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Aerial photo (2018) of Islamic Baydha Aerial photo (2018) of Islamic Baydha

APAAME - Robert Bewley


Transliterated Name Source Name
Baydha Arabic بييدها
Beydha Arabic بييدها
Beidha Arabic بييدها
Khirbet at-Baydha Arabic كهيربيت اتءبايدها
Islamic Baydha
Islamic Baydha

Sinibaldi (2015) offers the following introduction to Baydha:

Islamic Bayda is located about 7 km north of the Petra old city centre, immediately east of Siq el-Barid and west of the modern Ammarin village. The site is a rural village whose most evident remains consist of several clusters of built habitations and rock-cut features; the village has been settled over a long time during the Islamic period (Early Islamic to Ottoman periods). There had been settlement at the site during the Nabataean and Byzantine periods; frequentation or settlement in the Iron Age has been also recorded.
The neolithic site of Beidha is in the vicinity.

Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Drawings, and Photos
Maps, Aerial Views, Plans, Drawings, and Photos

Maps and Aerial Views

  • Fig. 5.6 Location map from Sinibaldi (2016)
  • Baydha in Google Earth

Plans and Drawings

  • Fig. 1 Plan of the western part of the study area from Bikai et al (2020)
  • Fig. 68 Tentative reconstruction of Mosque 2 (aka Western Mosque) from Sinibaldi (2018)


  • Fig. 1 Photo of Mosque 1 from Sinibaldi (2023)
  • Fig. 2 Photo of Mosque 2 from Sinibaldi (2023)

Earlier earthquake



  • Fig. 1 Plan of the western part of the study area from Bikai et al (2020)
  • Fig. 68 Tentative reconstruction of Mosque 2 (aka Western Mosque) from Sinibaldi (2018)


No evidence has been uncovered as of yet but Sinibaldi (2020:96-97) reports a Byzantine phase underneath Mosque 1 (aka the Eastern Mosque).

Western Mosque Earthquake - 11th-13th centuries CE



  • Fig. 1 Plan of the western part of the study area from Bikai et al (2020)
  • Fig. 68 Tentative reconstruction of Mosque 2 (aka Western Mosque) from Sinibaldi (2018)


Sinibaldi (2018:75) reports that Mosque 2 (aka the Western Mosque) was probably destroyed by an earthquake. Sinibaldi (2023:360) reports that 14C analysis of archaeobotanical materials recovered from surfaces of use of mosques 1 and 2 produced preliminary results which dated the samples from the two mosques between the eleventh and the thirteenth centuries CE.

Seismic Effects
Western Mosque Earthquake - 11th-13th centuries CE

Effect Location Image(s) Description
probably destroyed by an earthquake suggests collapsed walls Mosque 2 (aka Western Mosque)

  • Sinibaldi (2018:75) reports that Mosque 2 (aka the Western Mosque) which Sinibaldi (2016:95) dates to not earlier than the 13th-14th century CE (Mamluk period) was probably destroyed by an earthquake.

Intensity Estimates
Western Mosque Earthquake - 11th-13th centuries CE

Effect Location Image(s) Description Intensity
probably destroyed by an earthquake suggests collapsed walls Mosque 2 (aka Western Mosque)

  • Sinibaldi (2018:75) reports that Mosque 2 (aka the Western Mosque) which Sinibaldi (2016:95) dates to not earlier than the 13th-14th century CE (Mamluk period) was probably destroyed by an earthquake.
The archeoseismic evidence requires a minimum Intensity of VIII (8) when using the Earthquake Archeological Effects chart of Rodríguez-Pascua et al (2013: 221-224).

Notes and Further Reading

Islamic Baydha

Main References


Sinibaldi, M. 2014. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2014. Report submitted to DOA, October 2014.

Sinibaldi, M. 2015. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2014. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 147.2 (2015), 160-164, Reports section.

Sinibaldi, M. 2016. Petra: Islamic Bayda Project, in G. Corbett et al., Archaeology in Jordan, 2014 and 2015 seasons, American Journal of Archaeology, 120.4, 660.

Sinibaldi, M. 2018. Islamic Baydha Project, seasons 2016 and 2017. In Archaeology in Jordan, edited by J. Green, B. Porter and C. B. Shelton, the American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, pp. 74-75 (November 2018).

Sinibaldi, M. 2019. The Islamic Baydha Project, Baydha (Petra Region), season 2018, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 151:3-4, 252-255.

Sinibaldi, M. 2020. Petra: Islamic Baydha Project, (2018-2019, Archaeology in Jordan 2:2018-2019 , the American Center of Oriental Research, Amman

Sinibaldi, M. 2015. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2015. Report submitted to DOA, October 2015.

Sinibaldi, M. 2016. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2016. Report submitted to DOA, September 2016.

​Sinibaldi, M. 2017. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2017. Report submitted to DOA, November 2017.

Sinibaldi, M. 2019. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2019. Report submitted to DOA, November 2019.

Sinibaldi, M. 2018. Islamic Bayda Project, Bayda (Petra Region), season 2018. Report submitted to DOA, November 2018.

Sinibaldi, M. In preparation. Six Seasons of excavations of the Islamic Baydha Project (2014-2019), to be submitted to ADAJ

Sinibaldi, M. (2023). "Towards a Chronological Framing of the Two Mosques of Islamic Baydha." Palestine exploration quarterly 155(4): 358-361.

Wikipedia Page for Neolithic Beidha