Matmon et al. (2005:811) used the combined exposure ages determined from
cosmogenic isotopes and OSL ages
from three rockfall sites at Timna
to suggest several boulder detachment events
which they surmise were caused by earthquakes.
The oldest event (31.0±4.9 ka) was recorded only in one of the three sites
(named the third site). The next oldest event apparently caused rockfalls in all three Timna sites.
A summary of the dates for the next oldest event is summarized in the Table below:
Age | Site | Comments |
15.1±3.4 ka | Upper Valley | Samples Timna-10 and Timna-11 |
15.1±2.1 ka | Lower Valley | Sample Timna-1 |
13.9±4.8 ka | Third Site |
In this study, we explored the spatial and temporal relations between boulders and their original in-situ locations on sandstone bedrock cliffs. This was accomplished by combining field observations with dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 14C ) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our conclusions bear both on the landscape evolution and cliff retreat process in the hyperarid region of Timna and on the methodology of estimating exposure ages using cosmogenic isotopes.
Cliffs and unstable slopes are sources of detritus for a variety of mass-movement processes. Rock falls occur when recently detached segments of bedrock slide down slope. This is likely to occur along steep mountain sides and may have catastrophic results. A detached block falls from a rock wall when the gravity-determined shear stress is greater than the shearing resistance [1]. The detachment fissure separating the block from the outcrop is usually already present.
Timna is located at the western margin of the southern Arava Valley, a hyperarid region extending from the Dead Sea basin to the Gulf of Aqaba (Fig. 1). Timna is an uplifted core of late Precambrian igneous rocks [5] overlain by Cambrian and Lower Cretaceous clastic sediments. It is a bowl-shaped valley, about 8 km in diameter, and is surrounded by cliffs of Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite rising up to 600 m above the valley floor.
Both in the Upper and Lower Valley sites, a boulder and its matching cliff face were sampled. In both cases, the sampled boulder can be matched perfectly back to its original location on the cliff. The assumed history of the boulders and their matching cliff faces imply an identical exposure age for each pair. After detachment, the boulders differed from the cliff faces in their topographic shielding and geometric properties. Therefore, production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in the boulders were different from Valley, a 10% difference in 10Be concentration between the boulder and its matching cliff face was measured; a 20% difference was measured in the Lower Valley. Since production at depth must have been identical for matching faces, these differences imply spatial variability in the surface production rates of cosmogenic nuclides after detachment. The variability in production rates is due to differences in topographic shielding and geometry of the boulders relative to their matching cliff faces. This variability should be accounted for by using proper correcting factors when calculating the exposure age of the sampled surfaces. Both in the Upper Valley and the Lower Valley ages of boulders and their matching cliff faces are similar within 1σ (Table 2, Fig. 1).
Many processes, including tectonic, climatic, and environmental factors can cause rockslides [40]. Many of these factors can be eliminated in the case of rockslides in Timna. Snowmelt, freeze and thaw effects, ground water seepage, and tree root wedging can be ruled out due to the hot and hyperarid conditions in the area. Although rain storms and the result ing expansion of clay and salt particles in cracks is a plausible mechanism, we would expect boulders to detach one at a time rather than in groups that form large piles as is the case in Timna. Furthermore, the frequency of clay and salt wetting events is not high enough to generate proper stress in the fractures to allow boulder release. Several observations, mainly the large size of the boulders (many of the boulders have at least one dimension longer then 5 meters) and the agreement in ages of boulder piles in the sampling locations suggest that each pile of boulders was detached from its source cliff in a single event. The proximity of Timna to the DSF, where GT M6 earthquakes are common, suggests that ground shaking due to seismic events is the most likely cause for the Timna boulder slides.
The unweathered sandstone boulder and cliff faces at Timna suggest that retreat occurs mostly during discrete rock fall events that are separated by thousands of years while continuous grain-by-grain weathering is minor. Meaningful cliff retreat rates can be obtained if enough collapse cycles are recorded. Nevertheless, cliff retreat rates estimated from only several recorded cycles can provide a general and basic knowledge as to the rate of landscape development in the area. The record we obtained includes at the most three rock fall cycles, at 31 ka, 15 ka, and ~4 ka.
The combined ages from the three investigated sites suggest that the boulders were deposited in three events at 31 ka, 15 ka, and 4 ka. The most likely mechanism for boulder formation in this tectonically active hyperarid region is by tectonically induced ground motion. Paleoseismic studies in the area suggest a recurrence interval of 1000–2000 yr for earthquakes GT M6. The cosmogenic and OSL age dating of the boulders suggests that boulder-formation events do not occur as frequently as GT 6 M earthquakes occur in this area Therefore, it is apparent that boulder falls in the study area do not represent a full seismic record. We suggest that boulder formation events occur during large earthquakes only after blocks of rock are sufficiently separated from bedrock by large and well developed cracks. These cracks allow the detachment of the boulders when the next earthquake occurs.
Rinat et al. (2014) dated rockfalls between 3.6 ± 0.8 ka and 4.7 ± 0.7 ka from
four sites (SH1, SH2, SH4, and SH10) in the vicinity of Nahal Shehoret (נחל שחודת).
They suggested that if one considers the hyper-arid environment surrounding Nahal Shehoret,
it is most likely that the dated rockfalls were triggered by earthquakes
. After comparison with
other dated rockfalls in the region and paleoseismic studies along the
the entire length of the DSF system
, they suggested that all these
records combined imply intensive seismic activity around 4–5 ka along the
DSF system and its main branch (the Carmel fault)
Although they surmised that such intensive seismic activity
could be explained by
a single, large-scale (≥8 M) event
which affected the entire length (~500 km) of the
DSF and its margins
, repeated smaller seismic events
occurring throughout the entire length of the DSF and its main
branch (the Carmel fault)
was more likely because an 8 M earthquake most likely would have left its impression
on the landscape (Keefer, 2002; Dai et al., 2011) and no evidence was found along the
DSF system for such a large-scale event
Rockfall ages in tectonically active regions provide information regarding frequency and magnitude of earth quakes. In the hyper-arid environment of the Dead Sea fault (DSF), southern Israel, rockfalls are most probably triggered by earthquakes. We dated rockfalls along the western margin of the DSF using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN). At each rockfall site, samples were collected from simultaneously exposed conjugate boulders and cliff surfaces. Such conjugate samples initially had identical pre-fall (“inherited”) TCN concentrations. After boulder detachment, these surfaces were dosed by different production rates due to differences in post-fall shielding and geometry. However, in our study area, pre-rockfall inheritance and post-rockfall production rates of TCN cannot be evaluated. Therefore, we developed a numerical approach and demonstrated a way to overcome the above-mentioned problems. This approach can be applied in other settings where rockfalls cannot be dated by simple exposure dating. Results suggest rockfall ages between 3.6 ± 0.8 and 4.7 ± 0.7 ka. OSL ages of sediment accumulated behind the boulders range between 0.6 ± 0.1 and 3.4 ± 1.4 ka and support the TCN results. Our ages agree with dated earthquakes determined in paleoseismic studies along the entire length of the DSF and support the observation of intensive earthquake activity around 4–5ka.
Rockfalls are a typical mass wasting process that occurs when an entire rock wall, or individual blocks fall during a single event (Ahnert, 1996; Hantz et al., 2003). Tectonic, climatic, environmental, and random factors contribute to the occurrence of rockfalls. Nevertheless, the triggering cause for a rockfall is often a minor event such as a small earthquake, lightning, heavy rainfall, or human intervention (Schumm and Chorley, 1964; Ahnert, 1996; Matsuoka and Sakai, 1999; Marzorati et al., 2002).
The research area is located on the western margin of the southern Arava Valley, DSF, Israel (Fig. 1). This extremely arid environment is subject to rare rain events and very low precipitation (~30 mm/yr; Israel Meteorological Service). Sub-zero temperatures are rarely reached (Goldreich and Karni, 2001; Israel Meteorological Service). Cambrian sandstones are exposed in the study area and its vicinity, composed of ~90% quartz grains (Karcz et al., 1971; Weissbrod, 1980; Druckman et al., 1993). The sandstones overlie Precambrian crystalline basement and form steep cliffs (Avigad et al., 2005). Field observations indicate that two processes dominate the research site morphology: cliff retreat and lowering of the upper surface above each rockfall site. Cliff retreat is dominated by rockfalls, while the lowering of the upper surface is dominated by slow erosion of the leveled surface above each site. Piles of huge (~120 m3) sandstone boulders (Fig. 2), which are the subject of this research, are found in many locations at the base of these cliffs. Boulder faces and detachment scars on the cliff are virtually intact. In specific sites the boulders can be traced, within ~1-cm accuracy, back to their original location on the cliff (Fig. 3). The minor erosion enables the identification of multiple boulder and cliff faces that were exposed at the same time, and thus several samples with identical exposure time can be collected. Post-fall geometry of each sampled face (e.g., shielding and surface tilt) controls the differences in production rates at the various sampling locations, which otherwise share similar altitudes, latitudes, and rock composition. Furthermore, selected boulders are positioned on flat surfaces, so the possibility of post-detachment movement, and time-dependent geometrical scaling factors, is decreased.
In the hyper-arid environment of the southwestern Arava the most likely trigger for rockfalls is the occurrence of seismic events (earthquakes). The area is nearly devoid of vegetation. Rain events are rare and sub-zero temperatures rarely occur. Thus, tree root wedging and freeze–thaw cycles are ruled out as probable rockfall triggers. On the other hand, seismic activity is continuously recorded and earthquakes occur frequently.
In this study we dated, using measured concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be, four rockfalls located along the western margin of the southern DSF. The calculation of simple exposure ages of rockfalls was not applicable as a result of the complicated geometric setting of the dated boulder and cliff faces and the apparent complex exposure–burial history of the boulders. Therefore, both pre-rockfall inheritance and post-rockfall production rates could not be evaluated. A numerical procedure was demonstrated to overcome the above-mentioned problems and date boulder piles. The results suggest numerical estimated boulder-fall ages that range between 3.6 ± 0.8 ka and 4.7 ± 0.7 ka. Optically stimulated luminescence ages of sediment accumulated behind the fallen boulders range between 0.6 ± 0.1 ka and 3.4 ± 1.4 ka and support the TCN results. It is recommended to use this model with no less than four samples, all with identical exposure time, and, preferably, at different pre-fall depths as the uncertainty associated with the derived exposure age decreases as the number of samples increases.
Matmon et al. (2005:811) used the combined exposure ages determined from
cosmogenic isotopes and OSL ages
from three rockfall sites at Timna
to suggest several boulder detachment events
which they surmise were caused by earthquakes.
They only dated one event in the Holocene. This event was dated to 3.7±0.8 ka based on
the "Closer Pile" in the Lower Valley.
Agnon (2014:232) discussed the same event but listed a slightly different date - 32-4.5 ka.
In this study, we explored the spatial and temporal relations between boulders and their original in-situ locations on sandstone bedrock cliffs. This was accomplished by combining field observations with dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 14C ) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our conclusions bear both on the landscape evolution and cliff retreat process in the hyperarid region of Timna and on the methodology of estimating exposure ages using cosmogenic isotopes.
Cliffs and unstable slopes are sources of detritus for a variety of mass-movement processes. Rock falls occur when recently detached segments of bedrock slide down slope. This is likely to occur along steep mountain sides and may have catastrophic results. A detached block falls from a rock wall when the gravity-determined shear stress is greater than the shearing resistance [1]. The detachment fissure separating the block from the outcrop is usually already present.
Timna is located at the western margin of the southern Arava Valley, a hyperarid region extending from the Dead Sea basin to the Gulf of Aqaba (Fig. 1). Timna is an uplifted core of late Precambrian igneous rocks [5] overlain by Cambrian and Lower Cretaceous clastic sediments. It is a bowl-shaped valley, about 8 km in diameter, and is surrounded by cliffs of Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite rising up to 600 m above the valley floor.
Both in the Upper and Lower Valley sites, a boulder and its matching cliff face were sampled. In both cases, the sampled boulder can be matched perfectly back to its original location on the cliff. The assumed history of the boulders and their matching cliff faces imply an identical exposure age for each pair. After detachment, the boulders differed from the cliff faces in their topographic shielding and geometric properties. Therefore, production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in the boulders were different from Valley, a 10% difference in 10Be concentration between the boulder and its matching cliff face was measured; a 20% difference was measured in the Lower Valley. Since production at depth must have been identical for matching faces, these differences imply spatial variability in the surface production rates of cosmogenic nuclides after detachment. The variability in production rates is due to differences in topographic shielding and geometry of the boulders relative to their matching cliff faces. This variability should be accounted for by using proper correcting factors when calculating the exposure age of the sampled surfaces. Both in the Upper Valley and the Lower Valley ages of boulders and their matching cliff faces are similar within 1σ (Table 2, Fig. 1).
Many processes, including tectonic, climatic, and environmental factors can cause rockslides [40]. Many of these factors can be eliminated in the case of rockslides in Timna. Snowmelt, freeze and thaw effects, ground water seepage, and tree root wedging can be ruled out due to the hot and hyperarid conditions in the area. Although rain storms and the result ing expansion of clay and salt particles in cracks is a plausible mechanism, we would expect boulders to detach one at a time rather than in groups that form large piles as is the case in Timna. Furthermore, the frequency of clay and salt wetting events is not high enough to generate proper stress in the fractures to allow boulder release. Several observations, mainly the large size of the boulders (many of the boulders have at least one dimension longer then 5 meters) and the agreement in ages of boulder piles in the sampling locations suggest that each pile of boulders was detached from its source cliff in a single event. The proximity of Timna to the DSF, where GT M6 earthquakes are common, suggests that ground shaking due to seismic events is the most likely cause for the Timna boulder slides.
The unweathered sandstone boulder and cliff faces at Timna suggest that retreat occurs mostly during discrete rock fall events that are separated by thousands of years while continuous grain-by-grain weathering is minor. Meaningful cliff retreat rates can be obtained if enough collapse cycles are recorded. Nevertheless, cliff retreat rates estimated from only several recorded cycles can provide a general and basic knowledge as to the rate of landscape development in the area. The record we obtained includes at the most three rock fall cycles, at 31 ka, 15 ka, and ~4 ka.
The combined ages from the three investigated sites suggest that the boulders were deposited in three events at 31 ka, 15 ka, and 4 ka. The most likely mechanism for boulder formation in this tectonically active hyperarid region is by tectonically induced ground motion. Paleoseismic studies in the area suggest a recurrence interval of 1000–2000 yr for earthquakes GT M6. The cosmogenic and OSL age dating of the boulders suggests that boulder-formation events do not occur as frequently as GT 6 M earthquakes occur in this area Therefore, it is apparent that boulder falls in the study area do not represent a full seismic record. We suggest that boulder formation events occur during large earthquakes only after blocks of rock are sufficiently separated from bedrock by large and well developed cracks. These cracks allow the detachment of the boulders when the next earthquake occurs.
In this study we explored the spatial and temporal relations between boulders and their original in situ locations on sandstone bedrock cliffs. This was accomplished by combining field observations with dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 14C ) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our conclusions bear both on the landscape evolution and cliff retreat process in the hyper-arid region of Timna and on the methodology of estimating exposure ages using cosmogenic isotopes.
Timna is located at the western margin of the southern Arava Valley, a hyper-arid region extending from the Dead Sea basin to the Gulf of Aqaba (Fig. 1). Timna is an uplifted core of late Precambrian igneous rocks (Druckman et al., 1993) overlain by Cambrian and lower Cretaceous clastic sediments. It is a bowl-shaped valley, about 8 km in diameter, and is surrounded by cliffs of upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite rising up to 600 m above the valley floor. Landscape development in the Timna area is controlled by the tectonic activity along the southern section of the DSF (Hannan Ginat, personal communication). Erosional truncation of the upper Cretaceous carbonate cap rocks during the Oligocene and Miocene exposed the more erodable lower Cretaceous sandstone. As the southern Arava Valley developed into a topographic base level, the sandstone was eroded and transported towards that base level, the Timna Valley was incised, and the Precambrian basement and Cambrian sediments were exposed at the base of the Timna Valley. The Cambrian sandstone in Timna reaches a thickness of about 100 m (Druckman et al., 1993) and forms cliffs that dominate the landscape. Within the Cambrian sandstone terrain, erosion is dominated both by detachment of massive boulders from the sandstone cliffs and by slow weathering of the cliff faces, as evident from 0.1 m-scale cavities (tafoni). Generally, boulders detached from sandstone cliffs are found in piles, and are usually coated with varnish. In many locations, the cliff face and the faces on the boulders match perfectly both in detail and overall morphology. Some of these boulders can be accurately traced to their original position on the cliff from which they were detached (Fig. 2).
We recognize three discrete rock fall events, at 31 ka, 15ka, and 4ka (Figs. 4 and 5). In this hyper arid region the most plausible triggering mechanism for rock fall events is strong ground acceleration caused by earthquakes generated by the nearby Dead Sea fault (DSF). Our record, however, under represents the regional earthquake record implying that ongoing development of detachment cracks prior to the triggering event is slower than the earthquake cycle.
Many processes, including tectonic, climatic, and environmental factors can cause rockslides (Wieczorek et al., 1996). Many of these factors can be eliminated in the case of rockslides in Timna. Snowmelt, freeze and thaw effects, ground water seepage, and tree root wedging can be ruled out due to the hot and hyper-arid conditions in the area. Although rain storms and the resulting expansion of clay and salt particles in cracks is a plausible mechanism, we would expect boulders to detach one at a time rather than in groups that form large piles as is the case in Timna. Furthermore, the frequency of clay and salt wetting events is not high enough to generate proper stress in the fractures to allow boulder release. Several observations, mainly the large size of the boulders (many of the boulders have at least one dimension longer then 5 meters) and the agreement in ages of boulder piles in the sampling locations suggest that each pile of boulders was detached from its source cliff in a single event. The proximity of Timna to the DSF, where >M6 earthquakes are common, suggests that ground shaking due to seismic events is the most likely cause for the Timna boulder slides. Rock falls are sensitive recorders of strong ground motion resulting from earthquakes (Bull and Menges, 1977). Synchronous rock falls may indicate the occurrence of past earthquakes and rock fall timing may constrain earthquake recurrence intervals and magnitude. The relation between seismic events and the formation of boulders in rock falls is well established. A worldwide correlation between landslide size and distribution and variables such as earthquake magnitude and the specific ground-motion characteristics was determined by Keefer, (1984). A coseismic lichenometry model was developed in New Zealand following the discovery that lichens growing on rocky hill slopes recorded synchronous pulses of rock falls generated by historical earthquakes. The lichenometry model was used to date boulders and rock falls associated with earthquakes (Bull, 1996a,b; Bull et al., 1994; Kong, 1994; Smirnova and Nikonov, 1990).
The combined ages of boulders from the three investigated sites suggest that they were deposited in three events at 31 ka, 15 ka, and 4 ka. The most likely mechanism for boulder formation in this tectonically active hyper-arid region is by tectonically induced ground motion. Paleoseismic studies in the area suggest a recurrence interval of 1000-2000 yr for earthquakes >M6. The cosmogenic and OSL age dating of the boulders suggests that boulder-formation events do not occur as frequently as >6M earthquakes occur in this area Therefore, it is apparent that boulder falls in the study area do not represent a full seismic record. We suggest that boulder formation events occur during earthquakes only after blocks of rock are sufficiently separated from bedrock by large and well developed cracks. These cracks allow the detachment of the boulders when the next earthquake occurs.
Agnon, Amotz, Amit, Rivka, Hough, Susan, and Michetti, Alessandro Maria Michetti (2011) Introduction: The Dead Sea Rift as a natural laboratory for neotectonics and paleoseismology,
Israel Journal of Earth Sciences Vol. 58
Agnon, Amotz (2014). Pre-Instrumental Earthquakes Along the Dead Sea Rift: 207-261 in
Dead Sea Transform Fault System: Reviews, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht.
Matmon, A., et al. (2005). "Landscape development in an hyperarid sandstone environment
along the margins of the Dead Sea fault: Implications from dated rock falls." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240(3–4): 803-817.A
Matmon, A. et al. (2006) Corrigendum to “Landscape development in an hyperarid sandstone environment along the margins of the Dead Sea fault: Implications from dated rock falls”
[Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 240 (2005) 803–817]
Matmon et al (2009) Landscape development in an hyper arid sandstone environment along the margins of the Dead Sea fault: implications from dated rock falls
in The Dead Sea Rift as a natural laboratory for Earthquake Behavior Prehistorical Historical and Recent Seismicity INQUA field guide DSW 2009 part 1, Arava Valley,
pp. 178-191
Rinat, Y., et al. (2014). "Holocene rockfalls in the southern Negev Desert, Israel and their relation to Dead Sea fault earthquakes."
Quaternary Research 81.
Rinat, Y., et al. (2014). "Holocene rockfalls in the southern Negev Desert, Israel and their relation to Dead Sea fault earthquakes."
Quaternary Research 81. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
Sometimes this articles is listed, cited, or titled as :
Matmon, A., et al. (2005). "Seismic ground motion and boulder detachment along the margins of the Dead Sea fault, southern Israel."
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240: 803-817.
Matmon, A., et al. (2005). Lessons to exposure age dating from constraining the time of earthquake
induced rockfalls along the margins of the Dead Sea fault system, southern Israel. Earth Planet Sci Lett 240: 803-817.