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Demirkopru Trenches and Tell Sıçantarla

Fig. 3a

Google view of the ancient bridge site and locations of trenches. East—west road is the modern road, it was built on the ancient road in western side of the bridge (yellow dashed lines) but it is located further south of the ancient road in the eastern side. Blue dashed lines indicate the visible part of the ancient road, green dashed lines indicate buried part of the ancient road revealed by GPR. Note that the eastern exit of the bridge does not match with the continuation of the ancient road.

click on image to explore this location in a new tab in Google Earth

Altunel et al. (2009)


Altunel et al. (2009) undertook a combined archaeoseismic and paleoseismic study across the Hacipasa Fault in the southern part of the Amik Basin which resulted in an estimated left-lateral slip rate for the fault and detection of seismic events in the paleoseismic trenches. The features they examined are briefly discussed below:

  • Two trenches were dug north and south of the Asi River next to the Demirkopru village. The trenches, which perpendicularly intersected the Hacipasa fault, showed evidence for several seismic events which are discussed in the Chronology section and in the Master Seismic events Table.

  • They examined an ancient stone road next to Demirkopru village which they estimated was offset 25 ± 3.5 m due to seismic activity on the intersecting Hacipasa Fault over ~4000 years. They estimated a slip rate of 6.25 ± 0.88 mm/yr.

  • They examined a buried ancient (Roman) wall in Tell Sicantarla which they estimated was offset 9.0 ± 0.5 m due to seismic activity on the intersecting Hacipasa Fault over ~1500 years. They estimated a slip rate of 6.00 ± 0.33 mm/yr.

  • They examined Tell Sicantarla itself which they estimated was offset 42.4 ± 1.5 m due to seismic activity on the intersecting Hacipasa Fault over ~7200 years. They estimated a slip rate of 6.06 ± 0.25 mm/yr.

  • They combined the slip rate estimates of the displaced archaeological features (ancient stone road, buried ancient wall in Tell Sicantarla, and Tell Sicantarla itself) to produce a left-lateral slip rate estimate of 6.07 mm/yr.

Maps, Aerial Views, Tables, Trench Logs, GPR and Magnetic Surveys, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Tables, Trench Logs, GPR and Magnetic Surveys, and Photos


Broad Scale Tectonic, Fault, and Seismicity Maps

Normal Size

  • Fig. 1 Simplified tectonic setting of the eastern Mediterranean and surroundings from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 2 Major active faults and the morphotectonic units from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 19 GPS velocity field relative to fixed Arabian Plate from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 1 East Anatolian Fault Map from Duman et al. (2020)
  • Fig. 2 Historical and     Instrumental earthquakes along the western Sürgü–Misis fault (SMF) system from Duman et al. (2020)
  • Fig. 3 Geologic map of the Antakya Graben from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 4 Generalized columnar stratigraphic section through the Antakya Graben from Tari et al. (2013)


  • Fig. 1 Simplified tectonic setting of the eastern Mediterranean and surroundings from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 2 Major active faults and the morphotectonic units from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 19 GPS velocity field relative to fixed Arabian Plate from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 1 East Anatolian Fault Map from Duman et al. (2020)
  • Fig. 2 Historical and     Instrumental earthquakes along the western Sürgü–Misis fault (SMF) system from Duman et al. (2020)
  • Fig. 3 Geologic map of the Antakya Graben from Tari et al. (2013)
  • Fig. 4 Generalized columnar stratigraphic section through the Antakya Graben from Tari et al. (2013)

Localized Maps

Normal Size

  • Fig. 1 Active Faults and Ancient Settlements in the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 2a Fault map and Location Map of Northernmost DST from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 10a Roman roads around the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 10 b and c Assyrian trade roads around the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Map of the Plain of Antioch and its environs from Braidwood (1937)
  • Map of the Plain of Antioch and its environs (legend) from Braidwood (1937)


  • Fig. 1 Active Faults and Ancient Settlements in the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 2a Fault map and Location Map of Northernmost DST from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 10a Roman roads around the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 10 b and c Assyrian trade roads around the Amik Basin from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Map of the Plain of Antioch and its environs from Braidwood (1937)

Aerial Views

  • Demirkopru village in Google Earth
  • Possible location of Tell Sicantarla in Google Earth


Summary of offset archaeological features

Table 2

Summary of offset archaeological features at different locations along the northern DSF.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Demirkopru Trench Logs

Location Map

Fig. 3a

Google view of the ancient bridge site and locations of trenches. East—west road is the modern road, it was built on the ancient road in western side of the bridge (yellow dashed lines) but it is located further south of the ancient road in the eastern side. Blue dashed lines indicate the visible part of the ancient road, green dashed lines indicate buried part of the ancient road revealed by GPR. Note that the eastern exit of the bridge does not match with the continuation of the ancient road.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Trench 1

Fig. 9a

Log of Trench 1 (southern wall).
  1. A buried fault in the base of trench 1
  2. A close up view of the southern wall showing sand boil (sb) and a fault trace (red arrows). Note that the eastern side of erupted sand is limited by the fault.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Trench 2

Fig. 9c

Log of Trench 2 (southern wall). E indicates event rupture.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Offset Road at Demirkopru

Location Map

Fig. 3b

Plan of the bridge and ancient road as surveyed by total station. Arrows indicate locations of GPR profiles on the road and fault. Dashed red line indicates the location of the fault in both figures. Small rectangular indicated by arrow shows location of the Hittite stone in Fig. 10(c). Yellow dots alongside the revealed part of the road are the projection of sides of high contrast reflectors in GPR profiles.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Road Perpendicular GPR Profile (Fig. 5a)

Fig. 5a

Processed GPR profiles across the possible extent of the ancient road and probable fault. Profiles were taken with 500 MHz shielded antenna and processed with ReflexW.
  1. A 19-m-long profile across the ancient road (see Fig. 3c for the location)
  2. Close up view between 9 and 19 m
  3. Interpretation of the close up part (9–19 m). High contrast reflectors represent the ancient road in cross-section (compare with Fig. 4b)
Altunel et al. (2009)

Fault Perpendicular GPR Profile (Fig. 5b)

Fig. 5b

Processed GPR profiles across the possible extent of the ancient road and probable fault. Profiles were taken with 500 MHz shielded antenna and processed with ReflexW.
  1. A 46-m-long profile across the fault (see Fig. 3b for the location)
  2. Close up view between 14 and 28 m
  3. Interpretation of the close up part (14–28 m). Vertical discontinuities in a 3-m-wide zone are interpreted as subparallel faults.
Altunel et al. (2009)

Hittite writings on stone near offset road (Fig. 10c)

Fig. 10c

Hittite writings on a stone near the offset ancient road (see Fig. 3b for location).

Altunel et al. (2009)

Tell Sıçantarla

Maps and Plans

Location Map (wide view)

Fig. 2a

The northernmost section of the DSF (From Karabacak 2007) and the locations of Sıçantarla site (ST) and ancient bridge (road). Numbers with m (e.g. 100 m) indicates amount of left-lateral displacement on stream beds.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Microtopographic Map (showing locations of geophysical surveys)

Fig. 6c

3-D microtopographic model of the Sıçantarla Tell showing a N—S-trending scarp facing west in the northern part of the Tell and east in the southern part. Note that the plan view of tell is not circular.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Geophysical Surveys

Detailed Plan (showing locations of GPR and Magnetic Surveys)

Fig. 7a

A detailed plan of the tell showing locations of GPR and magnetic surveys. Yellow dashed line is the limit of magnetic survey. Rectangular with dashed line indicates location of GPR survey. Dashed red line is the location of the fault.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Magnetometry map

Fig. 7b

Magnetometry map showing anomalies offset by 42.4 ± 1.5 m on the northern edge and ~10.3 m near the southern edge (see black arrows). The empty section in the centre (in white) corresponds to the shed (concrete building) visible in Figs 6(b)) and 7(a).

Altunel et al. (2009)

Location Map for GPR Survey

Fig. 8a

Locations of GPR profiles (with 250 MHz shielded antenna) on the tell. Profiles numbered with 1–9 are parallel to the fault and I—III are across the fault.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Fault Parallel GPR Profiles 1-9

Fig. 8b

Processed (with ReflexW) profiles, note that about 80 cm wide high contrast reflectors (pale brown) exist in all profiles at a depth of about 80–90 cm. These high contrast reflectors are interpreted as a near surface wall which shows ∼9 m left-lateral displacement. Red arrows indicate location of the fault.

Altunel et al. (2009)

Fault Perpendicular GPR Profiles I-III

Fig. 8c

Processed GPR profiles across the fault.
  1. A 52-m-long GPR profile (profile I in Fig. 8a) across the fault
  2. close up view between 10 and 25 m
  3. interpretation of the close up part of the profile Red vertical lines are subparallel faults, brown filled boxes probably reflect pieces of walls
Altunel et al. (2009)

Interpreted Limestone Block from GPR Profile (Fault Parallel Profile 1)

Fig. 8d

Excerpt of GPR profile wall 1 showing the conspicuous signature of a buried limestone block. Interpretation sketch shows the origin of bounding half hyperbolae.

Altunel et al. (2009)


  • Fig. 6b general view of the Sıçantarla Tell from Altunel et al. (2009)
  • Fig. 8e Field photos of limestone blocks on surface of tell at site of GPR profiles from Altunel et al. (2009)

Event E3 earthquake (?) from Demirkopru Trench 1 - 1641-1432 BCE ?

Altunel et al. (2009) uncovered a sand boil at the bottom of Trench 1 which may have been due to seismic activity. Radiocarbon sample D-8 obtained from within the sand boil produced a lab date of 3268 ± 52 BP and resulted in a 2σ calibrated age range of 1641-1432 BCE. However, they noted that the sample appeared to be reworked as its age suggested a lower sedimentation rate for a location in the flood plain of an actively meandering river.

Event E2 earthquake from Demirkopru Trench 2 - Before 1424 CE

Altunel et al. (2009) dated Event E2 in Demirkopru Trench 2 to before 1424 CE primarily based on two radiocarbon samples which were found immediately above the E2 event horizon and about 25 cm below the E1 horizon. This seems to have led to the conclusion that Event E2 struck soon before 1424 CE. Altunel et al. (2009) suggested that the most likely candidate for Event E2 was the 1408 Shugr-Bekas Earthquake.

Event E1 earthquake from Demirkopru Trench 1 - 1801-1940 CE

Altunel et al. (2009) dated Event E1 in Demirkopru Trench 1 to between 1801 and 1940 CE based on two radiocarbon samples immediately above and immediately below the Event E1 horizon. They suggested that Event E1 was a result of the 1872 CE Amik Golu Earthquake although they noted that the 1822 CE Aleppo Quake was also a possibility. Altunel et al. (2009) suggested that Event E1 in Demirkopru Trench 2 correlated to the same Trench 1 E1 seismic event, however they were unable to obtain radiocarbon samples above the Trench 2 E1 horizon which resulted in a radiocarbon date that is no more accurate than after 1470 CE.

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table


Altunel et al. (2009)

Wikipedia Pages

Amik Valley

Lake Amik

Orontes River

Tell Judaidah

Chatal Höyük (Amuq)

Tell Tayinat


Hatay Airport