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Deir el-Achayer Excavation and Faqaa Trench

Maps, Aerial Views, Trench Logs, Age Model, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Photomosaics and Trench Logs, Age Model, and Photos


  • Fig. 1 Location Map (Tectonics) from Nemer et al (2008)
  • Fig. 2 Location Map (Tectonics and Seismology) from Nemer et al (2008)
  • Fig. 4a Location Map for Faqaa Trench from Nemer et al (2008)
  • Fig. 5 Location Map for Deir el-Achayer excavation from Nemer et al (2008)

Aerial Views

  • Faqaa Trench location in Google Earth
  • Deir el-Achayer Excavation location in Google Earth

Photomosaics and Trench Logs

Faqaa Trench

Figure 7

Photo-mosaics and traces of the southern (a) and northern (b) walls of the Faqaa trench. Stratigraphic and shear units are labeled a-g (see text for details). Red lines indicate the fault branches. Black squares are the locations of the 14C samples with their corresponding names and age ranges.

Nemer et al (2008)

Deir-el-Achayer excavation

Figure 9

Photo mosaic (a) and trace (b) of the Deir-el-Achayer excavation. Stratigraphic units are labeled a-d. Dashed red lines indicate the fault branches. Black squares are the locations of the 14C samples with their corresponding names and age ranges.

Nemer et al (2008)

Age Model - Faqaa Trench

Figure 8

Probability distribution of 14C ages (Table 1) obtained from sequential radiocarbon dates automatically performed by the OxCal 3.10 Program (Bronk Ramsey [1998]). Calibrated dates (black) are presented with 1σ and 2σ age ranges (68.3% and 95.4% density, respectively). Age ranges of seismic events (grey) are determined using Bayesian distribution and related conditional probability imposed by the stratigraphic sequence and 14C dating of the Faqaa trench.

Nemer et al (2008)


  • Fig. 4b Faqaa Trench Site from Nemer et al (2008)
  • Fig. 3 Offset Alluvial Fan from Nemer et al (2008)
  • Fig. 6 Pressure Ridge from Nemer et al (2008)

Master Seismic Events Table
Master Seismic Events Table

Deir el-Achayer Excavation

Faqaa Trench
