Transliterated Name | Source | Name |
Tulul Abu al-'Alayiq | Arabic | |
Tel Abu Alak | Arabic |
Netzer (1975:89) reports that the earliest remains of the Hellensitic-Roman periods
at Tel Abu Alaik are pre-Herodian
probably Hasmonean
Netzer (1975:92) also reports that, as of 1975, no evidence had been found to establish
a building date for the winter palace at the site but finds of pottery and coins indicate that it was used at least by the
last Hasmonean
Kings, as well as by Herod in the early years of his reign.
The town of Jericho is situated on the wide plain of the Jordan Valley, about 10 km ( 6 mi.) north of the Dead Sea and close to the steep cliffs that fringe the valley to the west(map reference 193.142). At a depth of 250 m below sea level, it is the lowest town on the surface of the earth. This location, shut in by mountain walls to the east and west, has a climate that is tropical in summer and usually mild in winter. The amount of rainfall is small, about 140 mm a year, most of which falls in a few violent downpours - in some years there is virtually none. The flourishing agriculture of which the area is capable is dependent on the spring known as Elisha's Well, or 'Ein es-Sultan. With irrigation based on the spring, the valley's alluvial soil can produce crops of almost every kind, tropical and temperate in habitat - dates, green vegetables, or wheat. In times of expansion, the waters of 'Ein es-Sultan can be supplemented by those of'Ein ed-Duk (Na'aran), some 3 km (2 mi.) to the northwest, which, as in the Early Arab period and today, can be brought to Jericho by aqueduct. With irrigation, an extensive oasis can be created; but when it is neglected, the area reverts to the parched scrub of the adjacent valley, as is seen in nineteenth-century photographs taken in the immediate neighborhood of 'Ein es-Sultan. Destruction of the irrigation system by enemies, or the interruption of the water supply as a result of the earth movements to which the Jordan Valley is liable, may account for the periodic abandonments of the ancient site that excavation has revealed.
Historians of the Hellenistic-Roman period (Strabo, Pliny, and Josephus) stress Jericho's economic and military importance. In the tropical climate prevailing in the vale, the groves of Jericho produced high-quality dates and various medicinal plants and spices, particularly balsam, which thrives on intensive irrigation. Because of these products, famed throughout antiquity, Josephus considered the valley a veritable paradise (War IV, 469).
In 1838, the site was first discovered by E. Robinson, at the debouchment of Wadi Qelt from the hills. In 1868, C. Warren conducted excavations at the two mounds of'Alayiq (map reference 191.139) as part of his examination of nine mounds in the Jericho area. He cut large trenches (3m deep) in an east-west direction and ascribed his finds to the Roman period. On mound 1, south of Wadi Qelt, many glass fragments and a Roman amphora with a seal impression on its handle were found; and on mound 2, north of the wadi, walls of sun-dried brick, some of them decorated with painted plaster, were exposed.
Excavations were carried out from 1973 by a Hebrew University expedition headed by E. Netzer, with the assistance of the Israel Exploration Society and the staff officer for archaeology in Judea and Samaria. The excavations were conducted annually from 1973 to 1983 and in 1986-1987. Mounds 1 and 2 were reexamined and large areas to the west and east of mound 2 and to the north of mound 1 were cleared; these were the most extensive excavations ever conducted at the site. In addition, the extensive system of aqueducts west and north of the site (originally surveyed by the British Palestine Exploration Fund) was resurveyed and investigated; numerous agricultural installations were discovered in the vicinity of this water-supply system
Several short excavation seasons were conducted in 1998–2000 at the Second Temple period winter palaces in the area of Tulul Abu el-‘Alayiq in Jericho. The excavations were conducted by an expedition of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the direction of E. Netzer, with the assistance of Y. Kalman and R. Laureys-Chachy. The work concentrated upon the area east of the twin palaces, the area northeast of Herod’s second palace, and the workshop area.
King Herod received a Hasmonean Winter Palace at Jericho which may have been destroyed by the
31 BCE Josephus Quake.
Herod subsequently rebuilt a palace at a different but nearby location on top of a damaged synagogue.
Roller (1998) notes that the original Hasmonean palace remained in use until the
30's BCE "as the drowning of Aristobulus in 36 BCE demonstrates"
(see Antiquities of the Jews Book XV Chapter 3 Paragraph 3). This would indicate that
Ambraseys (2009) was mistaken in his assertion that it is more probable
that the structure was destroyed by war when Herod conquered Jericho in 39 BCE taking it from
Antigonus II Mattathias -
the last Hasmonean King of Judea.
Karcz et al (1977) reports that a strong earthquake in 31 BCE destroyed the palace
Effect | Location | Image(s) | Description |
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Karcz, I., et al. (1977). "Archaeological evidence for Subrecent seismic activity along the Dead Sea-Jordan Rift." Nature 269(5625): 234-235.
Netzer, E. (1975). "The Hasmonean and Herodian Winter Palaces at Jericho." Israel Exploration Journal 25(2/3): 89-100.
Netzer, E. The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great Part 1 Israel Exploration Society
Netzer, E. The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great Part 2 Israel Exploration Society
Rocca, S. and A. Hook (2013). The Forts of Judaea 168 BC–AD 73: From the Maccabees to the Fall of Masada, Bloomsbury Publishing.
Roller, D. W. (1998). The building program of Herod the Great, Univ of California Press.
Pritchard, J. B. (1958). The Excavation at Herodian Jericho, 1951. United States: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Garbrecht. G. and Netzer, E., (1991) Die Wasserversorgung des geschichtlichen Jericho und seiner /Wniglichen Anlagen (Gut, Winterpalaste) (Leichtweiss-Institut fiir Wasserbau
der Technischen Universitiit Braunschweig, Mitteilungen 115), Braunschweig 1991.
Netzer, E., Laureys-Chachy, R., Bar-Nathan, R. (2001). Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho:
I Stratigraphy and architecture. Israel: Israel Exploration Society.
Netzer, E., Laureys-Chachy, R. (2001). Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973-1987 Excavations.
II Stratigraphy and Architecture and The Coins Israel: Israel Exploration Society.
Netzer, E. (2001). Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973-1987 Excavations.
III: The Pottery Israel: Israel Exploration Society.
Netzer, E., Laureys-Chachy, R., Bar-Nathan, R., Rozenberg, S. (2001). Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973-1987 Excavations.
IV: The decoration of Herod's Third Palace at Jericho Israel: Israel Exploration Society.
Netzer, E., Laureys-Chachy, R., Bar-Nathan, R. (2001). Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973-1987 Excavations.
V: The Finds from Jericho and Cypros Israel: Israel Exploration Society.
R. Beauvery, RB 64 (1957), 72-101
A. Spaer, Numismatic Chronicle Series 7/10 (1970), 23-28;
142 (1982) 140-142
P. D. C. Brown, Levant 3 (1971), 95-96.
Schiirer, GJV2, 3-4; 380 n. 67, 382
L. Mowry, BA IS (1952), 33-42
M. Avi-Yonah, The Holy
Land, Grand Rapids 1962; id., The Jews of Palestine, Oxford 1973, passim
A. Schalit, Ko'nig Herodes,
Berlin 1969. Tulul Abu ei-'Ala'iq
J. L. Kelso and D. C. Baramki, Excavations at New Testament Jericho and Khirbet en-Nitla (AASOR 29-30), New Haven 1955
J. B. Pritchard, The Excavation at Herodian Jericho 1951
(AASOR 32-33), New Haven 1958
G. Garbrecht and E. Netzer, Die Wasserversorgung des geschichtlichen Jericho und seiner /Wniglichen Anlagen (Gut, Winterpalaste) (Leichtweiss-Institut fiir Wasserbau
der Technischen Universitiit Braunschweig, Mitteilungen 115), Braunschweig 1991.
J. L. Kelso, BASOR 120 (1950), 11-22; 121 (1951), 6-8; id., BA 14 (1951), 34-43
A. Augustinovic, Gerico e Dintorni: Guida, Jerusalem 1951
J. B. Pritchard, BAS OR 123 (1951), 8-17
E. Netzer, IEJ23 (I 973), 260; 25 (1975), 89-100; id., RB 82 (1975), 270-274; id., Archilologia 110 (1977),
70; id. (with E. M. Meyers), BASOR 228 (1977), 1-14, 15-28; id., BTS 189 (1977), 8-16; id., BAR 4/4
(1978), 10-15; id., ASR, 49-51; id., MdB 17 (1981), 28-31; id., ES11 (1982), 44-49; 2 (1983), 50-51; 5
(1986), 55; id., Jerusalem Cathedra 2 (1982), 106-119; id., Leichtweiss-Institut fur Wasserbau der
Technischen Univ. Braunschweig Mitteilungen 82 (1984), 1-12; id., Recherches Archlologiques en
Israiil, 190-199; id., Judaica 45 (1989), 21-44; id., Akten des XIII Internatzionalen Kongresses fur
Klassische Archaologie Berlin 1988, Mainz 1990, 37-50
S. F. Singer, BAR 3/2 (1977), I, 6-17
V. Tzaferis, CNI 26 (1976-1978), 29-31
K. L. Gleason, BAlAS 7 (1987-1988), 21-39; id., AJA
94 (1990), 299-300
J. Schwartz, Jewish Quarterly Review 79 (1988), 23-48
F. Brassier, MdB 69
(1991), 33-37
Y. Yellin and J. Gunneweg, 1EJ 39 (1989), 85-90.
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664; II: Stratigraphy and Architecture, by E. Netzer & R. Laureys-Chachy. — The Coins, by Y. Meshorer,
Jerusalem 2004; III: The Pottery, by R. Bar-Nathan, Jerusalem 2002; ibid. (Review) Dead Sea Discoveries
10 (2003), 421–428
E. Netzer, The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great, Jerusalem 2001 (Heb.);
ibid. (Review) BAIAS 19–20 (2001–2002), 180–181.
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K. L. Gleason, Landscape Journal 12
(1993), 156–167; id., Albright News 3 (1997), 8–10
E. Netzer, BA 56 (1993), 144–146; id., BAT II, Jerusalem
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and Bathing, 1: Bathing and Society (JRA Suppl. Series 37), Portsmouth, RI 1999, 45–55; id., Antike Welt
31 (2000), 477–484; id., MdB 131 (2000), 60; id. (& G. Garbrecht), The Aqueducts of Israel, Portsmouth,
RI 2002, 366–379; id., The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder, Tübingen (forthcoming)
S. Ilani &
N. Porat, Geological Survey of Israel, Current Research 8 (1993), 41–43
M. Kislev, Cathedra 72 (1994),
193–194; J. Magness, Revue de Qumran 16/63 (1994), 397–419
I. Nielsen, Hellenistic Palaces: Tradition
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P. Richardson, Herod: King of the Jews
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S. Rozenberg, Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time
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R. Förtsch, Judaea and the Greco-Roman
World in the Time of Herod (op. cit.), Göttingen 1996, 73–119
K. Fittschen, ibid., 139–161; A. M. Berlin,
BA 60 (1997), 2–51
R. Hachlili, OEANE, 3, New York 1997, 16–18; Le opere fortificate de Erode il Grand,
Firenze 1997; Archaeology 51/4 (1998), 27
P. Donceel-Voûte, Res Orientales 11 (1998), 93–124; id., La
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2, Lausanne 2001, 490–509
N. Porat & S. Ilani, Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 47/2 (1998), 75–85; id.,
Michmanim 14 (2000), 168
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A. M. Schneider, Reticulum: Ausgewählte Aufsätze und Katalog seiner Sammlungen (Jahrbuch für Antike
und Christentum Ergänzungsband 25), Münster 1998
D. Herman, Eretz 67 (1999), 57–60
D. M. Jacobson,
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M. Fischer, JRA 16 (2003), 659–664; id. (& O. Tal), ZDPV 119 (2003),
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