B. D. Rahtjen, PEQ 93 (1961), 70-72
S. Talmon, JAOS 83 (1963), 177-187.
W. M. F. Petrie, PEQ 34 (1902), 365
T. G. Pinches, ibid. 36 (1904), 229-236
A. H. Sayee, ibid., 236-237
C. H. W. Johns, ibid., 237-244; 37 (1905), 206-219
R. A. S. Macalister, ibid. 38 (1906), 123-124
C. J. Ballet et. al., ibid. 40 (1908), 26-30
P. Dhorme, ibid. 41 (1906), 107-112
W. R. Taylor, JPOS 10 (1930), 16-22, 79-81
E. L. Sukenik, ibid. 13 (1933), 226-231
W. G. Albright, BASOR 92 (1943), 28-30
N. Avigad, PEQ 82 (1950), 43-49
A. R. Millard, ibid. 97 (1965), 140-143
C. Graesser, Jr., BASOR 220 (1975), 63-66
B. Reeking, Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux 27 (1983), 76-89
J. Rosenbaum and J. D. Seger, The Word of the God Shall Go Forth (D. N. Freedman Fest.), Winona
Lake, Ind. 1984, 477-495; id., BASOR 264 (1986), 51-60
R. Reich, IEJ 40 (1990), 44-46
J. Schwartz, ibid., 47-57.
G. Friend, The Development of a Textile Production Cottage Industry in the 8th Century
bce: Tell Gezer, A Case Study (Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the ASOR, Napa, CA 1997)
W. G.
Dever, Gezer: A Crossroad in Ancient Israel, Jerusalem 1998 (Heb.)
A. M. Maeir et al., Bronze and Iron Age
Tombs at Tel Gezer, Israel: Finds from Raymond-Charles Weill’s Excavations in 1914 and 1921 (BAR/IS
1206), Oxford 2004
ibid. (Review) BASOR 337 (2005), 97–98
G. Gilmore et al., Gezer VI: The Objects
from Phases I and II, Jerusalem (in prep.)
B. Brandl, The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv 1992, 441–477
W. G. Dever, ABD, 2, New York
1992, 998–1003
id., EI 23 (1992), 27*–35*
id., BASOR 289 (1993), 33–54
id. (& R. W. Younker), ESI 12
(1993), 48–49
id., The Age of Solomon: Scholarship at the Turn of the Millennium (Studies in the History
and Culture of the Ancient Near East 11
ed. L. K. Handy), Leiden 1997, 217–251
id., OEANE, 2, New York
1997, 396–400
id., TA 30 (2003), 259–282
id., BAR 30/6 (2004), 42–45
L. G. Herr, BASOR 288 (1992),
87–89 (Review)
M. Vilders, PEQ 124 (1992), 69 (Review)
S. J. Bourke, ibid. 125 (1993), 75–77 (Review);
A. Kempinski, IEJ 43 (1993), 174–180
P. J. Ray, Jr., NEAS Bulletin 38 (1993), 39–52
J. D. Seger, BAT
II, Jerusalem 1993, 559–574
I. Finkelstein, TA 21 (1994), 276–282
29 (2002), 262–296
id., ZDPV 116
(2000), 114–138
id., BAIAS 21 (2003), 96–100
A. Mazar, Scripture and Other Artifacts, Louisville, KY
1994, 247–267
id., Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, Jerusalem 1998, 373–377
H. Shanks, BAR 20/3
(1994), 66–69
E. Yannai, TA 21 (1994), 283–287
id. (et al.), Levant 35 (2003), 101–116
W. Zwickel, Der
Tempelkult in Kanaan und Israel (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 10), Tübingen 1994, 65–67
M. D.
Coogan, BAR 21/3 (1995), 36–47
J. W. Hardin, ESI 14 (1995), 143
P. E. McGovern, BASOR 297 (1995),
86–88 (Review)
J. P. Van der Westhuizen, Journal for Semitics (Pretoria, University of South Africa) 7
(1995), 1–15
10 (1998–2001), 20–42
12 (2003), 34–57
V. Fritz, The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States
(JSOT Suppl. Series 228
ed. V. Fritz), Sheffield 1996, 187–195
S. Gitin, Retrieving the Past, Winona Lake,
IN 1996, 75–101
L. Nigro, Contributi e materiali di Archeologia orientale 6 (1996), 1–69
M. Görg, BN 91
(1998), 5–6
R. Reich, Eretz 60 (1998), 34–39
id. (& Z. Greenhut), IEJ 52 (2002), 58–63
id. (& E. Shukron),
EI 27 (2003), 291*
id. (& E. Shukron), PEQ 135 (2003), 22–29
S. A. Austin, International Geology Review
42 (2000), 657–671
L. Barda, ESI 20 (2000), 42*
E. M. Bietak & K. Kopetzky, Synchronisation, Wien
2000, 106–107
B. Halpern, VT Suppl. 80, Leiden 2000, 79–121
id., David’s Secret Demons (The Bible
in its World), Grand Rapids, MI 2001
I. I. Milevski, TA 27 (2000), 91–102
Y. Roman, Eretz 73 (2000),
B. B. Shefton, Periplous Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology (J. Boardman Fest.
eds. G. R.
Tsetskhladze et al.), London 2000, 276–283
J. -P. Vita, ZA 90 (2000), 70–77
U. Hartung, Umm el-Qaab, II,
Mainz am Rhein 2001
J. S. Holladay, ASOR Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Boulder, CO 2001, 6
A. Faust,
JMA 15 (2002), 53–73
id., BAR 30/2 (2004), 52–53, 62
M. Heltzer, Studies in the History and Culture of
the Jews in Babylonia: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress for Babylonian Jewry Research, June
1998 (eds. Y. Avishur & Z. Yehuda), Or-Yehuda 2002, 85–93
K. A. Kitchen, Scandinavian Journal of the
Old Testament 16 (2002), 309–313
id., On the Reliability of the Old Testament, Grand Rapids, MI 2003
(subject index)
W. Thiel, Bibel und Kirche 57 (2002), 95–103
G. J. Van Wijngaarden, Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy (ca 1600–1200 BC), Amsterdam, 2002, 75–97;
Z. Herzog, Saxa Loquentur, Münster 2003, 85–100
N. A. Silberman, Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology:
The First Temple Period (Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series 18
eds. A. G. Vaughn & A. E.
Killebrew), Leiden 2003, 395–405
H. Goedicke, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 94
(2004), 53–72
Y. Goren et al., Inscribed in Clay, Tel Aviv 2004, 270–279
L. D. Morenz, ZDPV 120 (2004),
N. Na’aman, IEJ 54 (2004), 92–99
S. M. Ortiz, The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing
Methodologies and Assumptions. The Proceedings of a Symposium, 12–14.8.2001 at Trinity International
University (eds. J. K. Hoffmeier & A. Millard), Grand Rapids, MI 2004, 121–147
S. D. Schweitzer, Macht
und Herrschaft (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 316
Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises zur Erforschung der Religions-und Kulturgeschichte des Antiken Vorderen Orients 5
ed. C. Sigrist), Münster 2004,
T. Goodwin, PEQ 137 (2005), 65–76
I. Young, VT 42 (1992), 362–375
W. H. Shea, Verse in Ancient Near Eastern Prose (Alter
Orient und Altes Testament 42
eds. J. C. De Moor & W. G. E. Watson), Kevelaer 1993, 243–250
J. Tropper,
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J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, 1 (Handbuch der
Althebräischen Epigraphik), Darmstadt 1995
D. Pardee, OEANE, 2, New York 1997, 400–401
D. Sivan,
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J. A. Emerton, PEQ 131 (1999), 20–23
D. E. Fleming, RB 106 (1999), 8–34
Körting, Der Schall des Schofar: Israels Feste im Herbst (ZAW Beihefte 285), Berlin 1999.
kmz | Description | Reference |
Right Click to download | Master Gezer kmz file | various |