One way to verify if the accuracy of ages obtained are valid as seismites is to correlate
them to known, well established ages of seismic events (e.g. Kagan et al., 2005). As noted
above, data on paleoseismic activity on the CF are scarce and often not very accurate and
there is no clear evidence of historically known earthquakes. Nevertheless, some
information is available (Table 8 and Fig. 40) Since Mt. Carmel is at a similar distance
from the DST as Soreq Cave is (Kagan et al, 2005), an initial comparison of the ages
obtained from Denya Cave seismites to ages obtained from DST paleoseismic studies, is
made (Table 8 and Fig. 40). The comparison showed some matching ages. If such is the
case, it is not clear which of those two fault systems caused damage to speleothems
analyzed from Denya Cave.
The sample age cluster at ca. 5ka from Denya Cave may correlate well to the seismic
event which caused structural damage to the EB I temple at Megiddo (Marco et al., 2006)
as well as to six damaged speleothems dated to that approximate time (4.9-5.7ka or older)
at Soreq cave in the Judean Hills (Kagan, 2002).
A seismic event at ca. 10ka is very clearly documented in Denya Cave speleo
seismites but is too old to be observed in Megiddo, which has no archeological evidence
from that period. That age might also be too young to be noted in paleoseismic trenches,
which were dug along the CF in the Kishon Valley, since most of the upper layers in that
area may have been disturbed by human activity (Zilberman et al., 2006). This event was
not recorded at all in Soreq Cave as well. It might have been recorded in two
paleoseismic trenches in the area of Ein-Gev, along the northern segment of the DST,
which were dated to ca. 11ka (Amit et al., 2009).
The seismic event recorded in Denya Cave speleothems at ca. 21ka might be
supported by the age of the upper part of the shutter ridge dated by Zilberman et al.
(2006) to 24.5±2.5ka, which was followed by an incision of the stream channel and
assumed to be indicative of fault movement.
A seismic event at ca. 29ka, obtained from Denya Cave speleothems, might be
supported by the ages obtained for a layer in a paleoseismic trench along the Nesher fault,
which indicates a termination of a 50ka long subsidence, dated to 27±1ka (Zilberman et al.,
The well constrained age of ca. 38ka for a seismic event, which affected Denya Cave,
could probably be supported by three different paleoseismic findings. The first, an event
reported by Kagan et al. (2007) at ~39±1 ka, which has left evidence of brecciated marls at
four Lake Lisan sites along the Dead Sea basin as well as five well-constrained collapses in
different areas of the Soreq cave. Another one is a stratigraphic step in a paleoseismic
trench along the CF, which was dated to 32±4.4ka, and indicated that the faulting occurred
before ca. 35ka (Gluck, 2002). And the last is the dated layers to ca. 37ka in two
paleoseismic trenches in Ein-Gev (Amit et al., 2009).
The age cluster of ca. 58ka is based on pre-seismic event samples from Denya Cave,
which indicates that a seismic event occurred sometime after. This age might possibly be
supported by three collapses dated in Soreq cave speleo-seismites, and Lake Lisan
brecciated marls at three sites, which all yielded an age of 52±2.
The sample age cluster of ca. 137ka may possibly be supported by the age obtained
for a post collapse growth on a ceiling block, dated in Har-Tuv cave to be younger than
135ka (Kagan, 2002).
The age cluster of ca. 148ka was obtained from only four dated samples.
Nevertheless, it is corroborated by dated speleothem samples from Har-Tuv and Soreq
caves, which yielded ages between 144 and 155ka (Kagan, 2002). It might also be
corroborated by the age of material from the base of the shutter ridge studied by Zilberman
et al. (2006), which was dated to 146±20ka. It should be noted that the error margin for that
age is much larger than that of the age cluster from Denya Cave (147.6±5.4).
Although the age cluster that was determined by Denya Cave seismite samples at
160±45 has a large error, it might nevertheless be compared to the age, reported by
Zilberman et al. (2006), for a layer in a paleoseismic trench, which indicated subsidence of
a small basin south of the main fault, and was dated to 176±30ka. A collapsed pillar in
Soreq cave yielded a post-seismic age of ca. 163ka, and might also be compared to this age
Ages obtained for Denya Cave age clusters can potentially be compared to other ages
from paleoseismological findings in Israel. The likelihood that this correlation is random
can be estimated by randomly picking age ranges from the interval of the entire record,
namely 0-206 ka. Each of the Denya Cave dated events cumulatively occupy a finite time
range, and the chance for it to correlate at random with the time occupied by other records
is given by the ratio between the latter (total=149.9ky) and the range of dated time
(204.1ky). Each separate event dated by Denya Cave speleo-seismites has a ~70% chance
of randomly correlating to one of the other ages dated by different studies. For all nine
dated events to correlate, this figure needs to be raised by the power of nine events recorded
in Denya Cave (i.e. {[149.9/204.1]^9}*100), giving a ~6% chance. Those numbers
consider the errors on the given ages, which are higher for most of the ages older than
100ka. The same estimation was done for the likelihood that the six age clusters, which
yielded younger ages than 100ka, dated from Denya Cave speleo-seismites could all
randomly be correlated to other dated seismic events. It was found that for there is a ~3%
chance of that to happen (i.e. {[49.9(time occupied by other dated events)/88.1(the range of
dated events)]^6}*100).
These results further enforce that age clusters obtained from Denya Cave speleo
seismites are not random, and are indicators of seismic events. This comparison also
indicates that there is a possibility that some of those events might have originated from the
DST and not the CF.