Ambraseys, N. and I. Karcz (1992). "The earthquake of 1546 in the Holy Landz." Terra Nova 4(2): 254-263.
Braslavsky, J. (1938). "The Earthquake and Division of the Jordan in 1546." Zion ג(ד): 323-336. in Hebrew
Klein, S. (1939), ‘Remarks on the article by J. Braslavski’, Zion,
N.S, 4, 90. in Hebrew
Neubauer, A., Cowley, A.E. (1886). Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and in the
College Libraries of Oxford: Including Mss. in Other Languages ... Written with Hebrew Characters, Or Relating
to the Hebrew Language Or Literature, and a Few Samaritan Mss, Clarendon Press. Volume 1 - bookmarked to entry 1600 on page 557 which describes Ot nafshi. The
earthquake description is in Fol. 136