Sicard of Cremona References Open this page in a new tab

Translations and Original Texts

Universal Chronicle by Sicard of Cremona in Hamman, A. (1855). Patrologiae cursus completus ...: Series latina. France: apud Garnier fratres. - open access at

Sicard. Cr.: Sicardus of Cremona, Chronicle, ed. J.-P. Migne, PL 213 - Ambraseys (2009) References

Articles and Books

The Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle:  (2010). Netherlands: Brill. - open access to all 6 volumes on - bookmarked to the entry on Sicard of Cremona

Bibliography from the Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle

Text: O. Horpen-Ecczn, Cremonensis Chronica, MGH 88 31, 1903, 78-183 [partial].

Literature: E, BROCCHIERI, Sicardo di Cremona, 1958.

Literature: L. Capo, "La Cronachistica Italiana”, Rivista storica italiana, 114/2 (2002), 410-3. RepFont 10, 347