Lampros P (1904) Anekdoton apospasma Ioannou tou Antiocheos (Unpublished excerpt of John of Antioch).
In: Brill EJ (ed) Neos Hellenomnemon, vol 1. Book 4 Leiden, pp 7–31 (in Greek) - worldcat entry - has links to various volumes in this series
Lampros P (1904) Anekdoton apospasma Ioannou tou Antiocheos (Unpublished excerpt of John of Antioch).
In: Brill EJ (ed) Neos Hellenomnemon, vol 1. Book 4 Leiden, pp 7–31 (in Greek) - open access at HathiTrust - this should be Volume 1
Lampros P (1904) Anekdoton apospasma Ioannou tou Antiocheos (Unpublished excerpt of John of Antioch).
In: Brill EJ (ed) Neos Hellenomnemon, vol 1. Book 4 Leiden, pp 7–31 (in Greek) - open access at HathiTrust - has links to various volumes including Volume 1
Mariev, Sergie (2008) Ioannis Antiocheni Fragmenta quae supersunt omnia ( CFHB , 47), Berlin,
2008. - open access at - Greek Text with an English translation
Roberto, Umberto (2008) Ioannis Antiocheni Fragmenta ex Historia chronica ( TU , 154), Berlin,
Sotiroudis, P., Untersuchungen zur Geschichtswerk des Johannes von Antiocheia
, Thessaloniki, 1989, pp. 37
Historia Chronike by John of Antioch in Greek - open access from
Mariev, Sergei (2009) Über das Verhältnis von Cod. Paris. gr. 1630 zu dn Traditionen des Johannes Malalas und des Johannes von Antiochien ,
Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 59, p. 177-190
Roberto, Umberto (2016) John Malalas as a source for John of Antioch's Historia Chronike. The Evidence of the Excerpta Historica Constantiniana,
in M. Meier / Chr. Radtki / F. Schulz (Hg.),
Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas. Autor - Werk - Ueberlieferung, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2016, pp. 267-286.
Van Nuffelen, P. (2012). John Of Antioch, Inflated And Deflated. Or: How (Not) To Collect Fragments Of Early Byzantine Historians.
Byzantion, 82, 437–450. - JSTOR - this article lists a number of modern translations and commentary