Source: Ferry et al (2011)
Image | Description | Source |
Figure 5a
Trench T1 shows a distributed pattern of vertical faults that may be resolved within the uppermost layers but cannot be followed through massive clay units of Lisan age. Radiocarbon dates suggest the most recent event occurred before A.D. 1490-1800. Ferry et al (2011) |
T1 Trench Log Ghor Khabed |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 5a |
Figure 4e
Main shear zone in trench T1. Ferry et al (2011) |
Photo of main fault zone in T1 Trench Ghor Khabed |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 4e |
Image | Description | Source |
Figure 5b
Trench T2 displays a main fault zone filled with breccia that have been ruptured afterward and documents the most recent event, radiocarbon dated after A.D. 560-660. Combined, these observations suggest two surface-rupturing events occurred at Ghor Kabed between A.D. 560 and A.D. 1800, which may be related to the A.D. 749 and A.D. 1033 events. Ferry et al (2011) |
T2 Trench Log Ghor Khabed |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 5b |
Image | Description | Source |
Figure 5e
Correlations of stratigraphic sections of trenches. The geological formations of Lisan and Damya are common basement-bottom units for trenches. Erosion processes (tilde lines) have major effects on soft sediments, and Trench T3 shows a significant hiatus of the Damya formation. The correlation between alluvial and lacustrine deposits and the related radiocarbon dating (see also Table 1 and Fig. 7) illustrate the different recent depositional environments at trench sites. Ferry et al (2011) |
Stratigraphic Correlation between Trenches |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 5e |
Image | Description | Source |
Figure 5c
The exposure of T3 is mainly composed of Lisan sediments. A series of fine-gained colluvial and alluvial units overlays Lisan clays and provides insight on recent events. Ferry et al (2011) |
T3 Trench Log Tell Saidiyeh |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 5c |
Image | Description | Source |
Figure 5d
Trench T4 is originally a road cut that was noticeably extended and cleaned. It is oriented 45° to the fault, which widens the deformation zone. This exposure provides the bulk of the paleoseismic dataset. See text for details. Ferry et al (2011) |
T4 Trench Log Tell Saidiyeh |
Ferry et al (2011) Fig. 5d |
Al-Taj, M. M., et al. (2007). "The Tectonic Geomorphology and the Archeoseismicity of the Dead Sea Transform in Jordan Valley." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 41.
Ferry, M., et al. (2007). "A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 260(3–4): 394-406.
Ferry, M. A. et al. (2007) Slip deficit along the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault from paleoseismology, historical seismology and archeoseismology
Ferry, M. and M. Meghraoui (2008). "Reply to the comment of Dr M. Klein on: “A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault."
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268(1–2): 241-242.
Ferry, M. A. et al. (2010) Long-term and Short-term Earthquake Behavior Along The Dead Sea Fault (Jordan) From Geomorphology, Paleoseismology And Archeoseismology
Ferry, M., et al. (2011). "Episodic Behavior of the Jordan Valley Section of the Dead Sea Fault Inferred from a 14-ka-Long
Integrated Catalog of Large Earthquakes." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101(1): 39-67.
Erratum to Episodic Behavior of the Jordan Valley Section of the Dead Sea Fault Inferred from a 14kaLong Integrated Catalog of Large Earthquakes