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'En Ziq

 'En Ziq

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Transliterated Name Source Name
'En Ziq Hebrew
Ein Ziq Hebrew
Horvat 'En Ziq Hebrew

Erickson-Gini (2012) reports that the Nabatean Hellenistic fortress at 'En Ziq is located in the Nahal Zin basin near Sde Boker.

Excavations of Bronze and Iron Age structures at En Ziq

Horvat 'En Ziq, a large settlement on a fiat, elongated hill near the southern bank of Nahal Ziq (map reference 1363.0238), was first surveyed in the Negev Emergency Survey in 1983 by a team under D. Nahlieli and Y. Israel. In 1984, R. Cohen directed excavations at the site, under the auspices of the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums. The settlement occupied an area of approximately 5 a. The remains of some two hundred circular structures were found. There were five excavation areas.

Maps and Aerial Views
Maps and Aerial Views


  • Fig. 1 Location Map from Goring-Morris (1978)
  • Fig. 2 Location Map from Goring-Morris (1978)
  • Fig. 2 Location Map from Stern et al (1993 v.3)

Aerial Views

  • Aerial view of 'En Ziq (Bronze and/or Iron Age structures) from Stern et al (1993 v.3)
  • 'En Ziq in Google Earth
  • 'En Ziq on

Early 2nd century CE earthquake

Erickson-Gini (2012) reports that the same early 2nd century earthquake which destroyed the Nabatean Fort at Ein Rahel also destroyed the Nabatean Hellenistic fortress at 'En Ziq.

Notes and Further Reading