al-Dhahabi References Open this page in a new tab

Translations and Original Texts
Articles and Books

De Somogyi, J. (1932). "The "Ta'rīkh al-islām" of adh-Dhahabī." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland(4): 815-855. - lists different manuscripts, abridgments, and continuations, has a bio, discusses al-Dhahabi's sources, summarizes political history from A.H. 300, and describes the nature and context of the work

Encyclopedia of Islam v. 2 (1927) open access - - online

Encyclopedia of Islam v. 2 (modern and updated) subscription site - online

Bibliography from Encyclopedia of Islam v. 2

Brockelmann, II, 46-8; S II, 45-7 (with enumeration of the Oriental references and the manuscripts)

G. Sarton, Introduction to the history of science, iii, the fourteenth century, Baltimore 1947-8, 963-7

Fr. Rosenthal, A history of Muslim historiography, Leiden 1952, 30 (n. 8), 129-30

J. de Somogyi, The Ta*rikh al-islam of adh-Dhahabi, in JRAS 1932, 815-55

idem, Ein arabisches Kompendium der Weltgeschichte. Das Kitdb duwal al-islam des ad-Dahabi, in Islamica 1932, 334-53

idem, A Qasida on the destruction of Baghdad by the Mongols, in BSOS 1933, 41-8

idem, Adh-Dhahabi's Ta'rikh al-isldm as an authority on the Mongol invasion of the Caliphate, in JRAS 1936, 595-604

idem, Ein arabischer Bericht uber die Tataren im Ta*rify al-isldm des ad-Dahabi, in Islamica 1937, 105-30

idem, Adh-Dhahabi's record of the destruction of Damascus by the Mongols in 699-700/1299-1301, in Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume I, Budapest 1948, 353-86.