al-Jazari, Jawahir al-sulak fi al-khulafa', Ms. 6739, BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE, PARIS -
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
Mufaddal b. Abil-Fadd'il, al-Nahj al-sadid wa 'l-durr al-farad ft-ma ba`cl ta'rikh Ibn
al-Amid, ed. and trans. E.Blochet, Histoire des sultans mamlouks, PO 20, Paris 1929;
ed. S.Kortantamer, Agypten and Syrien zwischen 1317 and 1341, Freiburg 1973.
Ambraseys (2009) finds
al-Jazari's account in fol. 176-177 in a translation by Sauvaget on p. 29 but he does not specify which Sauvaget
Sauvaget, J. (1941a), Alep, Paris: Bibliotheque d’Archeologie ´Historique.
Sauvaget, J. (1941b), La poste aux chevaux dans l’empire des mamelouks, Paris
de Somogyi, J. (1932). "The "Kitāb al-muntaẓam" of Ibn al-Jauzī." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland(1): 49-76. - JSTOR -
lists different manuscripts, has a bio, discusses sources, and describes the nature and context of the work
Somogyi, J. (1956). "IBN AL-JAUZĪ'S SCHOOL OF HISTORIOGRAPHY." Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 6(1/3): 207-214. - JSTOR
Ghaydt al-nihdya, ii, 247 ff. contains some useful information on the author as
recorded by one of his students
Tashkopruzade, al-Shaka'ik al-nu'maniyya, in the margin of Ibn Khallikan, Cairo 1310, i, 39
Suyuti, Tabakat al-huffaz, xxiv, 5
Sakhawi, Daw', viii, 256 ff.
Ibn Khawand-Shah, Rawdat al-safa', Lucknow 1874, vi, 1234
Khaandamir, Habib al-siyar, Bombay 1273/1857, iii, 90
Shawkani, al-Badr al-tali', Cairo 1348/1930, ii, 251
Ma'drif (Urdu monthly), A'zamgafh, 8I/v (Nov. 1957), 325-44, 8i/vi (Dec.
1957), 441-52, 82/i (Jan. 1958), 62-76
Dhahabi, Dhayl Tabakat al-huffaz, Damascus 1347/1949, 377
Siddik Hasan Khan Kannawdji, Ithaf al-nubala' al-muttakin, Cawnpore 1288/1871, 392
Brockelmann, II, 201-3, S II, 274-8
F. Bustani, Da'irat al-ma'arif, ii, 405-6.