Lists of earthquakes without references to sources cannot meet the requirements of workers. This is Schmidt's, published in Archiv fur byz. und mittelgr. Sprache, i, 1880.
When we wanted to control it, we were surprised to see that several earthquakes reported by Theophanes were dated there according to the Christian era of this chroniqueur,
which is 8 years behind ours. The work of A. PERREY, Memoire sur les tremblements de terre ressentis clans la peninsule turco-hellenique et en Syrie
(Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants strangers publies par l'Academie royale de Bruxelles, t. XXII, 1850), is accompanied by references, sometimes to
second-hand works. This work of ensemble is remarkable for the time. However, we have not reproduced it. We ourselves have done a research on the sources,
benefiting from publications that have since appeared. The list we are presenting corrects a good number of dates from his, adds new ones, but also drops some
of them, which seemed to us either to be duplicating, or not to be seriously founded, or are based on data that we could not control.
This is a list of the territory of the Byzantine Empire, to which we add Armenia. Even in this limited area, it cannot be presented as complete.
It will be useful until a comprehensive study emerges. For the rest of Europe, Frederic MONTAND ON's book, Les tremblements de terre destructives en Europe.
Catalogue par territoires sismiques, de l'an 1000 a 1940 (publie en polycopie), Geneve, 1953, will serve only as a first orientation, since it does not
refer directly to the sources, but to works whose authority is unequal. The author has the merit of having spobbled many publications whose list is given.
References to THEOPHANE are made to the year of the world marked in the edition of DE BOOR; those in the Annals of BARONIUS and RAYNALD are made in the year of Christ,
followed by the paragraph number (t); those in Ammianal Marcellin, IN THEODORET and EVAGRE are done in the internal joints. A CSCO, Script. Syri, series III, tomus IV (versio),
refer to the following references: Chronicon Edessenum, James of Edesse, anonymous Syrian of 746, anonymous Syrian of 813. References to John of Ephesus refer to
W. J. VAN DOUWEN and J. P. N. LAND, bannis Ephesini episcopi Commentarii de beatis orientalibus et Historiae ecclesiasticae fragmenta, Amstelodami, 1889. — Elie DE NISIBE,
Opus chronologicum, CSCO, Script. Syri, versio, series III, t. VII. — Thomas AZDZROUNI, Histoire des Azdzrouni, trad. BROSSET, Coll. d'historiens armeniens, t. I, Saint-Petersbourg, 1874.
— Arakel DE TAURIS, L'ivre d'histoires, ibid. — SEMPAD, in LANGLOIS, Extraits de la chronique de Sempad suivi de celle de son continuateur, Saint-Petersbourg, 1862.
nch version] — Anthologie chronologique, dans DULAURIER, Recherches. — [greek text section did not translate well and is omitted] Neos Hellenomnemon, 7, 1910, 113-133 (we refer to the numbers).
Unless otherwise indicated, the pagination of the Greek chroniclers is that of the Corpus of Bonn.
Our manuscript was already handed over to the printer when Glanville DOWNEY's article, Earthquakes at Constantinople and Vicinity,
Speculum 30, 1955, 596-600 appeared. We took this into account in the proofreading, although we could not accept all its dates.
(1) Reference is made to these two annalists because their references to the sources are, in the cases cited, difficult to identify.