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Khirbet al-Batrawy


Aerial View of Khirbet al-Batrawy

Nigro (2008)


Aerial View of Khirbet al-Batrawy

APAAME 20141012 REB-0046 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Transliterated Name Source Name
Khirbet al-Batrawy Arabic
The City Of Copper Axes English
Khirbet al-Batrawy

Brief summary of occupational history

Extensive archaeological activities along the northern fortifications brought to light a composite system made of fortifications brought to light a composite system made of four lines of defense, the continuous development of which neatly epitomizes the life of the city itself:
  • foundation at the beginning of Early Bronze II (3000 BC)
  • collapse caused by a severe earthquake at the end of the period (2800 BC)
  • urban floruit during the Early Bronze IIIA–B (2800–2500 – 2300 BC)
  • final destruction due to a fierce conflagration at the end of Early Bronze IIIB
  • reoccupation of the ruins by an Early Bronze IVB rural village (2200–2000 BC)


The city of Khirbet al-Batrawy represents a rare example of an early urban centre arising in a peripheral area of the ancient Near East at the dawn of urban civilization in the 3rd millennium BC. The discovery of Batrawy in 2004 by the Expedition to Jordan of Rome «La Sapienza» University and the discovery of its Royal Palace in 2009 opened up new perspectives on the settlement of these fringe regions, especially in the period before the domestication of the camel.

Exploration of the "Palace of the Copper Axes" and the quadruple fortification lines

The site of Khirbat al-Batrawy, the previously unknown city of the third millennium BC discovered in 2004, has been systematically explored by the Expedition to Palestine & Jordan of Sapienza University of Rome since 2005. Archaeological investigations and restoration works were carried out under the aegis of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research.

Batrawy was founded as the outcome of a synecistic process which characterized the early urban phenomenon in the Southern Levant. The EB II-III (3000-2300 BC) city was in a strategic position, at the same time, for the exploitation of cultivable land and water resources, and for long-distance trade network connecting the site of Batrāwī with the main urban civilizations of the third millennium BC. The discoveries in the “Palace of the Copper Axes” revealed the central role played by the fortified city of Batrāwy at the junction of the east-west route which crosses the Syro-Arabic Desert to Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula and the south-north main route, later on named "King's' Highway", running upon the Jordanian Highlands from the Sinai, the Gulf of ‘Aqaba and Wadi 'Araba.

The planning activities for exploration on the northern slope of the site (Area B North) moved from the discovery in 2009 of the Royal Palace (the "Palace of the Copper Axes"), a public building of the 3rd millennium BC which has provided a wealth of data and findings in an extraordinary state of preservation. A second aim of the Expedition has been the exploration of the well-preserved massive fortification system, just north of the Royal Palace. The excavations revealed quadruple lines of fortifications with its projecting towers and bastions.

Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Illustrations, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Illustrations, and Photos


  • Khirbet al-Batraway in OSM from Pleaides
  • Fig. 2 Map of Upper and Middle Wadi az-Zarqa with visited Early Bronze Age sites, dolmens and archaeological feature from Nigro (2008)

Aerial Views

  • Fig. 3 Aerial view of the ancient territory under Batrawy control from Nigro (2008)
  • Khirbet al-Batrawy in Google Earth

Plans and Illustrations

Site Plans

Normal Size

  • Fig. 1.2 Topographical plan of Khirbet al-Batrawy from Nigro (2008)


  • Fig. 1.2 Topographical plan of Khirbet al-Batrawy from Nigro (2008)

Area Plans

B North - North City Walls

Normal Size

  • Fig. 3.19 EB II city-wall and gate from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 3.23 Schematic reconstruction of a stretch of Batrawy II city-wall from Nigro (2008)


  • Fig. 3.19 EB II city-wall and gate from Nigro (2008)

E - South City Walls

Normal Size

  • Fig. 6.10 Plan of Batrawy II (EB II) city-wall and related floor inside the city from Nigro (2008)


  • Fig. 6.10 Plan of Batrawy II (EB II) city-wall and related floor inside the city from Nigro (2008)


  • Fig. 2.5 Collapsed stones in Area A West from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 3.18 EB II-III fortification walls in Area B North from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 3.24 Street along the outer side of Batrawy II city-wall from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 3.37 Earthquake cracks on eastern jamb of city gate from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 3.38 City Gate after blockage (probable earthquake repair) from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 4.5 Collapsed stones in Area B South from Nigro (2008)
  • Fig. 7.7 Collapsed stones in Area F from Nigro (2008)



Nigro (2008)

Table 1.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphic phases of Khirbet al-Batrawy.

Nigro (2008)

Nigro and Sala (2010)

Table 1

Architectural and stratigraphic phasing of Khirbat al-Batråwi

Nigro and Sala (2010)


A West

Table 2.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area A West

Nigro (2008)

B North

Table 3.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area B North.

Nigro (2008)

B South

Table 4.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area B South.

Nigro (2008)


Table 6.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area E

Nigro (2008)


Table 7.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area F

Nigro (2008)

Time Periods

Time periods from Stern et al (1993)

Age Dates Comments
Early Bronze IA-B 3300-3000 BCE
Early Bronze II 3000-2700 BCE
Early Bronze III 2700-2200 BCE
Middle Bronze I 2200-2000 BCE ‎EB IV - Intermediate Bronze
Middle Bronze IIA 2000-1750 BCE
Middle Bronze IIB 1750-1550 BCE
Late Bronze I 1550-1400 BCE
Late Bronze IIA 1400-1300 BCE
Late Bronze IIB 1300-1200 BCE
Iron IA 1200-1150 BCE
Iron IB 1150-1100 BCE
Iron IIA 1000-900 BCE
Iron IIB 900-700 BCE
Iron IIC 700-586 BCE
Babylonian & Persian 586-332 BCE
Early Hellenistic 332-167 BCE
Late Hellenistic 167-37 BCE
Early Roman 37 BCE - 132 CE
Herodian 37 BCE - 70 CE
Late Roman 132-324 CE
Byzantine 324-638 CE
Early Arab 638-1099 CE Umayyad & Abbasid‎
Crusader & Ayyubid 1099-1291 CE
Late Arab 1291-1516 CE Fatimid & Mameluke‎
Ottoman 1516-1917 CE

Time periods from Meyers et al (1997)

Phase Dates Variants
Early Bronze IA-B 3400-3100 BCE
Early Bronze II 3100-2650 BCE
Early Bronze III 2650-2300 BCE
Early Bronze IVA-C 2300-2000 BCE Intermediate Early-Middle Bronze, Middle Bronze I‎
Middle Bronze I 2000-1800 BCE ‎Middle Bronze IIA
Middle Bronze II 1800-1650 BCE ‎Middle Bronze IIB‎
Middle Bronze III 1650-1500 BCE ‎‎Middle Bronze IIC
Late Bronze IA 1500-1450 BCE
Late Bronze IIB 1450-1400 BCE
Late Bronze IIA 1400-1300 BCE
Late Bronze IIB 1300-1200 BCE
Iron IA 1200-1125 BCE
Iron IB 1125-1000 BCE
Iron IC 1000-925 BCE Iron IIA‎
Iron IIA 925-722 BCE Iron IIB‎
Iron IIB 722-586 BCE ‎Iron IIC
Iron III 586-520 BCE Neo-Babylonian‎
Early Persian 520-450 BCE
Late Persian 450-332 BCE
Early Hellenistic 332-200 BCE
Late Hellenistic 200-63 BCE
Early Roman 63 BCE - 135 CE
Middle Roman 135-250 CE
Late Roman 250-363 CE
Early Byzantine 363-460 CE
Late Byzantine 460-638 CE
Early Arab 638-1099 CE
Crusader & Ayyubid 1099-1291 CE
Late Arab 1291-1516 CE
Ottoman 1516-1917 CE

Batrawy II Earthquake - ~2800 BCE (Early Bronze II)


Nigro (2008:251-255) reports that Batrawy II fortifications show that a violent earthquake brought to a sudden end the earliest city. Archaeoseismic evidence was uncovered on both the northern and southern city-wall - in Areas B North and E. It provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall, as it is clearly documented in the cracks and inner collapses detected in the EB II city-wall and city-gate in Area B North.

Nigro (2008:87 n. 30) noted that centres of the North-Central Jordan Valley such as Pella/Tell el-Husn, Tell Abu Kharaz and Tell es Sa‛idiyeh [] were apparently destroyed in the same period and by a similar agent (Bourke 2000, 233-235). Nigro (2008:87 n. 30) also pointed to destructions in

  • Megiddo - Such a conflagration apparently caused by an earthquake is attested to also at Megiddo (Finkelstein, Ussishkin and Peersmann 2006, 49-50)
  • ‘Ai (Callaway 1980, 147; 1993, 42)
  • Jericho/Tell es-Sultan (Kenyon 1957, 175-176, pl. 37a; 1981, 373, pls. 200-201, 343a; Nigro 2006c, 359-361, 372-373)
  • Khirbet ez-Zeraqon - phase 3 (EB II) ends in a fierce conflagration (Douglas 2007, 27-28), though it is not surely ascribable to an earthquake.
Nigro (2008)

3. Area B North: the EB II-III fortification system


Archaeological investigations in Area B (fig. 3.1) during the second (2006) and third (2007) seasons were extended towards the north, the south and the west, subdividing the area into two main sectors, north and south of the main city-wall; what follows is, thus, the report on monuments excavated north of the latter, while Area B South is illustrated in chapter 4. Area B North, outside the main city-wall (W.103 + W.105), included squares BnII4 (eastern half) + BoII4 + BpII4 + BoII5 + BpII5 + BoII6 + BpII6 + BqII6, in order to accomplish a comprehensive exploration of the northern slope of the hill (fig. 3.2). Here, excavation reached the earliest defensive works at the site, dating back from Early Bronze II, and allowed to identify the main city-gate of this period (§ 3.2.1.), as well as the successive lines of fortifications (§§ 3.2.2.-3.2.3.), with several annexed structures, which lasted in use until the end of the Early Bronze IIIB, and which will be described in detail below, according to their stratigraphic and constructive sequence.

3.1. Stratigraphy of Area B North

Table 3.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area B North.

Nigro (2008)


3.1.5. Phase 5: stratigraphy of Batrawy II fortification system

Phase 5 is basically constituted by the destruction layer (Activity 5a) marking the end of the Batrawy II city, and the original constructional phase (Activity 5b).

Activity 5a: destruction of Batrawy II city-gate and city-wall

A layer around 0.2-0.3 m thick preserved only in two spots in the excavated area, namely in square BoII5 (to the west) F.168 (fig. 3.16) and within the gate passage (F.172), including fragmentary grayish mud-bricks and small pebbles, illustrates the collapse and destruction of the city-gate and earliest city-wall of Batrawy II (fig. 3.17).

Activity 5b: construction of Batrawy II city-gate and city-wall

The earliest city-wall and city-gate L.160 were erected directly over the bedrock and included the two doorjambs (W.183 to the east, W.156 to the west), entrance step L.182, marking the passage into the gate, floor L.186 into the passage, and street L.144b outside the gate. All features were linked each other.

3.2. Architecture & finds: the EB II city-gate and the EB II-III triple line of fortifications

Excavations in the area north of the main city-wall reached the bedrock, thus thoroughly illustrating the progressive transformation of the defensive system in this strategic spot of the town (fig. 3.18), from the earliest city wall of the Early Bronze II (2900-2700 BC) up to the last urban defence – the outer scarp-wall of the EB IIIB (2300 BC) –, and to the latest embankment of the EB IVB (2200-2000 BC) village (see below).

3.2.1. The earliest city-wall and city-gate (Period Batrawy II, Early Bronze II)

The earliest defence of Batrawy (fig. 3.19) was a solid wall 2.9-3.2 m wide, consisting of a lower foundation made of huge limestone blocks and boulders (some exceeding 1.5 m in length by 1.0 in width) on the northern outer face (W.103c+W.163c; figs. 3.20-3-21), and of big blocks (0.5 x 0. 6 m) on the southern inner curtain (W.105c+W.161c; fig. 3.22). The inner core of the wall (W.104c) was made by medium size undressed stones laid in regular layers with pebbles, limestone chops and mud mortar. The outer (W.103c+W.163c) and inner (W.105c+W.161c) walls were carefully set into the bedrock16, and the outer wall exhibited a battering foot in order to make firmer the whole structure17.

This imposing stone foundation was 2.3 m high around the gate and 2 m in the rest of the area; it supported a mud-brick superstructure up to 4 m high18 with battering sides, reaching on top a hypothetical width of 2.2 m, presumably with a wooden coronation and a continuous parapet slightly protruding from the façade (fig. 3.23). The city-wall was built in separated stretches of 6-8 m length in order to prevent dangerous effects of earthquakes19, a technique also attested to in other Early Bronze urban sites in Palestine and Jordan20.

Street L.144 (Period Batrawy II, Early Bronze II)

A street (L.144b) run along the city-wall on its outer side (figs. 3.24 3.25)21, paved with a layer of a gritty chalk plastering the bedrock and regularizing its surface (at some spots also stone fillings were used to make the street floor more regular). The collapse layer lying over the street, F.168, preserved only in square BoII5 (§ 3.1.4.), included EB II sherds (pl. XXI), a stone blade22, and various fragments of greyish mud-bricks.

The city-gate of Period Batrawy II (Early Bronze II)

In spite of the monumentality of the city-wall, the EB II gate was a simple opening, 1.6 m wide, since the town was approachable only by pedestrians and equids (onagers or donkeys) through the street (L.144b) which flanked the wall (figs. 3.26-3-28). A 0.27 m step (B.182) marked the entrance (figs. 3.29-3.30)23 to the passage, paved with a plastered floor (L.186), and flanked by reinforced door-jambs made of bigger and carefully intermingled blocks, which supported a monolithic capstone (2.4 x 0.7 x 0.35 m) on the outer side and a wooden beam on the inside (as it is indicated by burnt traces on the faces of the stones in between the beams were inserted). At least four wooden beams were presumably employed in the ceilings of the gate passage and supported the brick superstructure (fig. 3.56). The eastern jamb (W.183) was made, on its outer side, by a series of alternately superimposed cubic and rectangular limestone blocks (figs. 3.31-3.32); the western jamb (W.156) was reinforced by a large slab on its fourth course of stones, linked to a huge bock visible on the northern façade of the main wall (figs. 3.33-3.34, 3.36). Such a strengthening device was set in the wall just above a protruding buttress (W.187), preserved only at the lowest course of stones over the bedrock (fig. 3.35), perhaps to be connected with a passage through the street running along the city-wall (L.144b). In spite of its apparently simple layout, the EB II gate at Batrawy accomplished mainly defensive purposes, since due to its dimensions (the passageway was a corridor 1.6 m wide and 3.2 m long), it was easy to be looked out and to be locked in case of enemy attack; it was, anyhow, the main access to the town, as its location on the city perimeter and the organization of spaces inside and outside it testifies to.

Nonetheless, the plan of gate L.160 finds several comparison in contemporary EB II defensive architecture of the region, such as at Khirbet Kerak24, Tell el-Far‘ah North25, et-Tell/‘Ai26, Arad27, Khirbet ez-Zeraqon28, and, later on in EB III, also at Bab edh-Dhra‘29.

There is no evidence for the presence of towers adjoined to this early gate, even though the area was completely reconstructed when the gate was blocked and an outer wall (W.155) was added to the defense at the beginning of the Early Bronze IIIA (see below § 3.2.2.).

Two sharp earthquake cracks on the eastern jamb (fig. 3.37) testify to the destruction of the lintels and possibly of the capstone of the passageway, which presumably caused a general collapse, so that the gate went out of use at the end of the Early Bronze II30.

3.2.2. The double city-wall of Period Batrawy IIIa (Early Bronze IIIA)

After the destruction which caused the partial collapse of the gate and brought to a sudden end the EB II city, the defensive system in Area B North, at the most sensitive and exposed side of the town, underwent a general reconstruction. The gate was blocked by a solid wall made31 with big stones (W.157; figs. 3.38-3-40)32, and the superstructure of the main city-wall (W.103b+163b + W.104b+ W.105b+W.161b) was rebuilt em ploying medium size stones up to a height of around 4.0-5.0 m; only the upper section of the structure was built up with reddish mud-bricks up to 8 m. The original stretches in which the main wall was subdivided33 were tied up one to the other (on its outer face this indicates in several spots the height from which the wall was reconstructed).

16 Usually the elevation of the inner foot of the main city-wall is around 0.5-1 m higher than that of the outer one.

17 Nigro ed. 2006, 175-176, fig. 4.32.

18 Actually, there is no information on the dimension of this brick superstructure. Fragments of greyish mud-bricks were retrieved in the destruction layers of Period Batrawy II, however even the dimensions of the bricks is uncertain (0.6 x 0.4 x 0.16 m), while the height of the superstructure has been calculated according to the presumed height of the later EB III city-wall, suggested by a flight of steps of a staircase discovered inside wall W.105b+W.161b (staircase W.181, § 3.2.2.).

19 Nigro ed. 2006, 176-177, note 26.

20 See below note 27.

21 This street was already partially identified in the first season (Nigro 2006a, 245, fig. 26; Nigro ed. 2006, 191, figs. 4.53-4.54).

22 KB.06.B.74 (pl. XXI).

23 The elevation outside the gate is 54.49 m, while the floor inside the gate was 55.01 m.

24 The South-East Gate in Wall A (2.5 m wide; Greenberg - Paz 2005, 84, 86-89, fig. 8, 10-14; Greenberg et al. 2006, 239-244, plans 6.2, 6.4).

25 De Vaux 1962, 221-234, pls. XIX-XXI.

26 The Citadel Gate at Site A (around 1 m wide and 4.5 m long; Callaway 1980, 63-65, figs. 38, 41); the Postern Gate (around 1 m wide; Callaway 1980, 72-73, figs. 48-49, 51) and the Lower City Gate (around 1 m wide; Callaway 1980, 114 115, figs. 74-75) at Site L.

27 The Western Gate in Area T (2.50-2.70 m wide), the Gate in Area N (2.10 m wide), and the Postern Gate in Area K (0.80 m wide): Amiran - Ilan 1996, 20-22, pls. 68-70, 78, 85-86, 90-93.

28 The City-Gate in the Lower City fortifications (around 2.0-2.5 m wide; Douglas 2007, 9, figs. 3, 6-12, pls. 1-5; phase 4g-a; EB II). Just 7 m north-west of the main city-gate a postern 0.80 m wide (sortie-postern) was opened across the city wall W1 (Douglas 2007, 10). According to excavators, it was closed after a little while already during the Early Bronze II (Douglas 2007, 14; phase 4d).

29 The EB III West Gate in Fields IV and XIII, also blocked during the Early Bronze III (Rast - Schaub 2003, 272-280, fig. 10.12). A possible EB III postern (around 1.50 m wide) at Tell Ta‘annek, detected on the western side of the site (Lapp 1964, 12, fig.4), exhibited instead a bent-axis plan.

30 Nigro 2007a, 352; in press a, § 6. This was the case of other centres of the North-Central Jordan Valley: Pella/Tell el-Husn, Tell Abu Kharaz and Tell es Sa‛idiyeh, which were apparently destroyed in the same period and by a similar agent (Bourke 2000, 233-235). Such a conflagration apparently caused by an earthquake is attested to also at Megiddo (Finkelstein, Ussishkin and Peersmann 2006, 49-50), ‘Ai (Callaway 1980, 147; 1993, 42), Jericho/Tell es-Sultan (Kenyon 1957, 175-176, pl. 37a; 1981, 373, pls. 200-201, 343a; Nigro 2006c, 359-361, 372-373). Also at Khirbet ez-Zeraqon, phase 3 (EB II) ends in a fierce conflagration (Douglas 2007, 27-28), though it is not surely ascribable to an earthquake.

31 EB II city-gates at ‘Ai were partly blocked already in the late Early Bronze II (the Citadel Gate and the Postern Gate; Callaway 1980, 113-115), partly at the beginning of the Early Bronze III (the Lower City Gate; Callaway 1980, 152-154). Also at Khirbet Kerak, EB II south-east gate in Wall A was possibly blocked at the beginning of the Early Bronze III (Greenberg - Paz 2005, 89, figs. 13-14; Greenberg et al. 2006, 245, fig. 6.18, plan 6.5). The same happened in the Early Bronze III at the City-Gate of the Lower City at Khirbet ez-Zeraqon (Douglas 2007, 35-38, figs. 5, 19-20, plans 10-11; phase 1, Early Bronze IIIB).

32 Only a few pottery sherds were retrieved in wall W.157 dating back from EB II/early EB IIIA (pl. XXI).

33 Nigro ed. 2006, 176-177.

6. Area E: the Early Bronze II city-wall and related layers on the southern side of the hill


A probe (4 × 2 m) was opened inside the main Batrawy II-III city-wall roughly at the middle of the southern fortification line (fig. 6.1), in squares CdIII9 + CeIII9 (also excavating baulk CdIII9/CeIII9), with the aim of checking the architecture, stratigraphy and chronology of the city-wall on this side of the mound1.

In Area E the main city-wall was cleaned for a length of around 10 m, and the sounding was opened just aside a small ravine (fig. 6.2), which cut through it in correspondence of a joint between two separated sections of the defensive structure2, at a change of its orientation (fig. 6.3).

A major achievement of this sounding was the confirmation that the city wall preserved here dates back from the Early Bronze II (2900-2700 BC)e3, since the later EB III reconstructions collapsed and were almost completely obliterated by erosion, and that the fortified town of Batrawy was founded at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC.

1 Nigro 2007a, 357-358, figs. 1, 17.

2 The Batrawy II city-wall was built in separated juxtaposed stretches (each around 8 m long), as it was also evident in Area B North (in trench BrII7 + BsII7 excavated in 2005), where a junction between two of such sectors (named wall W.103c to the west and wall W.101c to the east) was visible on the northern outer face of the main city-wall (Nigro 2006a, 243; Nigro ed. 2006, 176-177, note 26, fig. 4.35, pl. IV). For a detailed analysis of this well-known building technique from EB II-III defensive systems in Southern Levant see Area B North, §§ 3.2.1.-3.2.3.; Nigro 2006c, 370-371; 2006e, 9; 2007a, 352, 357; in press, §§ 4.2.-4.3.

3 Nigro 2007a, fig. 18.

6.1. Stratigraphy

Area E suffered drastic erosion, and, at least along the southern edge of cliff, also pillage of large limestone blocks from the city-wall, that is preserved only in the lower courses of its boulders set into the bedrock and belonging to the original defence line erected all around the site in Early Bronze II.

Strata were all eroded according to the slope of the khirbet and they illustrated four main phases (tab. 6.1; fig. 6.4), from the topmost shallowest layer of humus to the earliest strata related to the destruction of Batrawy II city-wall, founded directly upon the bedrock (Phase 4). Structures and finds from destruction layers of Phase 4 will be thoroughly described in § 6.2.

Table 6.1

Archaeological periodization and stratigraphy of Area E

Nigro (2008)


6.1.4. Phase 4: stratigraphy of Batrawy II fortification system

Phase 4 illustrates the erection (Activity 4b), first utilization and sudden end, testified to by a thick collapse layer in the fillings inside the town (Activity 4a), of Batrawy II fortification system during the Early Bronze II.

Activity 4a: destruction of Batrawy II fortification system

Deposits of Period Batrawy II have been clearly identified in the sounding inside the southern line of the main Batrawy city-wall (W.705), where a thick layer of destruction and collapse was accumulated on a floor lying directly over the bedrock. Here, an upper stratum (F.704) of grey clayish sandy soil, 20-25 cm high, with ashy lenses, charcoals and small limestone chops probably from the Batrawy II city-wall superstructure, as well as scattered animal bones (samples KB.06.FR.106 and KB.06.FR.123) and pottery sherds (pl. LIII), covered a greyish layer (F.706), 20 cm thick, basically composed of compacted charcoals, ash and crushed greyish mud bricks, with numerous limestone grits, chops and mud mortar from the EB II city-wall collapsed superstructure (§ 6.2.), as well as a few pottery sherds (pl. LIV). Both these layers sloped from north to south and from west to east according to the natural slope of the bedrock.

Activity 4b: erection of Batrawy II fortification system

Activity 4b represents the erection of Batrawy II city-wall, the earliest phase of the Batrawy fortification system, similarly detected in Area B North (§ 3.1.4.). It is illustrated by the inner face of city-wall W.705 and the earliest floor exposed inside the town (L.710), lying directly upon the bedrock, in trench CdIII9 + CeIII9 (§ 6.2.), and by the inner face of the westerner juxtaposed stretch of city-wall W.707, further to the west.

6.2. Architecture & Finds: the EB II city-wall on the southern side of the site

Though badly eroded, the main EB II-III city-wall was preserved along the whole southern side of the khirbet (figs. 6.9-6.10). Since the later Early Bronze III reconstructions collapsed and were almost completely obliterated by erosion, the original EB II foundation of the city wall and the related passage inside the city were reached and brought to light in Area E.

The defensive work, consisting of a single wall running on the very edge of the cliff, was strongly eroded on the outer side, where its outer face was preserved only for the lower courses of limestone boulders directly set into the bedrock (fig. 6.11). Conversely, the inner face of the wall was preserved on four superimposed courses of unworked stones, tied up with mortar and small limestone chops (figs. 6.12-6-13).

As well documented in the EB II main city-wall in Area B North (§ 3.2.1.), the Batrawy II city-wall was built in separated juxtaposed stretches (each around 6-8 m long)12, according to a well-known technique attested to in many Early Bronze fortified sites in Palestine and Transjordan, in order to prevent dangerous effects of earthquakes13.

Inside city-wall W.705, where the sounding was opened, a well refined floor (L.710) of limestone marl and small pebbles, lying directly over the bedrock (fig. 6.14), was uncovered after the removal of a thick heavy destruction layer (F.704, F.706). From the latter layer, scattered fragments of EB II common wares were retrieved14, as well as some specimens of EB II typical specialized productions, such as Red Burnished15 and Red Polished16 vessels (pls. LIII-LIV). A flint blade17 and a Canaanean blade18 were also retrieved in layer F.706.

A typical feature of this phase was the presence of fragmentary light greyish mud-bricks in the layers of collapse, belonged to the superstructure of the EB II city-wall. The greyish mud-bricks of the city-wall superstructure were split over the stone foundations and left a thick stratum of greyish dump all around the defences, especially visible on the southern inner side of the khirbet.

The Batrawy II fortifications in Area E show that a violent earthquake brought to a sudden end the earliest city. Traces of such a dramatic event were detected both on the northern and southern city-wall, in Areas B North (§ 3.2.1.) and E. It provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall, as it is clearly documented in the cracks and inner collapses detected in the EB II city-wall and city-gate in Area B North (§§ 3.1.4., 3.2.1.).

12 In trench BrII7+BsII7 excavated in 2005 a junction between two of such sectors (named wall W.103c to the west and wall W.101c to the east) was visible on the northern outer face of the main city-wall (Nigro ed. 2006, 176, fig. 4.35, pl. IV).

13 Nigro ed. 2006, 176-177, in particular note 26.

14 Two fragments of storage jars with Grain Wash decoration from layer F.706 can be noticed (KB.06.E.706/7, KB.06.E.706/8; pl. LIV).

15 A platter (KB.06.E.704/1) and a bowl (KB.06.E.704/6) from layer F.704 (pl. LIII), and three platters (KB.06.E.706/1, KB.06.E.706/2, KB.06.E.706/3) from layer F.706 (pl. LIV).

16 Three jugs (KB.06.E.704/7, KB.06.E.704/14, KB.06.E.704/15) from layer F.704 (pl. LIII), and a jar (KB.06.E.706/5) from layer F.706 (pl. LIV).

17 KB.06.E.86 (pl. LIV).

18 KB.06.E.102 (pl. LIV).

Seismic Effects
Batrawy II Earthquake - ~2800 BCE (Early Bronze II)

Effect Location Image(s) Description
  • Collapsed Walls                     
  • through-going cracks
  • lintel destruction
  • possible capstone destruction
  • foundation damage
Area B North (north city-wall)

  • Two sharp earthquake cracks on the eastern jamb (fig. 3.37) testify to the destruction of the lintels and possibly of the capstone of the passageway, which presumably caused a general collapse, so that the gate went out of use at the end of the Early Bronze II - Nigro (2008:87)

  • [The earthquake] provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall, as it is clearly documented in the cracks and inner collapses detected in the EB II city-wall and city-gate in Area B North - Nigro (2008:87)
  • Collapsed Walls                     
Area B North (north city-wall)

  • Fig 3.24 of the Street along an outer city wall shows stone and wall collapse on right side of the photo closest to the viewer
  • Collapsed Walls                     
  • foundation damage
Area E (south city-wall)

  • [The earthquake] provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall - Nigro (2008:87)

Deformation Maps
Batrawy II Earthquake - ~2800 BCE (Early Bronze II)

Deformation Map

Modified by JW from Fig. 1.2 from from Nigro (2008)

Intensity Estimates
Batrawy II Earthquake - ~2800 BCE (Early Bronze II)

Effect Location Image(s) Description Intensity
  • Collapsed Walls                     
  • through-going cracks
  • lintel destruction
  • possible capstone destruction
  • foundation damage
Area B North (north city-wall)

  • Two sharp earthquake cracks on the eastern jamb (fig. 3.37) testify to the destruction of the lintels and possibly of the capstone of the passageway, which presumably caused a general collapse, so that the gate went out of use at the end of the Early Bronze II - Nigro (2008:87)

  • [The earthquake] provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall, as it is clearly documented in the cracks and inner collapses detected in the EB II city-wall and city-gate in Area B North - Nigro (2008:87)
  • VIII+
  • VI+
  • VI+
  • VI+
  • IX+
  • Collapsed Walls                     
Area B North (north city-wall)

  • Fig 3.24 of the Street along an outer city wall shows stone and wall collapse on right side of the photo closest to the viewer
  • VIII+
  • Collapsed Walls                     
  • foundation damage
Area E (south city-wall)

  • [The earthquake] provoked almost the full collapse of the mud brick superstructure and seriously damaged the 2 m high stone foundations of the Batrawy II city-wall - Nigro (2008:87)
  • VIII+
  • IX+
Foundation damage suggests an intensity of IX (9) or higher. It also suggest that Khirbet al-Batrawy was within 10 km. of the epicenter. Other archeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VIII (8) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224 big pdf).

Notes and Further Reading

Wikipedia pages

Khirbet al-Batrawy (in Italian)