References from Oldoni (2003)
Editions of the Chronicon:
- Romualdus Salernitanus, Chronicon , edited by CA Garufi, in Rer. Ital. Script. , 2nd ed ., VII, 1
- Romualdo II Guarna, Chronicon , edited by C. Bonetti, with essays by Romauld Andenna - H. Houben - M. Oldoni, Cava de' Tirreni 2001.
Sources and Bibliography:
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- H. Hoffmann, Hugo Falcandus und Romuald von Salerno , in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters , XXIII (1967), pp. 116-170
- MW Baldwin, Alexander III and the twelfth century , New York-Toronto-London 1969, ad ind .
- G. Pistarino, Alessandria in the world of the Communes , in Studi medievali , s. 3, XI (1970), 1, pp. 1-101
- H. Appelt, Imperial policy towards the Italian Communes , in Proceedings of the International Historical Conference for the VIII centenary of the first Lombard League, Bergamo… 1967 , edited by CD Fonseca, Bergamo 1971, pp. 23-31
- U. Schwarz, Amalfi in früher Mittelalter , Tübingen 1978, pp. 204-221
- DSA Matthew, The chronicle of Romuald ofSalerno , in The writing of history in the Middle Ages. Essays presented to RW Southern , edited by RHC Davis - JM Wallace-Hadrill, Oxford 1981, pp. 239-274
- A. Haverkamp, The Lombard League under the leadership of Milan , in The Peace of Constance 1183. A difficult balance of power between Italian society and the Empire , Bologna 1984, ad ind.
- PF Palumbo, Municipalities, Papacy and Empire: the precedents of the truce of Venice and the peace of Constance , in Studies on the peace of Constance , Milan 1984, pp. 185-222
- G. Andenna, " It is permissible for the cities of Lombardy to maintain the consular magistracy". Barbarossa's policy towards the Municipalities of the Po Valley , in Frederick Barbarossa and the Lombards. Municipalities and Emperor in Contemporary Chronicles , edited by F. Cardini, Milan 1987, pp. 19-33
- H. Houben, Barbarossa and the Normans. TraditionelleZüge und neue Perspektiven imperialer Süditalienpolitik , in FriedrichBarbarossa . Handlungsspielräume und Wirkungsweisen des staufischen Kaisers , edited by A. Haverkamp, Sigmaringen 1992, pp. 120 s.
- M. Oldoni, Latin culture , in History and civilization of Campania , I, The Middle Ages , edited by G. Pugliese Carratelli, Naples 1992, pp. 295-400
- H. Houben, Norman-Swabian South , Naples 1996, ad ind.
- J. Laudage, Alexander III. und Friedrich Barbarossa , Cologne-Weimar-Wien 1997, ad ind.
- M. Oldoni, The Latin Middle Ages , in General History of Italian Literature , edited by N. Borsellino - W. Pedullà, I, The Middle Ages. The Origins and the Thirteenth Century , Milan 1999, pp. 93-238
- Id., Latin Culture in Salerno in the Late Middle Ages , in History of Salerno , edited by G. Cacciatore - I. Gallo - A. Placanica, Avellino 1999, pp. 279-291
- H. Houben, Roger II of Sicily. A Sovereign between East and West , Rome-Bari 1999, ad ind.
- M. Oldoni, The Enigma of Latin Culture: Orality and Textuality , in Salerno in the XII Century. Institutions, Society, Culture . Proceedings of the International Congress. Salerno… 1999 , in press
- M. Zabbia, RG, Archbishop of Salerno, and his "Chronicle" , ibid.