EarthExplorer - Dynamic Lat/Long Box in Upper Right - USGS - opens a new tab
Download Guide to USGS Earth Explorer
USGS EROS Archive - Digital Elevation - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 1 Arc-Second Global
Open DEM - Free Digital Elevation Models
5 Free Global DEM Data Sources – Digital Elevation Models
Merit DEMs (free - registration required)
Levant Coordinates - Lat 34 - 37.25 N Long 33.5 - 40 E
Map of the Levant - opens a new tab
Map of the Middle East - opens a new tab
DEMs from the University of Hawaii
Pix4D Scan - Professional drone flight app for optimal inspection data
DJI Ground Station Pro (DJI GS Pro) - flight planning - only runs on iPads
Pix4D Capture - flight planning
Drone Deploy - flight planning
Drone Link - flight planning - supports Mavic Mini 3 Pro
DroneDB - Open Source Aerial Data Management and Sharing
SkyBrowse - Free 3D modeling app from Drone surveys
Drone RTK: Everything You Need to Know [2024]
RTK vs PPK drones vs GCPs: which provides better results ?
Drone Mapping: RTK VS PPK VS GCP
A comparison of mapping drones
What’s the best drone for your photogrammetry needs ?
If you can't buy a DJI drone, what should you get? Here are six non-DJI drones I recommend
Drone Comparisons - Features and Prices - from Versus
3 Best Drones for RTK Mapping Surveys [2019]
CARC - Jordan Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission - Drones
Drone Laws Jordan [March 2023] [Rules & How To Register]
The Ultimate Guide to Jordan (Amman & Petra) Drone Laws & Rules
Drone Regulations in Petra, Jordan
Can you bring a drone to Jordan ?
Drone Regulations in Jordan - Jordan
The Ultimate Guide to Jordan (Amman & Petra) Drone Laws & Rules
DJI Mini 3 Pro User Manual
DJI Mini 3 Pro Quick Start Guide and Misc Docs
Using VLC Media Player to capture screen shots and Open Drone Map to process photogrammetry worked in a test of a BibleWalks Video on 11 July 2023
How to Make a 3D Model from any Youtube Video - Photogrammetry - youtube
3D Model from any Youtube Video - Photogrammetry - article
VLC Media Player (32 bit) - use to capture acreenshots off a downloaded video
VLC Media Player (64 bit) - use to capture acreenshots off a downloaded video - Media -> Open File to load video and then Video -> Take Snapshot to capture stills - downloads youtube videos - doesn't work from USAQ IP address
How to Get Screenshots from Videos- youtube
How to Take a Screenshot from your Video in Premiere Pro (Great for YouTube Thumbnails!)- youtube
Altizure - online 3D photogrammetry
ODM (Open Drone Map) - open source and free
OpenDroneMap The Missing Guide by Piero Toffanin - 2nd Edition..
ODM on GitHub - set up from this to run local ? (processing is free)
Youtube - Free Open Source Drone Mapping With OpenDroneMap, WebODM
How To Set Up Open Drone Map On Windows
ODM - Open Source Toolkit for Processing Aerial Imagery
How to Open Windows PowerShell as an Admin in Windows 10
Virtual Surveyor - commercial $
10 best Photogrammetry softwares 2022 (4 are Free!)
Portable OpenStreetMap Ground Control Point Interface (POSM GCPi) - hosted
Portable OpenStreetMap Ground Control Point Interface (POSM GCPi) - standalone app
Create stunning 3D scans with photogrammetry (workflow for use with a camera)
Reality Capture (Photogrammetry software - $)
Agitsoft Metashape (Photogrammetry software - $)
3DF ZEPHYR (Photogrammetry software - $)
AliceVision (Photogrammetry - open source freeware)
AliceVision Meshroom (Photogrammetry - open source freeware)
We present a new approach for re-estimating an epicenter of historical earthquake using the spatial distribution of intensity data. We use macroseismic data related to the 1927 Jericho earthquake since this is the first strong earthquake recorded by modern seismographs and is also well documented by historical evidence and reports. The epicenter is located in two sequential steps:
Several site-attributes are considered:
can you summarize zohar and marco's 2012 article in journal of applied geophysics ?
Sure! The article by Motti Zohar and Shmuel Marco titled Re-estimating the
epicenter of the 1927 Jericho earthquake using spatial distribution of intensity data
was published in the Journal of Applied Geophysics in 2012.
The study presents a "new approach" for re-estimating the epicenter of historical
earthquakes using "macroseismic data" (information about earthquake intensity and
effects). Specifically, they focused on the "1927 Jericho earthquake", which was the
first strong earthquake recorded by modern seismographs and is well-documented by
historical evidence.
The authors used two main steps to locate the epicenter:
1. "Correction of previously-evaluated seismic intensities" based on local site
attributes such as construction quality, topographic slope, groundwater level, and
surface geology.
2. "Spatial correlation" of these intensities with a logarithmic variant of the epicentral
Their findings suggest that the epicenter is located at approximately "35.5°N, 31.8°E",
which is consistent with previous seismogram-based locations.
Does this help with what you were looking for?
can you write an algorithm in python to do what was done in the article ?
Sure! Here’s a simplified version of an algorithm in Python that can be used to estimate
the epicenter of an earthquake based on intensity data:
This example uses a basic method to calculate the epicenter by minimizing the difference between predicted and observed intensities. Of course, for a more accurate model, you would incorporate the specific corrections and spatial correlations mentioned in the article by Zohar and Marco.import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.optimize import minimize # Example data (intensity, latitude, longitude) data = [ {'intensity': 6, 'lat': 31.7667, 'lon': 35.2333}, # Jerusalem {'intensity': 8, 'lat': 31.8833, 'lon': 35.2000}, # Jericho {'intensity': 5, 'lat': 32.0796, 'lon': 34.7806}, # Tel Aviv # Add more data points as needed ] def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): # Calculate the Haversine distance between two points on the Earth R = 6371 # Earth radius in km dlat = np.radians(lat2 - lat1) dlon = np.radians(lon2 - lon1) a = np.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + np.cos(np.radians(lat1)) * np.cos(np.radians(lat2)) * np.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) distance = R * c return distance def intensity_error(params, data): lat_epicenter, lon_epicenter = params error = 0 for point in data: dist = distance(lat_epicenter, lon_epicenter, point['lat'], point['lon']) predicted_intensity = point['intensity'] - 2 * np.log(dist) error += (predicted_intensity - point['intensity']) ** 2 return error # Initial guess for the epicenter location initial_guess = [31.8, 35.5] # Optimization to find the epicenter result = minimize(intensity_error, initial_guess, args=(data,), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(31, 32), (35, 36)]) epicenter = result.x print(f'Estimated epicenter location: Latitude {epicenter[0]}, Longitude {epicenter[1]}') ```
Libre Office (successor to Open Office) - open source - free
GIMP - Photo Editing - open source - free
Inkscape - Vector Illustration - open source - free
GeoMapApp - a map-based application for browsing, visualizing and analyzing a diverse suite of curated global and regional geoscience data sets