Flame structures |
Taninim Creek Dam
Brief Description and Interpretation
Marco et al (2014:1449) report that
flame-shape injections of silty sand that penetrate the overlying clay-rich soil are largest and most frequent
within several meters of the point where the dam is badly damaged on the seaward side which they interpreted as
a possible result of a large wave . They explained their interpretations as follows:
Three features make the sand injections special:
- their lower extent is commonly asymmetric with dominant southeastward vergence, away from the breach in the dam
- zigzag shapes characterize the upper parts of many injections
- the size and frequency of the injections diminish gradually with distance from the dam until they completely disappear some 100 m away from it
We suggest that the sand injections can be
explained by overpressure that was induced either directly by earthquake shaking or by a
tsunami wave that breached the dam, filled the reservoir behind the dam and increased the
pressure on the water-saturated silt and sand layers and triggered liquefied sand injections.
The movement of water sloshing back and forth in the lake accounts for the zigzag shape of
the injections. The similarity to structures that were observed in Thailand after the great
2004 tsunami and other palaeotsunami observations lead us to prefer the tsunami origin of
the liquefaction features.
Detailed Interpretation
Marco et al (2014:1454-1457) discussed their tsunamogenic interpretation in more depth.
The sand injections may be interpreted as the result of overpressure in the lacustrine
deposits, which could have been triggered either by earthquake shaking or by a sudden
increase of overburden (Trifunac 1995).
... Liquefaction and sand injections are often reported in association with earthquakes
(Obermeier 2009). Since no evidence for active faulting is found along the coast, we argue
that the source of the causative earthquake was remote. The possible sources are the
Carmel Fault, about 25 km northeast, or the Dead Sea Fault, about 60 km east of Taninim,
both capable of generating M>6 earthquakes (e.g., Arieh 1967; Hamiel et al. 2009;
Hofstetter et al. 2007). Compilations of liquefaction–epicentral distance data from Italy
and eastern Mediterranean regions (Galli 2000; Papathanassiou et al. 2005) show that an
M ~ 6 earthquake on the Carmel Fault or M > 6.5 earthquake at the Dead Sea Fault is
capable of triggering liquefaction in our study area. The earthquake history of the Carmel
Fault is not well known, but observations on a meticulously built Medieval basilica located
on top of the fault, which does not exhibit any earthquake-related damage, indicate that
during the last eight centuries there was no significant earthquake along it (Marco et al.
2006). Hence, we conclude that the source was along the Dead Sea Fault. An M > 6.5 on
the Jordan Valley segment or an M > 7 on either the northern or the southern segments are
plausible. Hence, earthquake-induced liquefaction is a possible cause for the flame
structures observed in the study site.
The conspicuous, nearly uniform asymmetry of the injection structures here (Fig. 3) is
rare in other occurrences of injected sand. Earthquake-related sand injections are
commonly symmetrical, upright, exhibiting upward-directed flow features (e.g., Obermeier
2009; Tuttle and Schweig 1995). We therefore hypothesize that the asymmetry may have
been caused by shear that was induced by dominant southeastward flow, and the zigzag
shapes at the upper parts of many injection structures indicate the sloshing of water back
and forth. The flow could trigger shear instability at the upper part of the sediment, also
known as Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability (Drazin and Reid 2004). Palaeotsunamis have been
reported to trigger sand injection features, e.g., by De-Martini et al. (2003) and Owen and
Moretti (2011), and asymmetric flame structures were observed in the deposits of the
December 26, 2004 tsunami in Thailand (Matsumoto et al. 2008). The latter describe
asymmetric injections of fine sand that was deposited by the tsunami, which intrude the
overlying coarse-grained strata, uniformly skewed in the direction of the run-up current.
Matsumoto et al. (2008) interpret the sequence as a result of two tsunami waves, where the
boundary between the two deposited strata, i.e., the top of the first wave deposits, was
simultaneously deformed and truncated by the second run-up current. Another set of
asymmetric folds and injections observed in cores from the Aysen Fjord, Chile were
associated with mass movement triggered by the April 27, 2007 MW 6.2 earthquake (Van
Daele et al. 2013). In the Lisan Formation (the palaeo Dead Sea sediments), similar
zigzag shaped injections are capped by fragmented laminae. The sequence is interpreted as the
result of re-suspension of the bottom sediment by the shear with the water during seiche or
tsunami events (Alsop and Marco 2012; Wetzler et al. 2010). We suggest that a rapid
addition of about 3 m of water (measured from the lake deposits to the top of the dam)
during a tsunami surge could increase the overburden on the sandy layer, which is confined
at its bottom and top with stiff clayey soil. The surge would have induced a sudden increase
of pressure of 0.3 bars, at least three times the confining pressure (assuming soil thickness
were similar to that of present, i.e., about 0.5 m and bulk density of about 1.5 g/cc). These
conditions are highly likely to trigger liquefaction and the injection of water-saturated
sediment into the overlying soil (Trifunac 1995). This scenario is somewhat similar to the
case of palaeotsunami deposits that were found in the Kakawis Lake, near the shore of the
Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Lopez 2012). We did not find deposits of marine origin,
either because of the intensive modern agricultural cultivation of the upper strata that mixed
the soil and made the microfossils very rare and hard to find, or because seawater did not go
over the dam. An alternative tsunami-related explanation for the liquefaction on the eastern
side of the dam could be a pressure gradient developed by increasing water head on the
western side of the dam, where the tsunami wave ramped up but did not top the dam entirely
(Craig 2004). While this mechanism and the earthquake-induced mechanism may explain
why we have not found marine fauna east of the dam, it does not explain the systematic
asymmetry of the injection structures.
We therefore argue that the observed injections of the sand were triggered by an
earthquake, and the shape of the injections combined with the damage at the seaward face
of the dam favor the involvement of a tsunami wave.
The candidate-triggering events are the earthquakes that postdate the accumulation of
the entire sequence of lake deposits and some 20–30 cm of clay-rich soil that was formed
at the surface after the lake dried.
The historical accounts that associate tsunamis with earthquakes in this region have
been reviewed and screened for reliability (Salamon et al. 2011, 2007), but none of the
reliably recorded ones stands out as having a significant run-up that could top the 7-m-high
dam (possibly 1–2 m less at the breached section). The precise location of the shoreline in
the past is unknown, but it may have been different, shore transport along the coast of
Israel following the construction of modern ports and marinas (Zviely et al. 2007). In the
absence of local active faults, the tsunamis can be induced by remotely triggered submarine slumps (Salamon et al. 2007). We cannot determine independently the precise age
of the observed liquefaction; however, the most suitable trigger candidate according to the
dam history presented above, and the single 14C age, is the earthquake of November 25,
1759 (Fig. 3). Reports on this catastrophic earthquake describe boats that were swept
ashore from the Akko harbor (50 km north of the studied site), and a large wave that was
reported from as far south as the Nile Delta (Ambraseys and Barazangi 1989). The 90-km. long surface rupture of this earthquake
was reported by the contemporary French Consul to
Beyrouth [JW: it was the French Consul in Saida] after visiting the site in Lebanon [JW: the report was not based on a visit but on second hand information]
(Ambraseys and Barazangi 1989) and confirmed
by palaeoseismic studies (Daeron et al. 2005; Gomez et al. 2001). Ambraseys and Barazangi (1989) estimate the earthquake magnitude at 7 plus.