Balkaya et al. (2023:415) concluded that the older seismic event,
which had expression as fault strands indicative
of strike-slip motion in both the Baris-1 and Baris-2 Trenches,
struck between 10520±95 BCE and 5780±65 BCE - i.e. between 10615 BCE and 5715 BCE. Dating was based on 2σ modeled radiocarbon ages.
Balkaya et al. (2023:411-413) identified a discontinuity in the form of a a 5–6 cm wide fissure with 15–18 cm of vertical motion along the south block
Three radiocarbon samples were taken from the infill in the fissure, the unit covering the infill, and the unit cut by the fissure. These were modeled in OxCal and produced an age estimate for the event of 3400-3340 BCE which the authors approximated to
around 3400 BCE
Balkaya et al. (2023:410-411) identified two fault strands between meters-7 to -9 in the trench.
Stratigraphic units in the faulted section were found to be dipping to the north. Away from the fault zone, these units were flat lying. 2 radiocarbon samples were taken from the unit
covering the fault strands and another sample was taken from the faulted unit. Balkaya et al. (2023:410-411)
concluded that at least one surface rupturing earthquake event
was present in the trench. They dated this event, the most recent event, to
between 790 ± 20 BCE and 2085 ± 65 BCE
- i.e. between 2150 BCE and 770 BCE. Balkaya et al. (2023:410-411)
noted that it is possible that a fault strand at meter-7 relates to an older earthquake event.
Balkaya et al. (2023:415) concluded that the younger seismic event,
which had expression as fault strands indicative
of strike-slip motion in both the Baris-1 and Baris-2 Trenches,
struck between 3215±125 BCE and 825±55 CE - i.e. between 3330 BCE and 880 CE. Dating was based on 2σ modeled radiocarbon ages.
Balkaya et al. (2023:415-418) suggested that
this seismic event may be correlated with the 584/587 CE earthquake (Guidoboni et al., 1994; Ambraseys, 2009) that caused extensive
destruction in Elbistan, but it is also possible an older one due to large time span for the last earthquake
Balkaya et al. (2023) Paleoseismology of the Sürgü and Çardak faults - splays of the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone, Türkiye
January 2023 Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences 32(3):402-420 - open access at Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences
Balkaya et al. (2023) Paleoseismology of the Sürgü and Çardak faults - splays of the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone, Türkiye
January 2023 Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences 32(3):402-420 - research gate