Transliterated Name | Language | Name |
Areopolis | Ancient Greek | αρεοπολισ |
Rabba | Arabic | الربة |
er-Rabba | Arabic | يرءراببا |
Rabbath Moab | ||
ir-Moab | ||
Ma’âb | Arabic | |
Raba |
Areopolis, located on a plateau east of the Dead Sea and ~15 km. north of Al-Karak appears to have been built by the Nabateans (Negev, 1980). It was mentioned by Ptolemy in his book Geography around 150 CE (Negev, 1980) and also by Eusebius and Jerome.
The two Greek building inscriptions dated A.D. 589/599 and 688 published by Zayadine, belonged probably to this church
The two Greek building inscriptions dated A.D. 589/599 and 688 published by Zayadine, belonged probably to this church
The two Greek building inscriptions dated A.D. 589/599 and 688 published by Zayadine, belonged probably to this church
Zayadine (1971)
published a translation of a dedicatory inscription at Areopolis which he
found out of context in the house of a local villager in 1968.
Zayadine (1971)
suggested that the fragment indicates that a previously unreported earthquake struck Areopolis shortly before 597 CE.
The fragment translates as follows:
During the incumbency of most holy Bishop John [this building] has been restored in the year 492, after the earthquakewhere 492 is reported in the Era of the Province of Arabia and equates to 22 March 597 to 21 March 598 CE (calculated with CHRONOS). Both Zayadine (1971) and Gysens (2003) suggest that the inscription was for the Church between the Roman Era Temple and the Colonnaded Street. This Church is labeled as Church 2 or the West Church in various publications.
When they arrived at the city called Rabbat Moab, there was there a synagogue of the Jews. No synagogue like it was built anywhere else, except only the temple (Haykla) that King Solomon built in Jerusalem. It was built of large hewn stones, the walls and the floor were inlaid with bronze, and it was studded with much gold and silver. Small golden bells were hung on all the faces of its doors. A wall of strong stones surrounded it; there were also large iron doors in this wall outside, and doors of bronze were made inside in the temple.Despite the style enhanced with legendary and fanciful details, the topographical elements do not seem to be invented.9 The monument could have been transformed into a church but it is difficult to prove, because modern dwellings cover the site. Thanks to the excavations carried out by the Department of Antiquities from 1962 to 1963, a small church located to the east of the temple was discovered (pl. III). Its apse, facing east, reaches 4.60 m and its length about 15 m. The constructions surrounding this church apparently overflowed onto the Roman road and were placed on a layer of basalt and limestone. Nothing can be presumed about their original use and their plan is difficult to read.
1. +'Επι' 'Ιωαννου τουTranslation
2. 'αγ(ιωτατου) επισχ(οπου) ανενε-
3. ωθη ετους Υ|Β
4. μςτα τ(ον) σισμον +
(1) On the site see especially: Briinnow and von Domaszewski,
Die Provincia Arabia, I, p. 54ss; G.F. Hill, Catalog of the Greek Coins,
Arabia, p. XLII - XLIV; R. Canova, Inscrivioni e monuments protocristiani del Paese di Moab, 1954, p. 198ss;
H, Seyrig, Les dieux armes et les Arabes en Syrie, Syria, 47, 1970, p. 96.
(2) According to Byzantine authors, this name would derive from the god Ariel,
patron of the city. Since this god is not attested elsewhere, it is more reasonable
to believe that the city takes its name from the god Ares.
(See J. Teixidor, Bulletin d'epigraphie semitique, Syria, XLIII, 1971, p. 467.)
(3) Die Provincia Arabia, I, p. 54 - 55. In
1968, a villager gave me a fragment
of limestone bearing the Latin letters
Nervae; it is currently in the museum of Kerak.
As this name is in the genitive, it could be
a dedication to the name of Trajan or Hadrian.
(4) Die Provincia Arabia, I, p. 54.
(5) Inscrizioni, p. 202, fig. 227.
(6) Ibid. p. 203.
(7) J. W. Crowfoot, Churches at Jerash, 1930, p. 16ss.
(8) F. Nau, Two episodes of Jewish history
under Theodosius II (423 and 438), based on the life of
Barsauma the Syrian, Revue des Etudes Juives,
LXXXIII (1927), p. 188. see also: J. T. Milik,
Mélanges de l'Université S. Joseph, =MI, p. 165, n. 1.
(9) I don't know why J. T. Milik wants
the synagogue of Rabbat Moab to be the temple
we described above (cf. J. Starcky,
Dictionnaire de la Bible, Sup. VII. col. 922.)
(10) Arabia Petraea, Moab, I, p. 372 et figure 173.
(11) Op. cit., p. 204.
(12) Revue Biblique, 47, 1938, p. 248 - 249 and pl. XV. 2.
(13) Le Quien, Oriens Christianus, III, col. 735.
(14) R. Canova, op. cit., p. XCIV.
(15) See last place: G. W. Bowersock,
The Annexation and Initial Garrison of Arabia,
Zeit. Fur pap. und Epig., 5, 1970, p. 39.
(16) V. Grumel, Traite d'Etudes byzantines, I, La Chronologie, 1958, p. 479.
(17) See: N. N. Ambraseys, Documentation on
historical Earthquakes in the Near-East, (provisional work on behalf of UNESCO),
p. 68, according to the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian, X,
XXIII (Translation by J. B. Chabot, II, p. 373).
(18) Op. cit, p. XLIII and note 6. An earthquake destroyed the city in the 4th century. Cf.
Canova, Inscrizioni, p. 203.
(19) Le Duc de Luynes, Voyage, p. 109:
"It seems that one of the frequent Roman Empire earthquakes
brought down a portion of these limestone buildings
and that a crude attempt was made to restore with poorly hewn blocks of basalt."
1 Two seasons (1999-2000). Architects Roberto Sabelli, Giovanna Battista, Francesco
Ciampinelli, Ombretta Dinelli, ‘Ali al-Khattib, Rita Landini, Francesca Malesani participated in
the survey and in the elaboration of groundplan (fig.1).
2 The situation in the Balqâ east of the Dead Sea was one of great instability
and anarchy during the late Ottoman period (end of the 19th century). The country
was also unsettled, although not devoid of cultivation: “The whole population was of
beduin stock with the exception of al-Karak and the three villages of ‘Iraq, Kathraba and Khanzira”
(R.S. Abujaber, Pioneers over Jordan. The frontier of settlement in Transjordan, 1850-1914,
(London, 1989), p. 45 n. 1, see also: pp. 220, 221, 217)
3 Records from 19th century visitors cited from R.E. Bruennow and A. von Domaszewki’s
collection in Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund Zweier in den Jahre 1897 und 1898 unternommen
Reisen und der Berichte frueherer Reisender, I (Strassburg,1904-1909), pp.56-59 (afterwards
Bruennow and Domaszewski); see also J.T. Miller, Archaelogical Survey of the Kerak Plateau,
(Atlanta, 1991), pp.15-17;65-66 (Rabba, site 108).
4 Structures of an earlier period were also visible in this area. The remains of a solidly built
tower with casement walls, probably dating of the Final Iron Age, was discovered in the course
of our survey and will be excavated next season (2002).
5 D.B.E. Bell, The Letters of Gertrude Bell, (March 24/1900), (London, 1927), I, p.72-73
6 For sources on the earlier (Roman) periods see Miller 1991; J. Teixidor,
Bulletin d’épigraphie sémitique, Syria XLVII (1970), no 46 (bullae from Kurnub); K.C. Gutwein, Third Palestine.
A regional Study in Byzantine Urbanization, (Washington,1981), pp. 128-129. On the Roman
road from Elusa cfr. G.W. Bowersock, Roman Arabia, (London, 1983), p.180.
7 Concerning the toponym “Rababatora” indicated on the Peutinger Table, see Bowersock
1983, supra p. 175; M. Weippert’s discussion in “Rababatora” in M. Weippert und S. Timm
(edd.), Meilenstein. Festgabe fur Herbert Donner (zum 16. Febr. 1995), (Wiesbaden, 1995), pp.
333-338. For the discussion on the identification of ‘Ar of Moab placename in Biblical sources:
cf. Weippert 1995, pp. 333-334, n. 5; cf. also J. Teixidor, Bulletin d’inscriptions sémitiques, Syria
XLVIII (1971), p. 163, no 78); Aggoula,”Studia aramaica II, Syria LXII (1985), 74-76.
8 Cfr. Gutwein 1981, p. 11, table 2.
9 Cfr. A. Spijkerman, The Coins of the Decapolis and Provincia Arabia, (Jerusalem, 1978),
p. 263., n. 9 and p. 275. The coins apparently never used the Greek name Areopolis; for
Arsapolis cf. E.A. Knauf:”a prestandard Arabic/Greek mixture” in Miller 1991, p. 285 and
ibid.”Arsapolis, eine epigraphische Bemerkung”, Liber Annuus 34 (1984), pp. 353-356.
Eusebius uses both Rabbathmôba and Areopolis: on. 10.17; 36.20,25; 122.28; 124.17; and provided
an etymology in which ‘Ar was the hellenized form of the divine name Ariel (contra:
Hier., Isaiam 15.1). For the discussion on the identification of the local deity cf. G.W.
Bowersock, “The Arabian Ares”, in E. Gabba (ed), Tria Corda. Scritti in onore di Arnaldo
Momigliano, (Como, 1983), pp.43-47.
10 A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602 A.D., Norman 1964, I, p.176
11 F. Nau, “Deux épisodes de l’histoire juive sous Théodose II (423 et 438) d’après la vie de
Barsauma le Syrien”, Revue des Etudes Juives LXXXIII (1927), pp. 186-189.
12 All the sources in Canova 1954, pp. lx-lxi.
13 Ibid.; and M. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus III, cols. 769-772.
14 F.L. Koucky, in Parker, The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan I (1987), p. 35-37.
15 al Azdî, 29 as cited (and commented upon) by W.E. Kaegi, Byzantium and the early
Islamic conquests, (Cambridge, Mass., 1992, (1997)), p. 66. Other Arabic sources on the event as
mentioned by Kaegi:Balâdhurî 113, a†-™abarî, I 2108 and our only Christian source: Sebêos
(123-4); cf. Kaegi 1997, p. 66, n. 1; more on Areopolis: (Kaegi 1997), pp. 83-87.
16 R. de Vaux, “Una mosaique byzantine à Ma’in (Transjordanie), Revue Biblique XLVII
(1938), pp. 227-258, in particular: p. 248 no 8 and plate XV,2.; P.-L. Gatier, Inscriptions grecques et latines de Jordanie, II, p. 242.
17 Cfr. K.W. Russell, The Earthquake Chronology of Palestine and Nordwest Arabia
from the 2nd through the Mid-8th Century A.D., BASOR, 260 (1985), pp. 37-59.
18 For a complete list of the photographs taken by Bruennow and Domaszewski at Rabba cf.
H. Innes Mac Adam, Studies in the History of the Roman Province of Arabia, (Oxford, 1986)
(Bar int. s. 295), appendix p. 278, nos 858-861); cfr. also C.E.S. Gavin, The Image of the East:
Nineteenth-century Near Eastern Photographs by Bonfils from the collection of the Havard
Semitic Museum,(Chicago, 1982) (N° 764 dated 1886); It was occupied as an “Arab dwelling"
c. 1902 cfr. A.Musil 1907, moreover spolia were used to constuct the entrance, cfr. ibid. p. 372
and Canova 1954, p. 200, fig. 224 (the rebuilt monument c. 1902), pp. 206-207, figs. 228-230b
(the spolia).
19 J.H.W.G. Liebeschuetz, The Decline and Fall of the Roman City, (Oxford, 2001), p. 308.
20 J. Johns, “Settlement and land exploration strategies in the Ard al-Karak in the Islamic
period”, paper distributed during the 4th Congress on the history and archaeology of Jordan at
Lyon (May 30th-June 4th 1989), p. 2.
21 Ibid., p. 4.
22 Ibid., p. 5, M.C. Lyons and D.E.P. Jackson, Saladin. The Politics of Holy War (Cambridge,
1982), pp. 217-220.
23 J. Johns,”Islamic Settlement in Ar∂ al-Karak, in Studies in the History and Archaeology of
Jordan, IV (Amman-Lyon, 1992), p. 366.
Canova, R. (1954) Iscrizioni e monumenti protocristiani del Paese di Moab, (Roma, 1954).
Glueck, N. (1934) Explorations in Eastern Palestine I, (Annual of the American Schools of
Oriental Resarch, XIV, Chicago, 1934).
Gysens, J.C. (2003) Change And Continuity In Urban Settlement Patterns In Palaestina Tertia: The Case Of Areopolis (Rabba, Jordan)
, ARAM, 15 (2003), 1-10
Gysens, J.C. (2008) Interim Report on the Rabbathmoab and Qaṣr Rabbah Project
, East and West 58(1/4), 53–86. - at JSTOR
Miller, J. Maxwell (ed) (1992) Archaelogical Survey of the Kerak Plateau. Conducted during
1978-1982 (ASOR Archaeological Reports 1), (Atlanta, 1992).
Musil, A. (1907) Arabia Petraea I (Moab), (Wien, 1907). (in German) - open access at
Rucker, J. D. and Niemi, T. M. (2010). Historical earthquake catalogues and archaeological data:
Achieving synthesis without circular reasoning. Ancient Earthquakes, Geological Society of America. 471: 97-106.
Zayadine, F. (1971). "Deux inscriptions grecques de Rabbat Moab (Areopolis) " Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 16: 71-76.