Ibn al-Athir References Open this page in a new tab

Translations and Original Texts

Ibn Athir, extract of The Complete History (continuation), translated by A. C. Barbieu de Meynard in Recueil des historiens des croisades (RHC) Historiens orientaux vol. 1, Paris, 1884. in Arabic and French - open access at archive.org

"Al Kamil fi at Tarikh", edited by Tornberg, Leyden, 1851-1876. in Arabic - open access at archive.org

Ibn al-Athir (1965). al-Kamil fi al-tarikh. edited by Tornberg, Carolus Johannes Beirut, Dar Sadir. in Arabic

ul-Hasan, M. (2005). Ibn Al-At̲h̲ir: An Arab Historian : a Critical Analysis of His Tarikh-al-kamil and Tarikh-al-atabeca, Northern Book Centre.

The Complete History by Ibn al-Athir in Arabic - open access at archive.org

Ibn al-Athir Izz al-Din ( 1851-76, 1872). (Kitab) al-Kamil fil-tarikh (The Complete History). (C) RHC Hist.Orient. C. J. Tornberg. Leiden, Paris.

Le Strange, G. (1890). Palestine under the Moslems. A description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. London, Alexander P. Watt for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Richards, D.S. (trans.) (2006). The Chronicle of Ibn Al-Athīr for the Crusading Period from Al-Kāmil Fīʼl-taʼrīkh: Part 1 The years 491-541/1097-1146 The Coming of the Franks and the Muslim Response, Ashgate.

Richards, D.S. (trans.) (2006). The Chronicle of Ibn Al-Athīr for the Crusading Period from Al-Kāmil Fīʼl-taʼrīkh: Part 2 The years 541-589/1146-1193 The Age of Nur al-Din and Saladin, Ashgate. - borrow available only to patrons with print disabilities at archive.org

Richards, D.S. (trans.) (2006). The Chronicle of Ibn Al-Athīr for the Crusading Period from Al-Kāmil Fīʼl-taʼrīkh: Part 3 The years 589-629/1193-1231 The Ayyubids after Saladin and the Mongol Menace, Ashgate.

References listed by Ambraseys (2009)

Ibn al-Athir, ’Izz al-Din, (Kitab) al-Kamil fi ’l-tarikh, ed. C. J. Tornberg, Leiden, 1851–76; (C) RHC Hist.Orient., Paris, 1872; 12 volumes, ed. Tornberg, Leiden, 1851–1876.

Ibn al-Athir ‘Usd al-ghaba fi ma‘rifat al-sahaba, 5 volumes, 1285–7, 1868–70, Cairo.

Ibn al-Athir, al-Tarikh al-bahir fi ’l-daulat al-Atabikiyya, ed. A. Talimat, Cairo, 1963
