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Tel Agol

Aerial View of Tel Agol Figure 2

Aerial view of tell showing the excavation squares, looking north.

Feig (2021a)

Transliterated Name Source Name
Tel Agol Hebrew תל עגול
Tell el-Ajjul, Tell el-Ajyul Arabic

Tel 'Agol lies atop a basaltic ridge in the Jezreel Valley a few kilometers SW of Mount Tabor. Scholars have associated it with various Biblical sites without reaching a consensus.

History of excavations

Tel ‘Agol was first surveyed in the late nineteenth century (Guérin 1880:118; Conder and Kitchener 1882:77). The archaeological survey carried out by N. Zori recorded pottery from Middle Bronze Age I, Iron Age I and the Persian period (Zori 1977:62–63); the Archaeological Survey of Israel identified pottery also from Iron Age II and the Byzantine period (Gal 1998:71: Site 14). The location of the round tell, commanding a view of the Jezreel Valley, prompted scholars to identify it with biblical sites. B. Mazar identified it with Anahar/Anaharath, a town in Thutmose III List and in the inheritance of Issachar (Joshua 19:19; Maisler 1955:451), whereas Z. Kallai identified it with biblical ‘En Dor (Kallai 1982).

Maps, Aerial Views, and Plans
Maps, Aerial Views, and Plans

Maps and Aerial Views

  • Fig. 1 Location Map from Feig (2021a)
  • Fig. 2 Aerial View from Feig (2021a)
  • Fig. 2 Aerial View from Feig (2022)
  • Tel Agol in Google Earth
  • Tel Agol on


Normal Size

  • Fig. 15 Aerial View of Iron Age fortifications from Feig (2022)
  • Fig. 16 Plan of Iron Age fortifications from Feig (2022)
  • Fig. 6 Aerial View of Stratum III casemate wall from Feig (2021a)
  • Fig. 3 Plans and Sections of Western squares from Feig (2021a)
  • Fig. 4 Plans and Sections of Eastern squares from Feig (2021a)


  • Fig. 3 Plans and Sections of Western squares from Feig (2021a)
  • Fig. 4 Plans and Sections of Eastern squares from Feig (2021a)


Stratum Age/Date Comments
I Persian Period
  • No architectural remains were discerned, but a concentration of characteristic Persian-period pottery was retrieved on a packed earth surface that was laid over the northeastern part of the stone floor (Fig. 4, marked in blue). Persian-period potsherds were also found in a surface layer near the top of the western cross wall of Casemate IV, and on and around the wall tops of Casemate III. - Feig (2021a)
  • A square structure was excavated (4.0 × 4.5 m; Fig. 7); its walls (W404, W405, W409, W410) penetrated the levels of Stratum II and canceled Walls 407 and 419 (Fig. 8). Walls 404 and 405 were preserved in their entirety, but W409 was only partially preserved and continued westward. Wall 410 was built on top of the fortification wall from Stratum II and abutted by a stone paving (L402; Fig. 9). Numerous pottery vessels recovered from Paving 402 and the level beneath it (L408) date from the Persian period, including a bowl (see Fig. 13:2), mortaria (see Fig. 13:7, 8), a krater (see Fig. 13:9), a cooking pot (see Fig. 13:10) and jars (see Fig. 14:1, 4–7). - Feig (2022)
II Iron Age IIA
  • The damaged but still-standing casemate wall was repaired, and courses were added to the walls. The repairs are evident in Casemate III, where two courses were added to the eastern cross wall and the interior face of the outer casemate wall was faced. A couple of w alls were built at the eastern end of Casemate V, which was mostly destroyed (Fig. 4, marked in brown), dividing the stone-paved area into two spaces (Fig. 13). The associated pottery indicates that these repairs were carried out within Iron Age IIB. - Feig (2021a)
  • In the western part of the area, a wall (W407; length 6.75 m, width 1.2 m; Fig. 5) built of very large stones on a southeast–northwest alignment was exposed; several stones were missing on the wall’s southern side. The excavation uncovered a single course of the wall (height 0.65 m), which was built of square stones. The lowest course was abutted on the south by a surface of small stones (L412). Pottery sherds found on this surface consist mainly of cooking pots (see Fig. 12:1, 6, 7) and jars (see Fig. 12:9) dated to Iron Age IIA, as well as a few mortaria from the Persian period (see Fig. 13:3–5) that derive from the penetration of Stratum I walls (W404, W409; below) into Stratum II. Another wall was preserved in the east of the area (W419; excavated length 2 m, width 1.6 m, preserved height 0.75 m) that was built on the same alignment as W407, but was wider. Two courses of the wall’s stones were revealed (0.50 × 0.85 m), as was a surface of small stones at its base (L418). A habitation level of light-colored soil (L423) to the south of W419 contained a concentration of Iron Age IIA kraters (see Fig. 11:7–9). It is not clear if the two wall sections uncovered belong to one wall with different widths, or if these are two different walls. Such massive walls were probably part of some kind of a fortification. Also attributed to Stratum II is a surface of small stones (L420, L422) found beneath a structure from Stratum I; this surface abutted a wall (not numbered) that was partially excavated in the eastern section beneath a wall from Stratum I (W404). The surface yielded Iron Age IIA pottery (see Fig. 11:6, 12) and fragments of a large jar from the Persian period (see Fig. 14:3) that derives from the penetration of foundations belonging to the Stratum I building. On Surface 420 an irregularly shaped pounding stone bearing signs of wear and a thumb hole to improve its grip (Fig. 6:1), as well as a grinding stone (Fig. 6:3) were found. Another pounding stone (Fig. 6:2) was found when W410 was dismantled. - Feig (2022)
IIIB The casemate wall was damaged in an earthquake whose results were clearly visible (Fig. 3, marked in green). The outer stone row of the outer casemate wall shifted and collapsed (Fig. 12). In Casemate III, a few fallen stones visible on the eastern side of the room where the clay shelf and smashed pottery were found, probably fell from the inner casemate wall causing the shelf to collapse. In Casemate IV, stone collapse was visible in the eastern cross wall, and the outer wall collapsed t a uniform angle along its entire length. - Feig (2021a)
IIIA Iron Age IIB The Stratum IV remains were filled in and overlain with basalt stones and boulders, forming a level surface, on which a casemate wall enclosing the summit of the tell was constructed (Fig. 6). Three casemate rooms (I–III) were exposed in the western squares and two, or three (IV, V) in the eastern squares (Figs. 7, 8). The outer wall of the westernmost Casemate I curved westwards following the tell’s topography (Fig. 9). The outer casemate wall was exposed in all the squares (length 22 m, width c. 1 m), and the inner wall was only partly exposed. The cross walls between the casemates were built of large stones extant for 8–9 courses. The casemate rooms had different dimensions and may have served different functions. Casemate III was rectangular, and its walls were extant to a height of 2 m (Fig. 10). The floor yielded dozens of broken pottery vessels, mostly jars and cooking pots, overlain by the crushed remains of a clay shelf that may have been attached to the cross wall. The finds indicate that the room was used for storage. Casemate IV was elongated and was the largest room excavated (7 sq m). Casemate V was a very small, slightly curved room that yielded numerous basalt tools and chippings, suggesting that it was a production workshop for basalt stone tools (Fig. 11). East of Casemate V, a well-preserved floor made of medium-sized stones, abutted the northern face of the outer wall and extended northwards beyond the line of the inner wall, to the interior of the settlement. It was not fully excavated, but since no casemate room was found here, this floor may have been part of a gate courtyard. The pottery in the casemate rooms and on the stone floor dated to Iron Age IIB, dating the wall and its use to this period. - Feig (2021a)
IV Iron Age IIA A wall built of massive stones (0.7 × 1.2 m; Fig. 5) in the eastern squares was part of the foundations of a rectangular structure, possibly an elevated surface. To its east, wall remains that were probably part of a massive wall, perhaps a fortification wall, were found. The associated pottery mostly dated to Iron Age IIA; a few Iron Age IIB sherds possibly penetrating from overlying Stratum III. - Feig (2021a)

Stratum IIIB Earthquake - probably in the mid-eighth century BCE

Feig (2021a) reports damage to casemate walls in Stratum IIIB which they interpreted to be due to seismic shaking. She estimated the date of the damaging event to probably in the mid-eighth century BCE. Underlying Stratum IV was dated, based on pottery, to Iron Age II - probably Iron IIA. Overlying Stratum II showed evidence of repairs to the Stratum IIIB walls. As there were no signs of destruction or devastation due to the Assyrian conquest in 732 BCE, the excavator surmised that the settlement may have been abandoned around that time.

Seismic Effects
Stratum IIIB Earthquake - probably in the mid-eighth century BCE

Damage Type Location Image Comments
Tilted and partially collapsed walls outer casemate I-III wall
  • Stratum IIIB. The casemate wall was damaged in an earthquake whose results were clearly visible (Fig. 3, marked in green). The outer stone row of the outer casemate wall shifted and collapsed (Fig. 12). - Feig (2021a)
  • Along the exterior southern wall of the western group of casemates [i.e. I-III], the upper rows of stones collapsed towards the south. Only the very bottom part of the wall remains, but we were able to see stones scattered all over the area, showing that it was unlivable. These cannot be seen in the pictures, which were taken after the area was cleaned of debris, so that we could get a better look at the structure. Note that the very top of what we see in this picture, where the stones are straight, is the new course put down during the repair process (phase 3 [aka Stratum III]). - Feig (2021b)
  • The Stratum III casemate wall, of which five rooms were exposed, was built over the Stratum IV wall, following the hill’s topography. In Iron Age IIB, probably in the mid-eighth century BCE, the site was struck by an earthquake whose damage was evident in the excavation. An attempt to repair the earthquake damage included the Stratum II repairs to the walls, the addition of wall courses, wall cladding and the construction of new units. - Feig (2021a)
Partially collapsed wall presumed from fallen stones, a broken shelf, and smashed pottery eastern side of interior of casemate III room - especially the NE corner

  • Stratum IIIB. In Casemate III [Fig. 3], a few fallen stones visible on the eastern side of the room where the clay shelf and smashed pottery were found, probably fell from the inner casemate wall causing the shelf to collapse. - Feig (2021a)
  • At the storeroom-casemate [aka Casemate III] at the north-eastern corner, a few large stones that had fallen from the north wall probably destroyed a clay shelf. This room could have been used for the local food supply or as a part of an administrative center collecting grains or any other crops from the valleys’ sites in the vicinity. Several bowls lying on the clay-shelf remained in their original position. On its floor, researchers also found dozens of crushed pottery vessels, including jars and pithoi — probably containers for food products, such as wheat or other grains—as well as cooking pots. - Feig (2021b)
  • At the eastern casemate [i.e. Casemate III of the Western Group], researchers discovered a few fallen stones from the eastern wall. What we see here is the very bottom of the wall. The beaten earth next to it is ground level, and the remaining wall is only 0.70m above this. - Feig (2021b)
Fully collapsed and partially collapsed walls Outer wall and eastern Cross wall of Casemate IV
  • Stratum IIIB. In Casemate IV [Fig. 4], stone collapse was visible in the eastern cross wall, and the outer wall collapsed at a uniform angle along its entire length. - Feig (2021a)

Deformation Maps
Stratum IIIB Earthquake - probably in the mid-eighth century BCE

Deformation Map

modified by JW from Fig.s 3 and 4 of Feig (2021a)

Intensity Estimates
Stratum IIIB Earthquake - probably in the mid-eighth century BCE

Damage Type Location Image Comments Intensity
Tilted and partially collapsed walls (i.e. displaced walls) outer casemate I-III wall
  • Stratum IIIB. The casemate wall was damaged in an earthquake whose results were clearly visible (Fig. 3, marked in green). The outer stone row of the outer casemate wall shifted and collapsed (Fig. 12). - Feig (2021a)
  • Along the exterior southern wall of the western group of casemates [i.e. I-III], the upper rows of stones collapsed towards the south. Only the very bottom part of the wall remains, but we were able to see stones scattered all over the area, showing that it was unlivable. These cannot be seen in the pictures, which were taken after the area was cleaned of debris, so that we could get a better look at the structure. Note that the very top of what we see in this picture, where the stones are straight, is the new course put down during the repair process (phase 3 [aka Stratum III]). - Feig (2021b)
  • The Stratum III casemate wall, of which five rooms were exposed, was built over the Stratum IV wall, following the hill’s topography. In Iron Age IIB, probably in the mid-eighth century BCE, the site was struck by an earthquake whose damage was evident in the excavation. An attempt to repair the earthquake damage included the Stratum II repairs to the walls, the addition of wall courses, wall cladding and the construction of new units. - Feig (2021a)
Partially collapsed wall (i.e. displaced wall) presumed from fallen stones, a broken shelf, and smashed pottery found in fallen position eastern side of interior of casemate III room - especially the NE corner

  • Stratum IIIB. In Casemate III [Fig. 3], a few fallen stones visible on the eastern side of the room where the clay shelf and smashed pottery were found, probably fell from the inner casemate wall causing the shelf to collapse. - Feig (2021a)
  • At the storeroom-casemate [aka Casemate III] at the north-eastern corner, a few large stones that had fallen from the north wall probably destroyed a clay shelf. This room could have been used for the local food supply or as a part of an administrative center collecting grains or any other crops from the valleys’ sites in the vicinity. Several bowls lying on the clay-shelf remained in their original position. On its floor, researchers also found dozens of crushed pottery vessels, including jars and pithoi — probably containers for food products, such as wheat or other grains—as well as cooking pots. - Feig (2021b)
  • At the eastern casemate [i.e. Casemate III of the Western Group], researchers discovered a few fallen stones from the eastern wall. What we see here is the very bottom of the wall. The beaten earth next to it is ground level, and the remaining wall is only 0.70 m above this. - Feig (2021b)
Fully collapsed and partially collapsed walls Outer wall and eastern Cross wall of Casemate IV
  • Stratum IIIB. In Casemate IV [Fig. 4], stone collapse was visible in the eastern cross wall, and the outer wall collapsed at a uniform angle along its entire length. - Feig (2021a)
This archaeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VIII (8) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224).

Notes and Further Reading
Wikipedia page for Endor (Village)

"Israel’s Earthquake, 8th Century B.C.E." at Tel Agol from