Recent Publications


Chesson, M.S., M M. Kersel, S. Beramun, D. Phillips, and T.K.Y. Kim. 2018. Expedition to the Dead Sea Plains in Archaeology in Jordan Newsletter, pp. 65-66. Amman: American Center for Oriental Research (DOI:


Kersel, M.M. (2017) At issue: Should the antiquities trade be legalized in more countries? Glazer, S. (2017, November 10). Stolen antiquities. CQ researcher 27: 961.

Kersel, M.M. (2017) Myths and Facts About Looting in M. Baror (ed.) The Book of Plunder. Pp. 196-198. Tel Aviv: The Center for Contemporary Art.

Kersel, M.M. (2017) Object Movement: UNESCO, Language and the Exchange of Middle Eastern Artifacts in J. Anderson and H. Geismar (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property. Pp. 277-294. London: Routledge.


Chesson, M.S. (2016) Risky Business: A Life Full of Obligations to the Dead and the Living on the Early Bronze Age Southeastern Dead Sea Plain, Jordan, in The Archaeology of Anxiety, edited by Jeffrey Fleischer and Neil Norman, pp. 41-65. New York: Springer.

Kersel, M.M. and A.C. Hill (2016) Landscapes of the Dead: Mapping, Surveying, and Site Monitoring at Fifa. American Journal of Archaeology 120(4): 654.

Kersel, M.M. (2016) Go, Do Good! Responsibility and the Future of Cultural Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 21st Century. AIA Heritage, Conservation, and Archaeology Series.


Chesson, M.S. (2015) Reconceptualizing the Early Bronze Age Southern Levant without Cities: Local Histories and Walled Communities of EBA II-III Society. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 28.1: 21-79.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) Storage Wars. Solving the Archaeological Curation Crisis? Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3(1): 42-55.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) An Issue of Ethics? Curation and the Obligations of Archaeology. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3(1): 77-80.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) Fractured Oversight: The ABCs of Cultural Heritage in Palestine After the Oslo Accords. Journal of Social Archaeology 15 (1): 24-44.

Ullinger, J. and S.G. Sheridan (2015) Bone Color Changes in a Burned Burial Structure from Early Bronze Age Bab adh-Dhra’, Jordan. In: The Analysis of Burned Human Remains, edited by Christopher Schmidt and Steven Symes, p. 403-413. New York: Academic Press (Elsevier).

Ullinger J.M., S.G Sheridan, and D.Guatelli-Steinberg D. (2015) Fruits of their labour: Urbanisation, orchard crops, and dental health in Early Bronze Age Jordan. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25(5): 753-764.


Chesson, M.S. and N. Goodale (2014) Population Aggregation, Residential Storage, and Socioeconomic Inequality at Early Bronze Age Numayra, Jordan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 35: 117-134.

Kersel, M.M. (2014) The Lure of the Artefact? The Effects of Acquiring Eastern Mediterranean Material Culture. In A.B. Knapp and P. van Dommelen (eds.) The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean. Pp. 367-378. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Kersel, M.M., A.C. Hill, M.S. Chesson (2014) Follow the Pots: Mapping, Surveying, and Site Monitoring at Fifa. American Journal of Archaeology 118(4): 652-653.

Sheridan, S.G., J. Ullinger, L. Gregoricka, and M.S. Chesson (2014) Bioarchaeological Reconstruction of Group Identity at Early Bronze Age Bab edh-Dhra`, Jordan. In Remembering the Dead in the Ancient Near East: Recent Contributions from Bioarchaeology and Mortuary Archaeology, edited by Benjamin W. Porter and Alexis T. Boutin, pp. 133-184. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press.

White, C.E., M.S. Chesson, and R.T. Schaub (2014) A Recipe for Disaster: Emerging Urbanism and Unsustainable Plant Economies at Early Bronze Age Ras an-Numayra, Jordan. Antiquity 88: 363-377.


Kersel, M.M. and M.S. Chesson (2013) Looting Matters Early Bronze Age Cemeteries of Jordan’s southeast Dead Sea Plain in the Past and Present. In S. Tarlow and L. Nilsson Stutz (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial, pp. 677-694. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kersel, M.M. and M.S. Chesson (2013) Tomato Season in the Ghor es-Safi: A Lesson in Community Archaeology. Near Eastern Archaeology 76(3): 159-165.


Chesson, M.S. (2012) Homemaking in the Early Bronze Age. In New Perspectives in Household Archaeology, edited by Bradley J. Parker and Catherine P. Foster, pp. 45-79. Winona Lake, IL: Eisenbrauns.

Kersel, M.M. (2012) The Value of a Looted Object – Stakeholder Perceptions in the Antiquities Trade. In J. Carman, C. McDavid and R. Skeates (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology, pp. 253-274. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kersel, M.M. (2012) The Power of the Press: The Effects of Press Releases and Popular Magazines on the Antiquities Trade. In Carol Meyers and Eric Meyers (eds.) Archaeology, Politics and the Media, pp. 72-82. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Kersel, M.M. and N.L. Brodie (2012) The Social and Political Consequences of Devotion to Biblical Artifacts. In P.K. Lazrus and A.W. Barker (eds.) All the Kings Horses: Looting, Antiquities Trafficking and the Integrity of the Archaeological Record, pp. 109-125. Washington DC: Society for American Archaeology.


Kersel, M.M. and M.S. Chesson (2011) Not the Usual Suspects: New Directions in Community Archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record 11(4): 43-46.

Kersel, M.M. (2011) When Communities Collide: Competing Claims for Archaeological Objects in the Market Place. Archaeologies. Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 7(3): 518-537.

Published volumes (in order of publication):

Schaub, R. T. and W. E. Rast (1989). Bab edh-Dhra’: Excavations in the Cemetery Directed By Paul W. Lapp (1965-1967). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. (with contributions by specialists W.M. Krogman, T. Ludwig, A. Wilkinson, N.Luffman Yedlowski, and J.M. Adovasio)

Rast, W. E, and R. T. Schaub (2003) Bab edh-Dhra’: Excavations at the Town Site (1975-1981). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. (with contributions by specialists J. Donahue; J.R. Harlan; D.W. McCreery; S.K. Short; M.A. McConaughy, R. Maddin, J.D. Muhly, and T. Stech; N. Lapp; N.H. Broeder and H.C.W. Skinner; J.M. Adovasio, R.L. Andrews, J.S. Illingsworth, C.A. Pappas, and E.A. Oliver; J.R. Lee; and J.M. Weinstein)

Ortner, D. and B. Fröhlich (2008). The Early Bronze Age I Tombs and Burials of Bab edh-Dhra`, Jordan. Reports of the Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan Volume 3. New York: AltaMira Press.

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals, Edited Books, Ph.D. Dissertations, and Newsletters:

Adovasio, J.M. and R.L. Andrews (1983) Selected Perishable Artifacts from Bab edh-Dhra’. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 247: 59-70.

Adovasio, J.M., R.L. Andrews, and R.C. Carlisle (1978) Textile Remains and Basketry Impresions from Bab edh-Dhra’, 1975. In Preliminary Excavation Reports: Bab edh-Dhra’, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el-Hesi, Carthage (Punic), ed by D.N. Freedman, pp. 57-60. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 43. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Alexander R. E. and Johnston, Robert H. (1982) “Xeroradiography of Ancient Objects; A New Imaging Modality,” in Archaeological Ceramics, ed. by J. Olin and Alan D. Franklin, Smithsonian Institution Press, 145-154.

Bentley, G. R. (1987). Kinship and Social Structure at Early Bronze Age IA Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Mortuary and Dental Data. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago.

Bentley, G. R. (1991). A Bioarchaeological Reconstruction of the Social and Kinship Systems at Early Bronze Age Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan. Between Bands and States. Carbondale, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University. 5-34.

Benyon, D., Donahue, J. Schaub, R.T. and Johnston, R.H. (1986) Tempering Types and Sources for Early Bronze Age Ceramics from Bab edh-Dhra’ and Numeira, Jordan. Journal of Field Archaeology 13: 297-305.

Chesson, M.S. (1999) Libraries of the Dead: Early Bronze Age Charnel Houses and Social Identity at Urban Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 18: 137-164.

Chesson, M.S. (2001) Embodied Memories of Place and People: Death and Society in an Early Urban Community, in Social Memory, Identity and Death: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives on Mortuary Rituals, Meredith S. Chesson (ed.), pp. 100-113. Archaeological Publications of the American Anthropological Association Publication Series, Vol. 10. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.

Chesson, M. S. (2007) House, Town, Field, and Wadi: Economic, Political and Social Landscapes in Early Bronze Age Walled Communities of the Southern Levant. In The Durable House: House Society Models in Archaeology, edited by Robin A. Beck, Jr., pp. 317-343. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 35. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.

Chesson, M. S. (2007) Remembering and Forgetting in Early Bronze Age Mortuary Practices on the southeastern Dead Sea Plain, Jordan. In Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean, ed. Nicola Laneri., pp. 109-123. Chicago: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

Chesson, Meredith S. 2011*   ‘the depth of their impression’: Honoring Walter E. Rast and R. Thomas Schaub’s Scholarship and Contributions to Early Bronze Age Studies in the Southern Levant, in Daily Life, Materiality and Complexity in Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant:  Papers in Honor of Walter Rast and R. Thomas Schaub.  Edited by Meredith S. Chesson with Associate Editors Ian Kuijt and Walter Aufrecht, pp. vii – xii. Winona Lake, IN: Eisebrauns Publishing.

Chesson, Meredith S. (ed.) 2011. Daily Life, Materiality and Complexity in Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant:  Papers in Honor of Walter E. Rast and R. Thomas Schaub.  Edited by Meredith S. Chesson with Associate Editors Ian Kuijt and Walter Aufrecht.  Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns Publishing.

Chesson, Meredith S. 2012 Homemaking in the Early Bronze Age. In New Perspectives in Household Archaeology, edited by Bradley J. Parker and Catherine P. Foster, pp. 45-79. Winona Lake, IL: Eisenbrauns.

Chesson, M.S. (2016) Risky Business: A Life Full of Obligations to the Dead and the Living on the Early Bronze Age Southeastern Dead Sea Plain, Jordan, in The Archaeology of Anxiety, edited by Jeffrey Fleischer and Neil Norman, pp. 41-65. New York: Springer.

Chesson, M.S. (2015) Reconceptualizing the Early Bronze Age Southern Levant without Cities: Local Histories and Walled Communities of EBA II-III Society. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 28.1: 21-79.

Chesson, M.S. (2012) Homemaking in the Early Bronze Age. In New Perspectives in Household Archaeology, edited by Bradley J. Parker and Catherine P. Foster, pp. 45-79. Winona Lake, IL: Eisenbrauns.

Chesson, M.S. and N. Goodale (2014) Population Aggregation, Residential Storage, and Socioeconomic Inequality at Early Bronze Age Numayra, Jordan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 35: 117-134.

Chesson, M.S. and R.T. Schaub (2007) Death and Dying on the Dead Sea Plain: Fifa, al-Khanazir and Bab adh-Dhra` Cemeteries. In Crossing Jordan: North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan, edited by Thomas E. Levy, P.M. Michele Daviau, Randall W. Younker, and May Shaer, pp. 253-260. London: Equinox Press.

Coogan, M.D. (1984) Numeira 1981. Bulletin of the American Schools or Oriental Research 255: 75-81.

Donahue, J. (1980) Preliminary Report on the 1979 Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain Jordan: Geology. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 240: 47-52.

Donahue, J. (1981) Geological Investigations at Early Bronze Age Sites. In The Southeastern Dead Sea Plain Expedition, An Interim Report of the 1977 Season, eds. W.E. Rast and R.T. Schaub, pp. 137-154. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 46. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Donahue, J. (1984) Geological Reconstruction of Numeira. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 255: 83-88.

Donahue, J. (1985) Hydrologic and Topographic Change during and after Early Bronze Age occupation at Bab edh-Dhra’ and Numeira. In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I, ed. A. Hadidi, pp. 131-140. Amman: Department of Antiquities, Jordan.

Donahue, J., B. Peer, and R.T. Schaub (1997) The Southeastern Dead Sea Plain: Changing Shorelines and Their Impact on Settlement Patterns Through Historical Periods. In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IV: 127-136

Finnegan, M. (1978) Faunal Remains from Bab edh-Dhra’, 1975. In Preliminary Excavation Reports: Bab edh-Dhra’, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el-Hesi, Carthage (Punic), ed by D.N. Freedman, pp.51-54. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 43. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Fröhlich, B. and D.J. Ortner (1982) Excavations of the Early Bronze Age Cemetery at Bab edh-Dhra’ Jordan, 1981: A Preliminary Report. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 26: 249-265, pls. LXV-LXXIV

Gasperetti, M, SG Sheridan. 2013.  Interpersonal conflict and accidental injury at Early Bronze Age Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan.  American Anthropologist 113(3): 388-410.

Harlan, Jack R. (1982) “The garden of the Lord: A plausible reconstruction of the natural resources of southern Jordan in Early Bronze Age. Paleorient 8:71-78.

Johnston, R.H. and R.T. Schaub (1978) Selected Pottery from Bab edh-Dhra’. In Preliminary Excavation Reports: Bab edh-Dhra’, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el-Hesi, Carthage (Punic), ed by D.N. Freedman, pp. 33-50. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 43. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Kersel, M.M. (2017) At issue: Should the antiquities trade be legalized in more countries? Glazer, S. (2017, November 10). Stolen antiquities. CQ researcher 27: 961.

Kersel, M.M. (2017) Myths and Facts About Looting in M. Baror (ed.) The Book of Plunder. Pp. 196-198. Tel Aviv: The Center for Contemporary Art.

Kersel, M.M. (2017) Object Movement: UNESCO, Language and the Exchange of Middle Eastern Artifacts in J. Anderson and H. Geismar (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property. Pp. 277-294. London: Routledge.

Kersel, M.M. (2016) Go, Do Good! Responsibility and the Future of Cultural Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 21st Century. AIA Heritage, Conservation, and Archaeology Series.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) Storage Wars. Solving the Archaeological Curation Crisis? Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3(1): 42-55.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) An Issue of Ethics? Curation and the Obligations of Archaeology. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3(1): 77-80.

Kersel, M.M. (2015) Fractured Oversight: The ABCs of Cultural Heritage in Palestine After the Oslo Accords. Journal of Social Archaeology 15 (1): 24-44.

Kersel, M.M. (2014) The Lure of the Artefact? The Effects of Acquiring Eastern Mediterranean Material Culture. In A.B. Knapp and P. van Dommelen (eds.) The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean. Pp. 367-378. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Kersel, M.M. (2012) The Value of a Looted Object – Stakeholder Perceptions in the Antiquities Trade. In J. Carman, C. McDavid and R. Skeates (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology, pp. 253-274. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kersel, M.M. (2012) The Power of the Press: The Effects of Press Releases and Popular Magazines on the Antiquities Trade. In Carol Meyers and Eric Meyers (eds.) Archaeology, Politics and the Media, pp. 72-82. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Kersel, M.M. (2011) When Communities Collide: Competing Claims for Archaeological Objects in the Market Place. Archaeologies. Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 7(3): 518-537.

Kersel, M.M. (2006) From the Ground to the Buyer: A Market Analysis of the Illicit Trade in Antiquities. In N. Brodie, M.M. Kersel, C. Luke and K. Walker Tubb (eds.) Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and the Antiquities Trade, pp. 188-205. Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida.

Kersel, MM and Chesson, MS. 2011 Not the Usual Suspects: New Directions in Community Archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record 11(4): 43-46.

Kersel, MM and Chesson, MS. 2013   Tomato Season in the Ghor es-Safi: A Lesson in Community Archaeology. Near Eastern Archaeology 76(3): 159-165.

Kersel, M.M. and N.L. Brodie (2012) The Social and Political Consequences of Devotion to Biblical Artifacts. In P.K. Lazrus and A.W. Barker (eds.) All the Kings Horses: Looting, Antiquities Trafficking and the Integrity of the Archaeological Record, pp. 109-125. Washington DC: Society for American Archaeology.

Kersel, M.M. and M.S. Chesson (2013) Looting Matters Early Bronze Age Cemeteries of Jordan’s southeast Dead Sea Plain in the Past and Present. In S. Tarlow and L. Nilsson Stutz (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial, pp. 677-694. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lapp, N. (ed.) 1975. The Tale of the Tell: Archaeological Studies by Paul W. Lapp. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Lapp, N. (1989). Cylinder Seals and Impressions of the Third Millennium B.C. from the Dead Sea Plain. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 273: 1-15.

Lapp, N. (1995). Some Early Bronze Seal Impressions from the Dead Sea Plain and Their Implications for Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Trade, Contact, and the Movement of Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of J. Basil Hennessy. Sydney, University of Sydney. 43-51.

Lapp, N. (1995). Pottery Marks from the Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain. Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 5: 555-571.

Lapp, P.W. (1965) Bab edh-Dhra’ Fall 1965 Excavations. American Schools of Oreintal Research Newsletter.

Lapp, P.W. (1966) Bab edh-Dhra’. Revue Biblique 73: 556-561.

Lapp, P.W. (1968) Bab edh-Dhra’ Tomb A76 and Early Bronze I in Palestine. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 189: 12-41.

Lapp, P.W. (1968) Bab edh-Dhra’. Revue Biblique 75: 86-93, pls. 3-6a.

Lee, J. R. (1982) “Early Bronze Age Game Stones from Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan, Levant, XIV: 171-174.

MacDonald, B. (1995) EB IV Tombs at Khirbet Khanazir: Types, Construction, and Relation to other EB IV Tombs in Syria-Palestine. SHAJ V: 129-134.

McConaughy, M.A. (1979) Formal and Functional Analysis of Chipped Stone Tools from Bab edh-Dhra’. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.

McConaughy, M.A. (1980) Chipped Stone Tools. In Preliminary Report of the 1979 Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan, eds. W.E. Rast and R.T. Schaub, pp. 57-58. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 240.

McCreery, D. 1996. A Salvage Operation at Bab edh-Dhra`. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 40: 152-162.

McCreery, D.W. (1980) The Nature and Cultural Implicaitons of Early Bronze Age Agriculture in the Southern Ghor of Jordan—An Archaeological Reconstruction. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.

McCreery David R. (1978)”Preliminary report of the A.P.C. Township Archaeological Survey.” Annual of the Department of Antiqutities of Jordan XXII: 150-161.

Olaniyan, O. (1984) Sedimentological and multivariate analyses at two Early Bronze Age Sites, Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira, Southeast Dead Sea Graben, Jordan. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International (1984).

Ortner, D.J. (1981) A Preliminary Report on the Human Remains from the Bab edh-Dhra’ Cemetery. In The Southeastern Dead Sea Plain Expedition: An Interim Report of the 1977 Season. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. 46, eds. W.E. Rast and R.T. Schaub, pp. 119-132. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Ortner Donald J. (1978) “Cultural Change in the Bronze Age.” Smithsonian. August,1978: 82-87.

Ortner, Donald J. (1979) “Disease and Mortality in the Early Bronze People of Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51: 589-597.

Ortner, D.J. (1982) The Skeletal Biology of an Early Bronze Age IB Charnel House at Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan. In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I, ed. A. Hadidi, pp. 93-95. Amman: Department of Antiquities, Jordan.

Philip, G. and O. Williams-Thorpe (1993) A Proenance Study of Jordanian Basalt Vessels of the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age I Periods. Paléorient 19: 51-63.

Rast, W. E. (1979). Bronze Age Life Patterns Along the Southeastern Dead Sea. National Geographic Society Research Reports 20: 559-581.

Rast, W. E. (1980) “Palestine in the 3rd Millenium: Evidence for Interconnections. Scripta Mediterranea I:5-20.

Rast, W. E. (1982) “Expedition to the Southeastern Dead Sea Plain, May 24-July 10, 1981,” National Geographic Society Research Reports 1982.

Rast, W. E. (1987 “Bab edh-Dhra and the Origin of the Sodom Saga,” in Archaeology and Biblical Interpetation. Essays in Memory of of D.Glenn Rose. Ed. Leo G. Perdue, Lawrence E. Toombs, Gary L. Johnson. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

Rast, W. E. (1987) Bronze Age Cities along the Dead Sea. Archaeology 40(1): 42-49.

Rast, W.E. (1993) “Bab edh-Dhra’ in Anchor Dictionary of the Bible, ed. by David Noel Freedman.New York: Doubleday. Vol. 1: 559-61.

Rast, W.E. (1995) Building on Marl: The Case of Bab edh-Dhra’. Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan V: 123-128.

Rast, W. E. (1999) Society and Mortuary Customs at Bab edh-Dhra’. In Archaeology, History and Culture in Palestine and the Near East, Essays in Memory of Albert E. Glock, ed. T. Kapitan, pp. 164-182. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press.

Rast, W.E. (2001) Early Bronze Age State Formation in the Southeast Dead Sea Plain, Jordan. In Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, ed. S.R. Wolff, pp.519-534. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, No. 59. Chicago: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

Rast, W.E. and R.T. Schaub (1974). Survey of the Southeastern Plain of the Dead Sea, 1973. Annual of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan 19: 5-53.

Rast, W.E. and R.T. Schaub (1978). A Preliminary Report of Excavations at Bab edh-Dhra’, 1975. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 43: 1-31.

Rast, W.E. and R.T. Schaub (1980). Preliminary Report of the 1979 Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 240: 21-61.

Rast, W.E. and R.T. Schaub (1981). The Southeastern Dead Sea Plain Expedition: An Interim Report of the 1977 Season. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. 46. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research.

Schaub, R.T. (1973) The Early Bronze IA-IB Pottery of the Bab edh-Dhra’Cemetery, Jordan. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms International (1973).

Schaub, R.T. (1973) An Early Bronze IV tomb from Bab edh-Dhra’. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 210: 2-19.

Schaub, R.T. (1981). Patterns of Burial at Bab edh-Dhra’. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 46: 45-68.

Schaub, R.T. (1981). Ceramic Sequences in the Tomb Groups at Bab edh-Dhra’. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 46: 69-118.

Schaub, R.T. (1982) The Origins of the Early Bronze Age Walled Town Culture of Jordan. In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I, ed. A. Hadidi, pp. 67-76. Amman: Department of Antiquities, Jordan.

Schaub, R.T. (1987 “Ceramic Vessels as Evidence for Trade Communication During the Early Bronze Age,” in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, III. London: Pitman Press. 247-250).

Schaub, R.T. (1988 Book review of Pottery Analysis: A Source Book, Prudence M. Rice, 1987, University of Chicago Press in Geoarchaeology, 3:3

Schaub, R.T. (1991) “Feifa and Khanazir,” in “Archaeology in Jordan,” American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 95, 254-55.

Schaub, R.T. (1992) “Safi” in Anchor Dictionary of the Bible, ed. by David Noel Freedman. New York:Doubleday. Vol. 5:895-96.

Schaub, R.T. (1992) “Early Bronze Age Ceramic Corpus,” in Archaeology in Jordan, ed. Bert De Vries. American Journal of Archaeology 96 (1992) 514-515.

Schaub, R.T. (1992) “Reassessment of Nelson Glueck on Settlement on the Jordanian Plateau during EB III-IV,” In Studies in theHistory and Archaeology of Jordan, IV. Amman: Department of Antiquities

Schaub, R.T. (1993) “Bab edh-Dhra'” in The New Encyclopaedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Vol. 1. Ed. by Ephraim Stern. The Israel Exploration Society. Carta, Jerusalem.

Schaub, R.T. (1997a) “Southeast Dead Sea Plain,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology In the Near East. ed. Eric M. Meyers. Oxford University Press: New York. Vol 5: 62-64

Schaub, R.T. (1997b) “Bab edh-Dhra'” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology In the Near East. ed. Eric M. Meyers. Oxford University Press: New York. Vol 1: 248-51

Schaub, R.T. (1996) Pots as Containers. In Retrieving the Past. Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus Van Beek, ed. J. Seger, pp. 231-244. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Schaub, R.T. (2000) Terminology and Typology of Carinated Vesels of the Early Bronze Age I-II of Palestine. In Tthe Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer, eds. L.E. Stager, J.A. Greene, and M.D. Coogan, pp. 444-464. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Schaub, R.T. (2003) “In Memorian” Walter E. Rast in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 332:15

Schaub, R.T. (2005) Review of Tel Qashish: A Village in the Jezreel Valley: Final Report of the Archaeological Excavations (1978-1980) in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 338: 58-60

Schaub, R.T (2007) Mud-Brick town Walls in EB I-II Jordan and their Significance for Understanding the Formation of New Social Institutions.” Pp. 247-52 In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, IX. Amman: Department of Antiquities

Schaub, R.T (2008) The Southern Ghors and The Kerak Plateau in EB IV.” Pp. 101-10 in The Levant in Transition. Palestine Exploration Fund Annual IX. Oxford: Maney Publishsing

Schaub, R.T (2008) “Basalt Bowls in EB IA Shaft Tombs at Bab edh-Dhra’: Production, Placement and Symbol.” Pp. 277-84 in New Approaches to Old Stones. eds. Yorke Rowan and Jennifer Ebeling. London: Equinox

Schaub, R.T (2008) Cultural Artifacts of the EB I Tombs. Pp. 25-43 in The EB I Tombs of Bab edh-Dhra’ Jordan, eds. Donald Ortner and Bruno Frohlich. Equinox Press.

Schaub, R.T (2009) Travelers to a Permanent Abode: Burial Practices of the Early Bronze Age I in the southern Ghawrs of Jordan . Pp. 743-56 in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, X. Amman Department of Antiquities.

Schaub, R.T (In press) “The origins of the Early Bronze Age Culture of the Southern Levant: The Case for Conflict. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Paris, 2001. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, IN.

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