AD 1643 Mar 23 Jerusalem
An earthquake was felt strongly in Jerusalem, apparently
causing great anxiety.
This event is reported in a letter written by
Paisios, the future Patriarch of Jerusalem, on 23 March
a.M.(Byz.) 7152 (1643). While the story about the soldiers
may be apocryphal, it is most probably based on a genuine case of an earthquake in the city, probably the same
earthquake as that of 1644.
When the earth was being shaken, and some of the soldiers, out of
fear, fell on their faces on the ground. Some of them were driven
out of their minds, marvelling and staring here and there like
madmen; and they all cried out with one voice, “The Christian
Faith is true!”.
(Paisios, iii. 55) Letter dated a.M.(Byz.) 7152, 23
Ambraseys, N. (2009). Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of
seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.