Sawirus (Severus) ibn-al Muqaffa Sources
The biographies translated by al-Muqaffa
have a complex textual history of various authors and continuations. The biography
Michael I (aka Kha 'il I) was
apparently written by a companion who is described below by the
Coptic Encyclopedia:
The third author in this list is John, called John I by Johnson (1973). He was the spiritual son
of MOSES, bishop of Awsim, and a close companion of
KHA’IL I (744-767). From some passages
toward the end of the life of this patriarch, it can be inferred that John, a native of Giza,
was a monk and a deacon, and that he must later have been a bishop himself, although we do
not know of which see. John I wrote the lives 43-46, covering the period from 705 to 768.
Besides John, an editorial note mentions two persons both called Maqarah (Macarius),
in relation to this same series of patriarch lives. It is so far unclear what their
contribution may have been.