The Acheulean open-air site of Ma'ayan Barukh is located at the northeastern tip of Upper Galilee (map reference 2070.2950), on the [former] northern shore of Lake Hula. The finds are scattered over a triangular core area of roughly 5,000 sq m, between 250 and 275 m above sea level. There are sparser occurrences downslope, over an area of 1 by 1 km, to an elevation of 170m. The prehistoric tools are found on top of, and embedded in, a terra rossa layer (0. 5-2 m thick) whose age is unknown.
Negev (1969) published a description of an inscription
regarding a restored Temple which he interpreted as attributing the restoration to
Emperor Julian II (aka Julian the Apostate).
Julian's name is not specifically mentioned but possibly referred to as Romani orbis liberatori.
An analogue to another inscription in Italy was used to hypothesize that this referred to Julian.
Language in this inscription found at Ma’ayan Barukh was also compared to other inscriptions attributed to
Julian which Negev (1969) used to further bolster
the case that the inscription found at a
The inscription was found at a site ~8 km. from Caesarea Philippi (Paneas)
where once stood a famous Roman Temple
(Negev, 1969). Negev (1969) conjectures that the inscription may come
from the famous Roman Temple
in Caesarea Philippi (Paneas)
or other Temples in the region.
Prehistory: M. Stekelis and D. Gilead, Mitekufat Ha'even 8 (1966) (Hebrew); A. Ronen, The Quaternary of
Israel (ed. A. Horowitz), New York 1979, 296-307; id. et al., IEJ 30 (1980), 17-33.
Middle Bronze Age tombs: R. Amiran, 'Atiqot 3 (1961), 84-92.
Later periods: A. Negev, IEJ 19 (1969), 170-173.
N. Goren-Inbar, The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, London 1995, 93–109; Z. Greenhut, TA 22
(1995), 16
R. Greenberg, The Hula Valley from the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age to the End of the Middle Bronze Age IIA (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 1996
I. Saragusti (et al.), JAS 25 (1998), 817–825
id., Changes
in the Morphology of Handaxes from Lower Paleolithic Assemblages in Israel (Ph.D. diss.), Jerusalem 2002;
Annual Report of the Israel Science Foundation 23 (1998–1999), 70–71
W. Eck, Chiron: Mitteilungen der
Kommision für alte Geschichte und Epigraphik 30 (2000), 857–859
H. DeBono & N. Goren-Inbar, Mitekufat Ha’even 31 (2001), 9–23.