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Tell er-Ras

Tell er-Ras Mound of Tell er-Ras

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Transliterated Name Source Name
Tell er-Ras Arabic

Tell er-Ras, located on a north trending ridge off the peak of Mount Gerizim overlooks Tell Balata/Shechem and contains the remains of a Temple to Zeus.

Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Sections, and Illustrations
Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Sections, and Illustrations

Maps and Aerial Views

  • Fig. 7 - Location Map from Bull and Campbell (1968)
  • Annotated Satellite View of Tell er-Ras and environs from
  • Tell er-Ras in Google Earth
  • Tell er-Ras on


Normal Size

  • Fig. 3 Plan of structures on Tell er-Ras from Bull and Campbell (1968)
  • Fig. 12 Plan of Building A (Hadrianic temple) from Bull and Campbell (1968)


  • Fig. 3 Plan of structures on Tell er-Ras from Bull and Campbell (1968)
  • Fig. 12 Plan of Building A (Hadrianic temple) from Bull and Campbell (1968)


Normal Size

  • Fig. 8 Section through Cistern II from Bull and Campbell (1968)


  • Fig. 8 Section through Cistern II from Bull and Campbell (1968)


  • Illustration of the sanctuary of Zeus on Tell er-Ras from

363 CE Earthquake

Bull and Campbell (1968:4-6) reported on excavations at Tell er-Ras, which is located on a north trending ridge off the peak of Mount Gerizim and overlooks Tell Balata (ancient Shechem). There they encountered the remains of a Temple Complex dedicated to Zeus which they suggested was built during Emperor Hadrian's visit to Palestine around 130 CE.

Adjacent to Wall 12,000 which surrounded Buildings A and B (presumed to be part of the Zeus Temple Complex), Bull and Campbell (1968:15-17) encountered six cisterns. They excavated three. At the bottom of Cistern II, a 0.15 meter thick layer of black silt was overlain by a 0.2 meter thick layer of compact fine grey silt. These two silty layers, containing a large quantity of pottery, glass fragments, coins, and other artifacts, were overlain by an apparent destruction layer - 1.10 m of loose grey earth containing architectural fragments, vaulting, and building stones. 43 dateable coins were recovered from the two silty layers in Cistern II ranging in age from Severus Alexander (222-235) to Julian II (360-363) - providing a terminus post quem of 360 CE for the destruction layer. Cisterns I and VI exhibited similar stratigraphy to Cistern II.

Bull and Campbell (1968:16) noted that the cisterns abutted and post dated Wall 12,000 which had been part of the Zeus Temple Complex. Bull and Campbell (1968:6) also reported that late and often confusing Samaritan records indicate that the Temple to Zeus was in ruins by the time of Julian II (360-363) indicating that the cisterns likely fell into disuse and began to silt up prior to 363 CE.

Seismic Effects
363 CE Earthquake

Effect Location Figure Comments
Collapsed Walls and architecture Cistern II

  • destruction layer - 1.10 m of loose grey earth containing architectural fragments, vaulting, and building stones - Bull and Campbell (1968:15-17)
  • Cisterns I and VI exhibited similar stratigraphy to Cistern II

Intensity Estimates
363 CE Earthquake

Effect Location Figure Comments Intensity
Collapsed Walls and architecture Cistern II

  • destruction layer - 1.10 m of loose grey earth containing architectural fragments, vaulting, and building stones - Bull and Campbell (1968:15-17)
  • Cisterns I and VI exhibited similar stratigraphy to Cistern II
The archeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VIII (8) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224).

Notes and Further Reading

Excavation Reports

E. Sellin, Anzeiger der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschqften in Wien, Philologisch-historische Klasse 51 (1914), 35-40, 204-207; id., ZDPV 49 (1926), 229-236, 304-320; 50 (1927), 205-211, 265-274; 51 (1928), 119-123;

E. Sellin and H. Steckeweh, ibid. 64 (1941), 1-20; G. Welter, Archaeologischer Anzeiger (1932), 289-314.

D.P. Cole, Shechem I: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery, Winona Lake, Ind. 1984 - can be borrowed with a free account from

E. F. Campbell, Shechem II: Portrait of a Hill Country Vale, Atlanta 1991. - can be borrowed with a free account from

Bibliography from Stern et al (1993)

Reports of the Austrian and German expeditions

E. Sellin, Anzeiger der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschqften in Wien, Philologisch-historische Klasse 51 (1914), 35-40, 204-207; id., ZDPV 49 (1926), 229-236, 304-320; 50 (1927), 205-211, 265-274; 51 (1928), 119-123;

E. Sellin and H. Steckeweh, ibid. 64 (1941), 1-20; G. Welter, Archaeologischer Anzeiger (1932), 289-314.

Reports of the American expeditions

Main publications

G. E. Wright, Shechem: The Biography of a Biblical City, New York 1965

D.P. Cole, Shechem I: The Middle Bronze lIB Pottery, Winona Lake, Ind. 1984

E. F. Campbell, Shechem II: Portrait of a Hill Country Vale, Atlanta 1991.

Other studies

G. E. Wright et al., BASOR 144 (1956), 9-26; 148 (1957), 11-28

L. E. Toombs and G. E. Wright, ibid. 161 (1961), 11-54; 169 (1963), 1-60

L. E. Toombs, ADAJ 17 (1972), 99-110;

R. J. Bull (et al.),BASOR ISO (1965), 7-41; id. (and E. F. Campbell), ibid. 190(1968), 2-41

E. F. Campbell etal., ibid. 204 (1971), 2-17

J.D. Seger, ibid. 205 (1972), 20-35

G. R. H. Wright, ZDPV89 (1973), 188-196

W. G. Dever, BASOR 216 (1974), 31-52

R. Boling, BASOR Supplementary Studies 21 (1975), 25-85.

Reports of Israeli excavations

A. Zertal, TA 13-14 (1987), 105-165 [el-Burnat].

Ceramic and artifact studies

F. W. Freiherr von Bissing, Mededelingen der Koniklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, Afd. Letterkunde 62/B (1926), 1-24

H. W. Muller, Der Waffenfund von Balata-Sichem und die Sichelschwerter, Munich !987 [weapon hoard]

F. M. T. Bohl, ZDPV 49 (1926) 320-327

W. F. Albright, BASOR 86 (1942), 28-31 [cuneiform tablets]

F. M. Cross, Jr., ibid. 167 (1962),14-15

A. Zeron, TA 6(1979), 156-157[/mbn seal]

S. H. Horn,JNES2i (1962), 1-14;25 (1966) 48-56; 32(1973), 281-289 [scarabs]

0. R. Sellers, BA 25 (1962), 87-96 [coins]

G. E. Wright, BASOR 167 (1962), 5-13 [seals]

G. R. H. Wright, PEQ 97 (1965), 66-84; 101 (1969), 34-36 [fluted columns]

V. Kerkhof, BASOR 184 (1966), 20-21 [inscribed stone weight]

M. H. Wieneke, JNES 35 (1976), 127-130 [clay sealings]

S. Geva, ZDPV 96 (1980), 41-47 [tridacna shell]

P. W. Lapp, BASOR 172 (1963), 22-35 [stamped jar handles]

id., Palestinian Ceramic Chronology, 200 BC-AD 70, New Haven 1961,41-49 and passim

N. L. Lapp, BASOR 175 (1964), 14-26 [Hellenistic pottery]

P. W. Lapp, Archiiologie und A/tes Testament (K. Galling Fest.), Tiibingen 1970, 179-197

N. L. Lapp, BASOR 257 (1985), 19-43 [Persian pottery]

J. S. Holladay, Magnolia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God (G. E. Wright Fest., eds. F. M. Cross, Jr., etal.), Garden City, N.Y. 1976, 253-293 [Iron II pottery]

R. S. Boraas, The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies (S. H. Horn Fest.), Berrien Springs, Mich. 1986, 249-263 [Iron I pottery]

D. P. Cole, Shechem I: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery, Winona Lake, Ind. 1984

G. R. H. Wright, Opuscula Atheniensia 7 (1967), 47-75 [Cypriot and Aegean pottery]

S. H. Horn, Jaarbericht ex Oriente Lux 20 (1968), 71-90 [1913-1914 objects]

S. H. Horn and L. G. Moulds, AUSS 7 (1969), 2-46 [1913-1914 pottery]

V. Kerkhof, Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 50 (1969), 38-109 [artifacts from the Austro-German expeditions].

Interpretive studies

F. M. T. Bohl, De Opgraving van Sichem, Zeist, Netherlands 1927

E. Sellin, ZAW 50(1932), 303-308

R. J. Bull, BA 23 (1960), 110-119

R. J. Bull and G. E. Wright, Harvard Theological Review 58 (1965), 234-237

E. F. Campbell and J. F. Ross, BA 26 (1963), 2-27

E. F. Campbell, Magnolia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God (G. E. Wright Fest., eds. F. M. Cross, Jr., etal.), Garden City, N.Y. 1976,39-54

id., The Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth (D. N. Freedman Fest.), Winona Lake, Ind. !983, 263-271

id., The Answers Lie Below (L. E. Toombs Fest.), Lanham, Md. 1984 67-76

S. H. Horn, Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux 18 (1965), 284-306

G. E. Wright, Archaeology and Old Testament Study, London 1967, 355-370

J. F. Ross and L. E. Toombs, Archaeological Studies in the Holy Land, New York 1967, 119-127

G. R. H. Wright, ZDPV83 (1967), 199-202

id., ZAW80 (1968), 1-35; 82 (1970), 275-278; 87 (1975) 56-64

id., PEQ 103 (1971), 17-32

id., Zeitschriftfiir Assyriologie 74 (1984), 267-289

id., ZDPV 101 (1986),1-8

J.D. Seger, Levant 6 (1974), 117-130

id., EI 12 (1975), 34*-45*

K. Jaros, Sichem, Gottingen 1976

K. Jaros and B. Deckert, Studien ziir Sichem-Area, Giittingen 1977

L. E. Toombs, ASOR Symposia, 69-83

id., Put Your Future in Ruins (R. J. Bull Fest.), Briston, Ind. 1985, 42-60

M.D. Fowler, PEQ 115 (1983), 49-53

R. G. Boling and E. F. Campbell, Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation (D. Glenn Rose Fest.), Atlanta 1986, 259-272

D. Dorsey BASOR 268 (1987), 57-70.

Wikipedia pages

Wikipedia page for Mount Gerizim

Wikipedia page for Mount Ebal

Wikipedia page for Shechem