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Chastel Blanc

Chastel Blanc Figure 2

Photo of Chastel Blanc taken ca. 1935 by Pierre Antoine Berrurier

wikipedia (public domain)


Transliterated Name Source Name
Chastel Blanc French
Castrum Album Latin
Burj Safita Arabic برج صافيتا
Safita Castle
Safita Tower

Kázmér and Major (2015) examined archaeoseismic effects on the donjon of Chastel Blanc. The donjon was built from whitish Cretaceaous limestone and is located on the highest poit of the town of Safita. It stands on compact Cretaceaous limestone beds (Kázmér and Major, 2015). Kázmér and Major (2015:182 ) report that the central part of the castle is comprised of the enormous rectangular donjon and the scanty remains of an inner enclosure which is encircled by a huge outer enclosure with flanking towers and the remains of a great hall on two levels. Kázmér and Major (2015:186) noted that the donjon stands on solid Cretaceous limestone beds, i.e. site amplification by soft subsoil can be excluded.

Kázmér and Major (2015) additionally examined archaeoseismic evidence of rockfalls and fallen architecture at the nearby villages of Khirbat al-Qurshiyya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb.


Safıta [aka Chastel Blanc] boasts with the highest surviving donjon of the Holy Land. Making its first appearance in the written sources of the 12th century, nothing is known about its early history. However, the first certain mention of the site was in 1112, when the area of the Gap of Homs, conquered by the Crusaders around 1109, was handed over by Tancred, lord of Antioch, to Pons, the count of Tripoli (Ibn al-Qalanisı, Dzayl, 163; trans. 89). We do not have any certain data on the origins of the fortifications in Safıta, but whatever survived above ground clearly dates from the Crusader period on stylistic bases. The castle was one of the earliest possessions of the Order of the Temple in the Syrian coast, who might have acquired it as early as 1152, but in any case, it was certainly in Templar possession by 1155 (Piana, 2008: 295). Lying on the strategic route between the coast and the Syrian interior, the site had a rather troubled history under Crusader domination. In H. 562 (1166/67), it was sacked by the army of Sultan Nur al-Dın (Ibn al-Athır, al-Kamil, IX/330) and was captured and destroyed by the same ruler again in H. 567 (1171/72)(Ibn al-Athır, al-Ta’rıkh al-Bahir, 154) (Raphael, 2010). The great northern campaign of Sultan Saladin in 1188 and his brief raids against Safıta are unlikely to have had much effect on the fortress (Ibn al-Athır, al-Kamil, X/48), but it withstood a serious assault in 1218, when the army of al-Malik al-Ashraf took and destroyed its suburb (Ibn Wasil, Mufarrij, III/265). According to a Latin source some of its defensive towers were also damaged (Oliver Scholasticus, Historia Damiatina, xxxvi, 235). Safıta was finally taken by the army of Sultan Baybars on 20 February 1271 after a brief siege (Ibn al-Furat, Ta’rıkh, 180–182; trans. 143–144).

The donjon is not only marked by its huge size, but also by enormous cracks on its facades, which later reconstructions were unable to conceal. In all probability, this was the 'turris maior' [great tower] mentioned in the letter of the Master of the Temple, Philippe de Plessis, describing the effects the AD 1202 earthquake had on Safıta (Castrum Album) with the following words:

At Chastel Blanc [Safıta], most of the walls collapsed, and the main tower, which we thought to have been built with outstanding strength and solidity, was so badly cracked and damaged that it would have been better for us if it had completely collapsed instead of being left standing in such a state. (translation from Guidoboni and Comastri, 2005, p. 224)


Castri autem Albi maxima pars murorum cecidit, turris autem maior, qua nullam credimus fortuis vel firmius edificatam, in hoc rimis et quassaturis debilitata est, quod melius nobis esset, si funditus corueret, quam ita stans permaneret (Mayer, 1972, p. 309).
The reparation of the effects of the grave destruction is still visible today; at the same time, it shows that the medieval architects working for the Templars did find a solution to the problem of the great tower. In any case it was described by Wilbrand of Oldenbourg in 1212 as ... quid est bonum et forte [which is good and strong] (Wilbrand of Oldenbourg, Itinerarium Terrae Sanctae, 210). As the visible reparations of the earthquake damage have been executed in a Crusader style (including the gothic hall and a window for a church bell) and there is no serious earthquake mentioned in the years until 1271, it is logical to assume that this earthquake trace was caused by the great earthquake of 1202.

Following the Muslim occupation in 1271, the donjon lost its strategic importance and fell into disuse as a military installation.

Photographs preserved in the Deschamps archives (Deschamps, 1973) (folders XVI and XXI) of the Bibliotheque nationale (Paris) show missing blocks of masonry at random places of the four main walls and around the top floor. Most of these damages cannot be seen today due to the restoration of 1936, during the French Mandate. Perfect fit of masonry at the sites of strike-slip displacement (Fig. 2b, d) shows professional restoration by expert stonemasons. While missing and broken blocks were obviously replaced, there was no attempt to conceal the large-scale shift perpendicular to the plane of the wall. Lower-quality restoration of missing mortar between blocks in arches indicates a subsequent, hastily performed restoration, possibly by local builders (Fig. 2d, f).

Rockfall sites of Khirbat al-Qurshiya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb

Field surveys of the Syro-Hungarian Archaeological Mission in the past years detected a large number of village sites of Romano-Byzantine origin in the deepest recesses of the coastal mountain ranges (Major, 2006, pp. 44–46). The observations of field surveying and sherding make it clear that these settlements were established in the Roman and Byzantine periods, perhaps not much later than the 4th century and the presence of characteristic 13th century pottery found on a much smaller area than the Roman period pottery scatter extension indicates that many of them must have survived the early Middle Ages, but on a reduced scale. The cluster of ‘rural villas’ identified in ‘Ayn-Qadıb makes it a good example of an average middle-sized settlement. Khirbat al-Qurshiyya belonged to the large villages with widely dispersed villas on an extensive area, possessing several olive and wine presses and also having a clearly identifiable church building. Medieval pottery scatter is concentrated only in a limited zone of the site, not surprisingly close to the main water source.

Quarrying left markedly visible traces in Khirbat al-Qurshiyya. Blocks several metres long and wide, and tens of tons in weight, were cut from the horizontally bedded, compact Cretaceous limestone. This stone is suitable for monumental architecture, and the village was certainly a well-to-do community.

Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, and Photos

  • Fig. 1 - Location Map from Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Fig. 6 Map of direction of deformation and displacement from Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Fig. 3 Plan of the donjon with locations of photos and indicated deformation from Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Fig. 2a Photo of the donjon from Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Chastel Blanc in Google Earth
  • Ayn Qadib in Google Earth
  • Khirbat al-Qurshiya vicinity in Google Earth

1202 CE Earthquake

Kázmér and Major (2015:187) assigned the major damage of the donjon to the 1202 CE earthquakes based on indirect reasoning

  • arguments related to the history of art place the construction of the donjon into the 12th century (early Gothic architecture)
  • there was a great tower standing in 1202, which has been seriously damaged by the earthquake of the same year, as the letter of the Phillipe de Plessis reported (Mayer, 1972, p. 309)1
  • the tower was in good and strong condition in 1212 (Wilbrand of Oldenbourg, Itinerarium Terrae Sanctae, 210). This means two things: either the letter written and sent immediately after the earthquake by Phillipe de Plessis overestimated the damages, or these damages have been successfully restored by 1212
  • there are Crusader-style repairs and modifications of the Gothic hall and installation of a window for the church bell
  • there was no major earthquake reported until 1271, when the Muslim forces occupied Safıta. After the fortress changed hands, it lost its strategic importance. Probably no major repairs occurred until the 20th century
  • no matter how scanty the written reports seem to be individually, together they allow us to suggest that the major damage to the Safita donjon occurred during the 1202 earthquake

1 Relevant excerpt from the letter of Phillipe de Plessis


At Chastel Blanc [Safıta], most of the walls collapsed, and the main tower, which we thought to have been built with outstanding strength and solidity, was so badly cracked and damaged that it would have been better for us if it had completely collapsed instead of being left standing in such a state. (translation from Guidoboni and Comastri, 2005, p. 224)


Castri autem Albi maxima pars murorum cecidit, turris autem maior, qua nullam credimus fortuis vel firmius edificatam, in hoc rimis et quassaturis debilitata est, quod melius nobis esset, si funditus corueret, quam ita stans permaneret (Mayer, 1972, p. 309).

Earthquake deduced from Rockfalls and Fallen Architecture at Khirbat al-Qurshiyya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb

The fallen architecture is dated to between late Roman times and the 13th century CE and the Rockfalls are dated to sometime in the last millennium however Kázmér and Major (2015) note a real possibility that they all fell in the 13th century CE. Details follow below.

Fallen Architecture

Kázmér and Major (2015:182-185) report that field surveys and observations of sherding indicate that Khirbat al-Qurshiyya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb were established during Roman and Byzantine periods, perhaps not later then the 4th century, and the presence of characteristic 13th century pottery found on a much smaller area than the Roman period pottery scatter extension indicates that many of them must have survived the early Middle Ages, but on a reduced scale. Historical evidence is lacking for the destruction of architectural elements at Khirbat al-Qurshiyya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb however a statement by Robert of Auxerre in his report on the 1202 CE earthquakes indicates that architectural destruction due to the 1202 CE earthquakes is a possibility.


... the greatest part of the walls and towers of Castrum Album were thrown down to the ground.


... Castrialbi maxima pars murorum et turrium in terram prostrate est.

(Robert of Auxerre, Chronicon, xxvi, 261)
Kázmér and Major (2015:187) suggest that this statement does not refer to the donjon but to the surrounding walls and towers. Since archaeological surface surveys suggest that the villages were in existence from the 3rd to 13th centuries CE, Kázmér and Major (2015:187-188) tentatively suggested that the earthquake occurred in the 13th century while noting that dates based on material, form, and decoration of the pottery rarely provide an accuracy better than ±100 years and destruction could have occurred in late Roman times.


Photos and Tables

Photos and Tables

Location Photo(s) Comments Reference
Khirbat al-Qurshiyya Fig. 4 Damages and directivity of strong motion in Khirbat al-Qurshiya Kázmér and Major (2015)
Khirbat al-Qurshiyya Table 1 Date estimates of Rockfalls at Khirbat al-Qurshiya based on Karren dissolution features Kázmér and Major (2015)
Coastal Syria Table 2 Climate parameters of the Karst Mountains in the northeastern Adriatic region and in coastal Syria Kázmér and Major (2015)


The rockfalls at these sites were presumed to have a seismic origin due to their inherent aseismic stability ( Kázmér and Major, 2015:186-187). Dating of the rockfalls was estimated by examining rainwater induced chemical dissolution of an overprint of a younger karren rill system (Fig. 4b below) up to 37 mm. wide and up to 9 mm. deep (Table 1 below). Kázmér and Major (2015:188) discussed dissolution rates and approximate dates as follows:
Rate of karren formation (karst dissolution) on inland surfaces is about 10–13 µm/year (ranging from 9 to 38 µm/year) on sparitic limestone, up to 38 µm/year on micritic limestone. The mean value is 18 µm/year (Furlani et al., 2009). These values apply to the Karst mountains along the coast of the northeastern Adriatic Sea. The higher elevations in the Jabal Ansariyya, where Khirbat al- Qurshiyya is located, have a wet, oceanic climate (Mediterranean climate) (Wirth, 1971), very similar to that of the Karst in the Dinaric Mountains, where the longest series of detailed surface lowering measurements are available (Table 2 below) (Furlani et al., 2009). The average age of the rockfall, based on the minimum 8 µm/year dissolution rate, is 763 years, i.e. the middle of the 13th century; based on the maximum 22 µm/year dissolution rate, it is 277 years, i.e. the middle of the 18th century; based on the average 18 µm/year rate, it is 339 years, i.e. the late 17th century. The error margin is high. The measurements used for comparison were made in the modern Mediterranean in Karst, while we compare them to surfaces developed during the Late Medieval climate optimum and/or the early Little Ice Age in the Jabal Ansariyya. Therefore none of the data listed above can be interpreted as real age. We can be sure only that the earthquake that destroyed Khirbat al-Qurshiyya occurred during the last millennium.

Seismic Effects
1202 CE Earthquake

Effect Location Photo(s) Comments
Extruded Walls - Displaced Walls Fig.s 2a and 2b - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Fig. 2b
Fig. 2c
  • The east–west-oriented elongated rectangle of the donjon bore major damages on all four sides. Many of them have been restored since the 1930s, when the Arme´e du Levant of the French Mandate forces made most important documentary photographs of the building. However, there are four major dislocation features remaining, arranged symmetrically on the northern and southern facades.

    Both the northern and the southern facades are symmetrically crosscut — in an approximately vertical direction — by two fractures each, extending from the top downwards through the upper two-thirds of the building (Fig. 2b). The displacement along the fractures is increasing upward. The fractures crosscut the 2.5-m-thick walls, displaying the shifted portions both outside and inside. The amount and sense of displacement along each fracture is identical both on the external and internal surfaces (Fig. 2d). Conspicuously, fractures displacing the northern and the southern walls are of opposite senses (Fig. 3). The net result is that the central portion of the donjon, bounded by the two pairs of fracture zones, is at least 0.5 m wider—in a north–south direction—than the eastern and western portions (Fig. 3). This feature is analogous to the folded (and collapsed) walls, as described by RodrıguezPascua et al. (2011).
    - Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Extremely thick, 2.5-m wall, broken and displaced - Kázmér and Major (2015)
Displaced Wall northern facade of the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Extremely thick, 2.5-m wall, broken and displaced - Kázmér and Major (2015)
Dropped keystones Fig.s 2e and 2f - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Fig. 2e
Fig. 2f
The highest points of the arches separating the groin vaults in the upper floor hall are invariably badly damaged (Fig. 2e). Keystones and adjacent ashlars have been broken and/or subsided by several centimetres (Fig. 2f). Finite-element modelling proved that only major earthquakes are capable of producing downward sliding of keystones (Kamai and Hatzor, 2008). - Kázmér and Major (2015)
Shifted blocks random locations in the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
There are wide gaps, up to a few centimetres, between blocks, distributed seemingly at random. These are the ‘displaced masonry blocks’ of Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2011). - Kázmér and Major (2015)
Left-lateral displacement of the northern wall Fig. 2d - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Fig. 2d
Rotated masonry blocks in walls western facade of the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Rockfall Ayn Qadib

Rockfall Khirbet Al-Qurshiya
Fallen and oriented columns Khirbet Al-Qurshiya

Deformation Maps
1202 CE Earthquake

Deformation Map

Modified by JW from Fig. 3 from Kázmér and Major (2015)

Rockfalls and Fallen architecture at Khirbet Al-Qurshiya

Deformation Map

Slightly Modified by JW from Fig. 4d from Kázmér and Major (2015)

Intensity Estimates
1202 CE Earthquake

Intensity Estimate form Earthquake Archaeological Effects (EAE) Chart

Effect Location Photo(s) Comments Intensity
Extruded Walls - Displaced Walls Fig.s 2a and 2b - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Fig. 2b
Fig. 2c
  • The east–west-oriented elongated rectangle of the donjon bore major damages on all four sides. Many of them have been restored since the 1930s, when the Arme´e du Levant of the French Mandate forces made most important documentary photographs of the building. However, there are four major dislocation features remaining, arranged symmetrically on the northern and southern facades.

    Both the northern and the southern facades are symmetrically crosscut — in an approximately vertical direction — by two fractures each, extending from the top downwards through the upper two-thirds of the building (Fig. 2b). The displacement along the fractures is increasing upward. The fractures crosscut the 2.5-m-thick walls, displaying the shifted portions both outside and inside. The amount and sense of displacement along each fracture is identical both on the external and internal surfaces (Fig. 2d). Conspicuously, fractures displacing the northern and the southern walls are of opposite senses (Fig. 3). The net result is that the central portion of the donjon, bounded by the two pairs of fracture zones, is at least 0.5 m wider—in a north–south direction—than the eastern and western portions (Fig. 3). This feature is analogous to the folded (and collapsed) walls, as described by RodrıguezPascua et al. (2011).
    - Kázmér and Major (2015)
  • Extremely thick, 2.5-m wall, broken and displaced - Kázmér and Major (2015)
Displaced Wall northern facade of the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Extremely thick, 2.5-m wall, broken and displaced - Kázmér and Major (2015) VII+ VIII-XII
Dropped keystones Fig.s 2e and 2f - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Fig. 2e
Fig. 2f
The highest points of the arches separating the groin vaults in the upper floor hall are invariably badly damaged (Fig. 2e). Keystones and adjacent ashlars have been broken and/or subsided by several centimetres (Fig. 2f). Finite-element modelling proved that only major earthquakes are capable of producing downward sliding of keystones (Kamai and Hatzor, 2008). - Kázmér and Major (2015) VI+ VII-XII
Shifted blocks random locations in the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
There are wide gaps, up to a few centimetres, between blocks, distributed seemingly at random. These are the ‘displaced masonry blocks’ of Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2011). - Kázmér and Major (2015) VIII+ IX-XII
Left-lateral displacement of the northern wall Fig. 2d - crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Rotated masonry blocks in walls western facade of the crusader donjon of Safita/Chastel Blanc
Rockfall Ayn Qadib

Rockfall Khirbet Al-Qurshiya
Fallen and oriented columns Khirbet Al-Qurshiya
The archeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VIII (8) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224). The table combines effects observed at the donjon of Chastel Blanc, Al-Qurshiya, and Ayn Qadib. It should be noted that seismic effects at Al-Qurshiya, and Ayn Qadib are not securely dated. Kázmér and Major (2015)'s Intensity estimates are included in the far right column and are likely more accurate than those derived from the EAE chart.

Seismic Parameters from Kázmér and Major (2015)

Chastel Blanc Table 3

Intensity of shaking in Safita, Al-Qurshiya and Ayn Qadib. Intensity values are after Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2013). Intensity data are minimum values only

Kázmér and Major (2015:188)

Kázmér and Major (2015:188) produced an Intensity estimate table (below) and assigned a minimum archaeoseismic intensity of IX. They discussed their intensity assessment method as follows:
Shaking intensity is assessed based on earthquake archaeological effects (Rodrıguez-Pascua et al., 2011), and is correlated to the EMS98 (Grunthal, 1998) and ESI07 (Michetti et al., 2007) macroseismic scales in conformity with Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2013) (Table 3 below). Most of the correlations we accept here are to the ESI07 intensity scales, except the intensity value for rockfalls, for which we prefer the minimum value of EMS98 instead of the value IV of the ESI07 scale.

The strongest construction type considered by the EMS98 scale is masonry. Safıta — built by opus caementitium or Roman concrete, covered by dressed masonry — is certainly at the most earthquake-resistant end of the building material continuum. Roman concrete walls 2.5 m thick on the upper level certainly can bear higher seismic load than ordinary masonry, where stone is just fitted to stone, even if using mortar. Walls and roofs built of opus caementitium, several metres thick, should have a class of their own, to be included at the top end of the construction materials considered by the EMS98 scale

Notes and Further Reading
Construction Techniques at Chastel Blanc

Kázmér and Major (2015:184) provided the following information about construction techniques

The donjon of Safita was built of stone masonry and opus caementitium, i.e., Roman concrete (Lamprecht, 2001). The four main walls were built of a single layer of well dressed, rectangular stones of standard size, both on the external and the internal surfaces. No metal anchors have been used to connect the ashlars. These walls served as moulds for casting the core of the wall, several metres thick, made of layers of rubble and mortar (Ferretti and Bazant, 2006; Mistler et al., 2006). It is very similar to modern concrete in appearance and resistance to weathering and stresses. Masonry both served aesthetic demands and provided a hard, protective layer to counter weather effects and enemy attacks. This layer often served as framework during concrete pouring only, having no supporting function when concrete hardened.

Damage Mechanisms at Chastel Blanc

Kázmér and Major (2015:185-186) provided the following information about Damage Mechanisms

Safita donjon, having walls up to 4 m thick, is a robust structure. Its height/thickness ratio is h/t = 4 for the lower level and h/t = 5 for the upper level, indicating an extremely strong and earthquake-resistant construction (Lourenco et al., 2007). Several masonry blocks suffered minor displacements in each donjon wall; these belong to the earthquake archaeological effects listed by Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2011). The dropped keystones in the arches are probably the best evidence of earthquake damage (Kamai and Hatzor, 2008; Marco, 2008).

The gently folded walls on the northern and southern sides of the donjon bend outwards: the 20–30-cm displacement at the top disappears downwards. Recorded by, e.g., Rodrıguez-Pascua et al. (2011, their fig. 6c) and by Kazmer (2014, his fig. 2b), this feature is produced by a tall building swinging under seismic vibration.

We noted that the donjon stands on solid Cretaceous limestone beds, i.e. site amplification by soft subsoil can be excluded.

Causitive Fault Discussion

Kázmér and Major (2015:199-189) discussed the causitive fault as follows:

The three locations discussed here have a common element of seismic destruction: an approximately north– south direction of shaking (error ±20° at least).

Safıta is less than 20 km from the Dead Sea Fault. Al-Qurshiyya and ‘Ayn-Qadıb are a mere 5 km away from the Missyaf segment of the same fault. The Yammouneh segment of the Dead Sea Fault, the causative segment for the 1202 earthquake, is only 50 km to the south.

Meghraoui et al. (2003) identified the segments of the Dead Sea Fault. The closest one, the Missyaf segment fractured the last time in AD 1170, i.e. before the construction of the donjon as we see it today in Safıta. The Yammouneh segment faulted in AD 1759 for the last time. It was also responsible for the 1202 earthquake, the largest one in the Near East in historical times (Ambraseys and Melville, 1988; Daeron et al., 2005).

[JW: Daeron et al (2007) present evidence suggesting that the Serghaya, and Râchaïya segments faulted in 1759 CE and the Yammouneh segment faulted in 1202 CE]

Historical data suggest that the AD 1202 earthquake caused the crosscutting damage of Safıta donjon as we see it today. This event is known to have had its epicentre along the Yammouneh fault (Daeron et al., 2007), ca. 50 km south of Safita, not by the Missyaf segment of the Dead Sea Fault, a mere 5 km to the east. The latter slipped in AD 1170. Both seismic events had a similar magnitude, 7.5 (Meghraoui et al., 2003).
Source Location Photo(s) Comments
Kázmér and Major (2015) Al-Marqab Citadel
Chastel Blanc (Safita)
Figure 6 Map - Direction of deformation and displacement


Photos reproduced with permission from Miklos Kazmer (email, 7/17/2022)

Wikipedia page for Chastel Blanc