1 In general: Mommsen, 1894. 42; Holder-Egger. 1877, 49—56; SchanzjHosiuslKruger,
1920. 112; Moricca, 1943, 1363; PLRE 2: 711 s.v. Marcellinus 9'.
2 lnst. I. 17. 2. as interpreted in Croke, 1982c.
3 Croke, 1984, 77—88.
10 Holder-Egger, 1877, 73—88; Mommsen, 1894, 44—46; Croke, 1990, passiin; and thecritical treatment by Burgess, 1993, 182—6.
11 381.2, 382.1, 384.1, 386.2, 387.2, 389.1, 391.1, 394.1, 395.2. 401.1, 414.1, 428.2,
431.3, 436, 438.2, 438.3, 439.2, 443.2, 448.1, 448.3, 485, 496.2. 507.2, 520, 525.
12 379.2, 382.2, 385, 386.1, 388.1, 388.2, 394.2. 394.4, 394.5, 398.4, 400, 405,
412.2, 413. 418.1, 421.4, 422.2, 422.3, 422.4, 425.1, 438.1, 4393, 440.2, 441.1, 441.3,
445.1, 452, 469, 477, 488.1, 498.2, 530, 533, 534.
13 379.1, 383.2, 391.3, 393, 395.3, 402.2, 411.2, 424.1, 424.2, 450.2, 455.2, 457.2,
457.1, 461.2, 467.1, 472.2, 474.1, 475.1, 475.2, 491.1, 519.1, 527.
14 391.2, 395.1, 404.2, 408.1, 408.3, 411.3, 412.1, 424.3, 429.2, 431.1, 444.2, 444.4,
449.1, 450.1, 457.1, 461.2, 465.2, 472.2, 474.2, 474.1, 474.2, 476.1, 476.2, 480.2,
491.1, 515.6, 5183, 527.
15 384.2, 397, 399.2, 4013, 403.1, 419.1, 422.1.
16 421.1, 424.2, 437.
17 387.1, 406.1, 411.1, 422.2, 430, 439.1, 444.1.
18 389.2, 389.3, 390.1, 394.3, 396.3, 401.2, 402.3, 404, 408.2, 417.2, 418.2, 418.3,
419.2, 433, 442.2, 443.1, 444.3, 446.1, 447.1, 452.2, 456.1, 465.1, 460, 467, 472.1,
4723, 480.1, 494.2, 497.1, 499, 512.1, 512.10, 518.1, 526.
19 390.3, 394.4, 403.2, 415.1, 421.2, 421.3, 427.2, 435.1, 443.2, 447.3, 448.2, 453.5,
506, 509.2, 510.11, 528.
20 3801 381.1, 382.3, 383.1, 392.2, 398.1, 398.2, 398.3, 402.1, 403.3, 415.2, 416.1,
416.2, 417.3, 419.3, 420.1, 420.3, 423.1, 426, 428.1, 430, 432.1, 440.2, 449.2, 451,
453.1—4, 456.2, 459, 461.1, 463, 466, 470, 476.2, 478, 482, 494.1, 494.3, 495, 498.1,
500.1, 5103, 511, 512.8, 512.9, 513, 515.1, 516.2, 516.3.
21 3993, 409, 431.2, 445.2, 473.2, 491.2, 493.1, 501.1—3, 507.1, 509.1, 512.2—7,
523, 524, 532.
22 396.2, 399.1, 420.2, 430.2, 432.2—3, 440.1, 449.3, 450.3, 454.2, 481.2, 490,
493.2, 497.3, 520.
23 475.1, 484.1, 492, 497.2, 502.2, 503, 504, 515.5, 529.
24 427.1, 434, 454.1, 464, 468, 479.1, 479.2, 481.1, 482.2, 483, 488.2, 489.1, 499.1,
502.1, 505, 512.11, 517, 530.
25 389.4 (Temple destroyed), 390.2 (empress expelled), 392 (usurpation), 396 (exiles),
410 (sack of Rome), 414.2 (Placidia restored), 455 (Geiseric at Rome), 462 (Jacob the Doctor),
484.2 (Vandal refugees), 496.1 (donative), 498.3 (coinage reform), 500.2 (donative),
508(Tarentum attacked), 510.2 (exile), 514 (rebellion), 515.2 (rebel defeated),
516 (Vitalianreplaced), 519.2 (conspiracy), 531 (Code of Justinian).