The basic assumption underlying the paleointensity method (Thellier and Thellier 1959) is that TRM (magnetization acquired on cooling) is quasi-linearly proportional to the intensity of the field (B) in which it was acquired:
One of the most difficult paleointensity methodological problems to deal with concerns data analysis. Here, in addition to the Arai plot, we use “Zijderveld” plots (Zijderveld 1967) of Cartesian components (x,y,z) of the zero field steps, plotted as x versus y and x versus z as in the insets to Fig. 43.2. The root of the data analysis problem is that often specimens do not yield ideal straight lines in both the Arai and the Zijderveld plots as in Fig. 43.2a. Instead, there may be a linear or quasi-linear segment that could be interpreted differently by different researchers. The problem of ambiguity in the interpretation inserts considerable noise to the published paleointensity database. To address this problem Shaar and Tauxe (2013) developed a computer program for automatic interpretation. This program is capable of analyzing many thousands of specimens (the long term target of the project) in a consistent, objective and reproducible fashion, while calculating robust error estimations of the results (for more details, see Shaar and Tauxe 2013; Shaar et al. 2015). To make the automatic interpretation meaningful, the user has to choose specific criteria for screening out only the most “reliable” results (e.g., Fig. 43.2a or similar). This is done by a set of statistics defined in Shaar and Tauxe (2013) and Paterson et al. (2014). Fig. 43.2b–d shows some examples of specimens failing the criteria used in this study. Figure 43.2b shows an Arai plot with only partial linear segment; Fig. 43.2c shows a zigzagged, non-linear pattern; Fig. 43.3d shows non-linear Zijderveld plots in the inset (see Paterson et al. 2014 for definitions).
The Hebrew Bible and other ancient Near Eastern texts describe Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian, and Babylonian military campaigns to the Southern Levant during the 10th to sixth centuries BCE. Indeed, many destruction layers dated to this period have been unearthed in archaeological excavations. Several of these layers are securely linked to specific campaigns and are widely accepted as chronological anchors. However, the dating of many other destruction layers is often debated, challenging the ability to accurately reconstruct the different military campaigns and raising questions regarding the historic ity of the biblical narrative. Here, we present a synchronization of the historically dated chronological anchors and other destruction layers and artifacts using the direction and/or intensity of the ancient geomagnetic field recorded in mud bricks from 20 burnt destruction layers and in two ceramic assemblages. During the period in question, the geomagnetic field in this region was extremely anomalous with rapid changes and high intensity values, including spikes of more than twice the intensity of today’s field. The data are useful in the effort to pinpoint these short-term variations on the timescale, and they resolve chronological debates regarding the campaigns against the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the relationship between the two kingdoms, and their administrations.
We reconstructed the direction and/or intensity of Earth’s magnetic field recorded in 20 burnt destruction layers exposed at 17 archaeological sites and in two ceramic assemblages (SI Appendix,Tables S1–S6). From the destruction layers we sampled sun-dried mud bricks (SI Appendix, Fig. S1A), which had acquired thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) when the sites were destroyed by fire. In one case we sampled a kiln that had gone out of use when the site had been destroyed. The data, obtained from the analysis of 1,186 specimens from 144 samples, are shown in Fig. 1 along with our recent compilations of published data from the Levant and Western Mesopotamia (3–5).Fig.1A also displays an archaeointensity curve (LAC.v.1.0) (5), constructed using a transdimensional Bayesian method (6) based on all these data (see SI Appendix, Detailed Methods and Fig. S2). Detailed results are presented in SI Appendix,Figs.S3–S9 and Tables S7, S8, S10, S12–S15. All the archaeomagnetic data, as well as the interpretations presented here, are available in the MagIC database.
According to historical sources, Hazael, King of Aram Damascus, led at least one military campaign to the Southern Levant and according to the Hebrew Bible (2 Kings 12:18) he destroyed Gath of the Philistines. This event left an extensive destruction layer and, based on historical and archaeological data including radiocarbon, there is a wide consensus that it should be dated to ca. 830 BCE (20), although the possibility that it occurred in 798 BCE was suggested in the past (21). Both the archaeomagnetic direction and intensity from Gath show outstanding agreement with three other destruction layers dated to the ninth century BCE (Fig. 1 and SI Appendix, Fig. S10):
Fig. 1
Archaeomagnetic results.
Fig. 2
Map of the studied destruction layers and the different military campaigns. A schematic illustration of possible routes is presented following Rainey
and Notley (21). Chronological anchors are highlighted in bold
Vaknin et al. (2022)
Fig. 3
Archaeomagnetic dating using archaeointensity marginalized dating (6).
Two parameters used to describe the magnetic field direction at a point on the surface of the earth.
D refers to the declination angle and I to the inclination angle
Agnes Pointu at Paleomagnetism For Rookies at
The practice of stamping storage jars with royal seals as part of a taxation administrative system was widespread in Judah between the 8th and the 2nd centuries BCE (Lipschits, 2021). During the manufacturing of large oval four‐handled storage jars, some specific jars were pre-labeled by stamping an impression onto the wet clay just before firing. These stamped jars were used for delivering goods, such as wine or oil as tax. Over time, due to political and economic changes, the seal impression systems evolved; some systems went out of use and other systems replaced them. As a result, the different families of seals, each distinguished by a unique symbolic motif, formed a continuous typological framework that can be linked to an absolute historical chronology.
Hassul, E., et al. (2024). "Geomagnetic Field Intensity During the First Millennium BCE From Royal Judean Storage Jars: Constraining the Duration of the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly."
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Paterson, G.A., Tauxe, L., Biggin, A.J., Shaar, R. and Jonestrask, L.C. 2014. On Improving the Selection of Thellier-Type Paleointensity Data
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Shaar et al. (2022) The Tel Megiddo Paleointensity Project: Toward a Higher Resolution Reference Curve for Archaeomagnetic Dating
. In: Finkelstein, I., and Martin, M.A.S. Megiddo VI. The 2010 – 2014 Seasons. Volume III. Tel Aviv.
Vaknin et al. (2022) Reconstructing biblical military campaigns using geomagnetic field data
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