Sieberg (1932a or
1932 b) apparently lists an earthquake in Syria with destruction in Antioch between 84 and 92 CE
but Sieberg (1932a or 1932 b) did not cite a source. Sbeinati et. al. (2005)
duplicated Sieberg’s catalog entry with the following description
82-94 Antioch: VI-VII, Syria. Aftershocks.
Seismological compilations
Sieberg (1932): between 82-94 A.D., a strong widespread earthquake struck Syria causing destruction of many houses at Antioch. Shocks lasted for 40 days.
Karcz and Lom (1987) noted/discovered that Sieberg (1932a and 1932b) included some of
A.H. dates from the Arabic source
as-Suyuti. This indicates that some of Sieberg’s (1932a and 1932b)
entries like Willis (1928) before him are
approximately 622 years too old.
online calendaric conversion of Sieberg’s 94
date leads to ~713 CE.
Ambraseys (2009)
lists an earthquake in Northern Syria in 713 CE and cites one source,
al-Yaq’ubi, who records an
earthquake that lasted 40 mornings and occurred in A.H. year 94. Another Arabic source
al-Isfah) stated that the earthquake lasted 40 days and destroyed
many houses in Antioch. Finally, as-Suyuti, provided similar information about 40 days of shaking and destruction of buildings in Antioch.
As-Suyuti dates this earthquake to 94 A.H. Based on this information, it is clear that the 82 – 94 CE catalog entry of Sieberg (1932a or 1932b)
and Sbeinati et. al. (2005) is incorrectly dated and occurred in 713 CE. Needless to say, it did not create a ~90 CE Dead Sea seismite indicating that
the mysterious source of this potential seismite endures.