Transliterated Name | Source | Name |
Tel Ateret | ||
Metzad ‘Ateret | Hebrew | מצד אטרט |
Vadum Jacob | Crusader | |
Vadi Iacob | Latin | |
Vadum Iacob | Crusader | |
Chastellet | Crusader | |
Le Chastelez | 13th century CE | |
Bayt al-Ahzan | 12th century CE Arabic | بايت الأهزان |
al-mashhad al-yaʿqūbī | Arabic | |
makhāḍat al-aḥzā | Arabic | for the Ford - not the castle |
Qasr al-'Ata | Modern Arabic | قاسر الء'اتا |
Qasr al-'Atara | Modern Arabic | قاسر الء'اتارا |
Kaiser Attrah | Anglicized Arabic ? |
Tel Ateret is situated atop a structural high that oversees a crossing of the Jordan River. It's military/strategic value has led to multiple occupations which
from bottom up include an Iron Age II fortification, a Hellenistic Complex, a medieval Crusader Castle known as Vadum Jacob, and
the last structure - a Mumluk and Ottoman pilgrimage site with a mosque (
Ellenblum, et al, 2015). The Hellenistic settlements dating from the 3rd to the 1st centuries BCE may have been Pharanx Antiochus captured by Hasmonean
King Alexander Jannaeus in 81 BCE
(Ellenblum et. al., 2015
citing Ma'oz, 2013). In some traditions (e.g. 12th century Muslim), the site was associated with the dwelling place of the Biblical Patriarch Jacob
when he learned of the disappearance of his son Joseph (
Ellenblum, 2003). Structures built on the site straddle the active Jordan Gorge Fault thus providing a unique location to resolve slip from earthquake events.
Note: Some papers refer to the fault intersecting the structures as the Dead Sea Fault (DSF). This refers to the Jordan Gorge Fault (JGF) segment which is one of several large active faults
comprising the Dead Sea Transform.
Ellenblum et. al. (2015:6)
uncovered Iron Age IIA remains (ca. 980-830 BCE) to the south and partially beneath the Hellenistic ruins in the southern part of the site. Preliminary dating was based on
architectural style and pottery typologies.
Ellenblum et. al. (2015:6) estimated
that the Iron Age IIA wall was displaced 8 m across the fault with 6 m of displacement taking place after the early Hellenistic period. This left 2 m of displacement in an
unknown number of events during the first millennium BCE prior to the 142 BCE earthquake
Two building phases are discernible in this excavated Hellenistic compound with crosscutting relations that determine their temporal relations. The walls of both phases are deformed and truncated at the fault immediately south of the faulted Crusader wall.Ellenblum et. al. (2015:4) interpreted the coin hoard as
... The walls of the earlier phase are invariably straight along 20 m except for within the fault zone, where they are crooked left laterally. Heaps of cobbles at the bottom of the walls, which have fallen from the upper parts of the early phase walls, buried indicative artifacts including candles, vessels, cooking pots, decorated fishplates, and relief bowls, as well as imported Hellenistic wares and a hoard of coins. All these findings unambiguously belong to the Hellenistic period. The most special finding is a hoard of 45 small bronze coins buried within the debris of the older walls. A numismatic analysis of the 32 well-preserved datable coins limits the range of the hoard to 150s-140s BCE. The latest dated coin was minted in 143/142 BCE. About 60% of the coins cluster close to this date.
consistent with a scenario of sudden collapse of the wall, possibly triggered by an earthquake, adding:
The types and the arrangement of the walls indicate that the two successive construction periods were separated by a destruction event within the Hellenistic period, which left a considerable amount of debris along the fault. Based on the stratigraphy and lateral displacement, we attribute the termination of the older phase to an earthquake that tore apart the earlier phase during the second century BCE. The latest dated coin in the hoard, minted in 143/142 BCE, provides a lower bound for the date of this earthquake [i.e. a terminus post quem], after which the late Hellenistic walls were built. In another two-phase Hellenistic settlement some 20 km north of Ateret - Tell Anafa, an abrupt termination of a well-developed settlement with elaborate construction [Sharon Herbert in Stern et al (1993:58-61, v. 1)], may be re-interpreted as a result of an earthquake destruction.Ellenblum et. al. (2015:5) estimated slip from earthquake events by measuring displacement of walls across the fault:
The Hellenistic walls are bent immediately south of the faulted Crusader wall. Reconstruction of the early wall to its original straight disposition requires about 6 m (Figures 3a & 3b - above). The later wall (highlighted yellow), dated to the late 2nd - 1st century BCE, is exposed along ~8 m. It is also curved leftward at the center by about 20°. The builders of the Crusader wall destroyed the eastern segment of the late Hellenistic wall, making direct measurement of the displacement impossible.The 6 m of displacement represents slip from the Late Hellenistic Earthquake and all subsequent earthquakes. Ellenblum et. al. (2015:5) estimated a displacement of ~2.5 m for just the Late Hellenistic Earthquake. Using the scaling laws of Wells and Coppersmith (1994), this corresponds to a magnitude of 7.1 - 7.4 (see Calculator).
Ellenblum et. al. (2015) estimate ~1.5 meters of fault slip occurred on the site between its abandonment probably in the middle of the first century BC and when a Crusader fortress was built at the end of the 12th century CE. Due to the sites abandonment and lack of identified new constructions during this time, it is difficult to resolve the ~1.5 meters of slip into individual earthquake events. However, abandonment of the site may have been precipitated by an earthquake. The latest Hellenistic coin excavated from the site dates to 65/64 BCE indicating desertion of the site occurred afterwards.
Ellenblum et. al. (2015) estimate ~1.5 meters of fault slip occurred on the site between its abandonment probably in the middle of the first century BC and when a Crusader fortress was built at the end of the 12th century CE. Due to the sites abandonment and lack of identified new constructions during this time, it is difficult to resolve the ~1.5 meters of slip into individual earthquake events.
the foundation stone of the castle [of Vadum Jacob] was laid in October 1178 CE. The castle, only partially constructed at the time,
was besieged and destroyed 11 months later, on 30 August 1179 CEproviding a terminus post quem of 1179 CE for its seismic destruction. Up to ~2.1 m of lateral slip was observed in the southern and northern defense walls (Fig. 2c - Ellenblum et. al., 1998) along with up to 10 cm. of vertical slip. 0.5 m of the lateral slip was attributed to a later seismic event which damaged an Ottoman Mosque which was later built on the site (Fig. 3 - Marco, 2009).
The faults extend to two different stratigraphic levels: One group of faults displaces the alluvium of unit 1 and the limy level of unit 2, but extends only a few centimeters into post-1179 unit 3; the second group of faults breaks much higher into the colluvial wedge, up to the base of the modern soil horizon, and possibly to the surface. These observations suggest that at least two earthquakes produced the 2.1 m offset of the southern wall that is now observed. One event occurred soon after the outer ashlar wall was removed, i.e., very soon after 1179. The second post-1179 earthquake also produced rupture at Vadum Jacob, but well after removal of the wall and the accumulation of the colluvium, probably much closer to the present.Although a strict terminus ante quem was not established, the trench suggests that an earthquake struck soon after military destruction of the castle leaving the 1202 CE earthquake as the most likely candidate.
In the northern part of the castle, we also unearthed a Muslim mosque whose northern wall is displaced sinistrally by 0.5 m. A mikhrab (the Muslim praying apse) is well preserved in the southern wall. According to the study of the pottery, the mosque was built, destroyed, and rebuilt at least twice: the initial structure was built in the Muslim period (12th century) and later rebuilt once or twice during the Turkish Ottoman period (1517-1917). The 0.5 m displacement is observed in the northern wall of the latest building phase (Figure 3, Marco, 2009).The latest rebuilding phase was not dated. Ellenblum et al (2015) suggested that the 30 October 1759 CE Safed Quake was responsible while Ellenblum et al (1998:305) and Marco et al (1997) entertained the possibility that the 1837 CE Safed Quake is also a possible candidate.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) |
Folded and displaced walls | immediately south of the faulted Crusader wall![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() The Hellenistic walls south of the Crusader fortress (pink dotted lines). The dated Early Hellenistic walls are highlighted with green lines; Late Hellenistic walls with yellow lines. Ellenblum et al (2015) ![]() ![]() Map of the excavation in the southern part of Tell Ateret (see Figure 1e for location) showing the best fit curves in red, axes in blue, which we use for the kinematic analysis (equation (2)). In the analysis of deformation above buried faults the walls are assumed originally linear and trending E-W, perpendicular to faults. Angles denote βmax, rotation relatively to E-W. Faults are assumed parallel. Ruptures on the same fault are assumed to reach upward (unlock) to the same depth. Orange circle shows the location of the bronze coin hoard. Blue circles show inset-offset architecture in the Iron Age wall. Black circle shows a 70 cm left-lateral offset of the Iron Age curtain wall that predates the Hellenistic structures. This is a part of the larger offset and bending that exceeds 8 m. Measured elevations are denoted with small digits (m above sea level). Ellenblum et al (2015) |
Debris and fallen stones indicating wall damage | South of the faulted Crusader wall ?![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) |
Offset walls | southern and northern defense walls![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() Photo of deformation in northern wall of Castle of Vadum Jacob. Line marks prefaulting location of wall. Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Graben | North of the southern main gate![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) |
Offset walls | A Muslim-style room interpreted as a mosque![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() Picture taken in 1994, before the excavation. Marco (2009) |
Fallen stones suggesting some wall collapse | A Muslim-style room interpreted as a mosque![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Ellenblum et al (2015) found 8 m of accumulated slip at Tel Ateret since the construction of an Iron Age IIA fortification early in the 1st millenium BCE. They were able to resolve this slip into a sequence of time periods summarized below. In a few cases, they were able to estimate the slip of individual earthquake events allowing for an estimate of Moment Magnitude (MW) using the scaling laws of Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Date | Slip1 (m) |
Slip2 (m) |
Moment3 Magnitude MW |
Intensity4 I |
Intensity5 I |
Slip2 Velocity (m/s) |
Comments |
980 BCE - 142 BCE | >2 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a | At least 2 m of slip displaced Iron Age IIa walls in an unknown number of events |
probably ~142 BCE | ~2.5 | n/a | 7.1 - 7.4 | ≥ 9 | n/a | n/a | Excavated coins suggest this event occurred around and no earlier then 142 BCE |
~50 BCE - 1178/9 CE | ~1.5 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a |
probably 20 May 1202 CE | ~1.6 | 1.25 | 7.0 - 7.2 | ≥ 9 | 9 | 3 | Crusader Fortress Vadum Jacob Damaged |
Ottoman period | ~0.5 | 0.5 | 6.6 - 6.8 | ≥ 8 | 7 | 1 | Ottoman Mosque was damaged |
1 from
Ellenblum et al (2015)
2 from
Schweppe, et al (2021) - Schweppe et al (2021) used detailed laser scans of the site and discrete element models to estimate slip at depth and slip velocity for the last two events.
3 computed from
Ellenblum et al (2015)'s slip using
Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
4 Estimated by Jefferson Williams primarily using Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of
Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224)
Schweppe, et al (2021) converted slip velocity to Intensity using
using Wald et al (1999)
Note -
Schweppe, et al (2021) also produced Magnitude estimates which are in fairly good agreement
with the table above but because their Magnitude estimates required an input of presumed fault rupture length,
they are not repeated in the interest of avoiding circular reasoning.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) | Intensity |
Folded and displaced walls | immediately south of the faulted Crusader wall![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() The Hellenistic walls south of the Crusader fortress (pink dotted lines). The dated Early Hellenistic walls are highlighted with green lines; Late Hellenistic walls with yellow lines. Ellenblum et al (2015) ![]() ![]() Map of the excavation in the southern part of Tell Ateret (see Figure 1e for location) showing the best fit curves in red, axes in blue, which we use for the kinematic analysis (equation (2)). In the analysis of deformation above buried faults the walls are assumed originally linear and trending E-W, perpendicular to faults. Angles denote βmax, rotation relatively to E-W. Faults are assumed parallel. Ruptures on the same fault are assumed to reach upward (unlock) to the same depth. Orange circle shows the location of the bronze coin hoard. Blue circles show inset-offset architecture in the Iron Age wall. Black circle shows a 70 cm left-lateral offset of the Iron Age curtain wall that predates the Hellenistic structures. This is a part of the larger offset and bending that exceeds 8 m. Measured elevations are denoted with small digits (m above sea level). Ellenblum et al (2015) |
VII+ |
Debris and fallen stones indicating wall damage and collapse | South of the faulted Crusader wall ?![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Ellenblum et al (2015) found 8 m of accumulated slip at Tel Ateret since the construction of an Iron Age IIA fortification early in the 1st millenium BCE. They were able to resolve this slip into a sequence of time periods summarized below. In a few cases, they were able to estimate the slip of individual earthquake events allowing for an estimate of Moment Magnitude (MW) using the scaling laws of Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The Intensity estimate for the Vadum Jacob Earthquake is 9.
Date | Slip1 (m) |
Slip2 (m) |
Moment3 Magnitude MW |
Intensity4 I |
Intensity5 I |
Slip2 Velocity (m/s) |
Comments |
980 BCE - 142 BCE | >2 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a | At least 2 m of slip displaced Iron Age IIa walls in an unknown number of events |
probably ~142 BCE | ~2.5 | n/a | 7.1 - 7.4 | ≥ 9 | n/a | n/a | Excavated coins suggest this event occurred around and no earlier then 142 BCE |
~50 BCE - 1178/9 CE | ~1.5 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a |
probably 20 May 1202 CE | ~1.6 | 1.25 | 7.0 - 7.2 | ≥ 9 | 9 | 3 | Crusader Fortress Vadum Jacob Damaged |
Ottoman period | ~0.5 | 0.5 | 6.6 - 6.8 | ≥ 8 | 7 | 1 | Ottoman Mosque was damaged |
1 from
Ellenblum et al (2015)
2 from
Schweppe, et al (2021) - Schweppe et al (2021) used detailed laser scans of the site and discrete element models to estimate slip at depth and slip velocity for the last two events.
3 computed from
Ellenblum et al (2015)'s slip using
Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
4 Estimated by Jefferson Williams primarily using Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of
Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224)
Schweppe, et al (2021) converted slip velocity to Intensity using
using Wald et al (1999)
Note -
Schweppe, et al (2021) also produced Magnitude estimates which are in fairly good agreement
with the table above but because their Magnitude estimates required an input of presumed fault rupture length,
they are not repeated in the interest of avoiding circular reasoning.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) | Intensity |
Displaced Walls - Offset walls | southern and northern defense walls![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() Photo of deformation in northern wall of Castle of Vadum Jacob. Line marks prefaulting location of wall. Ellenblum et al (1998) |
VII+ |
Graben - seismic uplift/subsidence | North of the southern main gate![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
VI+ |
Schweppe et al (2021) performed numerical simulations to examine 1.75 m of slip observed on the northern fortification wall of the Crusader fortress where 1.25 m of slip was assumed to be due to the earlier presumed 1202 CE earthquake and 0.5 m of slip was due to the later Ottoman Mosque Earthquake. They estimated a slip velocity for the earlier (assumed 1202 CE) earthquake of 3 m/s and a corresponding PGA of 11.3 m/s2 which translates, using the transform of Wald et al (1999), to an Intensity of IX.
Ellenblum et al (2015) found 8 m of accumulated slip at Tel Ateret since the construction of an Iron Age IIA fortification early in the 1st millenium BCE. They were able to resolve this slip into a sequence of time periods summarized below. In a few cases, they were able to estimate the slip of individual earthquake events allowing for an estimate of Moment Magnitude (MW) using the scaling laws of Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The Intensity estimate for the Ottoman Mosque Earthquake is 7.
Date | Slip1 (m) |
Slip2 (m) |
Moment3 Magnitude MW |
Intensity4 I |
Intensity5 I |
Slip2 Velocity (m/s) |
Comments |
980 BCE - 142 BCE | >2 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a | At least 2 m of slip displaced Iron Age IIa walls in an unknown number of events |
probably ~142 BCE | ~2.5 | n/a | 7.1 - 7.4 | ≥ 9 | n/a | n/a | Excavated coins suggest this event occurred around and no earlier then 142 BCE |
~50 BCE - 1178/9 CE | ~1.5 | n/a | unresolved | unresolved | n/a | n/a |
probably 20 May 1202 CE | ~1.6 | 1.25 | 7.0 - 7.2 | ≥ 9 | 9 | 3 | Crusader Fortress Vadum Jacob Damaged |
Ottoman period | ~0.5 | 0.5 | 6.6 - 6.8 | ≥ 8 | 7 | 1 | Ottoman Mosque was damaged |
1 from
Ellenblum et al (2015)
2 from
Schweppe, et al (2021) - Schweppe et al (2021) used detailed laser scans of the site and discrete element models to estimate slip at depth and slip velocity for the last two events.
3 computed from
Ellenblum et al (2015)'s slip using
Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
4 Estimated by Jefferson Williams primarily using Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of
Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224)
Schweppe, et al (2021) converted slip velocity to Intensity using
using Wald et al (1999)
Note -
Schweppe, et al (2021) also produced Magnitude estimates which are in fairly good agreement
with the table above but because their Magnitude estimates required an input of presumed fault rupture length,
they are not repeated in the interest of avoiding circular reasoning.
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description(s) | Intensity |
Displaced Walls - Offset walls | A Muslim-style room interpreted as a mosque![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
![]() ![]() Picture taken in 1994, before the excavation. Marco (2009) |
VII+ |
Fallen stones suggesting some wall collapse | A Muslim-style room interpreted as a mosque![]() ![]() Location of offset human-made linear structures.
JW: B is a plan view. It is not a cross-section Ellenblum et al (1998) |
Schweppe et al (2021) performed numerical simulations to examine 1.75 m of slip observed on the northern fortification wall of the Crusader fortress where 1.25 m of slip was assumed to be due to an earlier (presumed 1202 CE) earthquake and 0.5 m of slip was due to the later Ottoman Mosque Earthquake. They estimated a slip velocity of 1 m/s and a corresponding PGA of 3.14 m/s2 which translates, using the transform of Wald et al (1999), to an Intensity of VII.
Source -
Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Variable | Input | Units | Notes |
cm. | Strike-Slip displacement | ||
cm. | Strike-Slip displacement | ||
Variable | Output - not considering a Site Effect | Units | Notes |
unitless | Moment Magnitude for Avg. Displacement | ||
unitless | Moment Magnitude for Max. Displacement |
Agnon, A. (2014). Pre-Instrumental Earthquakes Along the Dead Sea Rift. Dead Sea Transform Fault System: Reviews.
Z. Garfunkel, Z. Ben-Avraham and E. Kagan. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands: 207-261.
Barber, Malcolm (1998)
Frontier Warfare in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: The Campaign of Jacob’s Ford, 1178-79,
in: J. France, W.G. Zajac (eds), The Crusades and Their Sources:
Essays Presented to Bernard Hamilton, Aldershot 1998, pp. 9-22
Ellenblum, R., 1998,
Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: Cambridge,
England, Cambridge University Press, 321 pp.
Ellenblum, R., et al. (1998). "Crusader castle torn apart by earthquake at dawn, 20 May 1202." Geology 26(4): 303-306.
Ellenblum, R. (2003), Frontier activities: The transformation of a Muslim sacred site into
the Frankish Castle of Vadum lacob, Crusades, 2, 83-97.
Ellenblum, R., et al. (2015). "Archaeological record of earthquake ruptures in Tell Ateret, the Dead Sea Fault." Tectonics 34(10): 2105-2117.
Maʿoz, Z. U. (2013). "A Note on Pharanx Antiochus." Israel Exploration Journal 63(1): 78-82.
Marco, S. et. al., (1997). "817-year-old walls offset sinistrally 2.1 m by the Dead Sea Transform, Israel." J. Geodyn. 24: 11.
Marco, S. (2009). The history of the Frankish Castle of Vadum Iacob. Dead Sea Workshop, pp. 35-41
Schweppe, G., et al. (2021). "Reconstructing the slip velocities of the 1202 and 1759 CE earthquakes based on faulted archaeological
structures at Tell Ateret, Dead Sea Fault." Journal of Seismology.
Abu-Shama, 1872-1906, Le livre des deux jardins. Histoire des deux regnes, celui de Nour ed-Din et celui de Salah ed-Din, in
Recueil des historiens des croisades, Historiens orientaux: Acadèmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, v. 4, p. 194-208.
Ibn al-Athir, 1872-1906, Extrait de la chronique intitulée Kamel-altevarykh, par Ibn-Alatyr, in Recueil des historiens des croisades,
ed. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: Paris, Historiens orientaux, p. 189-744.
’Imad al-Din al-Isfahani, 1971, Bundari, Sana al-barq al-Shami, abridged by al-Bundari, Part 1: Beirut, R. Sesen.
William-of-Tyre, 1986, Willelmi Tyrensis Archiepis-copi Chronicon (ed. R.B.C. Huygens): Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis,
63-63a, Turnhout, book 21, chapter 25 (26), p. 997.
kmz | Description | Reference |
Right Click to download | Tel Ateret kmz file | various |