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Soreq and Har-Tuv Caves

Fig. 3.4.4 C

Photograph of speleooseismite in Soreq Cave - Collapsed speleothem with post-collapse stalagmite regrowth, suspended between two pillars

Kagan (2011)


Kagan (2011:77) noted that the Soreq and Har-Tuv caves show dissimilar dates of collapses in the Holocene (see Kagan, 2011:Tables 3.3.1, 3.3.2).


Caves create an environment protected from most erosive activity. The calcite and detrital deposits within caves have laminar growth patterns preserving delicate evidence including structural damage from earthquakes. Speleothems can be dated with radiometric methods, making it possible to study the temporal patterns of seismic events [e.g. Kagan et al., 2005; Panno et al., 2009: Plan et al., 2010].

The mechanical relation between earthquakes and the breaking of speleothem structures is not clear. Various aspects of the relation have been investigated in past studies, including investigation of the ground acceleration needed to damage different speleothems, the types of speleothems sensitive to breaking under certain conditions, and predicted modes of failure [e.g. Cadorin et al., 2001; Lacave et al., 2000, 2004; Becker et al., 2006]. Yet speleothems are heterogeneous by nature [Gilli et al., 1999; Lacave et al., 2000] owing to their internal structure, composition, growth rates, and location within a cave. Furthermore, considering site effects and cave depths, shapes and sizes, we are not yet able to precisely predict the effects of earthquakes on speleothems. These considerations make it difficult to evaluate clear intensity values of speleothem damage for intensity scales such as the Environmental Intensity Scale 2007 [ESI07- Reicherter et al., 2009]. Modern observations and detailed investigation immediately following earthquakes need to be carried out for calibration of the past events to quantitative parameters.

Nevertheless, observations of broken speleothems due to modern earthquakes have been documented in caves from around the world [e.g. Gilli et al., 1999; Aydan, 2008; Perez-Lopez et al., 2009]. Dated damaged speleothem samples were reported to have yielded ages of known historical and pre-historic earthquakes in various studies [e.g. Postpischl et al., 1991; Morinaga et al., 1994; Lemeille et al., 1999; Kagan et al., 2005].

Effects of earthquakes on caves and speleothems can come in different forms (Figure 3.3.3). These may include cracks and fissures, severed stalagmites, collapsed and broken speleothems, collapsed ceilings and rockslides, changes in growth axes due to tilting [e.g. Postpischl et al., 1991; Morinaga et al., 1994; Forti, 1998; Gilli et al., 1999; Lemeille et al., 1999]. Another form of earthquake induced damage is the closing or opening of cracks, depending upon their locations in relation to stress fields [Muirwood and King, 1993].

Figure 3.3.3

Schematic diagram depicting speleoseismites found in the study caves. Single arrows point to the paleoseismic contact between the pre-seismic laminae and post-seismic re-growth.
  1. Stalagmite with top severed, re-growth apparent on both the collapsed top and the standing and broken base
  2. cross-section of broken stalagmite embedded in younger stalagmite re-growth
  3. cross-section of broken stalactite covered by post-event stalactite re-growth
  4. collapsed ceiling rubble with post collapse stalagmite re-growth
  5. collapsed stalactite with stalagmite re-growth
  6. whole fallen ceiling slab with pre collapse stalactites and post collapse stalagmites
In a, d, and f red ellipses indicate post-seismic growth, while blue ellipses indicate pre-seismic growth.

Kagan (2011)

Most paleoseismological and speleoseismological studies seek to date phenomena which occurred almost instantaneously by earthquakes. When a similar age is obtained by a few different speleothem samples from different parts of a cave, it is suggestive that these were not spontaneous separate collapses, but indicative of an earthquake [Kagan et al., 2005; Braun, 2009]. Dating such events can only give an age range due to analytical and geological uncertainties, as in most geological scenarios. These uncertainties can prevent differentiation of closely timed seismic events, but quiescent intervals, as well as periods of clustering, can be identified clearly.

Soreq and Har-Tuv caves in the Judean Hills

The Soreq and Har-Tuv caves, located 15 km west of Jerusalem (Figure 3.3.1), offer an excellent opportunity for speleoseismic investigation [Kagan et al., 2005]. The two caves have developed under nearly identical geological and climatic conditions. Research in two nearby caves offered the prospect of correlation with most of the 185-ky archive of Kagan et al. [2005]. The Soreq Cave has been studied intensively and shows continuous growth of speleothems for the last 185 ky [Bar-Matthews et al., 2000; Ayalon et al., 2002] and probably the past 350 ky [Bar-Matthews and Ayalon pers. comm.] The Har-Tuv Cave is in an active part of the Har-Tuv Quarry and is intended for destruction. Therefore, sampling in this cave was not limited by considerations for preservation.

Soreq Cave is elongated in the NW-SE direction with an average length of 80 m and an average width of 60 m [Asaf, 1975]. The floor consists of flowstone, stalagmites, fallen speleothems, and locally some mud. There are abundant fractures on the ceiling of the cave, some of them filled with reddish sediments and probably connect the cave to the ground surface. Curtain-type stalactites grow underneath ceiling fractures and form walls that divide the cave into spaces known as rooms, or halls. This cave contains a large amount of fallen cave deposits, of all types and sizes, which provide information on the seismic history of the region. This history is given mainly by dating seismic events, with additional information on local intensity and other physical data pertaining to underground earthquake damage. Mapping showed preferential orientation of collapses and, together with dating clusters, indicated non-random, non-spontaneous collapses. U-series dating of damaged speleothems and of deposits that have grown on them accurately places the causative events into the regional seismic chronological record.

The Har-Tuv Cave was only recently uncovered during quarrying activities. It is part of the same system of karstic caves described above. At the entrance to the cave there is a fault that dips 75/035, showing slickensides orienting 1250, whose age is unknown. It is a small cave, fairly horizontal, about 20 m long and maximum 7 m wide. There are many standing speleothem pillars and some broken ones. There is an abundance of ceiling collapses, mostly covered with stalagmite-stalactite growth. There is also an area covered by a thick layer of flowstone.

The entire Soreq-Har-Tuv Judean Hills archive covers ~185 ky and includes dating of more than 60 speleoseismites. Damages in these caves have been shown to stem from 13-18 earthquakes with a mean recurrence interval of 10–14 ky [Kagan et al., 2005]. This archive shows correlation between numerous events at the Soreq and Har-Tuv caves. However, the Holocene portion of this archive, presented in this paper, shows dissimilar dates of collapses in the two caves (Tables 3.3.1, 3.3.2).

Maps, Aerial Views, Figures, Tables, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Figures, Tables, and Photos

Location Maps

Wide View

Figure 1

Seventy-eight relocated earthquakes from 1987 to 1996 (after Hofstetter et al., 2007) (open circles). The threshold magnitude is approximately ML = 2. Composite focal mechanisms of the three largest events from 1984-1994 in the Carmel area are shown, as well as for a Dead Sea M5.1 event and a M7.2 Gulf of Aqaba event (Hofstetter et al., 1996, 2003, 2007, 2008; Kraeva et al., 2009/2010). Black circles mark locations (see table 1 and fig. 1 of Hofstetter et al., 1996, and Hofstetter et al., 2007, for the 1994 event location). The main active tectonic structures are indicated by black lines:
  • LRB—Levant Restraining Bend
  • CG—Carmel–Gilboa
  • JV—Jordan Valley
  • DSB—Dead Sea basin
  • AV—Arava (schematic fault traces from the original map, Hofstetter et al., 2007)
Braun et al. (2009)

Cave Maps

Soreq Cave

Locations of Collapsed Speleothems and Ceiling Blocks, Severed Stalagmites, Cracks in Speleothems, and Ceiling Fractures

Figure 3.4.1

Map of Soreq Cave indicating the location of collapsed speleothems and ceiling blocks, severed stalagmites, cracks in speleothems, and ceiling fractures

Kagan (2011)

Sample Locations

Figure 3.4.2

Map of Soreq Cave with sample locations. Red squares are for visual clarity only and groupings within them have no relevance

Kagan (2011)

Damage Ages

Figure 3.4.12

Map of Soreq Cave with ages of damage (some numbers rounded). Only MC-ICP-MS ages (this study) given. When gap exists between pre and post damage ages, the post ages are given here. Data from Table 3.4.2. Seismite types given in parentheses: BS=broken stalagmite, FS=fallen stalactite, CC=collapsed ceiling, PF=particles in flowstone, mac=macaroni stalactites collapsed, mud=mud entry into cave. Blue ages are post-damage ages of samples, red age given when only pre-damage age available.

Kagan (2011)

Har-Tuv Cave

Locations of Collapsed Speleothems and Ceiling Collapses, Fractures, Pools, and Sample Numbers

Figure 3.4.3

Map of Har-Tuv Cave with speleothem and ceiling collapses, fractures, pools, and sample numbers.

Kagan (2011)

Damage Ages

Figure 3.4.13

Map of Har-Tuv Cave with ages of seismites. In blue: MC-ICP-MS ages (ka), data in Tables 3.4.1 to 3.4.3. In red: ages from Kagan et al. [2005] for samples with no MC-ICP MS ages. Ages are given in thousands of years before the present (ka). All samples here have post-damage ages only, except for the 128 ka seismite, which has a 156 ka pre-damage constraint.

Kagan (2011)

Aerial Views

  • Approximate location of Soreq Cave in Google Earth
  • Approximate location of Soreq Cave on

Figures and Tables

Illustration of Speleoseismite Formation

Figure 3.3.3

Schematic diagram depicting speleoseismites found in the study caves. Single arrows point to the paleoseismic contact between the pre-seismic laminae and post-seismic re-growth.
  1. Stalagmite with top severed, re-growth apparent on both the collapsed top and the standing and broken base
  2. cross-section of broken stalagmite embedded in younger stalagmite re-growth
  3. cross-section of broken stalactite covered by post-event stalactite re-growth
  4. collapsed ceiling rubble with post collapse stalagmite re-growth
  5. collapsed stalactite with stalagmite re-growth
  6. whole fallen ceiling slab with pre collapse stalactites and post collapse stalagmites
In a, d, and f red ellipses indicate post-seismic growth, while blue ellipses indicate pre-seismic growth.

Kagan (2011)

Seismic Event Tables and Plots

Table 3.4.3 Speleoseismite Event Table from Soreq and Har-Tuv Caves in chronological order - Kagan (2011)
Multi site Event Age Comparisons


Kagan (2011)

Figure 3.3.4

Comparison of event age results of the different paleoseismic studies (Table 3.3.2). CF studies:
  • Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galillee) trenches [Katz et al., 2011]
  • Soreq-Har-Tuv [Kagan, 2005 and this study]
  • Megiddo archaeo-seismic evidence [Marco et al., 2006]
  • Yagur shutter ridge [Zilberman et al., 2008]
  • Denya Cave [Braun, 2009]
Numbers above cave events indicate number of speleoseismites dated to this age. Note: Soreq/Har-Tuv ages are separate single sample ages dated to the same event; while Denya ages are isochron ages [see text and Braun, 2009, for details]. Horizontal bars represent “no information” time windows.

Kagan (2011)

Braun (2009) - differs from Kagan (2011)

Figure 40

Comparison between Denya Cave cluster results and other paleoseismic studies in the region.
  • Blue-CF studies
  • Red-DST studies
  1. Carmel 1: Zilberman et al., 2006
  2. Carmel 2: Gluck, 2002
  3. Megiddo: Marco et al, 2006
  4. Soreq: Kagan, 2002 and Kagan et al., 2007
  5. Ein-Gev: Amit, 2009.
Braun (2009)


Table 3.3.2 from Kagan (2011)

Table 3.3.2

Comparison of paleoseismic results from the Judean hills [Kagan et al., 2005]
  • Soreq-Har-Tuv Caves
  • Denya Cave on Mt. Carmel [Braun,2009]
  • paleoseismic trenches at the Eastern Lake Kinneret ( Sea of Galilee) [Katz et al., 2011; OSL ages; TEG indicates trench sample names]
  • a paleoseismic study of a shutter ridge along the Yagur segment of the CF [Zilberman et al., 2008; OSL ages]
  • archaeoseismic findings in structures at the archeological site of Megiddo [Marco et al., 2006]
Speleoseismite samples from Judean Hills caves Soreq (SO) and Har-Tuv (HT) and Mt. Carmel Denya cave (DN) speleoseismite samples were dated using the U-Th dating method using a MC-ICP-MS, except for two samples [Kagan et al., 2005, indicated by WM] with wiggle matching age results. Ages for Judean Hills caves speleoseismites are single sample ages. Ages for speleoseismites from the Denya cave are presented as the respective isochron ages for speleoseismite groups. Speleoseismite types: broken stalagmite (BS), broken stalactite

Kagan (2011)

Table 2 from Kagan et al. (2005)

Table 2

Comparison of paleoseismic results from
  • the Judean hills (Kagan et al., 2005)
  • Denya Cave on Mt. Carmel (Braun, 2009)
  • paleoseismic trenches at the Eastern Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) (Katz et al., this issue; OSL ages; TEG indicates trench sample names)
  • a paleoseismic study of a shutter ridge along the Yagur segment of the CF (Zilberman et al., 2008; OSL ages)
  • archaeoseismic findings in structures at the archeological site of Megiddo (Marco et al., 2006)
Speleoseismite samples from Judean Hills caves Soreq (SO) and Har-Tuv (HT) and Mt. Carmel Denya cave (DN) speleoseismite samples were dated using the U-Th dating method using a MC-ICP-MS, except for two samples (Kagan et al., 2005, indicated by WM) with wiggle matching age results. Ages for Judean Hills caves speleoseismites are single sample ages. Ages for speleoseismites from the Denya cave are presented as the respective isochron ages for speleoseismite groups. Speleoseismite types:
  • broken stalagmite (BS)
  • broken stalactite (BSt)
  • collapsed ceiling (CC)
Pre and post indicate, respectively, whether the sub-samples dated are from the damaged pre-seismic contact lamina or the post-seismic contact regrowth of the speleoseismite

Kagan (2011)

Table 8 from Braun (2009) - differs from Kagan (2011) and Kagan et al. (2005)

Table 8

Comparison between Denya Cave cluster results and other paleoseismic studies in the region.
  • Blue-CF studies
  • Red-DST studies
  1. Carmel 1: Zilberman et al., 2006
  2. Carmel 2: Gluck, 2002
  3. Megiddo: Marco et al, 2006
  4. Soreq: Kagan, 2002 and Kagan et al., 2007
  5. Ein-Gev: Amit, 2009.
Braun (2009)


U-Th results for dating speleoseismites from Denya cave and Soreq-Har-Tuv caves in the Judean Hills

Table 3.3.1 from Kagan (2011)

Table 3.3.1

U-Th results (concentration, activity ratios and age estimates) for dating speleoseismites in the Judean Hills and Denya caves, measured by MCICP-MS.
  1. Speleothems from Denya Cave, near Haifa, with isochron ages calculated for proposed synchronous collapses. Isochron ages of the Denya cave speleoseismites were calculated using Isoplot 3.7 [Ludwig, 2008], where the 230Th/238U ratio is used according to the equation suggested by Broecker [1963]
  2. Speleothems from Soreq and Har-Tuv caves (Judean Hills) with corrected (when necessary) and uncorrected single sample ages, based on the ratio 230Th/234U, used for the age equation suggested by Broecker and Kaufman [1965]. 230Th/238U detrital molar ratio of 1.8 was used for detritus correction, calculated by Kaufman et al. [1998] for speleothems from Soreq Cave located within the carbonate terrain of the Judean Hills.
Kagan (2011)

Table 1 from Kagan et al. (2005)

Table 1

U-Th results (concentration, activity ratios and age estimates) for dating speleoseismites in the Judean Hills and Denya caves, measured by MC-ICP-MS.
  1. Speleothems from Denya Cave, near Haifa, with isochron ages calculated for proposed synchronous collapses. Isochron ages of the Denya cave speleoseismites were calculated using Isoplot 3.7 (Ludwig, 2008), where the 230Th/238U ratio is used according to the equation suggested by Broecker (1963).

  2. Speleothems from Soreq and Har-Tuv caves (Judean Hills) with corrected (when necessary) and uncorrected single sample ages, based on the ratio 230Th/234U, used for the age equation suggested by Broecker and Kaufman (1965). 232Th/238U detrital molar ratio of 1.8 was used for detritus correction, calculated by Kaufman et al. (1998) for speleothems from Soreq Cave located within the carbonate terrain of the Judean Hills
Kagan (2011)

Raw Dates from Soreq and Har-Tuv Caves

Table 3.4.1 Raw U-Th data and ages for speleoseismite samples measured by MC-ICP-MS for Soreq and Har-Tuv Caves
Table 3.4.2 Dated speleoseismite samples for Soreq and Har-Tuv Caves

Speleoseismite Photos

Soreq Cave

  • Fig. 3.4.4 A En-echelon style cracks in flowstone from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 B Fractures on cave ceiling with stalactite growth below them from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 C Collapsed speleothem with post-collapse stalagmite regrowth, suspended between two pillars from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 D Horizontal break in stalagmites from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 E Collapsed ceiling slab from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 F Severed stalagmite top with post-damage regrowth from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 G Collapsed soda straw (macaroni) stalactites embedded in flowstone cave floor from Kagan (2011)
  • Fig. 3.4.4 H Collapsed ceiling blocks with post-collapse stalagmites growing below ceiling fracture from Kagan (2011)


Table 3.3.2

Table 3.3.2

Comparison of paleoseismic results from the Judean hills [Kagan et al., 2005]
  • Soreq-Har-Tuv Caves
  • Denya Cave on Mt. Carmel [Braun,2009]
  • paleoseismic trenches at the Eastern Lake Kinneret ( Sea of Galilee) [Katz et al., 2011; OSL ages; TEG indicates trench sample names]
  • a paleoseismic study of a shutter ridge along the Yagur segment of the CF [Zilberman et al., 2008; OSL ages]
  • archaeoseismic findings in structures at the archeological site of Megiddo [Marco et al., 2006]
Speleoseismite samples from Judean Hills caves Soreq (SO) and Har-Tuv (HT) and Mt. Carmel Denya cave (DN) speleoseismite samples were dated using the U-Th dating method using a MC-ICP-MS, except for two samples [Kagan et al., 2005, indicated by WM] with wiggle matching age results. Ages for Judean Hills caves speleoseismites are single sample ages. Ages for speleoseismites from the Denya cave are presented as the respective isochron ages for speleoseismite groups. Speleoseismite types: broken stalagmite (BS), broken stalactite

Kagan (2011)

As Table 3.3.2 demonstrates, the Denya cave speleoseismites record two major earthquake events in the Holocene, at ~5ka and ~10.5 ka. The Soreq-Har-Tuv caves record four events: two possible historic earthquakes (younger than the Denya archive and therefore not discussed here further; to be discussed in a future paper), a ~5ka event, and a ~8.6 ka event. In addition, one post-contact sample was dated to 11.6±0.3 ka at Har-Tuv Cave; this poorly constrained collapse event might have occurred prior to this post-contact age.

Three speleoseismite samples from the Har-Tuv Cave cluster to ~5 ka (Table 3.3.2). Considering the error of ages and the sampling process, we suggest that the ages of the three samples may indicate a single event. This event might very well be the same event documented by four fallen speleothems from Denya Cave giving an isochron age of 4.8±0.8 ka.

When comparing this event age (~5 ka) to the results of other paleoseismic studies, complexities arise since this age appears both along the CF, as well as in the JV at all sites discussed here. The shutter ridge sediment along the Yagur section of the CF [Zilberman et al., 2008] indicates a time of increased tectonic movements along the CF at ~5 ka, while an event which occurred at ~5ka displaces the slope seen in the paleoseismic trench on the shores of Lake Kinneret, JV [Katz et al., 2011]. Furthermore, fractured Early Bronze temple walls at Megiddo [Marco et al., 2006] show damage interpreted to be earthquake induced and are dated to ~5 ka. Ferry et al. [2011] also discuss archaeoseismic evidence at ~5 ka (2900±50 BC) from the JV which correlates to this event. Cosmogenic (36Cl) dating of an exposed limestone scarp has inferred a rapid and significant displacement in the lower Galilee around this period (between 4 and 6.5 ka) [Mitchell et al., 2001]. This fault, a part of the E-W Galilee fault system north-west-west of Lake Kinneret, may be related to the regional seismic events indicated in the other sites.

A collapse event recorded in the Har-Tuv Cave speleothems indicates a seismic event along the DSB at ~8.6 ka. As of yet, this is the only location where earthquake evidence has been found for this time interval. However, the extensive and detailed early Holocene paleoseismic archive of the Dead Sea sediments is yet to be investigated [Kagan et al., 2011; Migowski et al., 2004].

The inferred seismic event in the early Holocene (~10.5 ka) seems to have had a significant effect on speleothems in the Denya Cave (five speleothem collapses sampled, see Table 3.3.2). No evidence for a seismic event during this time has yet been found elsewhere along the CF. At the JV Lake Kinneret paleoseismic site, one trench exposed a post-faulting unit that yielded an OSL age range of 10±0.8 ka, while another trench exposed a post-faulting unit with an age range of 9.2±1.9 ka [Katz et al., 2011]. This could be the same event, recorded at both the CF cave and the JV trenches (Figure 3.3.4).

The one sample with only a post-contact age of 11.6±0.3 ka found at Soreq-Har-Tuv is not a well-constrained event and the collapse may have occurred before this post-contact age. Unfortunately, this is a period when Dead Sea lacustrine seismites are not available at present due to a climatically driven lake level drop [Yechieli et al., 1993; Stein et al., 2010]. Even if this seismite represents a significantly earlier earthquake, then future drill cores in Dead Sea lacustrine sections from this period will not show seismites, as suggested by the results of Kagan et al. [2005], for periods with documented lacustrine Dead Sea sediments. The ~10.5 ka event that caused extensive damage at Denya may have been limited to the JV source, since there is no evidence of an event from on-fault CF studies to date, nor from the DSB. Alternatively, this may be a CF event, for which additional evidence is yet to be uncovered. Different interpretations for potential sources of these events are discussed below using a simplified model that represents the DSB-JV-CF fault system and considering its different paleoseismic proxies.


We studied two speleoseismic sites, in the Judean Hills and Haifa, each providing individual archives of earthquake shaking in their respective vicinity. Both have been shown to be reliable off-fault cave proxies [Kagan et al., 2005; Braun, 2009]. Complex as dating speleoseismic events may be, each system shows distinct collapse age groupings. Moreover, when compared with one another, and with independent paleoseismic archives from the JV sector, some coupling is suggested for the CF and JV-DSB fault systems. Specifically, an event at ~5 ka is well-recorded at both the CF and Judean Hills caves, as well as in the Lake Kinneret-JV trenches, the CF-Yagur shutter ridge, and at the archaeological site at Megiddo. The study east of the Sea of Galilee reveals surface rupture and sediment deposition at ~5 ka. The study in the Carmel reveals accumulated sediments behind a shutter ridge at about the same age. Probably the DSB, JV, and the CF faults had to slip to account for these pieces of evidence (RC 1- RS A, complete system coupling). The age bracket of the penultimate Denya Cave event at ~10.5 ka is included in the uncertainty range of dated slip evens in the Lake Kinneret trench archive [Katz et al., 2011]. If, as noted above, we assume a complete record from all archives, this could signify a large JV event (Figure 3.3.5-II, Table 3.3.3; RC 9- RS F). Acknowledging that the on-fault record presented by Zilberman et al. [2008]’s is incomplete, RC-9 might indicate coupling between the two branches (RS-B) without coupling to the localized plate boundary. This northern event predates the closest event in the Judean Hills archive by two centuries or more. Uncertainties due to differing dating methods and the lack of a Dead Sea lake seismite archive for that period prevent ruling out a correlation. However, quiescent intervals, which are significant for seismic hazard assessment, can be identified clearly, for example the period between ~10 ka and ~5 ka in the cave in Haifa. Within the framework of the uncertainties of each one of the studies discussed, there are contemporaneous seismic ages that may represent alternatively (a) large earthquakes leaving their mark throughout the region, (b) periods of concurrent seismic activity on the CF and JV and/or DSB, or (c) seismic activity on the JV and/or DSB which triggers activity along the CF or vice versa (Figure 3.3.5-II, Table 3.3.3). Potential for additional data can be realized by more extensive sampling for dating seismites at caves in the region and likewise, from additional on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic studies. This type of multi archive analysis provides a clearer view of regional implications of complex fault activity. Using the model presented here, any further paleoseismic data can be analyzed in the context of the regional setting of this fault system and further enhance our understanding of its workings.

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table

Wikipedia Pages

Avshalom Cave (aka Soreq Cave aka Stalactites Cave)
Avshalom Cave (aka Soreq Cave aka Stalactites Cave) - in Hebrew