Maps, Aerial Views, Trench Logs, Photos, and Block Diagram
Maps, Aerial Views, Trench Logs, Photos, and Block Diagram
Fig. 1 Tectonic Map from
Fig. 1
Neotectonic subdivision of Anatolia. Heavy dots indicate compressional areas, light dots indicate extensional areas.
Vertical lines show complex areas within which heavy vertical lines show extensional regions, and light vertical lines
show compressional regions (from Barka et al., 1995).
Major neotectonic structures of southwestern Turkey (from Eyidogan and Barka, 1996).
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Trench Logs
Trench 1
Fig. 3
Detail of the northwestern wall of trench 1 (see Fig. 2 for location).
Altunel et al (1999))
Trench 2
Fig. 5
Detail of the southeastern wall of trench 2 shown in Fig. 4(b). Soil and limestone blocks were derived from the trench wall while cleaning the surface.
Altunel et al (1999)
Photos and Block Diagram
Fig. 4a Photo of Trench 2
Fig. 4a
General view of trench 2 in the hanging wall of the Dinar fault. The 1995 break bounds the soil pit in the left side of the picture.
Note the offset of a whitish layer in the wall perpendicular to the 1995 rupture. View from west towards east (See Fig. 2 for location).
Close-up view of the wall of trench 2 showing several normal faults offsetting the tuffite layer.
The line on the surface in the middle of the picture is the 1995 surface break (see Fig. 5 for details).