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Taba Sabhka Trench

Maps, Aerial Views, Trench Log, and Stratigraphic Column
Maps, Aerial Views, Trench Log, and Stratigraphic Column

Maps and Aerial Views

  • Fig. 1.2 Location map from Allison (2013)
  • Approximate location of Taba Sabhka Trench from Allison (2013)

Trench Log

Location Map

Figure 4.1

Geologic map of the southern Wadi ‘Arabah. The Taba Sabkha trench location is shown at the top of the map (modified after Garfunkel, 1970). DST faults in Gulf of Aqaba from Hartman, 2012.

Allison (2013)

Trench Log

Figure 4.3

Cross-section of both the north and south Taba Sabkha trench walls showing faulting, stratigraphic offset, and radiocarbon dates of charcoal samples collected.

Allison (2013)

Stratigraphic Column

Figure 4.4

Paleoseismic faulting and stratigraphic correlation in the Taba Sabkha trench, Wadi `Arabah, Jordan. Colored stratigraphic units correlate to colored cross-sections of trench walls (see Figure 4.3)

Allison (2013)

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table
