Ibn Iyas, Bada'i' al-zuhur fi waqa'i' al-duhur, ed P.Kahle and M.Mostafa, 5 vols.,
Cairo-Wiesbaden 1960-75. Partly trans. G .Wiet, Histoire des Mamlouks Circassiens, II,
Cairo 1945; G. Wiet, Journal d'un bourgeois du Caire, 2 vols., Paris 1955-60. -
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
Ibn Iyas, Bada'i' al-dhuhur fi waqa'i' al-duhur, Bulaq, 1896-98. -
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
Ibn Iyas, Kitab ta'rikh Misr, 3 vols., ed. Bulaq, 1311/1835-36. -
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
Ibn Iyas, Muhammad b. Ahmad, Bada’i al-zuhur fi waqa’i’
al-duhur, ed. Cairo 1893–96; W: partial trans. G. Wiet,
Journal d’un bourgeois du Caire, 2 volumes, Paris,
1955–60. -
Ambraseys (2009)
Ibn Iyas, 1921, An account of the Ottoman conquest of Egypt in the year A.H. 922 (A.D. 1516)
worldcat entry for Flowers in the Chronicles of the Ages by Ibn Iyas in Arabic
Wustenfeld, Geschichtschreiber,
no. 513
Brockelmann, II, 295; S II, 405
M. Sobernheim, Ibn Iyas, in El1, ii, 414
Ibn lyas, Bada'i' al-zuhur . . ., 3 vols., Cairo 1301-06/1884-88, Bulak 1311-12/1894br>
Fihris. . ., ed. Muh. 'Ali al-Biblawi, Bulak 1314/1896br>
Ibn lyas, Bada'i' al-zuhur . . ., 3 vols., ed. P. Kahle, M. Mostafa, M. Sobernheim, Bibliotheca Islamica, v, Istanbul 1931-9br>
op. cit., 2nd rev. ed,, ed. M. Mostafa, Bibliotheca Islamica, 5c-5e, Cairo 1960-63br>
Indices, ed. A. Schimmel, 1945
W. H.Salmon, An account of the Ottoman conquest of Egypt, Orient. Trans. Fund, N.S. vol. xxv, 1921 (the
preface by D. Margoliouth is especially useful)
the following French translation with index covers
the years 872-928 (note change in title): G. Wiet,
Histoire des Mamlouks Circassiens, ii, Inst. Fr.
d'arch. or., 1945
idem, Journal d'un bourgeois du Caire, 2 vols., Bibl. gen. de ''Ecole prat. des Hautes Etudes, 1955-60.