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Tiberias - Beriniki Theatre

Theater Tiberias Figure S10

Clean version of the drone picture [of Berniki Theater] presented in Figure 4a.

Ferrario et al (2020)


Ferrario et al (2020) report that the Theatre was originally built in the 1st century CE and underwent several modifications in the ensuing centuries,

Ancient Theater Glossary

Textual Glossary
Illustrations of Individual Components

Tiberias - Introduction Webpage

Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Illustrations, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Illustrations, and Photos


  • Fig. 1 Map of Tiberias during the Roman period from Atrash (2010)

Aerial Views

  • Tiberias Berniki Theater in Google Earth
  • Tiberias Berniki Theater on

Geologic Maps

Normal Size

  • Fig. 4 Map of ancient Tiberias with inferred fault from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 1b Quaternary faults around the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan Valley from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 1c Simplified geologic map around the Sea of Galilee along with epicenters of MW > 4.0 events since 1970 from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 10 Sketches of the shallow subsurface from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 2b Morphotectonic map from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 9 Interpreted Seismic lines from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 8 Interpreted Seismic line run north of Tiberias Theater from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 2a Site Map from Ferrario et al (2020)


  • Fig. 1b Quaternary faults around the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan Valley from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 2b Morphotectonic map from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 9 Interpreted Seismic lines from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 8 Interpreted Seismic line run north of Tiberias Theater from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 2a Site Map from Ferrario et al (2020)


Normal Size

  • Fig. 4 Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Sketch of Tiberias with the Berniki Theater highlighted in yellow from
  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)


  • Fig. 4 Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)


  • Fig. D Reconstruction of the Roman theater from Cytryn-Silverman (2015) and Atrash (2012)


  • Fig. 6 Berniki Theater from Atrash (2012)
  • Fig. 6 Berniki Theater with pink highlighting where downdropped graben has created a fractured zone Atrash (2012)
  • Fig. 8 Berniki Theater from Atrash (2012)
  • Fig. 8 Berniki Theater with pink highlighting where downdropped graben has created a fractured zone Atrash (2012)


Berniki Theater

Stratigraphy at the Theater Tiberias Figure 3a) Historical periods in Israel and schematic stratigraphic column at the Theatre

Ferrario et al (2020)

All of Tiberias

Stratum Period Date Notes
I Late Fatimid 11th century CE construction above the collapse caused by an earthquake (in 1033 CE?)
II Early Fatimid 9th - 10th centuries CE continued use of the street with shops.
III Abbasid 8th - 9th centuries CE a row of shops, the basilica building was renovated.
IV Byzantine–Umayyad 5th - 7th centuries CE the eastern wing was added to the basilica building; the paved street; destruction was caused by the earthquake in 749 CE.
V Late Roman 4th century CE construction of the basilica complex, as well as the city’s institutions, i. e., the bathhouse and the covered market place.
VI Roman 2nd - 3rd centuries CE establishment of the Hadrianeum in the second century CE (temple dedicated to Hadrian that was never completed) and industrial installations; the paving of the cardo and the city’s infrastructure.
VII Early Roman 1st century CE founding of Tiberias, construction of the palace with the marble floor on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, opus sectile, fresco.
VIII Hellenistic 1st - 2nd centuries BCE fragments of typical pottery vessels (fish plates, Megarian bowls).

7th-10th century CE Earthquake - probably 749 CE

Maps, Plans, and Figures/Photos

Maps, Plans, and Figures/Photos

Normal Size

  • Fig. 4 Map containing Tiberias sites studied by Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4 Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Sketch of Tiberias with the Berniki Theater highlighted in yellow from
  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)
  • Fig. D Reconstruction of the Roman theater from Cytryn-Silverman (2015)
  • Fig. 5 Fatimid-Abbasid quarter which was on top of the Roman theater from Atrash (2010)
  • Fig. 5 Interpreted photographs taken during excavations at Tiberias Theatre in 2009 from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. S10 Faulted debris flow sediments found on top of the theater Ferrario et al (2020)


  • Fig. 4 Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)
  • Fig. 5 Interpreted photographs taken during excavations at Tiberias Theatre in 2009 from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. S10 Faulted debris flow sediments found on top of the theater Ferrario et al (2020)


Ferrario et al (2020) provided what they characterize as a tight terminus ante quem of not later than the 8th - 11th century CE for the damaging event at the Theatre based on overlying structures in the Fatimid-Abassid quarter. These structures, built on top of the Theatre and debris flow deposits which covered the Theater, followed a plan similar to the underlying Theatre (see Fig. 5 from Atrash, 2010). The Fatimid-Abassid structures, which were removed in order to access the Theatre, showed no faulting, damage, or deformation in photographs taken prior to removal. Damage, according to Ferrario et al (2020), was limited to the Roman-age flooring and to the debris flow sediments above it. Ferrario et al (2020) noted this was particularly evident in the photos in Figures 5 b-d.

A terminus post quem is provided from the Southern Gate area where a deformed Byzantine wall was observed along with presumed vault collapse. According to Procopius1, the Byzantine wall was constructed in the 6th century CE. The collapsed vault was dated to the Umayyad period by Hartal et al. (2010). Hartal et al. (2010) also dated structures built above the presumably collapsed vault to the Abbasid period. Taken together, this constrains the date of the archaeoseismic evidence in the Berniki Theater and the South Gate area to the 7th-10th century.

No radiocarbon dates were reported in the debris flow sediments which can be seen in Figures 5b and S10. A trench was examined near the South Gate site but no earthquake evidence was found in the trench and the trench could not be deepened below the 11th century CE due to the discovery of human remains.

1 Procopius reports in Book V Chapter IX of On the Buildings of Justinian (trans. Aubrey Stewart - Project Gutenberg) that Justinian I built the wall of Tiberias. In the version of this text translated by Henry Bronson Dewing (available at Topos Text), a margin note dates this "event" to 550 CE. Justinian I ruled from 527-565 CE.

Seismic Effects
7th-10th century CE Earthquake - probably 749 CE

Seismic Effects Table

Damage Type Location Image(s) Comments
Tilted wall                 Site A

  • Tilting on a 1.60 m high wall; the wall direction is N50°; fractures and tilting are located in a 5 m long zone, up to 15 cm of spacing between the two sides, later cemented - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Displaced, folded, and tilted wall Site B

  • Fractures and tilting on a 1.70 m high wall; 6 m long zone, up to 25 cm spacing, 10 cm left displacement - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Fractured wall Site F
  • Same wall as B but 7 m to the E, here 1.60 m high; fracture in a 2 m long zone, up to 10 cm spacing. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Tilted wall Site D

  • Tilting in a 4 m high wall, spacing up to 2-3 cm, less clear than previous evidences. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Tilted wall Site E
  • Tilting in a 2 m high wall, feature similar to D, no spacing nor lateral displacement. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Fractured wall Site H
Fractured wall Site I
Fractured wall Site J
Displaced wall Site K

  • Right displacement of 15 cm on two N35° oriented walls, 80 cm high, part of a rectangular structure 3x4 m. Some tilting to the E seems visible on the N wall, but not on the S one (pictures 586-587). - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Tilted and Fractured wall Site L

  • Fractures and tilting on a 1 m long zone, 1 m high wall, spacing up to 10 cm. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Fault Gouge 4e - contact between cretaceous limestones and alluvial sediments NW of the theater

  • Cretaceous limestones outcrop in the NW side of the Theatre (Fig. 4a), while the E side lies on loose alluvial deposits. At the contact, a bedrock fault zone (N60/60) is exposed inside the Theatre as a 1.5 m thick fault gouge (Fig. 4e). Stress inversion of fault slip data (Fig. 4d and Table S3) indicates an almost pure extensional regime, with a T axis trending N62/13. The limestone - alluvial deposit contact has a clear morphological expression out of the Theatre area (i.e., lies at the base of the mountain escarpment) and is interpreted as tectonic in origin on the Israeli map of active faults (Sagy et al., 2016). - Ferrario et al (2020)
Displaced and tilted Wall and Gravity Graben Site G - orchestra limestone pavement and lower block of seats

  • The Theatre preserves evidence of damage, mainly aligned along a ca. 10 m wide, N140-trending, belt which is located ca. 30 m to the E of the bedrock fault gouge described above. These archaeoseismic effects include on-fault effects with vertical displacement (downthrown seat-rows and walls) and strain structures generated by permanent ground deformation (tilted and folded walls). All these features belong to the primary earthquake archaeological effects described by Rodriguez-Pascua et al. (2011). The most relevant evidence is a 5-m wide, at least 15 m long, coseismic gravity-graben affecting the orchestra limestone pavement and lower block of seats (Fig. 4b and 4c). - Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fracture and tilting on a 80 cm high wall; wall direction: N150°, spacing ca. 1 cm. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Downfaulting fault zone going across the theater

  • High resolution topographic surveys carried out along several transects on features considered as a horizontal datum (i.e., flagstones and seat rows), show 50-to-60 cm of vertical net throw with downthrown side to the E (Fig. 7), including both discrete and distributed deformation. - Ferrario et al (2020)
Fractures folds and popups on regular pavements and faulting fault zone going across the theater

  • Photos taken in 2009 during the archaeological excavation show that normal displacement affects Roman-age floorings as well as debris flow sediments covering the Theatre pavement (Fig. 5). The sediments are well-bedded for their entire exposure, except for a few meters wide zone, corresponding with the fault zone. - Ferrario et al (2020)
Faulted Debris flow sediments On top of the theater - uncovered during excavations down to the Theater

  • Debris flows preceded the earthquake which is why they were faulted by the quake
Fractures Theatre
  • example of a fracture affecting a ca. 40-cm high building stone at Tiberias theatre (Fig. S14a) - Ferrario et al (2020)
  • fracture affecting a corner of a building stone, Tiberias theatre (Fig. S14b) - Ferrario et al (2020)
Broken Corners Theatre Fig S14

Discussion by Ferrario et al (2020)

Maps, Plans, and Figures/Photos
Maps, Plans, and Figures/Photos

Normal Size

  • Sketch of Tiberias with the Berniki Theater highlighted in yellow from
  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)
  • Fig. D Reconstruction of the Roman theater from Cytryn-Silverman (2015)
  • Fig. 4 Map containing Tiberias sites studied by Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4a Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4b Gravity Graben in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4c Gravity Graben in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4d best fit solution of fault slip inversion from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4e normal fault gouge from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 5 Interpreted photographs taken during excavations at Tiberias Theatre in 2009 from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 7 Vertical displacement across the inferred fault in Ancient Tiberias from Ferrario et al (2020)


  • Fig. 3 Theater plan from Atrash (2010)
  • Fig. 4a Map of surface ruptures in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4b Gravity Graben in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4c Gravity Graben in the Beriniki Theatre from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 4e normal fault gouge from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 5 Interpreted photographs taken during excavations at Tiberias Theatre in 2009 from Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fig. 7 Vertical displacement across the inferred fault in Ancient Tiberias from Ferrario et al (2020)


Cretaceous limestones outcrop in the NW side of the Theatre (Fig. 4a ), while the E side lies on loose alluvial deposits. At the contact, a bedrock fault zone (N60/60) is exposed inside the Theatre as a 1.5 m thick fault gouge (Fig. 4e ). Stress inversion of fault slip data (Fig. 4d and Table S3) indicates an almost pure extensional regime, with a T axis trending N62/13. The limestone - alluvial deposit contact has a clear morphological expression out of the Theatre area (i.e., lies at the base of the mountain escarpment) and is interpreted as tectonic in origin on the Israeli map of active faults (Sagy et al., 2016).

The Theatre preserves evidence of damage (Fig. 4a ), mainly aligned along a ca. 10 m wide, N140-trending, belt which is located ca. 30 m to the E of the bedrock fault gouge described above (Fig 4e ). These archaeoseismic effects include on-fault effects with vertical displacement (downthrown seat-rows and walls) and strain structures generated by permanent ground deformation (tilted and folded walls). All these features belong to the primary earthquake archaeological effects described by Rodriguez-Pascua et al. (2011). The most relevant evidence is a 5-m wide, at least 15 m long, coseismic gravity-graben affecting the orchestra limestone pavement and lower block of seats (Fig. 4b and 4c ). High resolution topographic surveys carried out along several transects on features considered as a horizontal datum (i.e., flagstones and seat rows), show 50-to-60 cm of vertical net throw with downthrown side to the E (Fig. 7 ), including both discrete and distributed deformation.

Photos taken in 2009 during the archaeological excavation show that normal displacement affects Roman-age floorings as well as debris flow sediments covering the Theatre pavement (Fig. 5 ). The sediments are well-bedded for their entire exposure, except for a few meters wide zone, corresponding with the fault zone.

Alignment of archaeoseismic features in the Berniki Theater

Images from JW


Berniki Theater (view towards the south) with pink highlighting where downdropped graben has created a fractured zone

Modified by JW from Fig. 6 of Atrash (2012)


Berniki Theater (view towards the WSW) with pink highlighting where downdropped graben has created a fractured zone

Modified by JW from Fig. 8 of Atrash (2012)

Ferrario et al. (2020)

Sites from Master Photo

  • Site A                   Tilting on a 1.60 m high wall; the wall direction is N50°; fractures and tilting are located in a 5 m long zone, up to 15 cm of spacing between the two sides, later cemented
  • Site B                   Fractures and tilting on a 1.70 m high wall; 6 m long zone, up to 25 cm spacing, 10 cm left displacement.
  • Site F                         Same wall as B but 7 m to the E, here 1.60 m high; fracture in a 2 m long zone, up to 10 cm spacing.
  • Site D                         Tilting in a 4 m high wall, spacing up to 2-3 cm, less clear than previous evidences.
  • Site E                         Tilting in a 2 m high wall, feature similar to D, no spacing nor lateral displacement.
  • Site G                   Fracture and tilting on a 80 cm high wall; wall direction: N150°, spacing ca. 1 cm.
  • Site H                         Vertical fracture on a 1 m high wall, no spacing nor lateral displacement.
  • Site I                         Fracture on a ca. 4 m high wall, no spacing nor lateral displacement.
  • Site J                         Fracture on a 1 m high wall, spacing max 3 cm, no lateral displacement.
  • Site K                   Right displacement of 15 cm on two N35° oriented walls, 80 cm high, part of a rectangular structure 3x4 m. Some tilting to the E seems visible on the N wall, but not on the S one (pictures 586-587).
  • Site L                   Fractures and tilting on a 1 m long zone, 1 m high wall, spacing up to 10 cm.
  •                                 Site descriptions and photos are from Ferrario et al. (2014)

Master Photo

Fig. 3

  • General view of the Beriniki theatre (looking NE); the letters show locations of main features
  • Detail of an observed deformation
  • Alignment of deformations along a N140° direction

Ferrario et al (2020)

Inferred Fault in Ancient Tiberias

Figure 4: Map of ancient Tiberias (modified after Hirschfeld & Gutfeld, 2008) with indication of the inferred lineament and trench position.

Ferrario et al (2020)

Deformation Maps
7th-10th century CE Earthquake - probably 749 CE

Deformation Map (left)

Modified by JW from Fig. 3 of Atrash (2010)

Section (right)

from Fig. 10a of Ferrario et al (2020)

Intensity Estimates
7th-10th century CE Earthquake - probably 749 CE

Damage Type Location Image(s) Comments Intensity
Tilted wall                 Site A

  • Tilting on a 1.60 m high wall; the wall direction is N50°; fractures and tilting are located in a 5 m long zone, up to 15 cm of spacing between the two sides, later cemented - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
VI +
Displaced, folded, and tilted wall Site B

  • Fractures and tilting on a 1.70 m high wall; 6 m long zone, up to 25 cm spacing, 10 cm left displacement - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Fractured wall Site F
  • Same wall as B but 7 m to the E, here 1.60 m high; fracture in a 2 m long zone, up to 10 cm spacing. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
VI +
Tilted wall Site D

  • Tilting in a 4 m high wall, spacing up to 2-3 cm, less clear than previous evidences. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
VI +
Tilted wall Site E
  • Tilting in a 2 m high wall, feature similar to D, no spacing nor lateral displacement. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
VI +
Fractured wall Site H
VI +
Fractured wall Site I
VI +
Fractured wall Site J
VI +
Displaced wall Site K

  • Right displacement of 15 cm on two N35° oriented walls, 80 cm high, part of a rectangular structure 3x4 m. Some tilting to the E seems visible on the N wall, but not on the S one (pictures 586-587). - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Tilted and Fractured wall Site L

  • Fractures and tilting on a 1 m long zone, 1 m high wall, spacing up to 10 cm. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
VI +
Fault Gouge 4e - contact between cretaceous limestones and alluvial sediments NW of the theater

  • Cretaceous limestones outcrop in the NW side of the Theatre (Fig. 4a), while the E side lies on loose alluvial deposits. At the contact, a bedrock fault zone (N60/60) is exposed inside the Theatre as a 1.5 m thick fault gouge (Fig. 4e). Stress inversion of fault slip data (Fig. 4d and Table S3) indicates an almost pure extensional regime, with a T axis trending N62/13. The limestone - alluvial deposit contact has a clear morphological expression out of the Theatre area (i.e., lies at the base of the mountain escarpment) and is interpreted as tectonic in origin on the Israeli map of active faults (Sagy et al., 2016). - Ferrario et al (2020)
Displaced and tilted Wall and Gravity Graben Site G - orchestra limestone pavement and lower block of seats

  • The Theatre preserves evidence of damage, mainly aligned along a ca. 10 m wide, N140-trending, belt which is located ca. 30 m to the E of the bedrock fault gouge described above. These archaeoseismic effects include on-fault effects with vertical displacement (downthrown seat-rows and walls) and strain structures generated by permanent ground deformation (tilted and folded walls). All these features belong to the primary earthquake archaeological effects described by Rodriguez-Pascua et al. (2011). The most relevant evidence is a 5-m wide, at least 15 m long, coseismic gravity-graben affecting the orchestra limestone pavement and lower block of seats (Fig. 4b and 4c). - Ferrario et al (2020)
  • Fracture and tilting on a 80 cm high wall; wall direction: N150°, spacing ca. 1 cm. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
  • Features A,B,C,D,L,G,K are all aligned along a N140° direction, as shown [in Figure 12]. The dashed red line represents the alignment of the observed damages. - Ferrario et al. (2014)
Downfaulting fault zone going across the theater

  • High resolution topographic surveys carried out along several transects on features considered as a horizontal datum (i.e., flagstones and seat rows), show 50-to-60 cm of vertical net throw with downthrown side to the E (Fig. 7), including both discrete and distributed deformation. - Ferrario et al (2020)
VI +
Fractures folds and popups on regular pavements and faulting fault zone going across the theater

  • Photos taken in 2009 during the archaeological excavation show that normal displacement affects Roman-age floorings as well as debris flow sediments covering the Theatre pavement (Fig. 5). The sediments are well-bedded for their entire exposure, except for a few meters wide zone, corresponding with the fault zone. - Ferrario et al (2020)
VI +
Faulted Debris flow sediments On top of the theater - uncovered during excavations down to the Theater

  • Debris flows preceded the earthquake which is why they were faulted by the quake
Fractures Theatre
  • example of a fracture affecting a ca. 40-cm high building stone at Tiberias theatre (Fig. S14a) - Ferrario et al (2020)
  • fracture affecting a corner of a building stone, Tiberias theatre (Fig. S14b) - Ferrario et al (2020)
VI +
Broken Corners Theatre Fig S14 VI +
Although this archaeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VII (7) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224), the presence of apparently coseismic on site faulting suggests a minimum intensity of IX (9).

Magnitude Estimate from Normal Fault Displacement

Source - Wells and Coppersmith (1994)

Variable Input Units Notes
m/s Enter a value of 655 for no site effect
Equation comes from Darvasi and Agnon (2019)
Variable Output - not considering a Site Effect Units Notes
unitless Moment Magnitude for Avg. Displacement
unitless Moment Magnitude for Max. Displacement
Variable Output - Site Effect Removal Units Notes
unitless Reduce Intensity Estimate by this amount
to get a pre-amplification value of Intensity

Site Effect

The value given for Intensity with site effect removed is how much you should subtract from your Intensity estimate to obtain a pre-amplification value for Intensity. For example if the output is 0.5 and you estimated an Intensity of 8, your pre-amplification Intensity is now 7.5. An Intensity estimate with the site effect removed is helpful in producing an Intensity Map that will do a better job of "triangulating" the epicentral area. If you enter a VS30 greater than 655 m/s you will get a positive number, indicating that the site amplifies seismic energy. If you enter a VS30 less than 655 m/s you will get a negative number, indicating that the site attenuates seismic energy rather than amplifying it. Intensity Reduction (Ireduction) is calculated based on Equation 6 from Darvasi and Agnon (2019).


VS30 is the average seismic shear-wave velocity from the surface to a depth of 30 meters at earthquake frequencies (below ~5 Hz.). Darvasi and Agnon (2019) estimated VS30 for a number of sites in Israel. If you get VS30 from a well log, you will need to correct for intrinsic dispersion. There is a seperate geometric dispersion correction usually applied when processing the waveforms however geometric dispersion corrections are typically applied to a borehole Flexural mode generated from a Dipole source and for Dipole sources propagating in the first 30 meters of soft sediments, modal composition is typically dominated by the Stoneley wave. Shear from Stoneley estimates are approximate at best. This is a subject not well understood and widely ignored by the Geotechnical community and/or Civil Engineers but understood by a few specialists in borehole acoustics. Other considerations will apply if you get VS30 value from a cross well survey or a shallow seismic survey where the primary consideration is converting shear slowness from survey frequency to Earthquake frequency. There are also ways to estimate shear slowness from SPT & CPT tests.

Notes and Further Reading

Equipment and Software used by Ferrario et al. (2020)

  • Drone
  • FieldMove CLINO app for Android or FieldMove CLINO app for ios by Petroleum Experts Limited®
  • plotted data using Stereonet v.11 software by Rick Allmendinger
  • invert for slip with the software FaultKin v.8 (Allmendinger et al., 2001), following a kinematic approach (i.e., Unweighted Moment Tensor Solution) in order to derive strain axes from fault geometry and slip direction. This method assumes that slip direction on fault is parallel to the maximum resolved shear rate of a large scale homogeneous strain rate tensor (e.g., Marrett & Allmendinger, 1990).
  • Rick Allmendinger's website