Beinert, C. H. (1955), ‘The earthquake in Eretz Israel in January 1546’, Bull. Isr. Expl. Soc., 19, 29–34. in Hebrew - this article has the original News of '46' in an old version of Spanish along with a Hebrew translation. Braslavsky, J. (1938). "The Earthquake and Division of the Jordan in 1546." Zion ג(ד): 323-336. in Hebrew Braslavy-Braslavsky, J. (1955). "The Earthquake of 1546 in Palestine." Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society יט(ג/ד): 230-235. in Hebrew Shalem, N. (1955). "H. Beinart's Article on the 1546 Earthquake." Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society יט(ג/ד): 235-236. in Hebrew