John of Ephesus References Open this page in a new tab

Translations and Original Texts

John of Ephesus, Ecclesiastical History — Fragments of Part II, ed. J.P.N.Land, in Anecdota Syriaca, 2, Leiden 1868, pp.289-329 - online open access at google books

R. Payne Smith (1860) THE THIRD PART OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF JOHN BISHOP OF EPHESUS, Oxford at the University Press - open access at

Land (1868) Ecclesiastical History, Latin and Syriac of John of Ephesus

Latin trans. by W.J.Van Douwen and J.P.N.Land, Ioannis Ephesini episcopi Commentarii de beatis orientalibus et Historiae ecclesiasticae fragmenta (= Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Letterkunde, 18), Amsterdam 1889, pp.216-243. Part III, ed. E.W.Brooks, csco 105 Syr. 54, Louvain 1935

Latin trans. by E.W.Brooks, csco 106 Syr. 55, Louvain 1936.

Johan of Ephesus, NA, ed. Nau, Analyse de la seconde partie in ´ edite de l’histoire ´ eccl ´ esiastique de Jean ´ d’Asie, ROC, Paris, Serie 1, vol. 2, 1897

BR, ed. and ´ trans. Brooks, Joannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiastica

selections in J. P. N. Land, Joannes, Bischof von Ephesos, der erste syrische Kirchenhistoriker, 1856, and Corp. Script. Christ. Orient., Script. Syr., no. 106, Syr. 55, Louvain, 1936.