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Tiberias - Water Reservoir

Umayyad Water Reservoir of Tiberias

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Ferrario et al (2020) reported on fractures in an Umayyad Water Reservoir located between the Theatre and the South Gate.

Tiberias - Introduction Webpage

Maps, Aerial Views, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, and Photos


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  • Fig. 6a Map of the southern gate and reservoir sites from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4 Map of Ancient Tiberias from Ferrario et al (2020)


  • Fig. 6a Map of the southern gate and reservoir sites from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4 Map of Ancient Tiberias from Ferrario et al (2020)

Aerial Views

  • Water Reservoir of Tiberias in Google Earth
  • Water Reservoir of Tiberias on


  • Fig. 6d Fractures affecting an Umayyad water reservoir from Ferrario et al (2020)

Umayyad (?) Earthquake



  • Fig. 6d Fractures affecting an Umayyad water reservoir from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 6a Map of the southern gate and reservoir sites from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4 Map of Ancient Tiberias from Ferrario et al (2020)


Ferrario et al (2020) reports that during the last excavation phase in 2017 an Umayyad Water Reservoir was uncovered. One of the faces of the reservoir exhibits a series of steeply inclined fractures between masonry blocks, located in a ca. 1 m wide zone (Fig. 6d). This fracture zone is situated along the line connecting the graben in the Theatre and the warped Byzantine wall at the Southern Gate, i.e. on the fault line [see Fig.s 6a and 4].

Seismic Effects
Umayyad (?) Earthquake

Effect Location Image(s) Description
Penetrative fractures in masonry Umayyad Water Reservoir

  • South of the Theatre, the last excavation phase during 2017 uncovered an Umayyad water reservoir. Damage is here represented by a series of steeply inclined fractures between masonry blocks, located in a ca. 1 m wide zone (Fig. 6d). The damage zone is situated along the line connecting the graben in the Theatre and the warped Byzantine wall at the Southern Gate, i.e. on the fault line. - Ferrario et al (2020)

Intensity Estimates
Umayyad (?) Earthquake

Effect Location Image(s) Description Intensity
Penetrative fractures in masonry Umayyad Water Reservoir

  • South of the Theatre, the last excavation phase during 2017 uncovered an Umayyad water reservoir. Damage is here represented by a series of steeply inclined fractures between masonry blocks, located in a ca. 1 m wide zone (Fig. 6d). The damage zone is situated along the line connecting the graben in the Theatre and the warped Byzantine wall at the Southern Gate, i.e. on the fault line. - Ferrario et al (2020)
VI +
This archaeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VI (6) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224).

Notes and Further Reading